DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register

DPChallenge Forums >> Welcome Center >> New user...beginning photographer
Showing posts 1 - 22 of 22, (reverse)
11/22/2011 09:51:14 PM · #1
Hi Everybody!
I am just starting to take intrest in photography and I was told about this site...
I can't wait to get more experienced in the field of photography and considering that I'm still in middle school I have alot of time to do so.
Once I get the hang of DPC I will post some pictures and I look forward to getting your opinions!!!
11/22/2011 09:58:04 PM · #2
Welcome to the fray!
Always good to see new people join-
Make yourself at home, feel free to ask tons of questions. The forums are a great place for info, just try and do a search before posting. There are also lots of good tutorials on DPC itself.
Don't feel sheepish about commenting on photos either, it helps your photography tremendously.
11/22/2011 10:03:35 PM · #3
Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your stay and your photography skills grow.
11/22/2011 10:07:30 PM · #4
Welcome to the phunny pharm of photography.
11/22/2011 10:31:54 PM · #5
Welcome Claire!
11/22/2011 10:39:44 PM · #6
Hey...welcome to the site...I am looking forward to seeing your 1st challenge entry. Don't be let down if you don't score very well.....especially on your 1st entry
11/22/2011 10:42:53 PM · #7
Welcome! Watch out for Squirrels!!
11/22/2011 10:57:46 PM · #8
Welcome, and if the challenges look too scary at fiirst, the side challenges are warm and fuzzy. Ask questions and advice freely, don't worry about looking silly, it's a silly group.
11/22/2011 11:20:37 PM · #9
Hi Claire! We're happy to have you around. The side challenges are a bit difficult for non members because it's a little of a hassle to post your photos and get feedback on them. You can post links to other sites that contain your photos though, after you have been here a few days.
Enjoy your time here, and learn much.
I agree that leaving comments on other ppl's photos is a great way to find out what you are seeing in photos, and to learn more about composition and shooting in general.
Here's a link showing what can be done with the camera you have; Powershot Photos, DPC , so don't feel like you are limited because of your camera. One of the images is even a blue ribbon winner.

Message edited by author 2011-11-22 23:24:18.
11/22/2011 11:28:00 PM · #10
Welcome Clair! glad to see a new name :) i'm excited to see the talent you posses :) You will learn SO MUCH here! I am always available to give answer to questions you might have or give suggestions/comments on photos :) DPC is a wonderful place to learn and ask lots of questions.

Message edited by author 2011-11-22 23:30:09.
11/23/2011 09:14:55 AM · #11
Yaaaaay, fresh blood!!! A new playmate!!!

11/23/2011 09:22:20 AM · #12
Welcome Claire, to the real world.
11/23/2011 10:35:35 AM · #13
Thanks for giving me such a warm welcome!!
I'd like to share some pictures but its not letting me post the URLs
11/23/2011 10:37:52 AM · #14
Originally posted by Clairzy:

I'd like to share some pictures but its not letting me post the URLs

That is for spam prevention. New members cannot post links until a certain level of site participation is reached. I'm not sure offhand what that level is. You can post the url as unlinked text.
11/23/2011 10:52:49 AM · #15
Welcome Clair! You have no choice but to learn a lot here, and grow a tough skin in the process :-)
11/23/2011 11:35:24 AM · #16
Welcome to DPC,have a good look around and get posting when you are ready, there are some very knowledgeable and helpful people on this site from all over this world.( and some from others)
Make sure to have fun with it and I look forward to seeing your stuff.
11/23/2011 12:36:17 PM · #17
Welcome Claire! Always glad to have new enthusiastic members.
11/23/2011 02:46:42 PM · #18
Originally posted by snaffles:

Welcome Clair! You have no choice but to learn a lot here, and grow a tough skin in the process :-)

That is important! you really need to not let everything everyone says that is negative affect you. some people will just not like your work. You have to deal with that all the time unfortunately. Sometimes you have to take the learning portions from comments, when possible, and just forget about the rest. I'm still learning that. But when you have done a good job, people will realize that and commend you for it.

anyways... I would like to see that link! to some pictures you have taken?
11/23/2011 05:08:36 PM · #19
Originally posted by Clairzy:

I'd like to share some pictures but its not letting me post the URLs

I had the same problem a few weeks ago. I think it will not take too many posts to unlock the antispam filter.
At first I was a bit confused on how to post images links to external sites with a thumbnail, rather than just the link or the whole image.
If you need that, check //www.dpchallenge.com/tutorial.php?TUTORIAL_ID=17, it's quite clear.
11/27/2011 10:43:31 AM · #20
I learned that I just have continue posting until I unlock the anti-spam folder and then I can post my pictures
( I don't entirely understand what that means but I will continue to make posts until I can post my pictures )
But on another note I am taking the plunge and entering my first contest!
Wish me luck!!!
(I am going to need it)
11/27/2011 11:16:45 AM · #21
Good luck! And welcome!
11/27/2011 11:40:42 AM · #22
Are you still here?
Well,,, We're happy about that.
You can't post a portfolio here unless you are a "member", meaning it would cost a little over $2 per month, or a $5 trial month membership. You will be able to post links to your portfolio on line elsewhere soon though. Your challenge entries will show up on your profile page, even as a "registered" user.
You may be able to post a link to your photos on line to your profile page. At the top bar, Home---Preferences---then go from there.
Wishing you the best in score and comments on your challenge shot.
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