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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Photos of our animal friends.
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11/02/2003 10:55:21 PM · #1
I recently got a new puppy. She's a lab-rott mix named Kaziza. She's now 11 weeks old and I finally took some photos of her today. I took a few when she was really little (6 weeks) but none since then.

Feel free to fill this thread with photos of all your animal friends.

Had to come back and include one of her when she was only 6 weeks old.

Message edited by author 2003-11-02 23:01:27.
11/02/2003 11:05:21 PM · #2
She's adorable! Congrats!

I don't have room for all mine, at one time they numbered over 50, hence our house is forever known as the Neuferland Zoo. But currently we are down to only 18 ;)

Will have to work on some new shots of them
11/03/2003 12:22:40 AM · #3
Nala (Guinea Pig)
Raja (Absynnian Guinea)
Monk (She's a Degu www.degus.com)
Jack (Jack Dempsey)
Patches (mini rex, lop mix)
Miss Sessa (Ferret)

This is about 1/2 my zoo. I have 2 more Degus and 2 big ol dogs. I also have 2 other fish tanks.
It helps that I'm the assistant manager of a pet store. LOL.
11/03/2003 12:50:14 AM · #4
Great shots JasonPR, I especially like the last one, the crop really makes it something interesting, and I love simple shots. Definetly a cute dog!

That's one helluva bunch of animals you got HBunch, personally I've always wanted a ferret, but my parents aren't down with that, but as soon as I move out! Nice shots of em all too!

11/03/2003 01:31:05 AM · #5
Great photos hbunch. The expression on Raja's face makes that photo my favorite. The one of Miss Sessa is great too. Do you sell degus at the store you work at? They look pretty cute. They're chillean right?

Keep 'em coming people!
11/03/2003 02:15:22 AM · #6
Cute photos Jason and Heather :)

Here are a couple of my dog Charlie:

11/03/2003 02:19:44 AM · #7
Here's one of my pride and joy. His name is Odysseus and he's a miniature pinscher. Got him at the local pound - he was found wandering near a busy highway. He had tags but when the shelter called the owner their response was, and I am quoting, "Just let him go. He'll find his way home."

Grr. Some people make me so mad... but I digress.

He's been mine since March 1st and he's too adorable.

I recently uploaded this and others to my portfolio.

11/03/2003 02:30:30 AM · #8
We currently have 10 cats and a puppy running around our place.

All but one have pics here: The Petting Zoo
11/03/2003 02:57:49 AM · #9

He is our first dog ever and absolute sweetheart. He loves people and of course his daddy.


Jasmine was given to me when I lost a baby.
Along with my son, she was the joy of my life, until a stray dog killed her during our summer vacation. It was very devastating to all of us.


We adopted Jaime after we lost Jasmine. He was badly abused by his previous owner and we are still struggling with him to show him that no harm will ever come to him again. He is slowly learning that nothing more than love will fill his life from now on.

Timea a.k.a. Timmi

Timmi is the latest addition to our family. She is a bundle of energy and bosses all the others around pretty much the whole day.

Nicholas with Jasper

Jasper with Jasmine

They sure love lots of attention.
11/03/2003 03:07:57 AM · #10
Jason, your Kaziza is gorgeous. I was actually looking at your portfolio before I found this forum post, and I was admiring her pictures. She sure must bring lots of joy to your family.

Konador, love your Charlie photos. He has this sweet look in his eyes.

Lucid, your Odysseus looks very huggable. I love pinschers. Actually I love all dogs, as long as they do not eat my tiny chihuahuas :-)))

hbunch, what a collection of critters. All are so adorable.

audioaltima, neat petting zoo. My son would be in heaven.
11/03/2003 03:11:17 AM · #11
I almost forgot our fishies.
My son knows the names.
I don't get too attached to them, as they tend to expire too often :-((

11/03/2003 03:12:26 AM · #12
Great looking pets you all have!

Konador: Charlie looks like a real movie star, especially the way the light reflects in his eyes.

Michael: Wow, thats a lot of cats. The notes on that webpage were great! I had a cat that played fetch when I was little too.

Timmi: I love your black and white photo of timmi in the At Rest challenge. You must love Timmi too, since you're using the name :)

Sia: Gotta love those ears! I like number 3, the pose is so striking.
11/03/2003 03:13:53 AM · #13
Originally posted by timmi:

I almost forgot our fishies.
My son knows the names.
I don't get too attached to them, as they tend to expire too often :-((

LOL. That's the problem with fish. That's a really great photo though. Looks like they have a nice wet home. :)
11/03/2003 10:21:06 AM · #14
Here are some pictures of our "kids":

Cosmopolitan (Cosmo for short) at 11 months. This is one of the first pictures I took with my 10D (on March 17th, the day after I got the camera.)

Jamaica Me Crazy (Jamaica for short) a few days before her first birthday and her first haircut (which followed a few days later).

A picture of Cosmo I took for the "At Rest" challenge but didn't use. (I used the "Burn" tool in Photoshop a little bit in this version. The shallow DOF is natural though.)

Cosmo and Jamaica. (Cosmo is four months older than Jamaica.)

Jamaica and Cosmo fell asleep on my black backdrop (read: some black fabric I bought at Jo-Ann's) and I very quietly grabbed my camera and got this picture.

More pictures of the two of them are in this portfolio.

Message edited by author 2003-11-03 10:34:07.
11/03/2003 10:24:23 AM · #15
I used to have cats,, then gerbils, but alas I am allergic so now I have crabs.......... <<>>
get your minds out of the gutter!!!

11/03/2003 10:38:24 AM · #16
Jazz the Guinea Pig Stalked!
11/03/2003 10:53:34 AM · #17
Here are my two...the blue merle is Dame Nellie Melba and the red tri is, brace yourself, Red


I haven't mastered the thumbnail yet.......

Message edited by author 2003-11-03 10:59:00.
11/04/2003 01:07:02 AM · #18
Love the crab photo...
11/04/2003 01:14:16 AM · #19
Originally posted by amsmyth:

Here are my two...the blue merle is Dame Nellie Melba and the red tri is, brace yourself, Red


I haven't mastered the thumbnail yet.......

It's easy.
Go to the large image of your picture. On the end is the picture number . For your picture it's the 43734.
Remember that # and go to the thread open the post reply.
Click on the put that # in and it's done. D & L , site council have made it so easy if you have a portfolio in DPC.
11/04/2003 01:14:32 AM · #20
I have two cats.. I've not managed to take a decent picture of Tony yet, but here's a nice picture of Migget for you to look at. He's a cutey! Actually, he's the spawn of satan, but I love him. We also have a bunch of fish, tetras, an aqua frog (Mr. Froggy), aqua snails, and 1 female betta called rosey. The tanks are too dark though. I have a black background, and the lights are very dimmed for the neon tetras to feel more comfortable, a lot of their body movement is their form of body language with the neon strip.

Message edited by author 2003-11-04 01:15:35.
11/04/2003 01:26:27 PM · #21
EddyG, Great pics. They are so cute.
11/04/2003 01:57:29 PM · #22
Here's my favorite pics of my favorite two critters [excluding my children ;-) ]:

Two bad I can't use an old picture in a challenge. That bird pic is just dying to be in an irony challenge.
11/04/2003 02:45:15 PM · #23
Great shots everyone. Neil, love the yankees hat! You did a really good job in post-processing that shot to get rid of the bookshelf. Everyone has really great looking pets. JC, sorry 'bout them crabs. That was a really good shot. EddyG, great shots. I like the ones on the black the best. Annida, that's a fine picture of the spawn of satan as well. Amsmyth, those are really good looking dog-dogs. :)
11/04/2003 03:19:44 PM · #24
Love the puppy Jason!

Here's my colleague's dog, Tinker - (with a very long nose!) - who came to stay in our office for a few days while the owners were on holiday...

11/04/2003 03:22:45 PM · #25

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