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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> If you're gonna comment...
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 74, (reverse)
04/30/2005 12:49:18 PM · #1
Ok. I know that some of you are working your little tushies off the get enough comments to enter the Invitational Challenge, HOWEVER... If you're gonna take the time to leave me a comment saying that you're "forced to comment" and then not say anything else then PHOOEY ON YOU!!!!
Frankly, I don't think comments like that should count towards your quota.
You know who you are.
04/30/2005 12:56:19 PM · #2
how many comments do you need? isnt it for people who gave more comments than recieved?
04/30/2005 12:57:40 PM · #3
Sorry - meant 'give enough comments', not 'get enough comments'. Finger fumble on the keyboard.
04/30/2005 01:01:00 PM · #4
FWIW, the SC is aware of the user you are referring to :-)
04/30/2005 01:02:04 PM · #5
Thank you!!
04/30/2005 01:02:28 PM · #6
Originally posted by kirbic:

FWIW, the SC is aware of the user you are referring to :-)


04/30/2005 01:02:49 PM · #7
Thank you!!
04/30/2005 01:03:13 PM · #8
i think that we should have a thread to report these people who leave 'forced to comment' remarks

i dont mind comments that say that they like the picture but i think that this is unacceptable:

"[quality comment] Forced to comment if I want to participate in challenge submissions [/quality comment]"

edit: i guess i am a really slow typer... it looks like this has been taken care of

Message edited by author 2005-04-30 13:04:40.
04/30/2005 01:07:55 PM · #9
I think he is sick of people leaving the comment "Force to make comments" in his commnet box. Frankly I find some of the people here on this sight to be a bit trite. IF you have to stoop so low as to pull a stunt like that just to get into a challenge you should not be here. There are people like here that make comment to help people learn and better their photography and take the time to give and intelligent and insightful opinion to others. This is just laziness.
04/30/2005 01:08:05 PM · #10
what a lolife thing to do ! lol. go get em SC !
04/30/2005 01:20:10 PM · #11
Originally posted by lemondster:

i think that we should have a thread to report these people who leave 'forced to comment' remarks

You're always welcome to contact any of the SC members if you want to report things. It's probably more effect (and generally more civil) than starting a thread.
04/30/2005 01:25:11 PM · #12
Thanks mk. Sorry I let my fingers direct my brain this time. I'll keep this in mind in the future, though I hope I won't have to contact you guys.
04/30/2005 01:25:47 PM · #13
I sometimes can not find anything to pick about in a picture, but I will feel moved to say atleast "WOW"...and "nice job"... my time runs short a lot of times taking care of little ones so I dont make comments to beat quotas... I wont enter a challenge either if it is required to have more then what I can do...

So since we are on the subject... I am interested in knowing what a "real" or "true" "quality comment" consists of?

Lets see if we can make the little quota quality commentor or anyone else like this a little smarter... lol :)
04/30/2005 01:27:16 PM · #14
Im the one that pulled that stunt... its similar to the stunt DP challenge pulls when requiring its members to have commented on posts in order to participate in a challenge (not all challenges) I dont often feel like making a comment nor feel I should be required to do so... but if Im forced to make a comment shouldnt any comment Im forced to make be acceptable (how about the generic comments) nice DOF, good job, a real winner, brilliant, nice photo... blabbidy bla bla...

We'll all find a way to justify our own position on this issue ( I've just stated mine)
04/30/2005 01:28:38 PM · #15
Originally posted by tolovemoon:

I sometimes can not find anything to pick about in a picture, but I will feel moved to say atleast "WOW"...and "nice job"... my time runs short a lot of times taking care of little ones so I dont make comments to beat quotas... I wont enter a challenge either if it is required to have more then what I can do...

So since we are on the subject... I am interested in knowing what a "real" or "true" "quality comment" consists of?

Lets see if we can make the little quota quality commentor or anyone else like this a little smarter... lol :)

We're interested in pattern of abuse. If we see a "wow" or "nice shot" comment mixed in with dozens of helpful and constructive comments, we really don't care. It we see

nice shot
nice shot
nice shot
nice shot

Then that's probably abuse and we'll treat it accordingly.

We will also look at the user's pattern of comments before and after the challenge announcement. If we see a change in the quality of the comments, that will be taken into consideration as well.

04/30/2005 01:34:15 PM · #16
you are never required to comment. this is an extra challenge for those that have tried to. as always, you don't have to enter, and if you (or anyone) feels that strongly about it (which is fine), just skip it. no need to waste your time . . .
04/30/2005 01:37:32 PM · #17
Originally posted by gusto:

Im the one that pulled that stunt... its similar to the stunt DP challenge pulls when requiring its members to have commented on posts in order to participate in a challenge (not all challenges) I dont often feel like making a comment nor feel I should be required to do so... but if Im forced to make a comment shouldnt any comment Im forced to make be acceptable (how about the generic comments) nice DOF, good job, a real winner, brilliant, nice photo... blabbidy bla bla...

We'll all find a way to justify our own position on this issue ( I've just stated mine)

i havent been here that long and i havnet made too many comments so i am unable to participate in the challange.
i am not upset that the SC is rewarding people that are involved and help other people.
the commenting is there to help people get feedback on their technique not for members to abuse
04/30/2005 01:41:09 PM · #18
It has been my experience in life that you can't force people to make a useful contribution. Sometimes you can coerce people to participate, as the dreams challenge does, but if people are participating, not out of desire, but out of obligation, their contribution will be next to useless.
04/30/2005 01:43:43 PM · #19
Nobody is being forced to participate. The people who want to give more comments are being given an additional opportunity. If you don't want to comment, don't and just go about your normal business.
04/30/2005 01:47:16 PM · #20
Originally posted by mk:

Nobody is being forced to participate. The people who want to give more comments are being given an additional opportunity. If you don't want to comment, don't and just go about your normal business.

I think coerced is a more accurate description.
04/30/2005 01:48:48 PM · #21
Reminds me of kindergarten sord of... LOL sometimes these threads I wonder about...

I'll get out the way now ... sorry if I stirred up to much..
04/30/2005 01:50:56 PM · #22

Noone's being coerced either. This is an invitational challenge that you may or may not qualify for. If you want to participate and don't currently qualify then the guidelines have been set out.

It's an extra challenge not a replacement for the existing member's challenge. If it were then I could see the point that's trying to be made however it isn't. Special rules have been applied before this is no different.
04/30/2005 01:51:42 PM · #23
Originally posted by tolovemoon:

Reminds me of kindergarten sord of... LOL sometimes these threads I wonder about...

I'll get out the way now ... sorry if I stirred up to much..

if there are this many replies i bet it would have come out anyway, but i think many of us were waiting for someone else to start the discussion.

no worries it wasnt your fault
04/30/2005 01:55:44 PM · #24
well Terry i guess i abuse the DPC commenting system by sayin nice shot. I thought that saying "Nice Shot" would let them know that I liked it..I dont have the skill to say things about the composition, lighting, set up or whatever..I have only done fair challenges, so how can i give someone else constructive criticism when i need it myself? I havent said "Nice Shot" just to get the Comment Callenge because i already had made enough comments before it was even brought up..I really dont understand how so many people complain about not getting comments than complain when you do.
04/30/2005 01:58:51 PM · #25
Originally posted by queanbeez:

well Terry i guess i abuse the DPC commenting system by sayin nice shot. I thought that saying "Nice Shot" would let them know that I liked it..I dont have the skill to say things about the composition, lighting, set up or whatever..I have only done fair challenges, so how can i give someone else constructive criticism when i need it myself? I havent said "Nice Shot" just to get the Comment Callenge because i already had made enough comments before it was even brought up..I really dont understand how so many people complain about not getting comments than complain when you do.

Short of technical comments you could say what makes you say 'nice shot'. Was it the colour or maybe a sense of drama. Whatever, you don't have to get technical at all. In fact by expressing yourself this way will help you with your own images as you begin to see more and more in other's images.

Message edited by author 2005-04-30 13:59:49.
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