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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Landmark Photo Challenged! Possible DQ?
Showing posts 1 - 21 of 21, (reverse)
12/12/2004 09:31:43 AM · #1
Good Morning..First I want to say that it is an honor to have my Landmark Photo Challenged. I actually got excited whan I logged in this morning and saw it.
I clicked on the link to upload the original file and my explanation as to how I reached its final submission. HOWEVER, and that is a big however..While it was uploading. My computer froze up and I had to restart it, so I am unsure if it was receievd.
If your a site council member reading this. Please check to see that it was received so I can have a little peace of mind. OR.. if need be for me to uplaod it again.
It does say .."Thank you for submitting your proof..but I have this little voice in the back of my head telling me it all didn't upload properly..
I did write heida on this as well as using the contact DPC from the main menu bar...jsut trying to cover the bases so I dont' get disqualified over a techincal issue that has nothing to do with my submission.
12/12/2004 09:48:11 AM · #2
Good luck with the challenge, you've got the right attitude. To add to Slippers question to SC, what are the statistics on challenges? What percentage of pictures are challanged with each contest? Of those, how many are actually DQ'd? This seems like a big waste of time for what is probably a very small percentage of photos actually DQ'd.

Curious Newbie...

12/12/2004 09:53:21 AM · #3
Well I think the DQ process is neccessary. I prevents people from doing a lot of hoinky things.,,you like that "hoinky"..(:
Woould you want a ribbon to go to someone whom had submitted someone elses work? A photo so over editied it falls outside the challenge rules?..not me..I like the safety net of the Challenge..besides all of that..I like the idea that a newbiw like me was challenged even with the average vote on this picture below a 5.0..I like it I like It!
12/12/2004 10:02:01 AM · #4
Steven -

Look in the top left of the main screen, where it originally said your original was requested for verification. After your original is submitted, the message will say it was received. That is if I remember correctly from going through this process before. :)
12/12/2004 10:45:34 AM · #5
Hi Steven, we did recieve your file and are currently looking into it.
12/12/2004 10:55:36 AM · #6
Thank you Konador..
It is my shot..didn't do to much to it editing wise becuase I like it as it was. I have been reading tutorials online with my Photimpact8.0 software. It has been fun so far and things have been pretty easy.
Let me ask you something though..In your tutorial on desaturation..which I have to te-read a thousand time to "get it"..I was wondering, can I use layering to achieve the same effect without it falling outside of the challenge rules? You proabably know what I mean by that..but I use different software so the process may be differnt..
If I were to copy the orginal phot over 2 times..Convert one of them into momchrome..apply any effects like a zoom blur for instance..or hard light to the layer..then copy and paste it over the orginal layer merging the two..is that within DPC challenge guidlines?
I have an idea that I want to use for the Wind Challange that would involve desaturation leaving just one color behind + black and white.Just want to know if I can do it that way. I go tthe idea from your desaturation tutorial.

12/12/2004 10:58:16 AM · #7
Oh yeah...one more thing..How long does it take to know the decision?..on average?..not being pushy..but I am interested in seeing the results and where the picture stands in the ratings.
12/12/2004 11:00:58 AM · #8
Oh yeah..one more thing on top of one more thing..
Does having the phot challenged remove it from the voting process at the time it is being cvhallanged..ie..can people still vote on it? ..and what happens to the votes if it is approved? Just curios to know if it removed from the challange..it is the last day of voting and I would hate to miss out becuase someone decided to challenge it at the last minute...Who posses the challanges? Site council memebers? Other members? Things I would like to know!
12/12/2004 11:04:55 AM · #9
Originally posted by glass_slippers:

Oh yeah..one more thing on top of one more thing..
Does having the phot challenged remove it from the voting process at the time it is being cvhallanged..ie..can people still vote on it? ..and what happens to the votes if it is approved? Just curios to know if it removed from the challange..it is the last day of voting and I would hate to miss out becuase someone decided to challenge it at the last minute...Who posses the challanges? Site council memebers? Other members? Things I would like to know!

Your shot remains in the challenge while the review is going on. Assuming the photo is validated, things will continue like it was never challenged. Once we receive an original, it usually takes 48 hours to get a majority of SC members to review it.
12/12/2004 11:06:02 AM · #10
Regarding your layers question, you're not allowed to use multiple layers in the basic editing challenges. The effect must be applied to the whole photo.

We will normally come to a decision within 48 hours but it could take longer if there are complications.

When your photo is under investigation, people can still vote on it as normal.

Challenge topics are suggested by members in the Challenge Suggestions forum, and they are then added to 'the list' by the SC. The admins then approve them and assign them a random date to start.

Message edited by author 2004-12-12 11:29:11.
12/12/2004 11:28:11 AM · #11
Originally posted by glass_slippers:

Who posses the challanges? Site council memebers? Other members? Things I would like to know!

If by "poses the challenge" you mean "asks for the photo to be disqualified", any voter can request it by clicking the link underneath any challenge photo. They must enter a reason why they think it is DQ'able. This starts the DQ process (although to the person who submitted the photo, at this point, it appears as if nothing has happened). Next, the SC and admins look at the photo and the reason(s) given by the person or persons who have recommended it for DQ and vote on whether or not the DQ request has merit (sometimes they don't). If at least 3 SC/admin vote "Request Proof", notification to the submitter is sent via email (and also displayed to them on the home page) asking for them to upload the original. This is the first time the submitter is aware that their photo is in the validation process.

Even if proof is requested a few minutes before the voting deadline, there is no worry about the photo being removed. The validation process continues even after the results have been calculated.

Message edited by author 2004-12-12 11:33:48.
12/12/2004 11:51:35 AM · #12
Thank you for the clarification. You can understand my concern in this. I just feel that the timing of the challenge co-insiding with the last day of voting has put a lot of unfavorable questions in my mind.
When I refresh "my home page" to see updated statistics. I see changes reflected in my "Yellow Revisited" submission..ie..views..votes ..comments..but the Landmark photo that is being challenged statistics remain static and unchanging.
I feel that is un worthy to challenge a photo on the last day of voting..but that is just an opinion. It was probably one of the negative commetors I responded to that filled the challenge.
I am curios to know why they would think the photo would be Outside of the challenge rules or theme? What was the viewers commetn in the inital challenge? Do we ever get to know why a picture is challenged..or just that it was and the final result..In short do we get to see the compalint.
I feel like a grocery clerk who was fired because of a customer complaint without ever knowing who filed the complaint or hearing what the complaint was..Seems so unfair to leave it up to the objectivity of the SC without knowing the reason for the challenge.
Follow me on that? It is like being arrested, tried and sentenced/set free without knowing what the orginal charge was to begin with in the first place.
Just a few things swimming around in my head. I did and still do have the original photo and data that is attached to it. I didn't edit it using any means that fall outside of the challenge rules..
Is it possible to find out what the orginal challange to this photo stated? Maybe the forums are not the appropriate place to post a response to that question...but I would like to know what was going through the persons head when they submitted the challenge.

Message edited by Konador - Please don't make references to your entry.
12/12/2004 12:06:24 PM · #13
Was just reading the rules and came across this.."At any time, you may be asked to prove the validity of a challenge submission. Typically proof is requested during the voting period and the week after voting ends....this is the part I found interesting..could it be!!!!
The top-placing entries will always have proof requested so the photos can be validated by the Administrators and Site Council.

NAH...not me..to much a newbie to score that good!
12/12/2004 03:10:58 PM · #14
It is only after the results are posted that the top 5 entries have their originals requested.
12/12/2004 03:39:21 PM · #15
ahhhhh....well that answered that theory... (;
12/12/2004 07:02:16 PM · #16
Originally posted by glass_slippers:

Thank you for the clarification. You can understand my concern in this. I just feel that the timing of the challenge co-insiding with the last day of voting has put a lot of unfavorable questions in my mind.
When I refresh "my home page" to see updated statistics. I see changes reflected in my "Yellow Revisited" submission..ie..views..votes ..comments..but the Landmark photo that is being challenged statistics remain static and unchanging.
I feel that is un worthy to challenge a photo on the last day of voting..but that is just an opinion. It was probably one of the negative commetors I responded to that filled the challenge.
I am curios to know why they would think the photo would be Outside of the challenge rules or theme? What was the viewers commetn in the inital challenge? Do we ever get to know why a picture is challenged..or just that it was and the final result..In short do we get to see the compalint.
I feel like a grocery clerk who was fired because of a customer complaint without ever knowing who filed the complaint or hearing what the complaint was..Seems so unfair to leave it up to the objectivity of the SC without knowing the reason for the challenge.
Follow me on that? It is like being arrested, tried and sentenced/set free without knowing what the orginal charge was to begin with in the first place.
Just a few things swimming around in my head. I did and still do have the original photo and data that is attached to it. I didn't edit it using any means that fall outside of the challenge rules..
Is it possible to find out what the orginal challange to this photo stated? Maybe the forums are not the appropriate place to post a response to that question...but I would like to know what was going through the persons head when they submitted the challenge.

We can all understand that you are concerned, this being your first time through the process and all. But try to think about it from a wider perspective than your own particular situation at the moment.

There is nothing wrong with requesting that an entry be investigated for a possible rules violation on the last day of voting, it amounts to the same thing as doing it on the first day. In fact, requests for DQ can be made up to a week after the close of voting, and might be accepted somewhat later than that in exceptional circumstances. Not every voter is able to look at all of the entries at the beginning of the week.

Even though your curiosity is arroused at the time your entry is questioned, it would not be beneficial to the dpc community as a whole if you were to be made aware of the questioner's thinking. This would lead to even fewer voters being willing to ask for validation of questionable entries. Who wants the hassle of having to defend their thinking when it is the role of the SC (once they are alerted to the possibility of a rules violation by a request for DQ) to determine whether the entry needs to be investigated, and possibly DQ'ed?

Under the current system there is no method for you "to know what was going through the persons head when they submitted the challenge". And if you can think about it objectively, without the albatross of your current entry being under investigation, you can see that it really wouldn't be a desirable way to run the challenges if you did have such a method.

Relax and let the process play itself out. If you didn't violate the rules you have nothing at all to worry about. You are going through a learning experience not everyone enjoys. But there is benefit for you just in having been through it.

Message edited by author 2004-12-12 19:06:17.
12/13/2004 07:18:37 AM · #17
And that is exactly what I mean..its total bullcrap..The Site Council disqualified my entry because they say it was not taken during the challenge dates..WHICH IS AN OUTRRIGHT FRICKEN LIE.....I uploaded the orginal photgraph with the orginal data at their request. Was even glad that it was asked. This morning I woke up to a disqualification letter..Well I will tel you what..I have 48 hours according to the rule to upload the orginals..correct..SO INSTEAD OF RE-ASKING ME TO UPLOAD IT..PERHAPS I DID IT WRONG..THEY DISQUALIFY ME..THAT IS TOTAL FRICKEN BULLCRAP AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF THIS SITE GETS ANOTHER 5CENTS OUT ME UNTIL THIS ISSUE IS RESOLVED......
12/13/2004 07:30:12 AM · #18
Replied here.

12/13/2004 10:30:08 AM · #19
sounds as if this may be another one of those, "the camera date is not set," things.
did you look at your own EXIF data? What does the date say?
12/13/2004 10:32:04 AM · #20
hehe...let's not get started!

Edit: check out the locked thread!

Message edited by author 2004-12-13 10:32:17.
12/13/2004 10:33:58 AM · #21
since this is being continued in another thread, there is no need for this one, I guess . . . .
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