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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Getting a hand-me-down cell phone, how to activ8 ?
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10/09/2011 11:47:53 AM · #1
My brother got a new cell phone and was going to recycle his Blackberry Tour. Since the zero button on my Motorola doesn't work anymore, I'd like to take his phone.

Do I have to take it to a Rogers (Canada) outlet to have them make it work for my number, or is there a way I can make it work?

I tried going to my account online to switch hardware, but got the pop-up that it couldn't be done at this time, and to bring it to an outlet. I suppose I'm stuck doing that. :-/

I also tried swapping SIM cards, but his number is still on the Blackberry.

If I go to an outlet, they're going to bug me to buy a new phone, I know it. >:-(

His service is Verizon (USA), and my service is Rogers (Canada).

Message edited by author 2011-10-09 11:59:26.
10/09/2011 12:08:12 PM · #2
I am not sure about the USA to Canada part,
But I have activated hand me downs before by just calling Verizon and giving them the code under the battery. Sometimes if I destroy a phone ie. flushing it or dropping it off my motorcycle, I will activate an old one I had laying around to get me by until I get a new one.

As long as the phone wasn't previously locked and USA and Canada use the same system, I don't see why it wouldn't work.
Good luck, keep us posted.
10/12/2011 10:04:31 AM · #3
Doh, forgot to update.

I "unlocked" the phone. I think the slang is jailbreak? I spent $10 to get an unlock code at iunlockblackberry.com. I don't know if codes are also available for free, but for $10 I wasn't going to waste my time looking too hard, and I didn't want to call my brother's provider and possibly confuse his service.

So now it works as if it's mine after I put my SIM card in it from my old phone.

The Canadian border tax collector interrogated me about it on my way home. I said it was worth zero dollars since I rescued it from the trash, but I guess it was really worth $10 since I unlocked it. Still, after my receipts tally, I had $250 left on my personal exemption (I spent $100 on chainsaw pants and gloves). The asshole was trying to stare me down until I asked him how much he'd give me for it, cocksucker.

Border guards, what a bunch of assholes. My kids hate them ever since we got searched for an hour. I suppose I'm doomed to poor treatment now, as I'm not willing to hide my disdain for assholes. So many years of good treatment, ruined by one jackass.


I'm going to look at reinstalling the software, since some functions, such as GPS, were crippled by my brother's previous employer.
10/12/2011 10:14:40 AM · #4
Tell me about it. One time I bought a junked motocycle from Canada, I live in Connecticut USA. It was a really rare bike I was restoring and I really only needed the engine parts and exhaust from this bike. I specifically had the owner write "JUNK PARTS ONLY, NOT TO BE REGISTERED"! on the bill of sale.

The Border guys STILL busted my balls for 3 hours! I ended up paying some sort of mysterious tax in for the form of $150 to get them to let me back into my country...
10/12/2011 10:27:50 AM · #5
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

I suppose I'm doomed to poor treatment now, as I'm not willing to hide my disdain for assholes. So many years of good treatment, ruined by one jackass.


I'm going to look at reinstalling the software, since some functions, such as GPS, were crippled by my brother's previous employer.

is that what happened to me my friends keep calling me a bitch and i'm like i was always this way you guys just got stupid on me! guess i can't tolerate the stupidity either...
10/12/2011 12:24:32 PM · #6
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

Doh, forgot to update.

I "unlocked" the phone. I think the slang is jailbreak? I spent $10 to get an unlock code at iunlockblackberry.com. I don't know if codes are also available for free, but for $10 I wasn't going to waste my time looking too hard, and I didn't want to call my brother's provider and possibly confuse his service.

So now it works as if it's mine after I put my SIM card in it from my old phone.

The Canadian border tax collector interrogated me about it on my way home. I said it was worth zero dollars since I rescued it from the trash, but I guess it was really worth $10 since I unlocked it. Still, after my receipts tally, I had $250 left on my personal exemption (I spent $100 on chainsaw pants and gloves). The asshole was trying to stare me down until I asked him how much he'd give me for it, cocksucker.

Border guards, what a bunch of assholes. My kids hate them ever since we got searched for an hour. I suppose I'm doomed to poor treatment now, as I'm not willing to hide my disdain for assholes. So many years of good treatment, ruined by one jackass.


I'm going to look at reinstalling the software, since some functions, such as GPS, were crippled by my brother's previous employer.

Yup, they are an unpleasant lot.
10/12/2011 01:31:52 PM · #7
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

The Canadian border tax collector interrogated me about it on my way home. I said it was worth zero dollars since I rescued it from the trash, but I guess it was really worth $10 since I unlocked it. Still, after my receipts tally, I had $250 left on my personal exemption (I spent $100 on chainsaw pants and gloves). The asshole was trying to stare me down until I asked him how much he'd give me for it, cocksucker.

Border guards, what a bunch of assholes. My kids hate them ever since we got searched for an hour. I suppose I'm doomed to poor treatment now, as I'm not willing to hide my disdain for assholes. So many years of good treatment, ruined by one jackass.

haha... There's a Slippy file at the Rainbow Bridge and Peace Bridge Crossing Stations!!

But I know what you mean about the Canadian Border Guards. I could tell you my story about how I was an illegal immigrant in Canada, but then I'd have to kill you all! Let's just say the border guard didn't want to do all her paperwork that day! Bureaucrats!!
10/12/2011 01:32:28 PM · #8
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

The Canadian border tax collector interrogated me about it on my way home. I said it was worth zero dollars since I rescued it from the trash, but I guess it was really worth $10 since I unlocked it. Still, after my receipts tally, I had $250 left on my personal exemption (I spent $100 on chainsaw pants and gloves). The asshole was trying to stare me down until I asked him how much he'd give me for it, cocksucker...

Reminds me of the time I had to travel to Canada on short notice, back in the early '90s. At the time I did not have a passport, so I used my birth certificate, which was perfectly acceptable at the time.
I got back to the border for re-entry into the US, and one of the Canadian Customs personnel took an undue interest in me. He asked for my ID, I gave him the birth certificate. He glared at me. He looked at the certificate. He glared at me some more. Then he asked, brusquely
"what's the delivering physician's name on your birth certificate?"
In a split second, I spat back at him "Baldigo." Luckily the physician was also a family friend. His face fell. He shoved my papers back at me, and motioned me on my way.
10/12/2011 01:38:16 PM · #9
Originally posted by kirbic:

...Then he asked, brusquely
"what's the delivering physician's name on your birth certificate?"...

What a troglodyte ! As if you should be expected to know that off the top of your head anyway. My answer probably would've been more along the line, "I was fresh out of my mother's vagina. He may have introduced himself, but I've since forgotten."
10/12/2011 01:44:16 PM · #10
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

Originally posted by kirbic:

...Then he asked, brusquely
"what's the delivering physician's name on your birth certificate?"...

What a troglodyte ! As if you should be expected to know that off the top of your head anyway. My answer probably would've been more along the line, "I was fresh out of my mother's vagina. He may have introduced himself, but I've since forgotten."

LOL!! Where do you come up with this stuff!!
10/12/2011 01:52:34 PM · #11
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

...My answer probably would've been more along the line, "I was fresh out of my mother's vagina. He may have introduced himself, but I've since forgotten."

Oh damn, this gets filed under "what I wish I'd said" but then again I really did need to get back into the States, LOL.
Upon my return, my family found the altercation hilarious. As did I in retrospect.
10/12/2011 02:15:48 PM · #12
I guess the reason everyone says Canadians are nice is that they put all the assholes at the border gates.

I went to Canada when I was 25 with my grandma, aunt, uncle and my mom. We were in my uncle's van and when we crossed into Canada it was pretty late at night and the border guard was asking my uncle about who was in the van, where we were going etc. I had been sleeping in the way back seat and the stopping woke me up so I sat up. Evedently, this greatly upset the border-douche, so we were ordered out of the van seperated and questioned. I was less than pleased at being hauled out of my peaceful slumber into the Canadian cold, so pretty much every question they asked was answered with a string of obscenities wrapped around the answer. Welcome to the Great White Fucking North.

Another trip I was in Detroit for a conference and we decided to go over to Windsor for some entertainment and to enjoy some fine Cuban cigars. They made the mistake of letting me drive. The conversation went something like this:

Border Guard: Where are you from?

Me: United States, just like it says on my ID.

Border Guard: Big place, narrow it down...

Me: Michigan, just like it says on my ID.

Border Guard: Big place, narrow it down...

Me: Kalamazoo, just like it says on my ID.

Border Guard: Where are you going?

Me: Canada.

Border Guard: Big place, narrow it down...

Me: Uhhh Windsor

Border Guard: What's your business in Windsor.

Me: No business, we work in Michigan.

Border Guard: What are you going to do in Windsor?

Me: Fuck around, drink some beer, smoke some Cuban cigars and spend lots of money because we're drunk.

Border Guard: Enjoy your visit.
10/12/2011 02:26:53 PM · #13
You fuck around, drink some beer, smoke some Cuban cigars and spend lots of money because you're drunk with your Grandma? You're my idol, no, she's my idol!!
10/12/2011 03:16:25 PM · #14
Those are great stories. My experience has always been that is more difficult to walk into a best buy than Canada/ but on the way back- they just go slow and make you wait, simple questions, but it has to be to be so they can size you up... feels like they are weighing your vehicle and scoping you out.
10/12/2011 03:20:22 PM · #15
Originally posted by sinistral_leo:

You fuck around, drink some beer, smoke some Cuban cigars and spend lots of money because you're drunk with your Grandma? You're my idol, no, she's my idol!!

She's great. My grandma probably cussed them worse than I did. Might have to do with the family history during prohibition...I dunno.
10/12/2011 04:48:59 PM · #16
Thanks everyone, I'm finding your border stories therapeutic and entertaining. :-D
10/12/2011 05:48:44 PM · #17
Does your border patrol wear those cute little poofy pants and the nice red jackets with the goofy hat??? :~0 :~D They're so HOT.....not! lol!
10/12/2011 10:58:23 PM · #18
Originally posted by Strikeslip:

Thanks everyone, I'm finding your border stories therapeutic and entertaining. :-D

if we couldn't help with the phone question, at least our anecdotes amused...
10/12/2011 11:04:46 PM · #19
Wonder if doing a factory reset would reload all of the software?
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