Author | Thread |
09/30/2002 09:57:18 AM · #1 |
I am getting a very low score and comments that the challenge is to have a reflection and not a good looking subject with a poor reflection. PLEASE PLEASE look at the full pics this month. My photo is a full reflection and the reflection within the pic is not the challenge. The challenge is the WHOLE PHOTO.
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 10:10:33 AM. |
09/30/2002 10:16:30 AM · #2 |
I feel your pain mate.. My photo is being downmarked becuase people are not observing what they see correctly.. and I state what I posted in the forums last week.. "People are voting for 'pretty pictures' and not taking the challenge into account".. My picture this week is my first entry and currently is being rated rather poorly, it may be my own fault because the picture is TOO clever for its own good, maybe I should dumb down some of my entries in future to boost my score.. |
09/30/2002 11:12:20 AM · #3 |
I am apparently being bashed for the same reason. I took great pains to keep my refection clear of everything except the scene...must be on different wave length. |
09/30/2002 11:18:48 AM · #4 |
Originally posted by marksimms: "People are voting for 'pretty pictures' and not taking the challenge into account"..
How pretty a picture is DOES come into it. Though I'd use the word attractive or appealing since sometimes the photos that are high impact/ high score have strong appeal but not necessarily pretty content.
A photo which meets the challenge but is "ugly" or unappealing does not, imo, deserve as high a score as a photo which meets the challenge and is also visually attractive.
Of course, a photo which is attractive but doesnt meet the challenge very well should not score higher than one that meets the challenge but isn't attractive. Infact they'd probably be similar in score from me, as long as the first did meet the challenge to SOME extent.
Sometimes it isnt that voters aren't clever enough, they might "get it" and still not like your photo.
Just my 2p.
09/30/2002 11:29:34 AM · #5 |
Ditto... I'm dead here. So on to GARBAGE!! |
09/30/2002 12:50:08 PM · #6 |
Kavey, I know what you are saying by attractive, but a picture of a <<edited out due to request>> may look attractive, but its been done a million times before, unless someone does something different or creative with that aforemention landscape then I will mark it down on originality and creativeness (ifs its technically and aesthetically pleaseing but not original then it may be lucky to get a 5 or 6 out of me), if I can see someone has put a lot of effort into capturing a "posed" photo, wether it be posed objects or people and they have tried to break some creative barriers but the quality of the actual shot isn't up to scratch (wether it be lack of skill or lower end equipment) then I wont mark it down as much.. Basically anyone can go out, find a reflection, point a camera at it and shoot... But if someone tries something different, then they will get my vote everytime...
One mans meat is another mans poison....
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/1/2002 3:35:09 AM. |
09/30/2002 01:00:02 PM · #7 |
Sometimes people have a hard time understanding how technically difficult a photo was to make, or how unusual the circumstances were that allowed you to create a photo.
I often regret doing technically difficult photos like the one I did this week. It's inevitable people don't understand how that photo can be made and if its unique then you lose out on the middle of the road vote as well.
But..I take photographs for me. Long after this site is a memory to me I will be able to take the photos I worked on and grow from them. I can take sunset photos and bee photos and the many other standard photos that are always around me at my leisure. It's the unusual efforts that help me the most..Ihope others are taking advantage of doing the same here and not just taking photos they would take even if the site weren't here.
09/30/2002 01:00:35 PM · #8 |
How should I rate a photo that is such a perfect reflection that I can't tell it's a reflection? If there are no reference points to indicate that what I see is a reflection, what separates that photo from a normal straight on shot of the same subject?
09/30/2002 01:19:17 PM · #9 |
This is my first submission and i am hoping someone will leave comments on my picture so that i don't just have 'votes' to count from... and so far my votes are pretty low 4.something... i feel as though my content is turning people off from my picture (omited due to the fact i didn't know we were supposed to keep our pics a secret *sorry*)...
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 4:12:30 PM. |
09/30/2002 01:28:26 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by JohnSetzler : How should I rate a photo that is such a perfect reflection that I can't tell it's a reflection? If there are no reference points to indicate that what I see is a reflection, what separates that photo from a normal straight on shot of the same subject?
Look for things that maybe read backwards or appear opposite to what they would normally be.. |
09/30/2002 01:36:57 PM · #11 |
Actually I think I gave that a 7.. I usually vote on as many pictures as I can, then go through the ones I DIDN'T like and comment on them as to why I didn't like them, I should think this is more constructive to the photographer.. So if I gave you a 7 then I doubt you will be hearing from me :-)
Originally posted by LittleGreenKat: This is my first submission and i am hoping someone will leave comments on my picture so that i don't just have 'votes' to count from... and so far my votes are pretty low 4.something... i feel as though my content is turning people off from my picture (its the latex skirt one)...
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 1:36:37 PM. |
09/30/2002 01:42:00 PM · #12 |
welcome to dpc, like your handle. just a hint for future reference ... we try and keep our submissions anonymous until the voting is over! :)
Originally posted by LittleGreenKat: This is my first submission and i am hoping someone will leave comments on my picture so that i don't just have 'votes' to count from... and so far my votes are pretty low 4.something... i feel as though my content is turning people off from my picture (its the <edited> one)...
09/30/2002 02:16:59 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by JohnSetzler : How should I rate a photo that is such a perfect reflection that I can't tell it's a reflection? If there are no reference points to indicate that what I see is a reflection, what separates that photo from a normal straight on shot of the same subject?
Someone commented that they thought my reflection was a picture of a painting :) I take that as a complement...
Where I can't tell it's a reflection I give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is... But also, if I can't tell it's a reflection, I don't feel the photographer did a good job with the 'spirit' of the challenge... It doesn't say it outright, but shouldn't a photo for a 'reflection' challenge be recognizable as a reflection?
09/30/2002 02:24:56 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by Kavey: A photo which meets the challenge but is "ugly" or unappealing does not, imo, deserve as high a score as a photo which meets the challenge and is also visually attractive.
so that's why i'm doing so poorly - I'm in my picture!
09/30/2002 02:29:31 PM · #15 |
... and you can edit your forum posts if you happen to say something you shouldn't/wouldn't/ might not wanna etc ;oD |
09/30/2002 06:25:38 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by spiller: I am getting a very low score and comments that the challenge is to have a reflection and not a good looking subject with a poor reflection. PLEASE PLEASE look at the full pics this month. My photo is a full reflection and the reflection within the pic is not the challenge. The challenge is the WHOLE PHOTO
I think I know what pic you are talking about. The photo is ruined by horribly strong jpeg compression. I see jpegblocks (it looks like a chessboard, I can count the blocks...), artifacts etc. The jpeg compression is so heavy that I can hardly judge if the pic is a reflection at all. I makes the image quality poorer then is should be. If this is not your pic, sorry. If it is, what compression setting did you use? This must be between 40 and 60% quality. Try to compress as little as you can. Make a 640x480 TIFF first and then experiment with the jpeg quality setting. Usually 80 to 95% quality is reachable.
09/30/2002 06:39:16 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by JohnSetzler : [i]How should I rate a photo that is such a perfect reflection that I can't tell it's a reflection? If there are no reference points to indicate that what I see is a reflection, what separates that photo from a normal straight on shot of the same subject?
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 9:15:58 PM. |
09/30/2002 06:58:11 PM · #18 |
I didn't submit this week and I was the one that suggested the challenge in the first place. Go figure. my intent was for people to submit a self portrait reflection with a camera in the shot.... oh well. |
09/30/2002 07:38:38 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by myqyl: Originally posted by JohnSetzler : [i]How should I rate a photo that is such a perfect reflection that I can't tell it's a reflection? If there are no reference points to indicate that what I see is a reflection, what separates that photo from a normal straight on shot of the same subject?
Someone commented that they thought my reflection was a picture of a painting :) I take that as a complement...
Where I can't tell it's a reflection I give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is... But also, if I can't tell it's a reflection, I don't feel the photographer did a good job with the 'spirit' of the challenge... It doesn't say it outright, but shouldn't a photo for a 'reflection' challenge be recognizable as a reflection? [/i]
Ditto. I too had difficulty voting on some of this weeks submissions. The challenge was "reflections w/o a mirror". The "reflection" should have been the emphasis - creating the dominant impact of the photo. In many cases most reflective surfaces (other than mirrors) don't yield absolute clarity. Perfect example was Zadore's submission last week.
09/30/2002 09:02:23 PM · #20 |
This entire thread seems to revolve around destroying anonymity. Not only that, but in more than a few places there are not-so-subtle messages intended to influence favorable or unfavorable voting on specific pictures.
I think that's in very poor taste. |
09/30/2002 09:53:30 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by IGJOE: The "reflection" should have been the emphasis - creating the dominant impact of the photo. In many cases most reflective surfaces (other than mirrors) don't yield absolute clarity. Perfect example was Zadore's submission last week.
My ears were burning when I got I know why :-)
But here's my two cents worth...I agree with John S. ...if you don't leave a hint that it's a reflection, then you missed the point. If the reflection is a 'small' element of your photo, you missed the point. My photo from last week would have gotten too many low votes...although it's clever, I can't rely on people looking at it for 30 minutes trying to figure it out.
I must say that there are quite a few nice photos this week...original, creative, and oh yeah, 'technically well executed', what's with the comments...I have almost the same score this time as I did last week but only 1 comment (compare to 12 last week), I'm giving $5 (Canadian) to the 20th person to comment on my picture...chop chop...get to it! ;)
* This message has been edited by the author on 9/30/2002 9:52:46 PM. |
09/30/2002 10:18:53 PM · #22 |
Originally posted by Azrifel: Originally posted by spiller: [i]I am getting a very low score and comments that the challenge is to have a reflection and not a good looking subject with a poor reflection. PLEASE PLEASE look at the full pics this month. My photo is a full reflection and the reflection within the pic is not the challenge. The challenge is the WHOLE PHOTO
I think I know what pic you are talking about. The photo is ruined by horribly strong jpeg compression. I see jpegblocks (it looks like a chessboard, I can count the blocks...), artifacts etc. The jpeg compression is so heavy that I can hardly judge if the pic is a reflection at all. I makes the image quality poorer then is should be. If this is not your pic, sorry. If it is, what compression setting did you use? This must be between 40 and 60% quality. Try to compress as little as you can. Make a 640x480 TIFF first and then experiment with the jpeg quality setting. Usually 80 to 95% quality is reachable.
Sorry not the one I'm talking about.. |
09/30/2002 11:06:41 PM · #23 |
For what it's worth, and that I realize that it isn't much as I am new to this game, I too had a choice of a more technical shot which I was proud of and a shot that I felt was more interesting. I chose the latter for the contest.
It came down to deciding what was fun for the photographer vs what would be fun for the viewer and correct me if I'm wrong but I feel that that's why I'm taking and sharing pictures. While I am interested in feedback on the technical side and can't wait to post it here and get feedback, I didn't think it was fair to the judges to submit something that I found boring even though I would learn more that way.
What's funny is that everybody I show the "boring" picture to like it and I've gotten a few OH WOW'S from it. Still, these are people who know what I am shooting and wondering how in the heck I did it. I don't know if they'd be impressed with just the picture but I may well be wrong and have submitted the wrong shot. I'm dying to hear others opinions of this.
My submission is not doing well but I am extremely happy. It is within a couple of 10ths of a point of what I'd have scored it myself if someone else had done it. Surprisingly, the comments I've received are all over the board. They're all positive( so far heh ) but they like the thing for different reasons. It's a good lesson to learn that what people are seeing isn't necessarily what you wanted to show but that doesn't detract from their enjoyment of it. It feels nice when people don't necessarily like what you're showing them but they like the picture anyway. To me it is at least :) |
10/01/2002 02:47:29 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by Malokata: This entire thread seems to revolve around destroying anonymity. Not only that, but in more than a few places there are not-so-subtle messages intended to influence favorable or unfavorable voting on specific pictures.
I think that's in very poor taste.
i must say that i feel as though i may of fallen to that grouping by accident and i am sorry about that... lesson learned. |
10/01/2002 03:24:22 AM · #25 |
Moved to outtakes thread...
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/1/2002 3:24:27 AM. |
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