Author | Thread |
01/01/2007 03:48:44 PM · #1 |
I am starting this in a new thread so that it doesn̢۪t get drowned out. I will be updating this regularly.
The 2006 DPC Europe Photography Workshop/GTG was a huge success, therefore after numerous requests, we ( kiwiness, anastasia, azrifel) have decided to repeat the same event in 2007. The DPC Photography Workshop will take place on June 30, 2007 for which we are now officially taking registrations. The following day (July 01) will be a general GTG for which no registration is required, everybody is welcome.
To register for the workshop please write me an email to We will add your name to the list only if you have definitely confirmed that you are coming. But be quick because the list is filling fast. If you have written in the previous forum thread that you are going to attend then you will not be added to the list, I will need a confirmation email from you.
The workshop will take place in the Kaiserhof Hotel, a 4 star hotel in Münster, Germany. We have booked 5 fully equipped seminar rooms for the event. We have also reserved 20 rooms for anyone wishing to stay in the hotel for the duration of the event.
10 X Komfort @ 86 Euros p/n
10 X Superior @ 94 Euros p/n
The hotel rooms will only be blocked until May 7th, after that you will have to find alternative accommodation. The Cue word for booking a room is DPC Workshop Anyone seeking alternative accommodation may find something appropriate through this link.
The price for the workshops including refreshments and snacks throughout the day and buffet lunch is 150 Euros, this is payable by PAYPAL under Please add an extra 6.50 Euros for the transfer surcharge. Payment must be on my account at the latest by May 1st. If you are not able to transfer the fee by Paypal, please contact me personally and we will make alternative arrangements.
The program for the workshop on June 30 is as follows:
10:00 - 11:00 Informal meeting, introductions and description of the workshop agenda.
11:00 – 13:00 Workshop rotation (each participant attends 2 workshops in groups of 13)
13:00 – 14:00 Buffet lunch in Kaiserhof Restaurant
14:00 – 16:00 Workshop rotation (each participant attends 2 further workshops in groups of 13)
16:00 – 17:00 Informal meeting and feedback session.
18:00 -? Outdoor shooting with the models.
We have not planned an evening event although we will have a number of possibilities which we can discuss after the feedback session.
The 4 workshops that each participant can attend are:
1) Studio Lighting for Fashion/Portrait/Glamour Photography, by Anastasia Kapluggin
2) Make-up/styling, by Olga Seifert
3) Image processing in Photoshop, by Gary Kapluggin
4) Low Key Nude Photography, by Rüdiger Linden
We have arranged 8 models for the workshop:
Serdar Jasmin Chris
Sarah Fritzi Caro
Annika Steffi
Confirmed registrations for the workshop so far.
(1) Heida
(2) Cutter
(3) Joey Lawrence
(4) Alexsaberi
(5) barbvanio
(6) benpictures
(7) Kosmikreeper
(8) Silverfoxx
(9) Toyan
(10) asjschel
(11) Highonenergy
(12) Lowonenergy
(13) Frank
(14) Silverscreen
(15) Mephisto
(16) Jaded Youth
(17) Imagine74
(18) Alexgarcia
(19) Smyk
(20) dainmcgowan
(21) De Sousa
(22) Melethia
(23) Pawdrix
(24) Akiwi
(25) tapeworm_jimmy
(26) Vadvirag
(27) Anotherday
(28) Fetor
(29) Isi79
(30) Shecoya
(31) Michael Luks
(32) Dreamy
(33) Talikf
(34) Mato
(35) JPR
(36) Pano
(37) Dpdave
(38) Pedro
(39) Philos
Looking forward to meeting you all.
Message edited by author 2007-06-24 09:10:16. |
01/01/2007 03:58:57 PM · #2 |
I wish we could, but it looks like our situation won't allow it this year, so myself and chiqui won't be joining you :o( Wish you all huge fun!
01/01/2007 06:38:19 PM · #3 |
20 places are confirmed now, another 20 are still open. |
01/01/2007 07:37:43 PM · #4 |
Also, if some people arrive early...
I can take three people with me to the thursday the 28th of June MotoGP practice at Assen in Holland. You only pay for the entrance fee, not the trip. Maybe I can help someone with their panning skills/shooting fast moving vehicles or you can simply enjoy a day at a MotoGP venue.
The thursday entrance fee is pretty cheap.
01/02/2007 03:54:14 AM · #5 |
last year was so amazing so i cannot wait till this workshop, going to be a 100percent BLaST and best evah!!!!
01/02/2007 05:46:00 AM · #6 |
This sounds sooo good!! I'm so looking forward to it! And meeting al those people (again) :D
By then i'm finished with school, i'll have my diploma hopefully, so this is gonna be a great start of my vacation :D |
01/02/2007 05:46:21 AM · #7 |
me tooooooooooooooo so exciting! :-D
Good thing we called yesterday Gary haha, otherwise I wouldn't be on the list hihi!!! sooooooooo wasted eh? :-P
01/02/2007 08:38:57 AM · #8 |
yay. so I've purchased my flight tickets and and sent in the online hotel booking request but now I have a couple questions. :P
Originally posted by kiwiness:
To register for the workshop please write me an email to We will add your name to the list only if you have definitely confirmed that you are coming. But be quick because the list is filling fast. If you have written in the previous forum thread that you are going to attend then you will not be added to the list, I will need a confirmation email from you.
(1) Heida
(2) Librodo
(3) Joey Lawrence
(4) Alexsaberi
(5) Qart
(6) Akiwi
(7) Kosmikreeper
(8) Silverfoxx
(9) Toyan
(10) Alecia
(11) Highonenergy
(12) Lowonenergy
(13) Frank
(14) Silverscreen
(15) Mephisto
(16) Jaded Youth
(17) Imagine74
(18) Alexgarcia
(19) Smyk
(20) Doctornick
(21) De Sousa
(22) Melethia
Since my name is on that list does that mean i'm already signed up for the workshops or do I need to send you a confirmation?
Originally posted by kiwiness:
The price for the workshops including refreshments and snacks throughout the day and buffet lunch is 150 Euros, this is payable by PAYPAL under Please add an extra 3.50 Euros for the transfer surcharge. Payment must be on my account at the latest by May 1st, otherwise the next on the waiting list will move into your slot. If you are not able to transfer the fee by Paypal, please contact me personally and we will make alternative arrangements. |
so is the 150 euros for all the workshops or is that like a price for each one. For 153.5 I get to attend all four. correct? just making sure.
Crystal |
01/02/2007 08:52:39 AM · #9 |
Originally posted by jaded_youth:
Since my name is on that list does that mean i'm already signed up for the workshops or do I need to send you a confirmation?
so is the 150 euros for all the workshops or is that like a price for each one. For 153.5 I get to attend all four. correct? just making sure.
Crystal |
Hi Crystal
The 150 Euros is for the complete day including the 4 seminars and the food and refreshments during the workshop.
And no you don't need to confirm because you already sent me an email which I took as the confirmation.
Looking forward to meeting you |
01/02/2007 08:53:04 AM · #10 |
Ha, Gary, you beat me to it. Awake again I see. :)
Message edited by author 2007-01-02 08:55:26.
01/02/2007 09:05:17 AM · #11 |
01/02/2007 09:15:54 AM · #12 |
Now what's the best way to get into Münster? Via Amsterdam or Frankfurt? Train? Drive?
01/02/2007 09:39:10 AM · #13 |
90% chance I will be there. Slim chance I am attending the first day of seminar however....But I am probably safely assuming that people might be lingering/shooting/traveling more than just a day or two.
01/02/2007 09:49:54 AM · #14 |
I'm very much looking forward to attending the workshops and to meet such a hugely talented group of photographers! Thanks for setting this up. |
01/02/2007 10:46:34 AM · #15 |
I must admit, I am quite "pumped" for this wonderful event. |
01/02/2007 02:33:49 PM · #16 |
Gary read your inbox!!! :-D
01/02/2007 02:57:56 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by doctornick: Now what's the best way to get into Münster? Via Amsterdam or Frankfurt? Train? Drive? |
For renting cars I'd check the usual sites for prices.
Some links I found in random order (may not be all the active companies):
Autoeurope /Quickcar
Europcar (with some preselected data and you can choose the right language at the top)
Budget rent a Car
Avis Germany (German language only, other languages at
Hertz Germany
Frankfurt-Münster is about 3 hours I think.
If you think about driving from Frankfurt with a rental car it can also be interesting to look for prices to/from Amsterdam-Schiphol (NL). The drive from Amsterdam-Schiphol to Muenster is also 2.5 hours.
Hamburg-Muenster by car is 2.5 hours.
A good site to check travel times, maps and directions is ViaMichelin
There is always a chance of traffic jams. Amsterdam to Münster can be traveljam hell in the morning and late afternoon. I think you also might find that Amsterdam is an expensive airport to fly to.
By train:
Deutche Bahn / German Railway company
Frankfurt to Muenster on for example June 28 2007 offers rides almost every half hour with travel times varying from 3:10 to 4:35 hours. The price can vary from 58.00 to 94.00 euro depending on the trains you will be travelling with. Price is one-way.
The trip from Hamburg is a lot shorter, only 2:15 hours. Costs app 50 euro.
There is also a good connection from Amsterdam-Schiphol, between 3:15 and 4 hours. Price unknown.
Keep in mind that the hotel the workshop is held at is opposite the Münster trainstation. I have traveled a couple of times by train in Germany and the rides are pretty comfortable.
Prices are from searches I did a couple of weeks ago. Germany raised the sales tax bt 3% on the 1st of january, so prices will have gone up a bit.
01/03/2007 04:53:19 AM · #18 |
thanks fot the first official applications guys, the first payments have already arrived, great job!
01/03/2007 06:32:37 AM · #19 |
it will be great to see all you again:) |
01/03/2007 01:07:47 PM · #20 |
So if I get this right, we do the workshops on the 30th and have fun shooting the models on the 1st (and evening of the 30th)?
01/03/2007 01:38:57 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by kosmikkreeper: So if I get this right, we do the workshops on the 30th and have fun shooting the models on the 1st (and evening of the 30th)? |
the modela are booked for the the 30th and if we manage to talk them into staying one day longer free of charge, we can shoot them again and again :))))
01/03/2007 01:59:19 PM · #22 |
Can the models be bribed with alcoholic beverages or food? I'm pretty sure most of the photographers would be willing to pitch in for such bribes...
I will be sure to send in my money prior to the deadline, but I need to wait until it gets closer to make sure I'll be here and not traveling due to work.
I will most likely drive, though I do enjoy the train. If I do drive, what is the situation for parking? Can we park at the hotel? And do we make our own reservations at the hotel but let them know it's part of the "conference"? (I need to learn a wee bit more German before I attempt that!)
Oh, and if I am going to drive, I could possibly pick up a passenger in Frankfurt if someone needed a ride. Right now it could only be one passenger unless I get a car that seats more by then.
Oh, and looking at the list of attendees? I am SO out of my league... but I'm so looking forward to absorbing a whole lot of knowledge, too!!
Message edited by author 2007-01-03 14:01:55. |
01/03/2007 02:18:24 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by Melethia: do drive, what is the situation for parking? Can we park at the hotel? And do we make our own reservations at the hotel but let them know it's part of the "conference"? (I need to learn a wee bit more German before I attempt that!)
I used thier online booking form and put that I was part of this get together in the notes section. They responded with my confirmation in english so I don't think you need to know German to book. I didn't. They didnt however take any payment info. the just said a room was reserved. so If you do it and they ask you to pay ahead of time. let me know please. jsut in case them not asking me for payment was an oversight. I'd hate to get there and not have a room.
Message edited by author 2007-01-03 14:39:53. |
01/04/2007 09:55:51 AM · #24 |
bring a tent with you, me & high on energy know a good camping nearby!
It's very fun their !! mepthisto can confirm that too lol!!
:-) |
01/04/2007 10:12:28 AM · #25 |
Hey, I read in the comments for Joey's latest manifesto that Serdar has a website? What's the address?
And yes, Crystal, I'll let you know. I may give it a shot this afternoon. I did indeed already book my calendar at work so folks will know I won't be available that weekend. |
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