Author | Thread |
12/19/2005 08:37:13 PM · #1 |
I have been searching for an easier way to create my 2006 Photo a Day project. I didn't complete 2005 due to lack of time, and the fact that uploading was such a pain the the ass since I hosted it myself. I also couldnt post titles, captions, or accept comments. I know a lot of people used buzznet in 2005 but I was put off by the small image width limit and the busy layout.
I think I have found the perfect solution.
I signed up to // and created a nice, simply layed-out, blog.
I then downloaded Hello from //
Since they are both owned by Google, they integrate perfectly with each other.
In Hello, I just click BloggerBot, browse to my photo, type a caption, and press Publish.
This resizes the photo to fit my page layout, keeps a full size version, visible if the photo is clicked, uploads it to the FREE space provided by blogger, and puts my caption underneath. It also titles my post with the date, and automatically creates archives of all posts I ever make. Other people can also leave comments on the photo. What else could I possibly want? It takes about 1 minute to publish my Photo a Day :)
Well, here's what else I could want:
If you use Picasa, also owned by Google, you can do all this AND be able to edit the photos before you upload them, all in one program! Personally, I will probably stick with Photoshop for editing, but if I'm in a rush this is perfect! No excuses for missing my Photo a Day now! If I was in the US I could even upload photos when I'm on the move using my cell phone!
I think this is a great way for everyone to do their Photo a Day 2006 projects if they're planning to do one. What's also neat about Hello, is that it can work a lot like an Instant Messaging programme too. You add your friends to your list, and you can chat to them and display photos really really easily. It would be a great way for Photo a Day photographers to keep in touch, as they can also have a button next to their name on your Friends list which will take you to their blog if you click it.
I highly recommend everyone tries this out! My name on Hello is Konador, I hope to see some of you on there soon! :)
My blog is //
It's just a test at the mo, until Jan 1st comes along :)
Updated Link HTML as of 01/15/2006 8:43am DPC Server Time
Message edited by author 2006-01-15 08:43:45.
12/19/2005 10:53:04 PM · #2 |
Konador convinced me, and I joined the fray. Last year I had set up a blog but never even posted once because of the hassle factor. With 2006 just around the corner, I was toying again with the idea. For me, it won't be about taking a picture every day but rather posting a picture every day. I'd like to take some old family photographs and restore them, and go back and edit some old ones now that I've learned more about photography.
So off I go to download Hello and WOW - this has amazing coolness. I can see where a lot of people here would love it, blog or not. You can upload pix on the left side of the screen, and have your buddy comment on original/edited version on the right side of the screen. Uploading isn't even hard - just use either Picasa or Windows Explorer to highlight the shots and hit "Send." Piece of cake.
You don't need a blog to use Hello; Hello just makes it easier to post photos to your blog if you do have one at blogspot. My first impression is that this is like the DPC forums and a chat function (MSN, AIM, or Fanatics) all combined into one. Instant feedback from all your friends, with no resizing or portfolio space concerns on your own website.
I'm not advocating sharing challenge entries here, but how many times have you just taken a non-challenge shot that you wanted some quick feedback on without needing to re-size or upload anywhere? With Hello, it comes directly from your muss, no fuss. Konador was kind enough to give me a few comments on some experiments I was working on with filters. Nothing that I wanted to have clogging up my own website or wanted to clog up portfolio space here...just fun stuff.
My blog is just in test mode until 2006, like Konador's. My name on Hello is the same as here: A1275. I'll be up for another hour or so for the comment part, and then on again tomorrow for sure.
So, if you are on the fence, here's an enticement: I'll give comments to the next 5 people that join.
12/19/2005 10:59:14 PM · #3 |
Lured in but all relevant username combos were taken ...
must. try. harder. |
12/19/2005 11:12:12 PM · #4 |
OOOH Alfresco - come quick!
12/19/2005 11:26:54 PM · #5 |
12/20/2005 04:49:18 AM · #6 |
I got my blog up - ShutterPug's Blog. My Hello name is ShutterPug.
Message edited by author 2005-12-20 04:56:21.
12/20/2005 07:27:36 AM · #7 |
Welcome Shutter :) How are you liking it so far?
Message edited by author 2005-12-20 07:28:13.
12/20/2005 07:45:36 AM · #8 |
I think I'll start a POD project for 2006... but what are the terms and conditions like for the blogging software you mentioned? They don't nick copyright do they? |
12/20/2005 07:49:29 AM · #9 |
I applaud you all ... my photo a day is coming to an end and I couldn't be happier :)
freakin' hated it!!!!!
the torture can be found here :) |
12/20/2005 07:52:31 AM · #10 |
6a. CONTENT OWNERSHIP Unless stated otherwise for specific services, Member will retain copyright ownership and all related rights for information he or she publishes through Blogger or otherwise enters into Blogger-related services.
12/20/2005 07:56:59 AM · #11 |
as usual - too late for tos.
Still trying relevant usernames, I'm so middle-bell-curve.
Message edited by author 2005-12-20 07:58:03. |
12/20/2005 08:02:27 AM · #12 |
Hmm... both sites seem to be down right now. Not encouraging! |
12/20/2005 08:06:16 AM · #13 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: Hmm... both sites seem to be down right now. Not encouraging! |
They're not down, I'm using them both right now?
12/20/2005 08:10:16 AM · #14 |
two in a row ...
time to work. :(
Message edited by author 2005-12-20 08:10:49. |
12/20/2005 08:46:35 AM · #15 |
OK, I'm on the Hello program... but I know better than to commit to a POD, or a blog.
Incidently, my Hello name is the same as here.
Message edited by author 2005-12-26 13:36:29.
12/20/2005 08:49:44 AM · #16 |
Okay, question...
I just want to upload photos exactly as they are, in DPChallenge format, ie 150kb 640pixels longest side.
I get the feeling that Blogger and Hello want to be too clever for their own good here.
What's the quick and easy way of uploading the photo with exactly the same size and compression as it is on my computer? |
12/20/2005 09:33:13 AM · #17 |
Perhaps I should rephrase the question... is it possible to easily upload a photo to Blogger with the same resolution and file size as it is on my computer? |
12/20/2005 09:36:59 AM · #18 |
I don't think the blogger templates allow for the 640px image to be displayed, as the biggest available is 400, but if you click that 400 pixel preview in the blog, it opens a new window with the full version (unresized and uncompressed if its smaller than 1024px). See my latest test blog for an example.
12/20/2005 09:46:16 AM · #19 |
I get it!
What happens if I miss a day (for example, I'm in Wales away from a computer until the 3rd Jan)? Can I post on the 3rd as if I'd posted seperately on the 1st and 2nd? |
12/20/2005 09:51:46 AM · #20 |
If you post it like normal, and then go into edit blog, you can make changes, including changing the date :)
12/20/2005 10:21:25 AM · #21 |
This is great, I've been wanting to create some blogs for ages.
I'm going to have 3 blogs...
1: PAD project
2: A blog for my music photography. There are already some great ones out there, this is my favourite: //
3: A blog for my music teaching where I can post information for my pupils, insights and gig dates.
I'll keep you all informed!
Thanks Ben.
Message edited by author 2005-12-20 10:23:07. |
12/20/2005 10:24:47 AM · #22 |
I gave it a go.
Practicing until the oneth. |
12/20/2005 10:31:27 AM · #23 |
I don't see a link to a gallery where all uploaded photos would be shown ... is there one? |
12/20/2005 10:32:39 AM · #24 |
Originally posted by BobsterLobster: This is great, I've been wanting to create some blogs for ages.
I'm going to have 3 blogs...
1: PAD project
2: A blog for my music photography. There are already some great ones out there, this is my favourite: //
3: A blog for my music teaching where I can post information for my pupils, insights and gig dates.
I'll keep you all informed!
Thanks Ben. |
Glad you're finding it useful :) If you wanted to host the blog on your own domain name you can, there are options in there, but thats all a bit confusing to me :P
12/20/2005 10:36:13 AM · #25 |
ooh, right, I pimp out blogger and no one listens.
But sir Konador says boo, and everyone jumps, eh!
well a big NYEAH!! and a :P to you all.
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