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Showing posts 1901 - 1925 of 2180, (reverse)
01/25/2007 08:39:07 AM · #1901
Note - for the non-US folks in the crowd, there's a saying that goes "I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole"... Just thought I'd better clarify.
01/25/2007 09:11:18 AM · #1902

cosprenks, I am not a PS wizard by any means, but I can help with the basics. If you have particular questions, fire away and if I don't know the answer, I'm sure someone on Team Suck does! [/quote]

Thanks will do. I'm leaving for Vegas on Friday and hope to take some good pictures there. What I would like to do is post process one the way I do it and then have someone please tell me how I did it wrong (which judging from my scores I'm doing) and how to do it the right way. Sometimes I think I need a brick upside my head to get it right. :)
01/25/2007 09:43:51 AM · #1903
Originally posted by noraneko:

I need my man's big pole for my minimalism entry, oh wait, sorry, got confused there for a minute. You ladies are dirty (giggles behind hand).

Ohh....that was COLD!!!
01/25/2007 09:44:04 AM · #1904
Originally posted by posthumous:


BLUE=====Team Novice======5.93915
RED======The Hoovers======5.8177
YELLOW===Team Entropy=====5.541733333
BROWN====Team Minus=======5.229633333

Congratulations to Team Novice!! They have the distinction of leaderlessly awarding an OOBIE and YAPPIE to persons of their choice.

Damn, that average is frighteningly close to six.

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here, please.

01/25/2007 10:13:39 AM · #1905
oh! it looks like butterflies have outsucked everyone and we also have reached the absolute zero :)

congrats to team Novice!

I will be in minimalism and probably in frame, too. also in nude, free study and whatever comes.
I haven't been participating in challenges lately because of some personal reasons, but I feel like I have found some way out:) and I like this way, so I am in as many challenges now as I can.
01/25/2007 10:17:18 AM · #1906
Originally posted by Melethia:

Originally posted by xianart:

i have an idea for fill the frame, which i need my man to help me with.

Deb takes 10 foot pole and backs away quietly, careful not to touch...

ok, i obviously didn't think before i typed. deb, get your mind out fo the gutter! ;-P

i need his help to click the shutter... really...
01/25/2007 10:46:45 AM · #1907
Originally posted by xianart:

i need his help to click the shutter... really...

Ask Timfythetoo - sprogs can come in handy for shutter clicking on occasion, too. Cats, on the other hand, are completely useless.
01/25/2007 10:52:00 AM · #1908
Originally posted by kdsprog:

Originally posted by snaffles:

Wow, do I ever have that brownie recipe memorized now! Thanks to all members of the Brownie Recipe Club (you know who you are) for your suggestions and useful comments.

Just a quick addendum for the recipe - if you do use butter, make sure it is softened, not melted. Big difference between the two. And if you like nuts in your brownies, I'd guess that a 1/2 cup of nuts should be about right for this recipe.

A quick reminder as this thread can move pretty fast - hi, I'm snaffles and I want to sell pix to Shutterstock, so I am asking my TS fellows for assistance in choosing pix worthy of putting in a portfolio to submit to Shutterstock. Any extra post-editing hints to help enhance pix that just need a little more work would be great, too. I now have Photoshop 8.0 so I am up to speed in terms of that, now just need to know how to maximize the program.

So, don't be the only Team Suckee without a PM'd snaffles' mum's brownie recipe! Check out my portfolio, choose the 5-8 pix you like best and PM me your list!

Don't delay! Sometimes my pix suck, but my brownies don't!

Please, please, please don't take this the wrong way. But Shutterstock is almost impossible to get into these days. Many of the so called "pros" on this site have gotten a lot of rejections from them lately. Also not that I'm any better than you (cause I'm not) but I've tried 3 times with 30 different pictures that have all been shot down by them. Those same pictures were accepted at Fotolia, LuckyOliver and 123RF. You might want to try any of these if you get shot down by Shutterstock.

Thanks for the advice and suggestions for other stock sites - I thought I'd try Shutterstock at first, as it seems to be the best in terms of payment etc. I'll see how it goes! :-)
01/25/2007 11:06:26 AM · #1909
cool i'm over 10,000 profile views.

01/25/2007 11:19:13 AM · #1910
Good work! Hey, wanna get a really great brownie recipe? Choose 5-8 pix from my protfolio that you would choose to submit to Shutterstock or other stock agencies. Comments welcome esp if they involve post editing steps.
01/25/2007 11:21:06 AM · #1911
i'll do what i can susan. i just realised the reason for the lack of commens, etc. lately. sadly, it seems that naps are over in our house. i now have an overactive 3 year old from 6 am to 7:30 pm - non stop.

01/25/2007 11:22:12 AM · #1912
Hey, everyone, come on over to my thread about sharing your favorites among your own photos.

I can think of no better way to spread the team suck attitude than showing what we really like as opposed to focusing only on scores. :)

01/25/2007 11:25:30 AM · #1913
Originally posted by xianart:

i'll do what i can susan. i just realised the reason for the lack of commens, etc. lately. sadly, it seems that naps are over in our house. i now have an overactive 3 year old from 6 am to 7:30 pm - non stop.


Appreciate any effort, but by all means don't knock yourself out - or get your 3-year-old to point at the pix they like best! ;-)
01/25/2007 11:39:27 AM · #1914
Originally posted by xianart:

i'll do what i can susan. i just realised the reason for the lack of commens, etc. lately. sadly, it seems that naps are over in our house. i now have an overactive 3 year old from 6 am to 7:30 pm - non stop.


Would that be "Wildlife" or "Harsh Environment" ?
01/25/2007 11:43:11 AM · #1915
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

I haven't been participating in challenges lately because of some personal reasons, but I feel like I have found some way out:) and I like this way, so I am in as many challenges now as I can.

Svetlana, hope all is okay! Please PM if can help in any way!!
01/25/2007 11:52:15 AM · #1916
you are very very kind Catherine!
thank you! everything is fine and life is great:) things happen:)
01/25/2007 12:02:59 PM · #1917
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

you are very very kind Catherine!
thank you! everything is fine and life is great:) things happen:)

Just remember that we are your most loving, albeit obtuse, support group.....how do you feel about that?
01/25/2007 12:05:51 PM · #1918
Another thing.....thanks ever so much for my OOBIE!!!!

I'd like to point out how thrilled I am to have tied Catherine because mine really wasn't that difficult of a photograph, just a semantics play.

Now the goat on the park bench.....that's just COOL!!!!!

Mine wasn't in the same category as hers, but I'll take it!

Thanks guys, and congrats Catherine!
01/25/2007 01:29:15 PM · #1919
Did bryantbus ever get power back??

I peeked at my score for Exit, and think it's probably at it's apex about now. Should start a slight decline for the rest of the week, based on past experience. But it will be (barring a complete freefall) a new entry in my top row. Turned scores back off, though. It's good enough that it can meander where it wants and I won't worry about it. But not good enough that I have to wait for rollover. :-)
01/25/2007 01:32:27 PM · #1920
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Just remember that we are your most loving, albeit obtuse, support group.....how do you feel about that?

I feel great and you are wonderful:)
01/25/2007 01:39:58 PM · #1921
we were discussing each other here recently,
everyone whould read this now if you haven't yet!!

[url=//www.radiantvista.com/media/articles/radiantVista_ar_mythOfTalent.pdf ]the myth of talent[/url]

every second link I post here is not working :)

Message edited by author 2007-01-25 13:44:23.
01/25/2007 01:40:24 PM · #1922
Hey, I'm not obtuse! I'm actually a little too skinny these days. I miss my daily mochas....
Good to see you smiling, Svetlana!
01/25/2007 01:43:00 PM · #1923
Originally posted by Melethia:

Hey, I'm not obtuse! I'm actually a little too skinny these days. I miss my daily mochas....
Good to see you smiling, Svetlana!

hehe:) no, you are not!
sure I am smiling, it's so great to be here!
01/25/2007 01:58:32 PM · #1924
link for silverfoxx

the myth of talent

note - this is a pdf not a web page - it will open acrobat

p.s. you can't have any spaces in the url part or it won't work

Message edited by author 2007-01-25 13:59:27.
01/25/2007 02:10:04 PM · #1925
thank you Skewsme!!
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