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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> critique request - color vs. b&w
Showing posts 1 - 24 of 24, (reverse)
08/16/2002 07:38:22 PM · #1
i have two versions of a photo that i took yesterday posted here. in fact, i posted one of them on another websites and got several requests for the other version. i'd love to hear your guys preference and why you like one better than the other. or why you don't like either one.
08/16/2002 07:46:38 PM · #2
Wow..both are great but my vote is definately for the b&w. It is more visually dynamic to me than the color version. For some reason there is something about the background that takes away from the subject when it is in color. Also, I think that the b&w brings out the little flecks of rust better. I'm no expert but there's my opinion for what its worth ;).

08/16/2002 07:49:05 PM · #3
I like the color because you can see more, B&W can only do so much... The color photo really allows the rusted color to stand out, where as the B&W - well its only B&W... Depends on what YOU as the photographer are trying to convey...
08/16/2002 07:56:47 PM · #4
I like both. As they are I feel the color one stands out more.

First the choice of colors is very nice; the reddish rust and the green background make a very nice contrast.

Another reason I feel the color one stands out more is that the background in the B&W version seems a bit too light (or lighter than the green which emphasizes the rust colored subject more than the light grey background does the subject in the B&W version. Perhaps if the levels were a bit different to darken the background a bit in the B&W it would have more impact.

The color one speaks a bit more to me because additionally the green background gives the feeling of the country accompanied by the rusty cable and spool it evokes a more rustic feel to the picture which seems to be what you are going for (although I could obviously be completely wrong on that point).

The green also lends the mechanical subject an organic (and more personal) feeling. In the B&W its harder for the veiwer to get a feeling for what is being shown; for example the B&W could be a cable with an ocean or lake in the background.

Thinking about it more I feel the B&W robs a bit of the warmth of the shot as well. I tried adding a bit of sepia tint to it and I liked the warmer feeling it gave to the shot better.
08/16/2002 07:58:54 PM · #5
Wow this is a tough one. I like the color picture because I love the green for the background and I also like how I can see the color of the rust, the weathered look. The b/w picture is good. Just seems a little boring after seeing the color. Don't get me wrong I like b/w photos. :)
08/16/2002 08:37:53 PM · #6
I like the color of the rust in this case. B & W just doesn't show that.[url=My photos]null[/url]My Photographs
08/16/2002 10:10:41 PM · #7
It's a great shoot in either version. If they were mine I'd do a little tweeking. The B&W could stand a little more contrast. Maybe it's my monitor but I find the green background unharmonius with the redpurple of the rust. I would play around with the channels or substitue another color fro the green. Otherwise I am strongly drawn to the color version because I like strong colors. That does not say that one is better than the other. aelith
08/16/2002 10:15:01 PM · #8
thank you all for your comments and critiques, i guess i should've known that there wasn't going to be a clear preference ;) i still can't make up my mind, either, but i agree that i should probably play around with the b&w version some more. :)
08/16/2002 11:46:32 PM · #9

This is a difficult image to decide if one works better than the other. Each version has its own merits... The color version offers a nice sense of antiquity with the rust color on the subject. The black and white version offers a similar sense in the textures of the rust. As a fan of black and white, I prefer the black and white version of this photo. The color version is great too :)
08/17/2002 12:38:04 AM · #10
The BW as you have it is not as strong as the color.
Originally posted by gr8photos:
i have two versions of a photo that i took yesterday posted here. in fact, i posted one of them on another websites and got several requests for the other version. i'd love to hear your guys preference and why you like one better than the other. or why you don't like either one.

08/17/2002 10:30:44 AM · #11
The sign of a great photograph... it works well in both B&W and color...
I think this one comes down to personal preferance.

My vote is.... Both! :-P
08/17/2002 10:32:18 AM · #12
Gotta love this site =)

For what good it does, I will add that I by far perfer the B&W. While the color is good the background seems almost as if it was painted in the color version. This may be a problem solved by higher resolution however.

08/17/2002 01:47:55 PM · #13
I prefer the b&w because my attention is fully focussed on the foreground subject in that one. The colour one has my eye flicking to the lighter green background.

Either way - TOP photo.

08/17/2002 04:38:26 PM · #14
Like both but prefer BW.

08/17/2002 05:02:32 PM · #15
Originally posted by gr8photos:
i have two versions of a photo that i took yesterday posted here. in fact, i posted one of them on another websites and got several requests for the other version. i'd love to hear your guys preference and why you like one better than the other. or why you don't like either one.

08/17/2002 07:16:49 PM · #16

08/17/2002 08:18:33 PM · #17
they both are great, but I really like the b&w - Gordon's version gives it that little extra something though.
08/18/2002 02:30:35 AM · #18
Originally posted by GordonMcGregor:

...How about this ? Converted to B&W then toned up with a rusty duotone...

I like the duotone best. It is a bit more contrastry and adds to the mood.
08/18/2002 09:35:42 AM · #19
Great work Gordon. Care to describe the process of what you did to the photo to make it like that?

Like a few others I think I like Gordon's version best of all.

08/18/2002 11:57:30 AM · #20
Originally posted by floyd:
Great work Gordon. Care to describe the process of what you did to the photo to make it like that?

Like a few others I think I like Gordon's version best of all.


So I downloaded the colour version, and loaded it into photoshop.
Switched it into 16 bit colour mode as I was going to play around
with the levels/ curves and stuff and wanted some space to change
things in.

Used curves to tweak the contrast, with a sort of inverted S shaped
curve - basically push up in the upper right and down in the lower
left - makes the brights brighter and the darks darker, over all
stretching the contrast.

Used the channel mixer to convert to black & white, with the greyscale
option checked, and played around with the sliders to get a good mix
(based on the image being quite red from the rust, and playing down
the green in the background) Also dropped the 'overall' setting a bit
to make it darker.

After that, tweaked the contrast again using the curves, and converted
to grey scale from the Image menu. With it in greyscale, also put it
into 8 bit colour mode, and then duotoned it with a custom duotone,
picking out a red/ rusty colour.

After all that, I converted it back to RGB mode, and used KPT Equaliser
to sharpen the shot a bit and then faded the sharpened version down to
give the final version, with the 'Edit/ fade filter option'

Saved for web, optimised to 150k and uploaded it to pbase... simple!
08/18/2002 12:16:19 PM · #21
very cool, gordon. i think i'll try and recreate that. although i'm not sure whethe my LE software allows me to do all that duotone stuff. thanks for the info! :)
08/18/2002 06:44:08 PM · #22
I took an afternoon ride to a local waterfall and grist mill this afternoon with my girlfriend. I shot these photos:

McGalliard Falls

I put b/w and color versions of each in the gallery. I would love to hear any comments on why one format works better than the other....

08/18/2002 06:45:32 PM · #23
I followed all of that except this bit...

Originally posted by GordonMcGregor:
and then duotoned it with a custom duotone,
picking out a red/ rusty colour.

08/18/2002 07:21:25 PM · #24
Originally posted by floyd:
I followed all of that except this bit...

Originally posted by GordonMcGregor:
[i]and then duotoned it with a custom duotone,
picking out a red/ rusty colour.


This sort of thing.
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