Author | Thread |
09/04/2006 02:38:04 AM · #51 |
Originally posted by ergo: Originally posted by TomFoolery: So if a photographer loves to take his images to the edgeâ€Â¦doing things a bit dangerous just to get the photo perfect and ends up falling off a cliff or something and diesâ€Â¦is that what they had coming, they deserved it? Just don’t understand such talkâ€Â¦the man was doing what he loved and did it extremely well. He was one of the few that would get as close as he did to such creatures and let the world understand more. Don’t believe for one second he hurt one animal on purpose and know that if he ever did it would have hurt him more. The man had a huge heat very easily seen by all. Wish people could look and see that people have passions and just because we might not like doing it doesn’t mean they deserve whatever bad event happens to them for doing what they love. Don’t really want to single out anyone with this response just know that there are a few that feel they must state that. |
You don't think the snakes didn't like what Steve Irwin was doing to them? Tell me where you live. Let me come and against your will, a) grab you by the feet, b) drag you out of your house, c) choke-hold you while I parade you in front of a camera and d) talk about how "beautiful" you are, and how you're such an amazing creature.
Steve Irwin made MILLIONS doing what he did. I'm not saying he deserves what he got, but I am saying if you're going to evaluate his life, then EVALUATE it. |
This will be my last post for I don't want to continue bickering over this matter. I do believe the snake as soon as it was released had no harm done and probably no memory of it...and during the encounter a bit of stress but nothing to extreme. He did it to raise awareness about certain species and what to do if walked upon...never once did he say to pick one up. He did nothing more than experts do everyday to milk the venom out of deadly snakes to make anti-venom...and I'm sure they don't harm the snakes either.
Message edited by author 2006-09-04 02:40:16.
09/04/2006 02:53:08 AM · #52 |
I have been reading this thread and from my point of view, I do not see Steve Irwin as a bad man. He was a very good man and I look up to him.
He doesn't hurt animals and I remember him saying animals don't hurt you unless you hurt them first because they are more frightened of you then you are of them.
He tries to teach people about these animals the only way he knows how. Everyone is different and he is trying to do what he knows best.
This afternoon we saw a large snake slither quickly past us in the playground. I did not rush towards it like Steve Irwin would do but I stood back and tried to work out what type of snake it was. If Steve was a bad role model I would have rushed at it and it would have probably bitten me.
Please leave Steve alone. He has tried to save animals like the Galapagos Tortoise which is danger of becoming extinct. He wouldn't hurt any animal intentionally. |
09/04/2006 03:00:33 AM · #53 |
In a somewhat sad coincidence I just saw some stingrays a few days ago while waiting for the ferry to San Francisco ...
09/04/2006 03:01:31 AM · #54 |
Originally posted by Kita: I have been reading this thread and from my point of view, I do not see Steve Irwin as a bad man. He was a very good man and I look up to him.
He doesn't hurt animals and I remember him saying animals don't hurt you unless you hurt them first because they are more frightened of you then you are of them.
He tries to teach people about these animals the only way he knows how. Everyone is different and he is trying to do what he knows best.
This afternoon we saw a large snake slither quickly past us in the playground. I did not rush towards it like Steve Irwin would do but I stood back and tried to work out what type of snake it was. If Steve was a bad role model I would have rushed at it and it would have probably bitten me.
Please leave Steve alone. He has tried to save animals like the Galapagos Tortoise which is danger of becoming extinct. He wouldn't hurt any animal intentionally. |
are you really 9?
09/04/2006 03:08:55 AM · #55 |
Originally posted by deapee:
are you really 9? |
09/04/2006 03:14:58 AM · #56 |
This was the last piece of news I had expected when I woke up this morning.. very sad.
09/04/2006 03:21:32 AM · #57 |
Was just viewing the local news here in Cairns (where I live). Apparently, Steve and his crew arrived here a couple of days ago. They weren't able to do any filming due to the wet weather, so today when the weather eased up a bit, Steve went out to the reef to film a documentary for his daughter, Bindi. The new's was saying that he was filming reef sharks.
Yep we are all in shock......Still.
09/04/2006 03:25:30 AM · #58 |
This is really really sad. I was/am a big fan of Steve Irwin and had much respect for what he did. Really enjoyed his program, he was so vivid. |
09/04/2006 03:38:31 AM · #59 |
Yes Deapee, I am nine and proud to be so! I am also in grade 4. |
09/04/2006 03:41:30 AM · #60 |
09/04/2006 03:41:36 AM · #61 |
On the news just now was Steve Irwins manager.
He was above a big sting ray and the barb raised up and went into his chest and pierced his heart. Yes he was a larrakin but I dont for a second believe he was intentionally harming or making the stingray aggitated.
Rest in peace Steve
09/04/2006 03:48:55 AM · #62 |
Wow. This is pretty bizzare. I was going to say "unexpected", but when a man takes quite as many risks as this guy that doesn't really apply.
I'm convinced that, on the back of all his stunts for camera, Steve and his wife did do quite a lot for conservation and animals as a whole. So it is a shame. |
09/04/2006 03:52:07 AM · #63 |
Well, we should all be so lucky in life to have made a mark in the world, in people's lives, and a name to remember.
I do feel for his survivors, but is it "really" that bad to go out, doing what one loves to do?
Some people really live their lives, and in his case, right on the edge.
Sure beats the hell out of having a diaper changed in an old folks home.
Message edited by author 2006-09-04 03:55:20. |
09/04/2006 04:12:25 AM · #64 |
Originally posted by ergo: Originally posted by karmat: ergo, I haven't watched the croc hunter much (we don't have a tv), but everytime I watched him, he said many times [paraphrase] "this animal is very dangerous. if you see one in the wild, he is more scared of you than you are of him, just let him be and move on."
i always got the impression that he wanted to show us a bit of the wildlife to diminish our fear of it so that we would respect it more and not be so vigilante about destroying it because it is dangerous and frightful.
I guess it is just a matter of perspective.
Would I do what he did? Heck, no, I still think a good snake is a dead snake, and there isn't a naturalist anywhere, i don'thtink that will make me change my mind. :) |
Hey Karmat,
What happened to doing what one preaches? He says to kids: Stay away from these snakes.
But then he grabs them and manipulates them? Karmically, that's just sad. Educationally, it's a mixed message at best. And I don't want MY kids confused about which message is for them. |
I just saw the report on the news that the area where steve was was infested by an unusually high number of large stingrays around 2 metres in diameter. It is believed he dived into the water on top of one that was perhaps buried under sand. It seems that the stingray must have reacted in defence so it was an accident by early reports. Tree huggers like ergo need to get their facts right and not make wild accusations that Steve was trying to ride one before they make the comments he made.
Steve was honoured on all Melbourne News services tonight. He was seen as a conservationalist and environmentalist. He was a larrikan and a darn good guy.
We'll miss you mate.
09/04/2006 04:14:58 AM · #65 |
Originally posted by hotpasta: Steve was honoured on all Melbourne News services tonight. |
Enzo, do you have any links to your local news channels that might have video footage of them honoring him? |
09/04/2006 04:20:26 AM · #66 |
Originally posted by howzit: Originally posted by hotpasta: Steve was honoured on all Melbourne News services tonight. |
Enzo, do you have any links to your local news channels that might have video footage of them honoring him? |
09/04/2006 04:21:14 AM · #67 |
Originally posted by ergo: Originally posted by TomFoolery: So if a photographer loves to take his images to the edgeâ€Â¦doing things a bit dangerous just to get the photo perfect and ends up falling off a cliff or something and diesâ€Â¦is that what they had coming, they deserved it? Just don’t understand such talkâ€Â¦the man was doing what he loved and did it extremely well. He was one of the few that would get as close as he did to such creatures and let the world understand more. Don’t believe for one second he hurt one animal on purpose and know that if he ever did it would have hurt him more. The man had a huge heat very easily seen by all. Wish people could look and see that people have passions and just because we might not like doing it doesn’t mean they deserve whatever bad event happens to them for doing what they love. Don’t really want to single out anyone with this response just know that there are a few that feel they must state that. |
You don't think the snakes didn't like what Steve Irwin was doing to them? Tell me where you live. Let me come and against your will, a) grab you by the feet, b) drag you out of your house, c) choke-hold you while I parade you in front of a camera and d) talk about how "beautiful" you are, and how you're such an amazing creature.
Steve Irwin made MILLIONS doing what he did. I'm not saying he deserves what he got, but I am saying if you're going to evaluate his life, then EVALUATE it. |
Man, sometimes I think it would be nice to live in a cabin in the mountains... all alone... Oh BROTHER! |
09/04/2006 06:12:45 AM · #68 |
I do not wish to fuel the debate in this thread, but ergo, I have PMed you with my support. I agree with most of what you say though I do appreciate that some feel this is not an appropriate place to discuss it. However I want you to know you're not alone in your thinking.
09/04/2006 06:29:26 AM · #69 |
Originally posted by ergo: You don't think the snakes didn't like what Steve Irwin was doing to them? Tell me where you live. Let me come and against your will, a) grab you by the feet, b) drag you out of your house, c) choke-hold you while I parade you in front of a camera and d) talk about how "beautiful" you are, and how you're such an amazing creature.
Steve Irwin made MILLIONS doing what he did. I'm not saying he deserves what he got, but I am saying if you're going to evaluate his life, then EVALUATE it. | '
Dude, show some respect, you are totally out of line, the guy just died for christ sakes and all you can pretty much say is "good riddance, the guy was a bad role model"?
All I can personally think about is his wife and two kids and how they must feel right now, my sympathies go to them and hope they get through this, I feel bad for them. |
09/04/2006 06:47:20 AM · #70 |
09/04/2006 06:50:13 AM · #71 |
I am so proud of you Kita, and it is a joy to hear what you have to say. For someome so young, you have really touched my heart today, with your words. Thank you, and I to will miss a great man, who had the guts to stand up for what he believed in, and did so much for the preservation of wildlife everywhere, here in Australia. and throughout the world......
Originally posted by Kita: Yes Deapee, I am nine and proud to be so! I am also in grade 4. |
09/04/2006 07:20:54 AM · #72 |
09/04/2006 08:08:04 AM · #73 |
So ergo:
When was the last time you where nominated for "Australian of the year"?
What was the last thing that you have you done for nature conservation in your area?
Have you been asked by your local government to help devise plans for the preservation of endagered animals latley?.
Did you bring in 60 million dollars worth of trade to your country last year?
And do you have a a forum thread dedicated to your achievements?
Steve Irwin was a great Aussie/Queenslander and has achieved more than we normal people would ever hope to. Steve leaves behind his wife (Terri) and his 2 children (Bindi and Bob) my heart goes out to them as his children are now without a father and the world is without a great character.
If you want to bag the guy ergo... try again next year as now is not the time.
Message edited by author 2006-09-04 08:11:05. |
09/04/2006 08:15:52 AM · #74 |
the irony is that, as an australian, i hated steve irwin. yet, i admit i was shocked and saddened by his death. he has been an australian icon.
i spoke to him a couple of times at the pub in caloundra, near his australia zoo. that was ages ago when he was still struggling to keep the zoo running, and before his favourite dog Suzie died.
he was definitely not the smartest bloke around. his wife, terri, was an amazing woman and definitely the driving force behind his success.
but, as i said, i'm damn sad to hear he died.
rip mate!
09/04/2006 08:23:48 AM · #75 |
Yes - your right ! Lets evaluate it. My sympathy goes out to his wife and kids.
I was never a big fan of Steve Irwins show but one thing you may not have realised about him. Many people are killed each year in Australia by crodiles. Most Australians had the attitude that the only good croc was a dead one. His show managed to turn around a lot of peoples attitude to crocidiles - yes they were dangerous but were worth preserving. Dispite the way he went around his show (and yes - he did make millions but so have many others for far less), he has contibuted a great deal to conservation.
I'm not trying to turn the guy into a saint - but please give the guy credit for what he did do. |
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