Author | Thread |
08/24/2004 06:29:55 AM · #51 |
Originally posted by photom: Excuse me for posting this here, but BobsterLobster... did you get a PM from me? I only ask because I did not get ANY PM's until I got an e-mail account away from my normal ISP. I kinda expected you'd PM me back if you got it. Sorry everyone for the thread interruption.
-Tom- |
Sorry, no PMs from you! |
08/24/2004 06:49:14 AM · #52 |
I have just been through the "Nude challenge" an I would like to congrtulate ALL the models for their participation, I would not be game enough to have my body photographed (it would most certinly break the camera lol). A big yay for the day to everyone.
08/24/2004 07:10:38 AM · #53 |
I agree with Bob at that point over respect. We all, at this time in the world needs to respect our neighbor. When someone shots something, the picture can be atractive, appealing or not. This has many issues to complain. One of these can be the subject itself. In this topic the subject is a poerson, composed by body and soul. People that has feelings like you.
The beauty of the subject is not the only way the judge a picture as atractive. If so, the old pictures of woman painted by the greatest masters of the arts do not have any value today.
I have saw many interesting, appealing and emotive pictures of famined people. Can you say that is beauty? But can you feel the message behind the image.
When voting, this or any other challenge, think about it. Try to see the message. If you can´t, simply keep the comments to a photographic plane. |
08/24/2004 07:31:32 AM · #54 |
Originally posted by Britannica: While I sympathize with your models sensitivities, and I find a lack of courtesy to be abhorent; when you joined this site, you did agree that you understood there is a good possiblity you will be offended from time to time:
Originally posted by Terms of Service: 4.5 ... You understand that by using the Website, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. ... |
It was your responsibility, as part of securing a model release (even if verbal), that you make certain your model understood this. Failing that, I would certainly consider you to owe her an apology -- just as much as you feel those making the objectional comments owe her one.
But, what do I know, I view such things in a harsher light than most. |
So is that how you would console your loved one if they had agreed to be a model for you for a nude challenge... but then found the comments upsetting? FWIW, I did apologise, and offer to remove the photo. |
08/24/2004 07:56:48 AM · #55 |
Bob and model,
I'm sorry for you that you got such callous or juvenile comments. Having said that I hope you feel that the artistic expression was one in which you participated and I hope that after some time has gone by and the stinging little comments people made have passed that you will be able to look back on the experience you two shared together and appreciate it without having to relive this crappy part of it. Right now it can feel very personal but that cannot take from you two what you shared in creating your work. Now I don't know how I would view Bob's shot (which is what I'll have to evaluate) as I've only looked through the photos a couple of times and not voted yet. What I do know is that you two had to spend some time before and after taking the shot and that had to be a personal choice for each of you and, since it sounds like you're involved with each other, perhaps it was a personal time you could share together. I'm not saying that you should overlook the hurt feelings or any ridiculous comments that some people make through ignorance or just from being who they are and where they are right at this stage of life, but I am saying that your perspective on this will change and while that change in perspective can help to take some of the sting and annoyance out of the comments that people made, the perspective cannot take from you two the fact that you shared this creation together (and hopefully laughed a little while you were doing it).
08/24/2004 08:05:56 AM · #56 |
It can sometimes be hard to be honest and do so without being personal - however there is no excuse for being immature with your comments or plain nasty.
I have just gone through and commented on every photo - some of them bad comments so i truly hope i haven't offended anyone!
08/24/2004 08:08:49 AM · #57 |
Originally posted by jonpink: I have just gone through and commented on every photo - some of them bad comments so i truly hope i haven't offended anyone! |
The comment you gave me was helpful Jon, thank you :) |
08/24/2004 08:10:32 AM · #58 |
Originally posted by kiwiness: Originally posted by jonpink: I have just gone through and commented on every photo - some of them bad comments so i truly hope i haven't offended anyone! |
The comment you gave me was helpful Jon, thank you :) |
Cheers Gary
08/24/2004 08:12:51 AM · #59 |
Originally posted by jonpink: I have just gone through and commented on every photo - some of them bad comments so i truly hope i haven't offended anyone! |
Thanks for your comment. It was nice :) |
08/24/2004 08:14:23 AM · #60 |
Hi this is my first post on here! But the subject was very interesting one to me, so here goes. Firstly I liked all the entries, and it does take a lot of courage to pose, I think it is very bad form for an entry to be down voted just because the models body is not perfect or pretty enough! The world is full of perfect photographs of perfect looking bodies, where is the variety, the unusual, the interesting ordinary folk who make up the masses! Their bodies are far more interesting to me than a perfect form, their bodies are more artistic and with the right pose, setting, also lighting the creativity can something so much more moving than a perfect looking body that has a flawless skin or rippling muscles, but that is just my opinion! That said I am not anti good looking people at all :) they look very good indeed! I feel it would not hurt people to be a bit more open minded I do not think it is about the body so much as the whole feeling, emotion and capturing the essence of the model and the moments of the shot.
I think judging someones work its ok to say negative things with honor and honesty not hurtful sniping comments which have no place in judging someones work!
thats my thoughts anyhow :) |
08/24/2004 08:57:44 AM · #61 |
Originally posted by LisaCan: Hi this is my first post on here!
I think judging someones work its ok to say negative things with honor and honesty not hurtful sniping comments which have no place in judging someones work!
thats my thoughts anyhow :) |
Good one Lisa, I agree. |
08/24/2004 09:23:26 AM · #62 |
Originally posted by jonpink: It can sometimes be hard to be honest and do so without being personal - however there is no excuse for being immature with your comments or plain nasty.
I have just gone through and commented on every photo - some of them bad comments so i truly hope i haven't offended anyone! |
One of the best comments I've received!!!! thank you. and probably the only 10 I'll receive :} It's nice to have an image appreciated by a photographer, who's work you admire. |
08/24/2004 09:34:47 AM · #63 |
I agree with Bob and most of you all. I got a comment mentioning the commenter didn't like this kind of photography subject - worst, that it was tasteless... Can't believe it. And I can't wait the challenge is over to reply directly to that person. If you vote on a Cat photography contest, you have to take into account that cats are the subjects!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't like cats, than don't vote and don't look. Anyhow, again, it had been a long time I had no entered a challenge and again, some rude person made me regret it.
08/24/2004 11:20:12 AM · #64 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: Originally posted by photom: Excuse me for posting this here, but BobsterLobster... did you get a PM from me? I only ask because I did not get ANY PM's until I got an e-mail account away from my normal ISP. I kinda expected you'd PM me back if you got it. Sorry everyone for the thread interruption.
-Tom- |
Sorry, no PMs from you! |
The PM Messaging system is pretty insidious. I didn't get any at all until I chaned to a new e-mail address just for DPC. (It seems some ISP's block the IP address of DPC's server as the same provider is on a black list.) You can review the threads below for more info. You can also test the PM feature by sending a PM to yourself.
In any event - if you don't mind, PM me with an e-mail address I can use to contact you. Thanks,
08/24/2004 11:43:01 AM · #65 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: ...Comments I'm talking about are more of the Beavis and Butthead variety, as mentioned earlier... but I'm sure you're okay, FSCNitro! |
Thanks! :)
Although it looks like I broke someone else's rule by saying I thought a picture was sexy... *shrugs* I don't know what to say about that. |
08/24/2004 11:43:48 AM · #66 |
Sorry I'm a bit late jumping in here... just got satellite dish realigned... only problem with Starband I've had yet.
Bobster - my heart goes out to your model. I hope this incidence hasn't caused her any long term grief.
Well, folks, this was one heck of a challenge. Lot's of VERY good pics. Very hard to score. I did not comment on any pics this time. To tell the truth, I was chicken. I'm not so good of a photographer that I felt any criticisms would be helpful. Why? (you ask) Because this challenge represents the pinnacle of artistic photography. So many pics that were right over the top artistically !! Some great work, people !
This was an ART challenge (duh!). Any comments that were made that were critical of the model shows the commentors total lack of understanding of what art is. Art is about composition, light, emotion. Not- is she/he cute or sexy. The second you start thinking about the allure of the model you have left art behind and are now into hormones. Plenty of websites out there for that !!
Again - my condolences to any model that got slammed by an immature criticism.
08/24/2004 11:48:35 AM · #67 |
I thought this was a photography contest, not a model search. Any asshole that would make even good comments about a model (can't have a double standard can we?) should be banned permenantly. I would like to give a special thank you to all the models (big and small) who take the time and caring to help all of us hopeless artists bring our thoughts to life. It takes alot of guts to be used as a model let alone a nude one. I for one, think anyone on this site who would judge someone like that isn't much of an artist and should have their camera smashed over their head. Bunch of sissies hiding behind the ridicule of others to mask their lack of talent. I'm sorry for these so called photographers who make rude comments Bob, and tell your model she's an angel. |
08/27/2004 05:43:54 PM · #68 |
I thought it was me who got the most disgusted responses ??
My photo was showing neither an attractive body nor anything baby-cute or amusing - I wanted to strip the NUDE theme of some of its clichees and seek a balance between a human/imperfect/real body and a simple composition, to me an interesting challenge and to many viewers an eye sore and a disgusting sight - but I had not read anything about the requirement of beauty . I don't mind 'ugly' as much as I dislike the soft porn tendency of some shots which is an easy sell but in a different field. |
08/27/2004 05:50:08 PM · #69 |
I haven't made one rude comment and I've commented on 25-30 photos, even the ones with "less than perfect bodies" Who are we to judge what a perfect body is? Because TV tells us so? I kinda resent magicshutter saying this:
"Any asshole that would make even good comments about a model (can't have a double standard can we?) should be banned permenantly."
Maybe everyone should go back and re-evaluate their vote. Look again at the composition, creativity, quality of the image...
Message edited by author 2004-08-27 17:53:21.
08/27/2004 05:51:16 PM · #70 |
I just made a comment about the ratios of the two main elements of the image and hope it won't be taken as rude. It's purely compositional and I think cropping a little of one would focus better on the other.
08/27/2004 06:32:15 PM · #71 |
I admit, I tried to make a lame excuse for a joke about one of the subjects in one of the pictures, after I was PM'd from the photographer, I have changed the comment to something hopefully more constructive.
I have tried to comment on most of the pictures, and at one stage just ran out of something to say.
Anyway I had read this thread, & thought, that wouldn't happen to me, I am very sensitive about subjects like weight & figure (My comment wasn't about weight or figure).
Just goes to show, think twice if what you are saying can offend. (Maybe it didn't offend, but it wasn't constructive).
Anyway I appologise if I have offended in any way.
I'll go and stand in the corner for a while. |
08/27/2004 07:00:16 PM · #72 |
Originally posted by alisasaur: I think it's so rude for people to make negative comments on the model. Honestly, this challenge isn't even about this, and that bothers me that people are so cruel. Shouldn't people be judging on the photographic quality? grr. |
So you are saying, that if I take a perfect photograph, no matter WHAT the subject, I should receive a high vote? People are judging on the photographic quality, but thats only half if not LESS of what should be voted on. I know when I vote, my vote is 75% for the subject at hand, and 25% on "quality" as you seem to have put it.
Don't get me wrong, there shouldn't be any harrasing comments, but the nude model is very much the subject here, and that is what you should be voting on for the majority of the photo. This is off the topic I know.
As far as the comments go...
Perhaps we can induct some code that we can delete comments if we feel the need to? Or report abusive comments and have the person a warning about it.
08/30/2004 03:25:41 AM · #73 |
Hiya Bob
I marked this thread to come back to once I knew which entry was yours (and I love the entry by the way and am surprised it did not do a lot better).
I wanted to see what comment was made that hurt the model's feeligs, as I am always worried if a comment will do that to my (main) model, and have found myself holding my breath at times, and being delighted if I can show her great comments about her as the model.
I've looked through the comments and I can't work out what comment(s) hurt the model. Maybe I missed them, I'll go back and check again, or maybe they got edited out later.
Now the photo is public can you post the comment, even if not disclosing who wrote it, as I am intrigued.
I was expecting a comment like "Coooor, great tits!" or a derogatory comment about weight or something (not knowing what photo this was, as the model there most certainly has nothing to be concerned about.
Most of the comments do seem to be about the photo, not personal about the model. The only one I can guess at is, as I simply do not understand it, the Mickey Mouse comment.
So, can you share please, as insensitive comments are a hate of mine.
08/30/2004 03:36:30 AM · #74 |
I to went back to have a look but could not find anything there that was offensive. Maybe its been edited or removed! Bob
08/30/2004 04:55:27 AM · #75 |
I agree with you here Bob on this issue.. not only on the nude challenges but in general some comments are thoughtless and not very helpfull at all and are usually made by people with no pictures of their own to display.. my girlfriend offered to pose for this challenge and after considerable thought i said don't bother. I looked at your picture and found it to be very moody and well taken, being a musician i can relate to the shape and emotion of the guitar and the lady.. both have a very nice shape indeed and gave me a feeling of home, the reward for a hard gig.. there is no need for these mindless offensive non constructive comments some people choose to make.. i like the comments that offer constructive critisism...
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