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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Please comment!!
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 40, (reverse)
06/10/2002 01:55:28 PM · #1
I have a 4.53 and 53 people have voted on my photo so far. 2 comments and they are good ones. Last night when I first got on I had 1 person vote on my photo and my score was a 3. I know that person gave me a 3 and I would like to know why. I don't think my photo is that bad. What ever you are seeing I would like to see it to!! Please comment! Other wise don't vote so dang low. Thank you.
06/10/2002 01:57:30 PM · #2
Welcome to DPChallenge :)
06/10/2002 01:58:29 PM · #3
Sonifo, unfortunately, you will never get comments from all 'outside of average' voters. Having said that, if many people vote like me, then you will get more comments towards the end. I initially vote on all shots and then spend the rest of the week commenting. I also try and comment mainly on my 'low' votes to let people know why I voted them low. But I don't manage to comment on all of them, either.

Originally posted by Sonifo:
I have a 4.53 and 53 people have voted on my photo so far. 2 comments and they are good ones. Last night when I first got on I had 1 person vote on my photo and my score was a 3. I know that person gave me a 3 and I would like to know why. I don't think my photo is that bad. What ever you are seeing I would like to see it to!! Please comment! Other wise don't vote so dang low. Thank you.

06/10/2002 02:02:39 PM · #4
My favorite comment so far (out of the 2 that I've gotten) simply says "My ass". I am definitely going to take that into consideration for my next photo...
06/10/2002 02:05:17 PM · #5
I have a favorite comment too.. i won't post it but it basically says 'cliche' :)
06/10/2002 02:08:31 PM · #6
But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.
(very bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( very good) I vote picture that you can hardly tell what they are a 3 and below. The pictures that are average a 4-7 and above average a 8-10. And I know mine isn't that bad. And if it is then I want to know how to change it. I feel they should have more of a scale system for voting.
For instants.
AND SO ON. They should put a number between 1 and 10 in there. That way we really don't have to comment then we will see what is wrong with our photo by looking at the vote.
Thanks for listening to my rant
06/10/2002 02:11:45 PM · #7
Originally posted by Sonifo:
But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.

That doesn't mean the voter considers a 3 trash. Or even if it does, the voter's vote doesn't necessarily reflect their thoughts about your photo. They may simply be jerks.

No matter how good your photo is, you will get some 2s, some 3s, and probably some 1s. Everyone gets those votes. Often, it doesn't mean anything at all about your photo. It says more about the voter.

06/10/2002 02:12:05 PM · #8
I, too, would like to see a voting system like this. I think it wold give a better idea of the overall impact of the vote. Score several different elements on a 1-10 scale and then average the choices to get the overall score for the photo. It would not, however, improve the overall scores received. i think the same people would vote the same way they do now...
06/10/2002 02:19:14 PM · #9
If we could see the scale of votes then we wouldn't need to comment. And then we would know what we need to change and also if it is just the voter being a butthead. I think we would have a better understanding of how to make our photo better. Don't you think?
06/10/2002 02:20:18 PM · #10
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
I, too, would like to see a voting system like this. I think it wold give a better idea of the overall impact of the vote. Score several different elements on a 1-10 scale and then average the choices to get the overall score for the photo. It would not, however, improve the overall scores received. i think the same people would vote the same way they do now...

But it WOULD give more useful information than composite vote, and eliminate the need for many comments -- remember, this problem (lak of useful comments) will only get worse as the number of entries each week grows.
06/10/2002 02:22:14 PM · #11
Originally posted by GeneralE:
Originally posted by jmsetzler:
[i]I, too, would like to see a voting system like this. I think it wold give a better idea of the overall impact of the vote. Score several different elements on a 1-10 scale and then average the choices to get the overall score for the photo. It would not, however, improve the overall scores received. i think the same people would vote the same way they do now...

But it WOULD give more useful information than composite vote, and eliminate the need for many comments -- remember, this problem (lak of useful comments) will only get worse as the number of entries each week grows.[/i]

You said better then me. Thank you. I agree.

06/10/2002 02:23:44 PM · #12
Originally posted by Sonifo:
But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.
(very bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( very good) I vote picture that you can hardly tell what they are a 3 and below. The pictures that are average a 4-7 and above average a 8-10. And I know mine isn't that bad. And if it is then I want to know how to change it. I feel they should have more of a scale system for voting.
For instants.
AND SO ON. They should put a number between 1 and 10 in there. That way we really don't have to comment then we will see what is wrong with our photo by looking at the vote.
Thanks for listening to my rant

This would be great if there were only 25 or so photos each week. If there are people that can not find the time to vote on 100 photos with the system we have now, how many would they have time to do with this new and improved system?
06/10/2002 02:31:36 PM · #13
Usually, about 50% of my votes come within the first 24 hours of voting. I usually have 40% more by Thursday... The final 10% come within the last few days... it doesn't seem to me that MOST voters are that strapped for time...
06/10/2002 02:33:41 PM · #14
This would be great if there were only 25 or so photos each week. If there are people that can not find the time to vote on 100 photos with the system we have now, how many would they have time to do with this new and improved system?[/i]

All you would have to do is stick the numbers in, and hit vote. If you can't spend that much time on a photo then maybe you should'nt vote. I spend my time looking at the photo and how it is framed, focused, the creativety, lighting, and colors. Every one gets my full attention. I am the judge and I want to do it right.

06/10/2002 02:38:32 PM · #15
Originally posted by Sonifo:
All you would have to do is stick the numbers in, and hit vote. If you can't spend that much time on a photo then maybe you should'nt vote. I spend my time looking at the photo and how it is framed, focused, the creativety, lighting, and colors. Every one gets my full attention. I am the judge and I want to do it right.

Personally I do spend enough time on this site to vote this way, I am just concerned for those people that complain that it takes too long to vote on all of the photos now.
06/10/2002 02:39:33 PM · #16
Originally posted by BAMartin:
This would be great if there were only 25 or so photos each week. If there are people that can not find the time to vote on 100 photos with the system we have now, how many would they have time to do with this new and improved system?

I think for anyone who gives photos a decent amount of time before passing their final judgment on them, the system where you vote on different aspects could actually decrease the time spent voting. It means you don't have to assimilate everything into one particular number. However, it also means you lose some control. Often, I think one aspect of a photo more than makes up for some other aspect in which it is lacking. And for that reason, I doubt I would like the proposed system.
06/10/2002 02:40:03 PM · #17
Originally posted by Reuben:
Originally posted by Sonifo:
[i]But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.

That doesn't mean the voter considers a 3 trash. Or even if it does, the voter's vote doesn't necessarily reflect their thoughts about your photo. They may simply be jerks.

No matter how good your photo is, you will get some 2s, some 3s, and probably some 1s. Everyone gets those votes. Often, it doesn't mean anything at all about your photo. It says more about the voter.


True. I have seen winning photos get 1's and 2's.

06/10/2002 02:40:29 PM · #18
Sonifo, from your profile it looks as if you don't comment on all photos, either (about 1/3). Hm.

I don't think a breakdown of votes into several scales would give you what you are looking for. I'm not looking just for "your composition stinks" (which is what the scale would give me), I'm looking for "have you considered this, I don't like it because, what if you ...." kind of comments. For those, the current system is still the best.

Just my 2 cents . . .
Originally posted by Sonifo:
This would be great if there were only 25 or so photos each week. If there are people that can not find the time to vote on 100 photos with the system we have now, how many would they have time to do with this new and improved system?

All you would have to do is stick the numbers in, and hit vote. If you can't spend that much time on a photo then maybe you should'nt vote. I spend my time looking at the photo and how it is framed, focused, the creativety, lighting, and colors. Every one gets my full attention. I am the judge and I want to do it right.


06/10/2002 02:41:06 PM · #19
Originally posted by Sonifo:
But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.
(very bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( very good) I vote picture that you can hardly tell what they are a 3 and below. The pictures that are average a 4-7 and above average a 8-10. And I know mine isn't that bad. And if it is then I want to know how to change it. I feel they should have more of a scale system for voting.
For instants.
AND SO ON. They should put a number between 1 and 10 in there. That way we really don't have to comment then we will see what is wrong with our photo by looking at the vote.
Thanks for listening to my rant

You are posting your work to a contest. I assume one who does that has the basics down. I judge accordingly. A five is an average well done photo by an experienced photographer. The sort of thing you might see in print or galleries. A seven is an exceptional photo. A ten could win any amature or professional contest in which it is entered. A three is a good photo that either I don't like or has some technical problems. A two meets the challenge but has a lot of problems or a very large problem that destroys the photo. I save ones for those that really obviously do not meet the challenge or are garbage photos (I give out very few ones).

Regardless of "instants (sic) scales" that are imposed likeing photographs is subjective and will always be so. Look at your comments and point spread. Some like your work some don't and it will always be so.
06/10/2002 02:57:51 PM · #20
You've been reading my comments! Flattery won't get you any better points, but nice try ;)
Honestly, this style of voting takes a great deal of time. The causal viewer has no vested interest in spending this amount of time helping us get better. Personally, I lump the focus, framing, color balance into one catagory, Photo. Last week, I ran out of time, 156 entries!!!! I think I only got to comment on 40 or so. I have an almost direct connection to the internet, I doubt anyone gets any faster. I tried this site from home/dialup, forget it. I'm not voting there.
Do you think the site admins would be interested in poling for catagories and adding a voting blank under the comments (maybe for submitters only?).
06/10/2002 03:02:46 PM · #21
From what I thought when I saw most of these photos, be glad I did not leave a comment. This must have been an equally hard topic for everyone, but there are very few photo (percentage wise) I would say are even average. A shot of road apples is a shot of road apples. no matter how well it is framed,exposed, and focused, and I have no idea how to tell someone to improve it.

Also, almost all of the "usefull" suggestions I had for people in the last contest were already pointed out, and put much better, by IRAE (sorry if that is not correct, JMSELTZER, and such.

Originally posted by heritcon:
Originally posted by Sonifo:
[i]But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.
(very bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( very good) I vote picture that you can hardly tell what they are a 3 and below. The pictures that are average a 4-7 and above average a 8-10. And I know mine isn't that bad. And if it is then I want to know how to change it. I feel they should have more of a scale system for voting.
For instants.
AND SO ON. They should put a number between 1 and 10 in there. That way we really don't have to comment then we will see what is wrong with our photo by looking at the vote.
Thanks for listening to my rant

You are posting your work to a contest. I assume one who does that has the basics down. I judge accordingly. A five is an average well done photo by an experienced photographer. The sort of thing you might see in print or galleries. A seven is an exceptional photo. A ten could win any amature or professional contest in which it is entered. A three is a good photo that either I don't like or has some technical problems. A two meets the challenge but has a lot of problems or a very large problem that destroys the photo. I save ones for those that really obviously do not meet the challenge or are garbage photos (I give out very few ones).

Regardless of "instants (sic) scales" that are imposed likeing photographs is subjective and will always be so. Look at your comments and point spread. Some like your work some don't and it will always be so.[/i]

06/10/2002 03:10:56 PM · #22
last week I didn't comment on any photos. As a matter of fact..I don't think I "plan" on commenting any more while the contest is going on.

But that is me.

I will comment after the voting is over and I will be glad to comment in the forums or even via e-mail.

I just think I do not have time to give a quality comment to describe my feeling and why I voted a certain way..and I tend to modify my votes as the week goes on and my comments may change,,thus why I don't plan on commmenting any longer during the contest.

If you are truly "upset" after the voting and confused..bring your photo here and lets talk about it afterward. Because we ( the contributors and voters) are constrained by anonymity during the week I refuse to fuekl the fire of anonymous and undeveloped comments myself :-)
06/10/2002 03:11:51 PM · #23
Originally posted by heritcon:
Originally posted by Sonifo:
[i]But a 3. Come on. That to me is considered trash.
(very bad) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( very good) I vote picture that you can hardly tell what they are a 3 and below. The pictures that are average a 4-7 and above average a 8-10. And I know mine isn't that bad. And if it is then I want to know how to change it. I feel they should have more of a scale system for voting.
For instants.
AND SO ON. They should put a number between 1 and 10 in there. That way we really don't have to comment then we will see what is wrong with our photo by looking at the vote.
Thanks for listening to my rant

You are posting your work to a contest. I assume one who does that has the basics down. I judge accordingly. A five is an average well done photo by an experienced photographer. The sort of thing you might see in print or galleries. A seven is an exceptional photo. A ten could win any amature or professional contest in which it is entered. A three is a good photo that either I don't like or has some technical problems. A two meets the challenge but has a lot of problems or a very large problem that destroys the photo. I save ones for those that really obviously do not meet the challenge or are garbage photos (I give out very few ones).

Regardless of "instants (sic) scales" that are imposed likeing photographs is subjective and will always be so. Look at your comments and point spread. Some like your work some don't and it will always be so.[/i]

Perhaps we just need an easier way to comment. I think the voting method should remain the same. You cannot always quantify art into a set of simple measurables.
However, if the comment field had a series of subjects and ratings as has been suggested, then the comments could perhaps be made quicker. I seem to be able to get to 30-40 or so photos with comments before the week is done. I could probably do more if I had a few simple boxes to check. But I also would not like to lose the suggestions that are often added.
06/10/2002 03:14:30 PM · #24
Originally posted by Zeissman:
[i]From what I thought when I saw most of these photos, be glad I did not leave a comment. This must have been an equally hard topic for everyone, but there are very few photo (percentage wise) I would say are even average. A shot of road apples is a shot of road apples. no matter how well it is framed,exposed, and focused, and I have no idea how to tell someone to improve it.

This points out the difference in taste. Yes road apples are gross but they are a creative answer to the challenge. They were, too me, much better than endless "road shots" and "traffic shots".

Perhaps a good rule of thumb would be to reject the first "x" ideas you get for a challenge. Most likely these will be nearly everyones first ideas. If everyone does it it is not creative. That is why house painters are not considered artists (skilled craftsmen or technicians perhaps).
06/10/2002 04:20:30 PM · #25
The reason I haven't commented on photos this past couple of weeks is because I have had sick kids. I was'nt able to submit a photo 2 weeks ago because I was busy cleaning puke off the floor! I do, normally comment and I always comment on the ones the I vote a 4 and below on. I will comment more this challenge. My kids are all better. Just have to worry about the husband now. And gr8photos, did you notice what my average vote was? It is not a 3, 4, or 5. I just want to know why they would vote a 3. There has to be a good reason. Maybe I am wrong, but I just needed to RANT!
Thank you.
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