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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> for the bored souls :-)
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 37, (reverse)
09/05/2005 11:06:50 PM · #1
can't sleep...

here's a thread to join in

post your first challenge entry.. and the score... then post your most recent (completed) challenge and compare score, what you expected to get, what you did in the newest challenge from past experience.

mine is coming right up...
09/05/2005 11:08:41 PM · #2
first: newest:

bah newest isn't that good.. but it'll be interesting to see other's examples...

Message edited by author 2005-09-05 23:09:16.
09/05/2005 11:13:05 PM · #3
First entry:


Didn't know what to expect. Very surprised that it did as well as it did. My daughter actually pestered me to enter this, and if memory serves, it was actually her shot and my post-processing (this was before we knew she could join).

Most recent completed challenge


My first entry dealing purely with astronomy. I actually came to photography due to my interest and involvement in astrophotography. Having all those cameras around finally got to me. Can't really compare my first and last entries because this last entry was such a departure from "normal" photography. This would be a much more interesting comparison if I could use my "high contrast" entry, but of course I can't...
09/05/2005 11:14:50 PM · #4
Originally posted by strangeghost:

First entry:


Didn't know what to expect. Very surprised that it did as well as it did. My daughter actually pestered me to enter this, and if memory serves, it was actually her shot and my post-processing (this was before we knew she could join).

Most recent completed challenge


My first entry dealing purely with astronomy. I actually came to photography due to my interest and involvement in astrophotography. Having all those cameras around finally got to me. Can't really compare my first and last entries because this last entry was such a departure from "normal" photography. This would be a much more interesting comparison if I could use my "high contrast" entry, but of course I can't...

i definately think your newest one is worth more than it got.

09/05/2005 11:21:12 PM · #5
ok my first submission

Challenge: Garbage
Place: 46 out of 206
Avg (all users): 5.652
Votes: 276
Comments: 18

My most recent completed challenge

Challenge: Dairy
Place: 125 out of 281
Avg (all users): 5.050
Votes: 382
Comments: 51

looks like my first entry did a lot better than my most recent. you think I would have learned something after being on this site for almost 3 years :)

anyway, the first shot I just threw some trash out on my street to reflect a very common and unwanted site about people throwing trash out the car window.

the last one I did purley as a joke and had no intention of scoring over a 5. Many people did not understand my lame attempt at humor and voted accordingly. but I remind you I did this as a joke only and not looking for a hight score

09/05/2005 11:22:46 PM · #6
first entry 4.3 (very very embarrassing)

recent entry 6.5 (much better lol)

well im glad those days are over :)
09/05/2005 11:35:30 PM · #7
I'm pretty selective about what challenges I enter (I know, its bad)



09/05/2005 11:36:08 PM · #8
First entry...


Last completed entry..


I think that my pictures are getting better but my scores aren't!!
09/05/2005 11:40:47 PM · #9

First entry with a score of 5.468, in the 76%

Most recent entry with a 5.542 and 83%

Score isn't that much better, but with the huge increase of photos submitted per challenge since I began, it's a great improvement percent wise for me.
09/05/2005 11:45:06 PM · #10
First entry (proportion)

4.126 10%

most recent (nude III)

5.513 56%

but also recently, just 3 back for me (long exp) and my p. best!

6.188 84%

09/05/2005 11:50:43 PM · #11
First 6.442

Most recent 6.323

09/05/2005 11:58:52 PM · #12
first 3.677

most recent 5.758

09/06/2005 12:06:43 AM · #13
First 5.284

Last 6.003

Still have lots to learn. =./
09/06/2005 12:10:08 AM · #14
First 6.561

Last 6.000

09/06/2005 12:10:22 AM · #15

First Challenge - Scored 5.657

Best Challenge, Illusions - Scored 6.484 (14th place)

Sneaking up on that ribbon!
09/06/2005 12:12:42 AM · #16
First 4.717

Last 5.753

Expected to do better than I did on my latest. I thought it had better comp and processing.

Message edited by author 2005-09-06 00:14:15.
09/06/2005 12:42:31 AM · #17
First 4.596

Last 5.366

09/06/2005 01:03:54 AM · #18
Started with this one, uploaded Christmas day 2004:


Most recent 2:

(5.1520, a score I don't understand)


Progress of a sort, for sure. But there's been better in between (and some worse, too) in my 72 challenges entered (plus the two currently up) since late December, 2004. Sheesh, that's 9 challenges a month since I joined...

09/06/2005 03:32:23 AM · #19
My first, taken for Wheels in an antique shop:
5.232 and 54%
I was thrilled to receive so many comments.
(This is also when my insomnia began.)

Most recent, taken for Time Capsule at a local car show:
5.737 and 84%
I messed with the contrast by tweaking levels and hue/sat and dinking around with the usm....this sentence would have been incomprehensible to me a year and a half ago. =)
09/06/2005 07:36:04 AM · #20
Originally posted by louddog:

First 6.442

Most recent 6.323

6.4 was a great note to start on.
09/06/2005 11:32:18 AM · #21
09/06/2005 11:50:32 AM · #22
first scored a 3.98(237 of 248)

most recent(D&L) scored 6.19(37 of 199)and also my personal best so far

Ive learned alot since I signed up in april such as lighting, composition, color saturations, contrast,cloneing...etc.My eyes have learned to see the different colors and slight differences in them. I learn something new here everyday! thats part of the reason Im so addicted to DPC..the other part is all the wonderful people who have become friends and mentors. Yesterday i learned NOT to throw in an entry(high contrast challenge) just for the sake of having the update button. Im currently ruining my slow score climb i have been making with almost every challenge. :o)
09/06/2005 11:51:07 AM · #23
first ever entry - people - 1.2 MP camera!

Last completed challenge - 8 MP cam

bit of a change i think
09/06/2005 11:57:23 AM · #24
First:5.496 @ 58%
Last:6.173 @ 86%

Besides moving to a DSLR from my little .8mp Mavica (yes that's a .8).... you could say I've picked up ALOT of little editing tricks. :-D I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing though.

Message edited by author 2005-09-06 11:58:35.
09/06/2005 11:59:17 AM · #25
Started with 4.919 / 34%
4.976 / 20%
I've always enjoyed roller coasters - had a great one here since joining, rising as high as 93% and plunging as low as 5%.
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