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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Critic please on morning
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 26, (reverse)
08/31/2015 09:21:47 PM · #1

I was pretty excited about this shot, this is the first image I've entered with my Fuji film and I was amazed how little I had to edit this image. The colour this camera producers are just so vivid. I'm not saying it's a winning shot or anything like that but 5.6 was a little bit disappointing IMHO. Does it just not speak morning? And I have to admit okay it wasn't the morning it was a sunset shot but I figured what is the difference because the colours produced in a sunrise and sunset....they to me are exactly the same, and it's too cold for me to get out there early in the morning :-) I'm guessing maybe people thought it was a sunset shot is that right, or just boring maybe, I don't know it will be nice to know anyway for those who voted it five and under, which was nearly about 50% of the voters.

Actually I'm wondering if anyone else has the guts to say that they took their shot at sunset also ha!

Message edited by author 2015-08-31 21:33:55.
08/31/2015 09:35:46 PM · #2
Didn't vote, because I'd been away for 3 weeks on a big road trip out to see family. So been trying to play catch up.

First, maybe it's just my area, but our sunsets and sunrises never look the same. I don't know that I've ever seen those colors in a sunrise. Our sunrises are usually quite pale and usually pinks almost never oranges or yellows. So though I didn't vote, I would have probably thought sunset.

Also, I rarely like the foreground to be completely silhouetted, unless it's an interesting silhouette. The weeds are nice, but not enough for the amount of black that's down there. Also, it may be my eyes, because I'm having a lot of problems focusing tonight, but it looks like there's haloing around a couple of the weeds.

It probably would have been a 5 from me, because there's nothing really to catch my interest, other than the colors.

08/31/2015 10:14:10 PM · #3
I also didn't vote in this challenge. If I did, I would have scored this either a 5 or 6. I think it is the sharpness of the foreground silhouettes that are throwing me off. I find it hard to concentrate on the colors when they are broken by the black weeds in so many places.

I think if there was a single defining foreground silhouette, this could have been a stronger image.

Anyways, enough of the negative. It is a nice photo, the colors are vivid and the cloud formations are a strong composition piece.
08/31/2015 10:18:45 PM · #4
what happens if you ease off on the sat and the contrast? maybe the weeds would have worked better with a shallower df...? just musing!
08/31/2015 10:22:24 PM · #5
Okay thanks peeps I kinda figured maybe the things that you mentioned might of been part of it :-)
08/31/2015 10:27:44 PM · #6
I was one of your sixes. I am not sure I thought of it being a sunrise versus sunset, and if I did I would have given the benefit of the doubt. I thought it was pretty, and I loved the colors. The light on the clouds is fantastic. I also liked the silhouette - I am always spending a few extra moments with images containing silhouettes since so far I am failing to understand how to capture them. But while pretty, I kind of missed one element to really hold my interest.

08/31/2015 10:34:53 PM · #7
Originally posted by Jules1x:

I am always spending a few extra moments with images containing silhouettes since so far I am failing to understand how to capture them. But while pretty, I kind of missed one element to really hold my interest.

Try metering for the sky. If that doesn't produce a decent silhouette you could always play with the levels in post.
08/31/2015 10:43:04 PM · #8
The shot is silky smooth. The reds and yellows, I've seen colors that vibrant. It's the cyan/blue that looks a bit out of the ordinary. There's a bit too much empty space near the bottom and it's a feel good shot but perhaps doesn't grab the viewer in. I like it, it takes me to a good place.
08/31/2015 10:47:05 PM · #9
Originally posted by Techo:

The shot is silky smooth. The reds and yellows, I've seen colors that vibrant. It's the cyan/blue that looks a bit out of the ordinary. There's a bit too much empty space near the bottom and it's a feel good shot but perhaps doesn't grab the viewer in. I like it, it takes me to a good place.

Thanks it is a nice place maybe some where we will be living quite close to soon ;)
09/01/2015 08:29:06 AM · #10
i would have scored it a 4, that's not to say its a bad image but when i compare it to the plethora of sunset/sunrise pictures I see on a daily basis, it doesn't measure up.

too much contrast overall, the sky is oversaturated, processing artifacts are present and the foreground looks as if it was pushed into silhouette because it was underexposed. the horizon is just about midframe (which often isn't the most pleasing composition for landscapes), it's not a sky picture or a foreground picture, i'd have cropped it tighter as there is way too much negative space at the bottom.

finally its more sunset than morning, too much black for morning.

Message edited by author 2015-09-01 10:36:40.
09/01/2015 10:04:43 AM · #11
It is an attractive image for sure. But as has been mentioned, it doesn't feel different than a commons sunset/sunrise image that we've seen thousands of times. I do think there is a trend here at DPC toward more unique images. On top of that, the landscape photography on DPC is extraordinary - especially from photogs in exotic places - so expectations are high here.

Your "sunset" image does bring up an interesting question - with and interesting answer.
09/01/2015 10:18:10 AM · #12
Interesting points made by the atmospheric physicists. The absolute calmness we often get at sunrise here is one of the things I love about them.

Originally posted by tate:

... Your "sunset" image does bring up an interesting question - with and interesting answer.
09/01/2015 10:57:15 AM · #13
Didn't vote. You have split the image in two with the center three weeds, all very strong near-vertical lines. The picture is, other than that, predominantly strong horizontal lines. The weeds put an almost physical barrier between the viewer and the sunset - rather than inviting the viewer into the scene. If possible, several steps to the left and possibly a higher angle, putting the center to right weeds in the right corner of the image I think would have improved it muchly.
It definitely fits the category of "you had to be there" - absolutely beautiful scene with great colors.
09/01/2015 11:38:07 AM · #14
I gave it a 4 because it's a sunset. As others mentioned, sunrises look different as does morning vs. evening, and it wasn't compositionally interesting to me.
09/01/2015 12:31:29 PM · #15
This screamed evening to me because of the color tones so I gave it a 5.
09/01/2015 01:48:48 PM · #16
Regardless of whether it is sunset/sunrise, this image simply doesn't measure up to your usual level of quality and creativity. A rather pedestrian image imo.
09/01/2015 02:39:25 PM · #17
Originally posted by Jules1x:

But while pretty, I kind of missed one element to really hold my interest.

Also 6, everything she said. :)
09/01/2015 03:06:14 PM · #18
Looks like many perceived it as sunset. Was it?
09/01/2015 04:51:32 PM · #19
Originally posted by bohemka:

Looks like many perceived it as sunset. Was it?

It was a sunset, Scott. This is from her original (edited) post:

Originally posted by Neat:

...And I have to admit okay it wasn't the morning it was a sunset shot but I figured what is the difference because the colours produced in a sunrise and sunset....they to me are exactly the same, and it's too cold for me to get out there early in the morning :-)

...Actually I'm wondering if anyone else has the guts to say that they took their shot at sunset also ha!
09/01/2015 05:37:09 PM · #20
Thanks, Mark. I ain't read so good.
09/01/2015 05:52:21 PM · #21
Regarding sunrise vs sunset, bear in mind that there's actually no description on this challenge. Accordingly, I took the challenge to be something like "give us a sense of, a feeling of, morning with your shot." In voting it never occurred to me to question whether, say, a cup of coffee on a table in sunlight was actually shot in the morning, the evening, or at noon. Certainly, had anyone entered a STUDIO shot of same, it would have been irrelevant.

Photography is an art of illusion, IMO. It doesn't matter what the photographer DID, that's mundane, quotidian stuff. What matters is what we feel when we absorb the image.

Message edited by author 2015-09-01 17:53:08.
09/01/2015 07:21:15 PM · #22
I gave you a 6. But it did say sunset to me and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. The colours are harsh - reminds me almost of things blended in harsh light mode.
09/01/2015 08:09:40 PM · #23
Okay thanks everyone for your input I guessed a lot of the things that you mentioned were also points that I had in mind. Like I said it was a sunset shot so I guess you Smarties out there realised that ;-) I was just testing out the new camera, that's all and once again I was just so amazed at the colours that it produces.

Message edited by author 2015-09-01 20:10:18.
09/01/2015 08:30:21 PM · #24
Originally posted by Neat:

I was just testing out the new camera, that's all and once again I was just so amazed at the colours that it produces.

Maybe the ultimate test for that camera will be when you enter a sunrise shot in a "Sunset" challenge ... :-)
09/01/2015 09:36:31 PM · #25
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Regarding sunrise vs sunset, bear in mind that there's actually no description on this challenge. Accordingly, I took the challenge to be something like "give us a sense of, a feeling of, morning with your shot." In voting it never occurred to me to question whether, say, a cup of coffee on a table in sunlight was actually shot in the morning, the evening, or at noon. Certainly, had anyone entered a STUDIO shot of same, it would have been irrelevant.

Photography is an art of illusion, IMO. It doesn't matter what the photographer DID, that's mundane, quotidian stuff. What matters is what we feel when we absorb the image.

I don't think things came across as people doubting and marking down because the assumed sunset. You never can tell if it's sunset or saturation issues. I think what came across is that it didn't feel like morning however it got that way.
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