Author | Thread |
07/08/2002 08:57:19 PM · #1 |
I feel and think that we had a rough time producing images that describe fear. It is a sense that can not be shot into a photo for it is something we deal with all the time. Some of us experience fear different than others. Fear is somewhere in our subconscious and when it happens. I feel all we did were issues and examples with our photography this time and they were bad including mine. |
07/08/2002 08:59:45 PM · #2 |
I don't think 'fear' is really a bad subject but it's definitely a difficult one for sure... I have gone back and re-evaluated my interpretations of this challenge to allow practically infinite latitude on meeting the challenge.
07/08/2002 09:09:45 PM · #3 |
i dont think it's a bad subject but i definitely did not have the time this week to give it the treatment it deserved, nor let loose the full visions in my imagination : ) ..
07/08/2002 09:15:13 PM · #4 |
I thought it was a great subject and was running rampant with ideas. Not having time to shoot any of them was the hard part for me. I finally came up with something that I would be able to do in the 30 minutes I had between getting home from a trip and the submission deadline. Unfortunately, even though I think it's a great example of fear, people aren't seeing it the way I'd hoped. Oh, well, that's OK--I still have all these other great ideas to shoot some time....
Tones of people packed in an elevator, with one obviously claustrophobic person in the middle...
My already mentioned idea about the child with a report card...
Someone holding a pink slip...
A person sitting in a classroom in only their underwear....
etc etc etc
07/08/2002 09:21:26 PM · #5 |
I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/8/2002 9:21:53 PM. |
07/08/2002 09:36:31 PM · #6 |
myqyl: I'm sorry to hear that. I did NOT think it was a joke, maybe because it is a fear of mine also. I had not voted on your picture, and I am sorry to hear you've asked to have it pulled.
I am no social analyst, by any stretch, but fear is something we all have, and alot of times we don't want to deal with it. As I scanned the thumbnails, I was struck at the "humor" behind a lot of them (not yours myqyl), and wondered if other people were like me and didn't want to deal with things that really scared them. I for one had more disturbing dreams last week than I have had in a long time, adn I think it is because I was trying to come up with a subject that represented fear to me, and that caused me to think about a lot of stuff that is uncomfortable to me.
I did think of some "lighter" things -- a kid at a principal's office (school is out), a pink slip, a computer virus, but none of them had any emotional appeal to me, and I was afraid it wouldn't have any to the audience. If I say more, I shall divulge the great secret known as karmat's entry. :-)
Now that I have offered the great psychological insite so needed on this site, I am available for individual consultations for the small price of tuition for my son (in 18 yrs) at Duke University or some other expensive private college (I really would rather it NOT be duke.) :-) |
07/08/2002 09:41:58 PM · #7 |
Originally posted by Patella: A person sitting in a classroom in only their underwear....
Absolute DEFINITE 10 regardless of anything else :)
07/08/2002 09:44:06 PM · #8 |
Patella, I thought of you when I first started reading this thread, this seems right up your alley. I think this is a great challenge for those that like to set up their shots, and put a lot of thought into them. Too bad you did not have more time.
sorry to hear that. that is really pathetic. I did not get that impression at all, and as most know I do have kids. uhg, our liberal, wipe my ass for me, society really pisses me off.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/8/2002 9:48:38 PM.
07/08/2002 09:44:47 PM · #9 |
Originally posted by myqyl: I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject
Myquil, please reconsider pulling your photo from this challenge. Don't let the comments get you down. If you have created an image that is meaningful to you, don't worry about anything else. chin up :)
07/08/2002 09:51:39 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Originally posted by myqyl: [i]I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject
Myquil, please reconsider pulling your photo from this challenge. Don't let the comments get you down. If you have created an image that is meaningful to you, don't worry about anything else. chin up :) [/i]
Myquil, I'd like to second what Jim said. Don't pull out. Chin up and go with it. I thought your photo was very moving....isn't that what art does..It causes emotion.....Good/Bad/Humor--etc.!!!
07/08/2002 09:58:29 PM · #11 |
I have to laugh, Zeiss, I pretty much ONLY set up shots for this site -- well, and I do it for work too... My personal hobby photography is all about the grab shot, generally in nature. However, that rarely seems to fit the challenge in a way I'd like -- at least not without doing what I decry others for -- bending the photo to fit.
Anyway, let me further add my voice -- myqyl -- please don't remove your photo. I think it's one of the better ones this time around and I don't even have kids. (Although I was stopped by a ranger in Yellowstone because I drive a green Saturn with Utah plates and they wanted to check me out with regards to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, so maybe I'm a little sensitive right now.)
07/08/2002 10:06:45 PM · #12 |
Originally posted by myqyl: I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge....
I'd also like to ask you to reconsider pulling your entry. It's probably inherent in a challenge called 'Fear' that if you do a good job, people are going to get upset.'ve succeeded:) |
07/10/2002 02:21:51 PM · #13 |
No, I wouldn't pull your photograph either. I admit it stuck a raw nerve with me and so did the photos of guns pointing at you,whether they are pellet guns or real guns. If you ever had a gun pointed at you, with intend to kill, you would understand? I don't believe in political correctness either for I think your pictures should be viewed because they meant something to you or someone else. If we can watch the World Trade Center Towers going down over and over in the news while trying to desensitize us no still picture should be censored. |
07/10/2002 02:45:44 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by myqyl: I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject
myqyl, I had given your photograph an 8 even though I couldn't stand to look at it for very long. It touched me deeply as a parent, and I didn't take it as a joke at all. I say you hit the challenge right on the head if people are reacting the way they are! |
07/10/2002 02:46:54 PM · #15 |
Returning to the orginal post, I don't believe "fear" was a bad topic, just a difficult one. My main gripe was that most people just settled for the first thing that popped into their mind and this resulted in stereotypical interpretations...countless pictures of spiders, bugs, and upclose shots of faces. I don't think this is so much a technical challenge as a mind picking one. There were some fantastic submissions, maybe the photographer couldn't quite capture their idea with the camera but you could see where they were coming from and it was original and thought provoking. most weren't. |
07/10/2002 03:05:11 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by myqyl: [i]I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge....
I think your shot was great - and in no way assumed that you were making light of the subject. I hope you reconsider - the fact that your picture struck a nerve with so many says to me that you succeeded in this challenge for sure! |
07/10/2002 03:23:03 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by fight2end2002: Returning to the orginal post, I don''t believe "fear" was a bad topic, just a difficult one. My main gripe was that most people just settled for the first thing that popped into their mind and this resulted in stereotypical interpretations...countless pictures of spiders, bugs, and upclose shots of faces. I don''t think this is so much a technical challenge as a mind picking one. There were some fantastic submissions, maybe the photographer couldn''t quite capture their idea with the camera but you could see where they were coming from and it was original and thought provoking. most weren''t.
I am really sick of hearing words like "cliche" and "stereotype".
I''m not trying to be testy or anything but....photogrpahy on a site aimed at raw amatuers is never "stereotypcial" or "cliche". Actually..I only have negative thought like that when I see direct pandering..and sometimes I think creative attempts are pandering at times..even my own.
I think a good shot is a good shot is a good shot. Anytime, anyplace, any subject. Give me a great flower shot, a great landscape, a great pet or bug shot...whatever..just try to make it as good as you can.
I even said this very thing to a so-called photographer teacher in college 20 years ago. He used the word "cliche" to describe one of the female students picture of a nude. I asked him when was the last time he was published..he was on my case for the rest of the quarter. Fug-em. That girl is a freelance photojournalist today and I think that slob is teaching art at a middle school.
Sorry to rant ...had a breif mid-life flashback :-/
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/10/2002 3:24:03 PM. |
07/10/2002 03:24:48 PM · #18 |
If ya can't do it, teach it :))
07/10/2002 03:35:39 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by myqyl: I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject
I agree with the above.. I even stated in my comments on your shot how this was definitely a major fear of my own as well. I thought your shot was a good one. I hope you don't pull it out of the challenge.
07/10/2002 03:38:21 PM · #20 |
but what if it's "Stripper Class'?
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Originally posted by Patella: [i]A person sitting in a classroom in only their underwear....
Absolute DEFINITE 10 regardless of anything else :) [/i]
07/10/2002 03:40:50 PM · #21 |
i think your pic was one of the few truly well done shots in the challenge man. keep your chin up.
Originally posted by myqyl: I''ve asked the site admins to pull my photo from this challenge since several people seem to think I am making a "joke" of kidnapped children. I meant to deal with a deep seated fear of my own and inadvertently seem to have touched a raw nerve and offend several folks. This IS a tough subject
07/10/2002 03:52:10 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: If ya can't do it, teach it :))
John -- I'm going to take you to task for that comment. SOOOOOOO not fair. I taught tech writing at both a college (Utah Valley State College) and a university (BYU) -- one of the hardest things I had to do wasn't the teaching but the convincing of students that I knew what I was talking about.
07/10/2002 03:54:46 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: If ya can't do it, teach it :))
jm -- i know you're kidding, but . . .
(i'm teacher, ya know)
07/10/2002 05:05:28 PM · #24 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: i dont think it''s a bad subject but i definitely did not have the time this week to give it the treatment it deserved, nor let loose the full visions in my imagination : ) ..
That''s my case too. I always think of this great (in MHO) ideas, but because I lack the time AND models/actors I would like, I end up shooting always objets or as in this case, myself.
* This message has been edited by the author on 7/10/2002 5:07:15 PM. |
07/10/2002 05:15:30 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by Patella: Originally posted by jmsetzler: [i]If ya can't do it, teach it :))
John -- I'm going to take you to task for that comment. SOOOOOOO not fair. I taught tech writing at both a college (Utah Valley State College) and a university (BYU) -- one of the hardest things I had to do wasn't the teaching but the convincing of students that I knew what I was talking about. [/i]
I didn't mean to imply that teachers can't do what they teach.. lol.. My implication was directly to hokie's comment regarding his college teacher.. :)
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