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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Showcase your Photoshop skills
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 52, (reverse)
10/16/2004 12:45:42 AM · #1
I drove by this park today and the beautiful orange leaves on the ground and on the trees caught my fancy. I didn't have my camera so I went home, grabbed it and went back to the park.

Soft Focus with USM

Soft Focus without USM

Original 640px 200K

I adjusted the levels and saturation, played around with the Soft Focus effect from Dreamy Photo. I found that it felt flat after I applied the soft focus filter so I applied USM to boost the contrast (Amount: 11%, Radius 85pixels, Threshold 0) and to sharpen just a little bit at the same time. Which of the two do you think is better.

If you're interested download the orig file (resized to 200kb 640px), show us your Photoshop skills and display your post-processed image here along with the steps preferrably with values too. It'd be educational to see how one image has different looks depending on what post-processing is done. Enjoy!
10/16/2004 12:54:36 AM · #2
This is the one shot that seemed to be really popular here that I photoshopped the hell out of:

And the original:

Used color selection to grab the greens in the original layer and made a mask. Duplicated the original layer and sharpened to the point that it hurt the eyes to look at. Oversaturated the greens, using the same mask, applied gausian blur at 4 pix. Duplicated the oversharpened layer again and applied a gausian blur at 4 pix again...

Edited to add: Oh yeah, I played around with levels and curves and contrast first...

Message edited by author 2004-10-16 00:55:48.
10/16/2004 04:19:13 AM · #3

fulgent pm'ed me his revised version which is temporarily stored in my portfolio as well as his steps in processing. Thanks fulgent, nice job.

His steps are as follows;
Open in PhotoShop CS 8.0 WIN.
> Image/Adjustments/Photo Filer/Deep Yellow: 100%
> Image/Adjustments/Photo Filer/Deep Red: 25%
> Channels/Green/Filter/Gaussian Blur: 0.3
> Filter/Distort/Diffuse Glow: 0/1/10
> Image/Adjustments/Levels: 0/1/225
> Image/Adjustments/Brightness/Contrast: +10/-5

Anyone else? Come on guys, there's a lot of PS gurus here. Let's see your versions.
10/16/2004 04:52:11 AM · #4
I just couldnt resist.
This makes for me a perfect infrared shot:

Auto levels layer in luminosity mode
Hue/sat play with red and yellow.
Channel mixer in monochrome:boost green(190%) and play with red/blue
Gaussian blur on green channel (faded to 10%)
10/16/2004 05:42:48 AM · #5
My attempt:

Levels, contrast, colours, curves, USM, rotate, clone out pole.
10/16/2004 05:45:53 AM · #6
My attempt:

A whole lot of different stuff. LOL
10/16/2004 06:39:50 AM · #7
A nice summers day...

10/16/2004 06:43:28 AM · #8
sorry, select color range (green) use that as a layermask for hue adj, then finetune the layermask with the brush to get the bits that stayed orange...
10/16/2004 09:19:10 AM · #9
I really liked your soft focus idea.

Here's my attempt... I wanted to add a little bit more of a 3-dimensional look, and I had to do my own little soft focus as I don't have Dreamy Photo. My attempt at 3-d was basically a bit of dodging and burning.

Your original: Your soft focus: My attempt:

But... What I think it *really* needs is a subject.

Perhaps a large brown dog running directly towards you, with its tongue hanging out, kicking up the leaves as he's going, looking like he's having a lot of fun!
10/16/2004 10:42:03 AM · #10
Here's my edit...

I also liked the idea of a subtle soft focus. I used the following (approximate) editing:
- Levels; set black points for Green, Red channels
- Curves; add a little contrast, boost to compensate for Soft Focus to be applied, warm colors slightly.
- Shadow/highlight, bring out detail in tree trunks
- Duplicate layer
- USM on base layer, 1.0px @ 50%, 0.5px@50%, repeat 0.5px@50%
- Gaussian blur duplicate (top) layer, 3.0px
- Set blur layer to 40% opacity, add mask to layer, gently reduce blur in selected areas
- Flatten Image
- A bit of dodge & burn
- Enhance greens with hue/sat
I elected not to play around with the crop, for easier comparison to the original. Don't know if I'd change it anyhow.
10/16/2004 10:48:00 AM · #11
Edit: Removed pic from gallery...

Message edited by author 2004-11-25 02:15:41.
10/16/2004 10:55:50 AM · #12
Originally posted by dutch_dan:

A nice summers day...


Incredible! Show us your steps please.
10/16/2004 11:18:33 AM · #13
in ps;
-go to select colorrange and click on the green grass at the back of the picture,
-inverse the selection,
-create a hue/sat adjustment layer which should use the colorrange mask for that layer.
- shift the hue to the greens
- select the layer mask, using black or white brush, you just adjust the mask to make sure the original green stays green and the orange turns green,(the white bit of the mask shows the hue adjustment in the image)
-the end
10/16/2004 11:29:06 AM · #14
I'll bite!
A rainy day - Shot with Olympus C-5050Z

New Layer - copy background layer
- Levels (Input levels 0, 1.00, 60)
- Wand selection - white area
- Selection - Similar
- Lasso - add any left over spots
Paths - Make workpath from selection
Layer - Delete New Layer
New Layer - copy background layer
- Paths - Load path as selection
- Wand Selection - Zoom in and added water drops to selection
- Levels - (Input levels 50, 1.00, 180)
Paths - Make workpath from selection
New Layer - copy background layer
- Paths - Load path as selection
- Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur (25)
- Opacity - 90%

A dreamy rainy day.

10/16/2004 11:39:21 AM · #15

I was really really bored this morning :P
10/16/2004 11:39:59 AM · #16
I know just enough photoshop to be a danger to myself and my pictures... here's exhibit A. My fairy tales entry, original and edited:
10/16/2004 11:48:39 AM · #17

I usually don't do too much of the fancy stuff. I was playing with this shot, and thought it was kinda cool??? It wouldn't sell, but fun nonetheless.
10/16/2004 11:53:45 AM · #18
Great job everyone, all very nice work. For sure I'll copy your steps for use in the future.

Originally posted by laurielblack:

I know just enough photoshop to be a danger to myself and my pictures... here's exhibit A. My fairy tales entry, original and edited:

Love the edited version, Laurie. Did you use a software or a combination of steps in PS?

Originally posted by dutch_dan:

A nice summers day...


You'd never know it was taken in October. Good one!

Originally posted by dwterry:

But... What I think it *really* needs is a subject.

Perhaps a large brown dog running directly towards you, with its tongue hanging out, kicking up the leaves as he's going, looking like he's having a lot of fun!

I almost asked a group of 5 gradeschoolers hanging around nearby and title the photo "Friday After School in the Park" for the School Days Challenge. :)

I could get addicted to this soft focus/dreamy look but I'm making a mental note to use it in moderation.

Thanks every one! Keep em coming.
10/16/2004 11:57:04 AM · #19
Originally posted by moodville:

I was really really bored this morning :P

Bored, huh??? I like it. A bit of pizazz ... and, as I was suggesting, you added a "subject" to the picture. Very interesting work.

10/16/2004 12:00:28 PM · #20
Originally posted by laurielblack:

I know just enough photoshop to be a danger to myself and my pictures... here's exhibit A. My fairy tales entry, original and edited:

I think you did a great job Laurie. You took an "okay" picture and turned it into something beautiful. I gave you an 8 on that challenge. I saw the comments about the effect maybe going "too far" and I thought it might have gone a little too far as well. But... that's what gives it the fairy tale quality!

10/16/2004 12:00:43 PM · #21
Originally posted by moodville:

I was really really bored this morning :P

I love this workshop! The added elements surely gave more oomph. Boredom sometimes inspires creativity :-). Thanks for this ingeneous idea and thanks Bruchen for posting your beautiful photos for hacking :-).
10/16/2004 12:00:44 PM · #22
Originally posted by moodville:

I was really really bored this morning :P

Very nice, love the mood and the "new look".

Originally posted by parrothead:

I usually don't do too much of the fancy stuff. I was playing with this shot, and thought it was kinda cool??? It wouldn't sell, but fun nonetheless.

It's gorgeous, i think the framing works!
10/16/2004 12:05:07 PM · #23
Originally posted by parrothead:

I usually don't do too much of the fancy stuff. I was playing with this shot, and thought it was kinda cool??? It wouldn't sell, but fun nonetheless.

Brian, I *really* like this effect (where the border takes part in the picture). But ... that probably means you shouldn't do it here .. not in a challenge anyway.

I used a creative border in one of my challenge pictures and got something like 19 negative comments about it. I think the average voter here doesn't care much for borders unless they are simple and out of the way.

10/16/2004 12:38:24 PM · #24
Okay, don't shoot me... I just thought I'd combine a couple of images here.

10/16/2004 01:00:13 PM · #25
I "snagged" a shot of my daughter at an open house in the hair salon
one day and managed to turn something terrible into an awesome portrait:

Before: After:

We have a print on our wall, as does she and her husband, and she likes that better than any shot ever taken of her to date.

Message edited by author 2004-10-16 13:06:49.
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