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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> OK...Who cheated 4-5am challenge?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 63, (reverse)
12/21/2005 01:30:49 AM · #1
I'll be the first to admit that my shot was taken about 2:15am. I thought it was a dumb challenge but I was driving home from work saw this and did the screech and back up. Luckily it was on a back road and well 2:15am... BTW It's my 8th highest score to date and heavy equipment at that...

Edit to add thumb...

Message edited by author 2005-12-21 01:35:44.
12/21/2005 01:34:00 AM · #2
I do not care at what time you took it. It is a lovely white and yellow rustic gem. I love it.
12/21/2005 01:35:48 AM · #3
Mine was taken at 4:19 am... Thought was the challenge though... it scored ok...
12/21/2005 01:39:42 AM · #4
Well it was 4 - 5 am some ware in the world!
Great shot, the green of the loader with the snow made a nice contrast and help the viewer to feel just how cold you must have been when taking it!
12/21/2005 02:07:58 AM · #5
This entry cheated! And it won a Yellow ribbon denying someone who made the effort their rightful recognition.

The photographer's Comments state that this is not the Moon, it is in fact the Sun, high in the sky in Mexico.

This totally stinks. If there was ever a time to make DNMC a DQ offence, then it is now. This is what happens when you put people on trust and hope that they maintain integrity and respect the spirit of DPC.
Originally posted by Snap1:

Well it was 4 - 5 am some ware in the world!

That's not what the challenge said. It said
"Set your alarm, and take a picture between 4:00 and 5:00 AM."

It wasn't ambiguous, it wasn't vague, you can't twist it to mean anything other than what it says. It instructs the photographer to take a picture between 4 and 5am. Period.

12/21/2005 02:10:50 AM · #6
Dude, chill a little... It's a photography site. What you see is what you get. If people saw this shot and saw 4-5am then that's the reality of the shot... BTW It's only an electronic ribbon that dissapears when you turn off your computer...
12/21/2005 02:12:20 AM · #7
Mine was definitely taken around ten at night, but it looked and felt like 4 in the morning...
12/21/2005 02:22:48 AM · #8
Originally posted by KiwiPix:

This entry cheated! And it won a Yellow ribbon denying someone who made the effort their rightful recognition.

The photographer's Comments state that this is not the Moon, it is in fact the Sun, high in the sky in Mexico.

This totally stinks. If there was ever a time to make DNMC a DQ offence, then it is now. This is what happens when you put people on trust and hope that they maintain integrity and respect the spirit of DPC.
Originally posted by Snap1:

Well it was 4 - 5 am some ware in the world!

That's not what the challenge said. It said
"Set your alarm, and take a picture between 4:00 and 5:00 AM."

It wasn't ambiguous, it wasn't vague, you can't twist it to mean anything other than what it says. It instructs the photographer to take a picture between 4 and 5am. Period.


I completely agree.. It didn't say make it look like 4-5am. Kinda suxs that people felt it was a free study and make it feel 4-5am.. Mine I took seriously and did as the rules wanted, I can feel good about that mine was taken at 4-5am..
12/21/2005 02:23:52 AM · #9
Amazing. I mark pictures on meeting the challenge, and on the merits, if it does not meet the challenge then sometimes it is obvious i.e. the cheese challenge. But if you choose to enter achalenge and not meet the rules of it ... that is your choice, I personally don't do that cos winning by cheating is not my style no matter what I am entering, cos cheating makes me feel like crap.
12/21/2005 02:26:07 AM · #10
sure glad i stayed out of this one :)

lighten up guys... seriously... i do understand the frustration but that was just how the dice rolled :(

12/21/2005 02:33:05 AM · #11
Originally posted by Rikki:

sure glad i stayed out of this one :)

lighten up guys... seriously... i do understand the frustration but that was just how the dice rolled :(


Nope I happy as a clam where mine placed.. But I did what the rules stated and took a picture between 4-5am.. I didn't take a picture and try to make it look so it met the rules, its like using olives in the rubber ducky challenge, you would have been DQed... Its the princible of the challenge... Heck lighten up, why not any photoshop action in basic? oh wait some might DQed...
12/21/2005 02:35:33 AM · #12
Originally posted by TooCool:

What you see is what you get. If people saw this shot and saw 4-5am then that's the reality of the shot

Originally posted by modgethanc:

Mine was definitely taken around ten at night, but it looked and felt like 4 in the morning

So are we saying that it's OK to take a shortcut running a marathon as long as it looks like we did the whole thing? Of course not, the same applies here.

You guys looked at the title of the challenge and never read the instructions which included
"This challenge may also be known as the "I can't believe I got up this early to take a photograph .

No doubt about it. You were required to get up and take a photo between 4 and 5 ... what a surprise.

12/21/2005 02:36:42 AM · #13
Originally posted by Rikki:

sure glad i stayed out of this one :)

lighten up guys... seriously... i do understand the frustration but that was just how the dice rolled :(


You didn't get up at 4amish to meet the challenge. Sorry no integrity, just a cool picture....

Message edited by author 2005-12-21 02:37:04.
12/21/2005 02:38:25 AM · #14
I wouldn't feel satisfied in myself if I didn't play by the rules. Really it would be a hollow victory if you didn't abide by the challenge description but each to their own.

12/21/2005 02:46:53 AM · #15
Originally posted by keegbow:

I wouldn't feel satisfied in myself if I didn't play by the rules. Really it would be a hollow victory if you didn't abide by the challenge description but each to their own.

But I did play by the rules... I did not use any illegal editing... I used almost no editing at all... The voters believed that this made them feel as if they saw it between 4 and 5am... Isn't that what photography is about?
12/21/2005 02:50:08 AM · #16
Originally posted by Rikki:

sure glad i stayed out of this one :)

lighten up guys... seriously... i do understand the frustration but that was just how the dice rolled :(


Where's that can of worms shot when ya need it?
12/21/2005 02:53:25 AM · #17
12/21/2005 02:54:09 AM · #18
Originally posted by TooCool:

But I did play by the rules... I did not use any illegal editing... I used almost no editing at all... The voters believed that this made them feel as if they saw it between 4 and 5am... Isn't that what photography is about?

Unbelieveable. The rules said you had to get up and "take" your photo between 4 and 5. Nowhere does it say for you to produce an image that looks as if it is at that time. It's not hard, just got to read the instructions.

Originally posted by TooCool:

Isn't that what photography is about?

Depends what you are referring to. If you just want to make nice images and have them voted on, there are hundreds of sites that do that. This one is about challenges where you apply your photographic skills within a set criteria and try and beat the pants of everyone else doing the same.


Message edited by author 2005-12-21 03:05:50.
12/21/2005 02:54:37 AM · #19
Originally posted by Rikki:

That's the one... Not what I intended when I OP'd this thread...

Message edited by author 2005-12-21 02:55:57.
12/21/2005 02:56:16 AM · #20
Originally posted by KiwiPix:

"Set your alarm, and take a picture between 4:00 and 5:00 AM."

It wasn't ambiguous, it wasn't vague, you can't twist it to mean anything other than what it says. It instructs the photographer to take a picture between 4 and 5am. Period.


Maybe the alarm was set to some other time zone :-)) ...
This was a dumb challenge topic anyway ..
12/21/2005 02:57:17 AM · #21
A note from the author:

This topic has been previously discussed but I want to make things clear from my point of view:

Photography is all about the illusion and the story that a photo can tell. If a photo tells the right story then it fits the challenge. Else we have seen lots of great photos hammered for DNMC. I know there are a lot of nazis around looking for 'integrity' and exact fullfilness of the topics... but I see 350+ voters who did choose this one as a good ribbon for the challenge. So I say no matter what we can argue about in this forum, 350+ people chose this shot (and other so-called 'cheaters') in good places.

We could call scalvert a cheater for using glue instead of milk in this photo but it really is something we could all learn from. Thinking out of the box, creating the reality that the eye wants to see, rather than showing the actual reality... after all, are we not in an art's site?. Beauty has to be captured wherever it is found, we cannot let our creative process be restricted but comply to the challenge descriptions (thats why this is based on challenges).

One thing I have learned on DPC is to look at reality through a different eye... more like the photograper eye or even more, like the viewer's eye, in this shot I just wanted to recreate the avid search of '4-5 am reality' that we all were looking for, it looks that I succeded and feel happy about it.

I humbly say that I am not a good photographer and I have nothing to teach to any of you, I apologize to all of you who feel cheated by my post and I also apologize to those who felt their shot would have more 'rightfuly' placed 3rd. I placed the truth in my photo description so that everyone would be able to know what this shot was actually about.

If it's any consolation I did get up at 4am to pos-process this shot ;) j/k

Thank you all for your high votes, Im happy for my 3rd ribbon this year!! :) way to gooo! ;)
12/21/2005 02:57:45 AM · #22
Originally posted by TooCool:

Originally posted by keegbow:

I wouldn't feel satisfied in myself if I didn't play by the rules. Really it would be a hollow victory if you didn't abide by the challenge description but each to their own.

But I did play by the rules... I did not use any illegal editing... I used almost no editing at all... The voters believed that this made them feel as if they saw it between 4 and 5am... Isn't that what photography is about?

Nope It shows something.. And Shannon pointed this out on another thread, heck people would change the camera clocks to make it be between 4-5 am.. well hell.. if your gunna cheat and could careless you could do that.. But wheres that end? Cheating and getting away with it?
Yeah yippee on ya.. Some people see no wrong, even though it is.. Heck if you have no integredy get a hex-editor and change your camera dates to when ever and save it whenever, or make changes in the original file and save it like it came outta the camera. Personally if ya feel the need to cheat then your only cheating yourself...
12/21/2005 02:57:57 AM · #23
12/21/2005 02:59:17 AM · #24
Great can of worms;)
12/21/2005 02:59:57 AM · #25
well said patrinus

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