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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Canon service: Good or bad?
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01/18/2005 10:28:20 PM · #1
I have been lucky over the years in that I have rarely needed anything I have owned repaired. Many times that was because if something broke it was often less expensive to replace it then to have it rapaired. That was way back in the days of MF Pentax cameras. I never had the first problem with my Nikon N90 and it was once even thrown out the window of a moving truck.

Enter the digital age.

Last summer I sent an EF 85mm f/1.2 in to the NJ facility because I had found an air bubble in the front element. Wasn't large. In fact it was very hard to notice, but when I spend $1500 on a lens I want it right.

I sent it in. Later I called the facility and talked to the tech who told me it was only dust and not to worry. I said if it was dust, and I knew it wasn't, that the lens was new and I wanted it back without the dust. A week later I get it back - with 23 spects of dust between the first and second element, the retainer ring badly marred and about five little chunks of aluminum from that ring floating around inside.

I sent it back and this time it stayed lost for three weeks. When they did find it they told me that they had to calculate how much the bill would be and get my approval before they could begin repair.

I sent a long and in detail letter which told dark tales of NY lawyers and after holding my lens for a total of 7 weeks between both times, they did as I asked and sent me a new lens.

On January 8th of this year, about a week and a half ago I sent in my 1Ds for calibration and cleaning. Focus was getting soft. I sent it registered and insured to the NJ facility. Tracking number says it arrived on the 13th. I have called three times since the middle of last week to check the status. They can't locate the camera.

Has anyone else had this type of problem or am I jynxed?
01/18/2005 10:33:35 PM · #2
I believe the proper technical term is "cursed." Yes, I've checked,and that is definitely the applicable term ;)
On a serious note, I have not sent anything to Canon service, however I need to do so at my next opportunity, and since I've frequently heard of long (many weeks) delays and non-repair repairs, I'm pretty skittish. I do believe, though, that the actual number of botched repairs is relatively small, just that few people post with a good experience.
01/18/2005 10:38:23 PM · #3
Hate to say this but these are Japanese cameras (the better ones anyway) and things made there are generally made to higher standards (as our friends in the Detroit auto industry have learned in the past 30 years). Unfortunately, when they break, they are being fixed in America, and American standards of quality just arent as high. Too bad, you can't send it to Japan to be fixed
01/18/2005 10:42:21 PM · #4
No you're not alone. I've sent my camera into the Irvine California repair center numerous times. I've had both good and bad experience. Some bad highlights include one time when they sent the camera and a lens back in a bag without proper padding and the lens scratched the hell out of the top LCD prompting an immediate return visit and another incident where they had the camera for nearly two months. They kept telling me they were waiting for a part but it turned out that the part had arrived within a week but by then they had forgotten about the camera. Add into this the black hole of a shipping area I live in and I was without my camera for nearly a thrid of the warranty period. One service rep joked that there was nothing left of my original camera except the frame.

Message edited by author 2005-01-18 22:43:40.
01/19/2005 12:16:26 PM · #5
Well, I just called Canon and they said they found my 1Ds and are now working on it. We'll see.
01/19/2005 12:30:43 PM · #6
I had to have my 70-200mm f/2.8L IS serviced, got it back 10 days later in perfect working order.
01/19/2005 12:37:11 PM · #7
Luckily, I live close enough to drive my camera over to Irvine when I need it cleaned. Should anything break, I would also take it there. I have had good service (cleaning), but the wait time for a full maintenance and look over is 2 weeks! I can't be without my camera for 2 weeks, ever!!!!
01/19/2005 12:37:45 PM · #8
I had my 70-200mm f4 recalibrated. it took more like 20 days, but they fixed it. positive experience, i'd say

01/19/2005 01:22:58 PM · #9
I was about to post a new thread on this as I need some advice re Canon service in the UK. Any UK dpcers' used COLCHESTER CAMERA REPAIR SERVICES LTD ? If not any recommendations


01/19/2005 01:30:56 PM · #10
I've been fortunate in the year and a half (and 15,000 images) with my 10D, that I haven't needed service (...knock on wood), but I know it can't be far off.

Related to the original poster's question: Does anyone have any experience with any 3rd party service vendors for Canon equipment? Do they exist, or is Canon the only option?

01/19/2005 01:46:37 PM · #11
I think Canon intentionally makes it take a long time to get your camera/lens serviced. It's there way of discouraging people from asking for too much free service under warranty. If the volume stayed the same it would cost no more to process them out in a day or two.
01/19/2005 03:16:28 PM · #12
Bump for the evening Brits!!

01/19/2005 05:28:57 PM · #13
Originally posted by coolhar:

I think Canon intentionally makes it take a long time to get your camera/lens serviced. It's there way of discouraging people from asking for too much free service under warranty. If the volume stayed the same it would cost no more to process them out in a day or two.

There could be some truth in that. I had something repaired on a camera a while back and was told it would take 4-6 weeks (or whatever it was). However, it was not warranty work, I paid for it in $.

It jumped right to the top of the pile and I had the camera back in under a week.

It turns out they did not fix it properly. They sent a courier, picked it up, redid the repair, courier back. Interestingly the second repair was far larger and they replaced the shutter ,.... but never billed me for even the additional parts (would have expected them to, but not the additional labour).

So, I have been very happy indeed with Canon Australia, although my experience is not with warranty work.
01/19/2005 05:51:51 PM · #14
I recently sent my 10D in because there were defects in the CMOS sensor. They replaced the sensor and did a tune-up\lube-job and had it back to me in just a few days--free of charge. I was really surprised that they got it back to me as quickly as they did.

Maybe it a karma thing?

01/19/2005 05:54:11 PM · #15
My experience with the Illinois-based Canon service was good. I had a problem that is apparently common with the Powershot a70, a malfunctioning lens that causes error 18 to appear on the screen. They repaired it and had it back to me within 10 days.
01/19/2005 06:36:18 PM · #16
Well, there's three good experiences in a row. So maybe the consensus is that there is a wide range of outcomes when dealing with Canon repair. Wish there was a way to figure what it takes to get the better ones. Wonder if I could send my 20D down under and have Simon put it in for me at Canon Australia?
01/19/2005 08:18:47 PM · #17
Originally posted by coolhar:

Wish there was a way to figure what it takes to get the better ones.

Like I said, maybe it's a karma thing.

Seriously, it probably has more to do with little things like who is working that day, did that person have a fight with his\her significant other the night before, did a butterfly in Brazil flap its wings and set off a Tornado in Texas the day before, etc, etc. You know, that chaos theory stuff.

01/19/2005 08:41:25 PM · #18
I'm currently waiting for a lens under warranty to be repaired as it started shooting out ERR99s for no apparant reason. It's been in exactly a month and no word. The camera shop rep told me that Canon are notoriously slow. I've been waiting about as long for my remote cable release order to be filled as well. This is in Australia.
01/19/2005 08:58:29 PM · #19
Originally posted by coolhar:

Wonder if I could send my 20D down under and have Simon put it in for me at Canon Australia?

Sure, just post it to me in a plain paper bag.

Camera? What camera? Are you sure you posted it to me as I don't recall ever having received it ;)

Pssssssttttt, anyone wanna buy a used 20D?
01/19/2005 09:17:55 PM · #20
Originally posted by Natator:

Pssssssttttt, anyone wanna buy a used 20D?

But it would be a broken 20D so you coundn't get full value for it.
01/24/2005 10:27:18 PM · #21
I called Canon today and they said they found my 1Ds and that they had been fixing it since last Wednesday. The lady told me they weren't finished with it yet, but would ship it out as soon as they were.

It was sent in for calibration and cleaning. I can see where that high level of repair might take days or even weeks to complete so I'll be patient. Maybe I'll get lucky and get it back before St. Pattys.
01/24/2005 10:41:48 PM · #22
Sounds like it got stuck and you should have bashed it against the wall.ROFL... But seriously Nikon has given me great service. I sent in an AF 70-210 that was about 13 years old and had literally come apart at the seems. It came back to me in about 2 weeks and worked as goos as when I took it out of the box 13 years ago.
01/24/2005 10:44:36 PM · #23
Originally posted by RedSkyPhoto:

Sounds like it got stuck and you should have bashed it against the wall.ROFL...

I think I tried that a few times.
01/24/2005 11:01:36 PM · #24
I have sent 2 lens and a body away for repair, on these occassions I was very diligent to call canon and tell them I wanted my equipment soon, that I was not too impressed that my new and expensive equipment continued to be a problem, on both occassions they were very good about trying to be fast, on the second go around and third they paid for shipping both ways vs. one.
I would call them if you think it is an unreasonable amount of time.
01/25/2005 12:31:58 PM · #25
Current Repair Status
Status:Repair Has Been Completed
(Unit will be delivered to you within approximately 4 business days)

Shipping /
Tracking Not yet shipped

YAAAAHOOOOO! I hope it works.

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