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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> The voting
Showing posts 1 - 12 of 12, (reverse)
01/06/2005 02:21:48 AM · #1
I'm new and probably not very good at voting.......finally when I decide to participate with a photo I'm worried about my throat being slashed online! I'm enjoying the site very much though. Do people get easily hurt when they get a low score on their photos? I'm on dial-up still so I cannot get the images to load fast enough...maybe not enough time to go through all the photos participating....do others have the same problem, not being able to look at the photos well enough?

01/06/2005 02:33:28 AM · #2
the best advice i can give is to lose the dialup, if u can, of course. at 20kps the site loads fast enough.

dont be worried about being slashed: my first photo didnt placed last in my first challenge :)

Message edited by author 2005-01-06 02:38:34.
01/06/2005 02:36:53 AM · #3
nah dont worry about people's feelings, go with your own feelings,
you remain anonymous, unless you leave a comment.
there are some meanies on this site who never give out 10's and
plenty of 1's, hope you wont become one of them :)
welcome,have fun here, submit, you may need some antidepressants for the
first few challenges, until you get thick skinned :)
01/06/2005 03:29:49 AM · #4
I'll second that , It is not a matter of points I,m here to enjoy myself and I think I can still drag up a few "stinkers" in the challenges , if you like your shot go with it youll find that there will be like minded people here.
Originally posted by goodman:

nah dont worry about people's feelings, go with your own feelings,
you remain anonymous, unless you leave a comment.
there are some meanies on this site who never give out 10's and
plenty of 1's, hope you wont become one of them :)
welcome,have fun here, submit, you may need some antidepressants for the
first few challenges, until you get thick skinned :)
01/06/2005 05:46:57 AM · #5
It's like any critical forum.

I try to fond something I like about an image, as well as what I'd do differently. Offer your opinion courteously, and I thnk people will respond well to you. Keep in mind art is subjective, we all ahve differing opinions and tastes. I've seen some images I thought were great score low, and vice versa. Try to look at your own image from other's point of view.

As for the people who try to make themselves feel better at your expense: pity them. Then ignore their mannerisms.
01/06/2005 06:55:00 AM · #6
Originally posted by Xilebo:

.......finally when I decide to participate with a photo I'm worried about my throat being slashed online!

I have had members (a very few) email me with insults because I said thier work was out of focus or not original. This while the chalange was still being voted on. What can I say, you put your work out there expect feedback. I mean I'm not going to kiss someone's a__ just to make them happy. To me telling someone with an out of focus picture that thier image is great does them an injustice. I expect honest criticism of my work.
01/06/2005 08:01:31 AM · #7
Arghhh loosing the dial-up! I wish, we are still a bit far for the ADSL to reach us...been waiting nearly 2 years.

The pages load quick enough from thumbnails....it's selecting which images to open up fully that slows me down..
I promise not to be mean :) I'm probably giving too low scores though, maybe better not to vote on those that I don't like at all then???

On average, how many photos does everyone vote on? Exactly the percentage required or do you go much higher?
01/06/2005 08:08:08 AM · #8
Originally posted by Xilebo:

On average, how many photos does everyone vote on? Exactly the percentage required or do you go much higher?

I try to vote on all of them if I can, just to be fair.
01/06/2005 08:09:32 AM · #9
From a purely personal perspective i would ask folks to please, please not vote from thumbnails. I know it's possible to defeat the "random voting" by selecting individual photos from the thumbnail page, but by doing this you are slighting some great photos because a tiny thumbnail does not look enticing. Pre-judging in this manner defeats a major feature of the site.
The presentation order of the photos to the voters is supposed to be random, which should guarantee all pics an equal chance for votes. If you cannot vote on all of the entries, don't worry about that, just take the photos in the order they are presneted, ad vote on as many as you have time to or are comfortable with.
01/07/2005 03:47:43 AM · #10
Glad I started this thread, yes Kirbic, you are right, just didn't realize the whole voting was set up like that, even though in order to get from one photo to the next I have to vote on it, let me try again.
01/07/2005 07:55:19 AM · #11
Originally posted by Xilebo:

Glad I started this thread, yes Kirbic, you are right, just didn't realize the whole voting was set up like that, even though in order to get from one photo to the next I have to vote on it, let me try again.

Actually, I believe you do not HAVE to vote on each photo using the process that kirbic mentions. Once you have a photo in front of you (full size) you can vote on it or select one of the navigation carets (<< or >>) that show on the vote number line to go to the previous/next photo.

(BAD) << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> (GOOD)

Not agreeing or disagreeing with the process...just saying it is available. Have fun! :-)
01/07/2005 11:30:50 AM · #12
Saw it now, thanks >>>>>>
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