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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> DSLR help
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04/15/2006 09:10:35 AM · #1
I'm thinking about diving into the world of DSLR and was wondering if anyone had any recomendations or what or what not to buy. Being a student I'm on a budget but all help would be gratefuly recieved.
04/15/2006 09:16:28 AM · #2
Have you tried a forum search? There are countless threads on this topic.

04/15/2006 09:17:34 AM · #3
You can get a good deal on an original Canon dRebel used (I've seen them go for about $400 with kit lens used on Fredmiranda). Otherwise, you could probably pick up a D50 kit (saw one new for about $550 after coupons at Dell). Unless you want to spend more these are probably your best options to stay in the main stream of Camera bodies. Then there's the options of Olympus E300, Pentax *ist which are also good cameras. Pretty much it depends on what you like since all cameras are capable of taking nice pictures. The differences come from high ISO performance...good luck.
04/15/2006 09:20:47 AM · #4
i agree with bear on this one, but whats your budget that would give us a little bit more to work with :)

04/15/2006 09:21:15 AM · #5
Just saw this on FM...haven't seen a price this low for this camera.
Canon Rebel XT for $580.


04/15/2006 09:26:10 AM · #6
Well, my budget would probably be about $600 but I'm not looking for anything too amazing. Sorry for asking an over asked question.
04/15/2006 09:28:09 AM · #7
In that case a used rebel sounds good to me, but it is mostly about what your handss tell you, go to the store and pick them up, and whiever one feels right go home and buy.

also if you do get the rebel that will leave you with some money leftover to saver for lenses and accesories and such

04/15/2006 10:50:50 AM · #8
I've got a Rebel 300D for sale. PM me if interested
04/16/2006 04:26:24 AM · #9
Honestly, I would go to a place like keh or adorama, some place that sells used lenses, and see which DSLR has the cheapest (but decent) glass available. For example, if you went with an Olympus, you'd have a nice camera, and the Zuiko range of lenses is excellent, but they also cost a LOT of money, so if you're on a budget that might not be a good choice (because you WILL get upgraditis; it's just part of the deal), for example. All the entry-level DSLRs are superb, so you can't really go wrong with any of them; I'm just trying to look at the budget side of things.
04/16/2006 04:29:22 AM · #10
Originally posted by arhunt35:

Well, my budget would probably be about $600 but I'm not looking for anything too amazing. Sorry for asking an over asked question.

If you after something thats not too amazing then the 350D sounds perfect for you :) :)


Message edited by author 2006-04-16 04:29:42.
04/16/2006 05:40:27 AM · #11
Take a look at the Pentax *ist DL. Check out at BH Photo.

And to see what a DL can do, just look here.
04/17/2006 04:09:53 PM · #12
I've been offered a Canon 350D with EF-S 18-55 zoom lense for $560. I rekon this sounded pretty fair, anyone any thoughts? Cheers.
04/17/2006 04:34:23 PM · #13
Awesome deal, jump on it. Unless it's from a bait&switch store (check resellerratings). If a used one from an individual you can trust I'd say that's a great price.
04/17/2006 06:22:20 PM · #14
Originally posted by arhunt35:

I've been offered a Canon 350D with EF-S 18-55 zoom lense for $560. I rekon this sounded pretty fair, anyone any thoughts? Cheers.

If used but in excellent condition, sounds very fair. If new, it's very low. Beware. Current body + kit lens pricing is about $779 from reputable retailers, and there is a $100 USD rebate (mail-in).
I'd definitely go with the 350D over the 300D. The 300D had a somewhat crippled feature set with regard to manual settings that IMO was a deterrent to really learning photography. The 350D is a better machine.
Do bear in mind that the price of playing in the DSLR world includes nearly infinite "opportunity" for spending money, particularly on lenses. You *will* want additional lenses, and you'll quickly find that many of the better lenses (especially zooms) come with high price tags. Still, you can do some very good work with the kit lens, so if a DSLR holds the features and performance you desire, don't let "lens fever" keep you from taking the plunge.
I would recommend that in addition ot the kit lens , you buy the Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens. It's less than $100, and is a very good performer. It will provide a sharp, fast prime lens that will really show you what the camera is capable of.
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