Author | Thread |
04/14/2006 02:00:39 PM · #1 |
How about a challenge with with focus on Astronomy, i.e., planetary, deep space objects, digital, etc.? |
04/14/2006 02:14:24 PM · #2 |
My money is on Kirbic (if I could find any takers... anyone?... anyone?)
Message edited by author 2006-04-14 14:14:38. |
04/14/2006 02:22:56 PM · #3 |
Though I would love it, it's pretty far off the beaten track, and it's pretty specific in terms of equipment needed to do it right.
How about "sky" which could include sunsets, cloud phenomenon, astronomy, and lots of other stuff too.
04/14/2006 02:26:01 PM · #4 |
Originally posted by Megatherian: My money is on Kirbic (if I could find any takers... anyone?... anyone?) |
Kirbic's Orion Neb..........My Orion Neb
YOU be the judge!
Heh-heh |
04/14/2006 02:30:51 PM · #5 |
04/14/2006 02:36:11 PM · #6 |
D'OH!, I was just about to post you name in here stangeghost but you beat me to it.
We could call it the Strangeghost vs. Kirbic Challenge ;) |
04/14/2006 02:43:00 PM · #7 |
04/14/2006 02:51:37 PM · #8 |
LOL - Closest I can get to Astronomy. I got a family (look at the mens club thread). No money for all those fancy equipment to take photos of some ou's belt (orion...).
Much cheaper taking pet and children shots:-)

04/14/2006 03:54:44 PM · #9 |
Yes but.... :)
Marbo |
04/14/2006 04:00:30 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by strangeghost: Originally posted by Megatherian: My money is on Kirbic (if I could find any takers... anyone?... anyone?) |
Kirbic's Orion Neb..........My Orion Neb
YOU be the judge!
Heh-heh |
Yet another Orion Nebula!
04/14/2006 04:01:32 PM · #11 |
04/14/2006 04:03:11 PM · #12 |
My favorite Star
04/14/2006 04:06:36 PM · #13 |
Should this be restricted to 'Advanced' or 'Basic' editing? Noted that strangeghost used 4 stacked images to acheive his superb image!
edit: How about a 30 day 'window' to insure clear skies and good seeing!
Message edited by author 2006-04-14 16:08:25. |
04/14/2006 04:24:46 PM · #14 |
Originally posted by Nobody: My favorite Star
Like SpongeBob much better. VIVA SPUNGEBOB
04/14/2006 06:00:59 PM · #15 |
I concede that round to the Kirbster, but I've got some big plans for the summer!!
Originally posted by Megatherian:
Yes but...
Strangeghost |
04/14/2006 07:17:52 PM · #16 |
04/14/2006 07:31:49 PM · #17 |
Nice idea but when I read this I immediate wondered what the record is for fewest entries because I think this might top it.
04/14/2006 08:51:21 PM · #18 |
I like the idea of including "something in the sky" or "night sky," or....That would prevent it from being specific to only those with astro equipment.
04/14/2006 09:12:41 PM · #19 |
Originally posted by coliwabl: I like the idea of including "something in the sky" or "night sky," or....That would prevent it from being specific to only those with astro equipment. |
At the same time, anyone with a 200mm lens or better could get an astro shot. And a lot of the star-trail type shots are done with wide angle or fisheye - so we could keep it as a "Night Sky" Challenge, and most people would be able to participate, equipment-wise.
Even the P&S crowd - heck, I've used my S50 to take moon shots. With the digital zoom at 12x, it's equivilent mm range is equal to the 300mm on my Rebel.
04/14/2006 10:04:59 PM · #20 |
You've got my interest with this idea ...
BTW, this was done with a PnS hand held up to a 10" dobsonian homebuilt telescope.
Not saying it's a winner - but trying to demonstrate the fact that with some creativity, all kinds of images are possible for something like this, even without high end camera equipment. (Ok, granted - the telescope counts as equipment - but get creative.)
(Aurorae, lunar, planetary, sun, comets, satellites, eg: Iridium flares and of course deep sky!)
In the event that there is worry about not enough entries, call the challenge "Space", which could open the entries to terrestial shots representing the cosmos? (Space capsules at the museum, etc. ?)
If just astrophotography, then the submission type and period should be
advanced editing - as deep sky will require stacks based on what I'm seeing. (No experience with that myself yet.)
Time period MUST be at least a lunar month, though! Lunar phases are critical for the right shadows for good lunar portraits!
I don't have the deep sky equipment, (10" Dobsonian - meaning no motor drive) but I would certainly try my best lunar portrait with my new camera!
There. My two cents have been thrown out there.
ralfw |
02/20/2007 03:05:32 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by coliwabl: I like the idea of including "something in the sky" or "night sky," or....That would prevent it from being specific to only those with astro equipment. |
I agree it would be good to be able to include those who might try submitting a humble attempt. I really like this Challenge suggestion though, even if only just to vote on. |
02/20/2007 03:16:55 PM · #22 |
Would be a challenging challenge for sure... but I would have a blast voting on it.
02/20/2007 03:29:04 PM · #23 |
Now that we have Expert Rules in place, this challenge topic could really produce some great images. Here's a redux of M42 (Great Nebula in Orion) that I pulled from the "Sky" challenge. 4 exposures stacked:
02/20/2007 03:43:52 PM · #24 |
I would love to see this challenge. I agree it should cover more than deep few people would enter. I too think it should be a 30 allow for weather conditions.
What kind of scopes do you all have? I heard a few Dobs in the house...what else is out there? Do you piggy back or use a T adapter..or both?
I have a 20" Dob, a 10" Meade Schmidt Cassegrain, an 8" Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain, and a 90mm Meade Refractor. We had to sell our other 3 scopes...ran out of room. and to top it all...we have our own observatory dome in our backyard.
I'm itching for a contest like this! maybe a trip up to the TAS observing site for me!
02/20/2007 04:27:54 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by phototure: I would love to see this challenge. I agree it should cover more than deep few people would enter. I too think it should be a 30 allow for weather conditions. |
I was thinking the same thing about weather conditions.
Originally posted by phototure: What kind of scopes do you all have? I heard a few Dobs in the house...what else is out there? Do you piggy back or use a T adapter..or both?
I have a 20" Dob, a 10" Meade Schmidt Cassegrain, an 8" Celestron Schmidt Cassegrain, and a 90mm Meade Refractor. We had to sell our other 3 scopes...ran out of room. and to top it all...we have our own observatory dome in our backyard. |
20" Dob??!! Man, when you got aperture fever, you really scratched the itch!
I've got a 10" f/10 Meade SCT (older model) and a smattering of small 'scopes. Hope to add a fast APO refractor someday :-)
I also periodically join strangeghost at the observatory run by his local astronomical society. We use a 12" Meade SCT there, both piggyback & prime focus. For my WA stuff, I use an old EQ-5 mount (knockoff of CG-5) and directly mount my camera/lens to the mating dovetail. Works great for stuff from 15mm fisheye all the way to about 400mm. |
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