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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> You know you're obssessed with photography....
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 234, (reverse)
01/09/2006 03:53:33 PM · #26
Originally posted by southern_exposure:

when Sundays and Tuesdays are mid-day nap and no sex days so you can have the energy to stay up for the rollover.

...and everyone KNOWS not to call you on Monday and Wednesday mornings because you sleep late!
01/09/2006 03:53:36 PM · #27
When you are frustrated that you've found several perfect photo sites to watch several woods, bogs, streams, & forests from a nice elevated point with the sun in the perfect position for lighting and not an obstruction in view....

But you keep seeing these signs "Stopping for non-emergencies on state highways STRICTLY FORBIDDEN"

01/09/2006 03:57:10 PM · #28
...when your watching TV and start babbling about how to improve a scene by using a shallower Depth of Field.
01/09/2006 04:01:07 PM · #29
...when you're out for a family walk and you discover after putting the camera down you're alone, or you have to break into a full run to catch up to them. They never wait for you to get that shot...
01/09/2006 04:03:07 PM · #30
...when, on your way to work, you've pulled over on the freeway, climbed over the fence and waded through a bog all to get a shot of the sun rising through the mist.
01/09/2006 04:06:06 PM · #31
when you are looking down at your camera's lcd to see if you got the picture while you are being chased by three guard dogs and have to climb back over the fence.....
(yep I'll never do that again)

Message edited by author 2006-01-09 16:06:28.
01/09/2006 04:10:44 PM · #32
...when you go to ritz camera to buy something and you end up correcting the guy that works there
01/09/2006 04:11:51 PM · #33
... when you show your co-workers a shot you just printed and they automatically ask what the challenge is ...
01/09/2006 04:24:24 PM · #34
...I think the biggest change for me was that previously when I saw a beautifull woman - I imagined her naked and trying to figure out how she will be in bed. Now I imagine her in a square, trying to figure out what kind of lighting I will use to get a perfect close-up
01/09/2006 04:29:58 PM · #35
Originally posted by cfischl:

...when you go to ritz camera to buy something and you end up correcting the guy that works there

Or when you go to Best Buy, and end up helping the customers and selling them something!
01/09/2006 04:31:40 PM · #36
...when your living room is starting to look more like a studio and less like a living room!

...when your wife is going somewhere, and she asks you if you want to go with to take pictures, or are you staying home to work on editing.
01/09/2006 04:34:24 PM · #37
...when someone is showing the portraits they had done recently and you start critiqueing them.

...when someone is showing some snapshots of their kids/vacation/etc. ...and you start critiqueing them!
01/09/2006 04:35:28 PM · #38
you make a bed for your babielens..
01/09/2006 04:35:38 PM · #39
...when your friends send you shots from school to share, and you edit them
...when the same friends post pics on facebook and you save them to your disk, edit them, and send them back with comments ;D
01/09/2006 04:44:06 PM · #40
Hey - I actualy do the editing of friends photos - Scary. They send me babypics and I edit them, sending the edited version back, telling her what kind of photo she must send me next.

...When my two year old daughter sees Daddy with the camera in hand - she poses immediately - smiling. :-0
01/09/2006 04:47:01 PM · #41
Originally posted by lhall:

Originally posted by cfischl:

...when you go to ritz camera to buy something and you end up correcting the guy that works there

Or when you go to Best Buy, and end up helping the customers and selling them something!

..and getting them a better deal because you know the price at B&H is $20 less.
01/09/2006 04:50:52 PM · #42
... when your significant other leaves you for calling out Nikon in bed.

... when you look in the mirror to try and determine how long you could go without eating to get that new lens.

... when you start buying scientific journals to see when you will be able to have a digital camera implanted directly into your retina.

... when your house if burning down and you can't decide whether you save the kid or the camera first (just think of the shots you could take saving the kid!)

... when the vet says your dog has gone blind from repeated exposure to a very bright light.

01/09/2006 04:55:18 PM · #43
... when reading this kinda thread thinking : "oh my god ... this is all true ... this is who i am."
01/09/2006 04:55:22 PM · #44
When you looking for a Wedding Photographer and you first question is do you use a canon or a nikon. and when he says nikon you walk away.
01/09/2006 04:59:27 PM · #45
...when the only reason you are going to your brother's wedding is to be his photographer.

...when you've used the screenname fotomann_forever FOREVER :-)

Message edited by author 2006-01-09 17:04:25.
01/09/2006 04:59:59 PM · #46
... when you start to believe Ken Rockwell

... when you sell all of your old computers / monitors / printers, and still come up $500 short of a new D200

... when you get pissed at the amount of time it takes Phil Askey to do a review on your new camera (just to confirm your reasons for buying it)

... when you bash Canon or Nikon for sucking

... when you know that VR has nothing to do with Virtual Reality
01/09/2006 05:13:18 PM · #47
...when the Freeman Patterson book suggests taking your camera to bed to take ten photos before you even sit up in the morning and you think "Great idea".

...when you walk into a public bathroom lit with flourescents and think "white balance is off in here"
01/09/2006 05:16:24 PM · #48
When you start watching football with your husband just so you can catch a glimpse of the enormous lenses and point them out to your husband as a future possible gift.
01/09/2006 05:16:32 PM · #49
Originally posted by emorgan49:

...when you walk into a public bathroom lit with flourescents and think "white balance is off in here"

LMAO... been there
01/09/2006 05:17:43 PM · #50
Originally posted by gooc:

... when reading this kinda thread thinking : "oh my god ... this is all true ... this is who i am."

oh yes it is.....
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