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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I'm leaving
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 45, (reverse)
07/11/2005 12:06:53 PM · #1
Just wanted to let everyone know that recently I have found myself in kind opf a rut and only shooting for the challenges. To me that is not a good thing. So I am taking some time away to gather my thoughts and get more quality time with my kids. Seems I have been on the computer a lot lately and not spending as much time as I would like with my kids. Well I will still be around from time to time mostly late at night on the weekends when my kids are asleep. Other than that I will not be around. I have to get quality time with them while they are still young enough to want to hang around old Dad. I will be stopping by from time to time and if I have a shot that I think will fit a challenge and fetch a good score without a lot of time editing then I will enter. But for me, no more setting aside time away from my family to go take photos for a challenge. With that everyone keep up your great work and I will keep all the friends I have made here informed of where I am and will be.
07/11/2005 12:08:45 PM · #2
You're very wise, Rex. Your family is far more important than any of this. I'll probably have to cut back myself as soon as I start work again. This "do nothing" vacation has given me far more free time than normal.
07/11/2005 12:10:47 PM · #3
Wise decision! Family is the number one priority in life, this website can be addictive..take many pics of the kids, enjoy every moment with them and post when you can...
07/11/2005 12:15:18 PM · #4
It's all about balance. You're taking the right path, family always comes first. Where photography is concerned, there's a time when shooting for challenges provides a big benefit in skills development, and letting it dominate is OK, but past a point, one needs to shoot more for one's self and less for challenges. It's interesting to seee how many of us go through this progression.
07/11/2005 12:20:43 PM · #5
I understand completely what you're saying Rex. Enjoy and cherish your family for all their worth. Just think what life would be like without them. And hopefully you'll find the joy you had for photography again by being inspired by the world and life outside of DPC. Hope you come back for a visit from time to time though. :-)
07/11/2005 12:21:00 PM · #6
Originally posted by rex:

...I have to get quality time with them while they are still young enough to want to hang around old Dad.

EXTREMELY important. Hate to see you go but it is a very wise decision that some people never seem to get. I know way too many parents that feel that providing for the family is enough, glad your able to see the downfall of this.
Due to the military, I live 7 hours and 400 miles from my wife and step-daughter and although I try to make the most of the weekends I do get with them, it is hell to be away. I feel like I miss out on everything, and I have possibly 4 more years of this.

I truly applaude you for this decision, it will help you all more than you know.
07/11/2005 12:26:06 PM · #7
I'll miss you but I totally understand where you're coming from and think your new priorities are spot on!

Take care and feel free to drop me and email or two and keep in touch!

07/11/2005 12:26:32 PM · #8
You da man Rex. I did the same thing a while back. Photographing for these challeneges had become a chore and was taking away the joy of photography. You're doing the right thing in spending more time with your family. They should be the main focus of your life.

Take care and share with us if you have the time.
07/11/2005 12:36:41 PM · #9
Rex, I hate to see you have to step back from dpc for a while but I totally understand, family come first. You have contributed to this site with great intentions and done it well, and offered us some great photographs to view. I have enjoyed our debates :) on different subjects here. I wish you the best and hope to see you around.
07/11/2005 12:47:24 PM · #10
spend time with you kids and shoot for you. NEVER shoot for a web site unless your getting paid for it and if you happen to have a photo thats fits a challenge then cool. Just remember you can always upload shots to be commented on by others to improve your photography.
07/11/2005 12:48:30 PM · #11
Have fun! We'll be here..

Or.. if anything.. *I'll* be here.. LOL
07/11/2005 01:03:22 PM · #12
Sorry you won't be around Rex but you are totally right! I have found this site has made me and my husband have less time for each other but we don't have children to think about! I'm hoping we'll spend more time together taking pics during the summer and change things. YOUR CHILDREN WILL NOT BE WITH YOU FOREVER - ENJOY THEM WHILE THEY ARE YOUNG AND CHERISH THE TIME TOGETHER. Then in ten or fifteen years time you won't be saying "I wish I had ........" and they won't be saying " But dad you were always taking photos or on the computer when........"


07/11/2005 01:46:29 PM · #13
I will still be around from time to time just not nearly as much as I am now. A lot of time at work is downtime also. I am trying to find a new career only because of the fact that I am bored at work. A normal 40hour work week maybe requires 8 hours out of me. Yes I get paid for 40. I know a lot of you will think he should just be glad to have a job. Well only having a job doesn't do it for me. I need to be able to advance in my career along with spending time with my family. I will still be here just not as much as I was the last few months.

Edit: to say thanks everyone for the kind words.

Message edited by author 2005-07-11 13:49:00.
07/11/2005 01:54:32 PM · #14
Rex you are only 30 ( if you didn't lie on your profile :)) and you have a lot of years ahead working so find something that really makes you want to be there. We ( husband & I) have made several major career choices over the past 20 years and each time what developed took us along another route that we didn't always expect, but also took us forward and has been for the best, for the family and us as individuals.

Now at 53, I have just left a job I felt would finish me off by the time I was 60! I have no idea what will happen but I am sure something will turn up ( and no I can't afford to be out of work!).

My husband retired last year - and is now close to setting up a new computer business and he is 60!

So don't hold back, go for that dream and enjoy those two little girls!!

Lecture over ! :)

07/11/2005 01:57:44 PM · #15
Just a thought....I don't know how old your kids are but getting them into photography might not be a bad way to spend time with them and still not have to give up your own hobby. There seem to be quite a few parents here on DPC who have handed their kids a camera lately with an unexpected positive response.

Of course, if they are only knee-high that might have to wait.
07/11/2005 01:58:23 PM · #16
James, take YOUR time man! Your family always comes first!
And also about the carreer, it's also wise to make a change, when the money itself is the only priority on your job. I'm goinbg through the same right now! And I don't make that much a month. I mean it's for sure I'll have that by the end of the month, but at what cost!? 8 hours a day of a boring job!? Lots of pressure and nobody gives you credit for your hard work!? That just doesn't do for me!
I think I'll be teaching english again for some income, and try to work on something I really like, Advertising. And also try to make photography work for my advantage!

All the best for you........for us all!
07/11/2005 02:11:04 PM · #17
good luck, dude! just remember to take your camera wherever you go--just because you're not shooting for challenges doesn't mean you have to give up the urge to shoot what you see. whatever you do, have fun. be defined by what you love, not what you do...

07/11/2005 02:15:06 PM · #18
All the best rex! I think you're making the right decision too. Hopefully, we'll continue to see you (and your good work) from time to time. :-)
07/11/2005 02:17:12 PM · #19
Rex, a difficult but actually easy decision. And I feel you made the right one.

I'll miss you, but will look forward to your intermitent postings.

Good luck to you.

07/11/2005 02:23:14 PM · #20
james you are a wise and talented man....take some deep breaths and enjoy the kiddies before you know the inspiration and joy of photography will be back with a vengance...please post photos that you take out of the fun you have as i for one have always enjoyed not only your photography but you wit and wisdom...

rock on gawga boy

love your jersey girl
07/11/2005 02:25:41 PM · #21
Bye! :D

Ah, the thrill of the road. Just don't stay gone so long you forget the road back.

07/11/2005 02:31:08 PM · #22
Rex, good move man. I gave up a good paying job a few years ago as a photojournalist to spend more time with my family. I'm much happier freelancing and I see ALOT of my kids. My 13 year old just joined here and we'l spend some time on this together, it's finding the balance as was said earlier. Good Luck in all for you and your family.
07/11/2005 02:42:14 PM · #23
I totaly understand your decision but u will be missed greatly. pop in from time to time to say "howdy". dont forget i owe ya a ribbon;) whatever you decide to do from here on out dont forget to have a blast and always smile!
07/11/2005 02:45:53 PM · #24
Yup, I think I could do the same...Theres never enough time when it comes to being with your kids. They grow up so fast. Soon they will want to go places and hang with their friends no more kisses and hugs as they will be imbarrassed or think its a baby thing.......I dont even want to talk about them going away to college yet because its right around the corner too. Time flies so fast. Enjoy what you have now and since you do have a camera take all the pictures you can even if they are snapshots..We cant get these years back once they are gone..

Though I really like rscorp's thought getting the kids into photography will give them a chance to explore other things and into like art and designing..Its a hobby that will benefit them as they grow older in many ways.. Technology is all about something do with cameras and imaging these days, in fact to many to name.....I love the fact that me and my dad can be in separate states and discuss things about photography and when we are together its fun to talk about cameras or out shoot each other even with our point and shoot cameras...My son likes to take pictures with my camera and he has one of his own too.. I like to ask his opinion on images and theres lots of times hes been right to wether or not I will get a low score or not as far as the votes and comments what people like. Here is a 5 years old perspective...//allaboard.buzznet.com
07/11/2005 03:12:31 PM · #25
Thanks for all the kind words....I will still be around just not nearly as much. I think I just need a break. One thing to note. I really enjoyed going out on vacation to take shots for me. I enjoyed that more than anyt challenge I ever entered.
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