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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Panorama rule clarification please
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11/09/2015 04:11:09 AM · #1
There is always the possibility, when shooting panoramas, that a person could appear in more than one of the images and could therefore appear more than once in the final stitched image. I'm wondering if this would be acceptable under the rules, as they exist for this challenge. More specifically, I am unclear if such an image would be excluded by the "scene changes" restrictions referred to in the challenge description.

11/09/2015 04:57:45 AM · #2
It's a good question. As stated in the rule, "The intent of allowing multiple captures is to enable such techniques as high dynamic range (HDR), noise reduction, increased DOF, etc., but not to permit a subject from one scene to be inserted into a different scene, nor is it intended to allow a subject to appear in multiple places within a scene.", and in the challenge description, "HDR processing is allowed, subject to the usual restrictions regarding scene changes.", the restriction points to HDR processing specifically. While that makes sense considering that multiple exposures for any other reason are not allowed in Advanced Editing that restriction goes away with panoramas.

As I read this I would say that there's nothing in the challenge as described that would prohibit it, but I suspect it may not be in the spirit of the challenge. It would definitely help to have a clarification. I'm guessing that the incidental duplication of people within a scene might be OK, but if they are prominently and purposefully featured then perhaps not.
11/09/2015 05:00:32 AM · #3
I was thinking that the statement regarding scene changes was in relation to HDR. A panorama has to have completely different scenes and if someone appears in more than one image (or bird, car, boat, etc) that it would be acceptable as a rule but I'm happy to be corrected. However, unless it adds to the image, I would not be surprised if that would be frowned upon by some voters.
11/09/2015 06:14:09 AM · #4
The note in the challenge description about HDR being allowed makes no sense - you can always HDR in a challenge under advanced rules. ???
11/09/2015 07:52:16 AM · #5
Originally posted by glad2badad:

The note in the challenge description about HDR being allowed makes no sense - you can always HDR in a challenge under advanced rules. ???

I think it's just clarifying that you can, in fact, use HDR for the panorama without violating the policy that required there to be no change in scene between HDR frames. Essentially, each set of HDR source images that make up the panorama must still adhere to Advanced Rules, but by the nature of a panorama the scene can change from one set to another without rule violation.
11/09/2015 10:37:01 AM · #6
Originally posted by backdoorhippie:

Originally posted by glad2badad:

The note in the challenge description about HDR being allowed makes no sense - you can always HDR in a challenge under advanced rules. ???

I think it's just clarifying that you can, in fact, use HDR for the panorama without violating the policy that required there to be no change in scene between HDR frames. Essentially, each set of HDR source images that make up the panorama must still adhere to Advanced Rules, but by the nature of a panorama the scene can change from one set to another without rule violation.


As for the original question, that of course is the problem with panoramas; DPCers being the contentious lot they are, they'll try to find ways to "exploit" the "panorama loophole" and, if they do, we'll be annoyed :-) For example, if you stick your adorable kid in every frame of the panorama, we're gonna ding ya, that's ridiculous. A moving object appearing several times? Heck, I don't know. Let's just try and shoot "straight" panoramas and see what happens for this one, OK?

Think of this challenge as being a test bed for including panos in the advanced rules, and behave yourselves? (I wish...)
11/09/2015 10:42:43 AM · #7
When was behaving ever fun ?
11/11/2015 04:22:11 PM · #8
One question,

My point and shoot Sony Cybershot does panoramas as part of the regular setting in the camera, is that allowed?? Or does it have to be "stitched" I have not learned this technique yet and am having a very difficult time lining and getting things right in PS just with 5 shots... with my point and shoot, I just use the arrows and point in the direction I want to go and it does it for me automatically LOL

Allowed or not?

Message edited by author 2015-11-11 16:23:18.
11/11/2015 10:08:29 PM · #9
In-camera panoramas are fine, assuming they deliver a verifiable EXIF.
11/11/2015 11:05:51 PM · #10
Yes they do :-) Thank you its jpg thou :-)
11/14/2015 05:27:58 PM · #11
May I also point out that you MAY -- but are not required -- to stitch multiple images into a panoramic format. If you have a suitable wide-angle photo you can crop it into a panoramic image ...

11/14/2015 05:37:17 PM · #12
Originally posted by jgirl57:

Yes they do :-) Thank you its jpg thou :-)

Of course it's JPG :-) Just be sure to preserve an original and do your work on a copy.
11/16/2015 07:59:11 AM · #13
WTF....I thought Panorama was due Tuesday...I was so busy messing around with cleaning up my drives so I could store my panoramic meisterwerk on them that I didn't realize entry was Sunday night! Gonna go sulk now :-(
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