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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> NOT Best of 2006. How bad was yours?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 28, (reverse)
01/26/2007 12:02:30 PM · #1
My "Best of 2006" entry was only my 19th best. It was 1.3254 points below my best and 0.0579 points below my average for the year.

I had better image that I was going to enter, but it was too similar to one I had already entered, so I decide not to do it. Bad decision.

Who else didn't even come close?
01/26/2007 12:06:17 PM · #2
1.42 below my best, .1 above my average. However, I'd still say it was my favourite image from the whole year. My opinion and the opinion of the voters rarely concur.
01/26/2007 12:09:42 PM · #3
Mine finished just below the middle of the pack with a 5.7, 2 full points below my best score of the year. As a matter of principle I didn't enter anything I had posted before to my portfolio. I had been holding this one in reserve,a nd it proved to be a mistake :-(

01/26/2007 12:11:11 PM · #4
Originally posted by Pedro:

My opinion and the opinion of the voters rarely concur.

I wouldn't take that as much of a bad thing. I love the character that comes across in that wedding shot of yours though. Fun and funny.
01/26/2007 12:11:17 PM · #5
18th by score, 26th by placing in a challenge. I think for 2007 it might be interesting to not only disallow previous challenge entries, but also outtakes of challenge entry shots (same subject with some minor variation).
01/26/2007 12:12:32 PM · #6
Originally posted by routerguy666:

18th by score, 26th by placing in a challenge. I think for 2007 it might be interesting to not only disallow previous challenge entries, but also outtakes of challenge entry shots (same subject with some minor variation).

So Best of, but not anything you thought was actually good enough to have entered in a previous challenge or related to anything that you previously thought was good ? :)
01/26/2007 12:19:44 PM · #7
Originally posted by Gordon:

Originally posted by routerguy666:

18th by score, 26th by placing in a challenge. I think for 2007 it might be interesting to not only disallow previous challenge entries, but also outtakes of challenge entry shots (same subject with some minor variation).

So Best of, but not anything you thought was actually good enough to have entered in a previous challenge or related to anything that you previously thought was good ? :)

It wasn't applicable to any challenges at the time it was shot other than free study and it wasn't the best shot for that. I thought it was a good shot. I didn't think it was one of my best shots, else it would have been entered in a challenge. I could have just processed up an outtake of something that had ribboned and submitted that again. In retrospect, maybe I should have but it seemed to go against the spirit of the challenge. Obviously I was not correct heheh.
01/26/2007 01:06:41 PM · #8
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Mine finished just below the middle of the pack with a 5.7, 2 full points below my best score of the year.

Right there with ya Robert... as a matter of fact, 19 places below you, LOL. What's amazing is that I managed what's probably my tightest vote distribution ever, a standard deviation of 1.11; apparently the shot is terminally mediocre, and everone agrees!
01/26/2007 01:16:17 PM · #9
1.39 below my top, my third worst score since October, and my first triple digit finish since July. Hardly a "best of." Still, a 6.4 with 7 faves is fairly respectable, and my most recent entry is doing FAR worse!

Message edited by author 2007-01-26 13:17:18.
01/26/2007 01:25:10 PM · #10
Mine certainly didn't score amazingly, but it was 0.2 above my average and finished a nice middling 57%. In all, I'd say it represented my year quite nicely.
01/26/2007 01:37:52 PM · #11
Mine wasn't my highest score either, but it was well above my average, and it was definitely the photo that was closest to my heart.

It was a really eye-opening and heart-wrenching experience to spend time with the children that become the subjects for my photos that day.
01/26/2007 01:39:42 PM · #12
Mine scored just a smidge above my average. It wasnt the best image I took this year but it is on eof my favorites and I really wanted it to be voted on. Very pleased overall.
01/26/2007 02:26:57 PM · #13
Got a perfect round 6, almost a point down from the best of 2006, but a round 6 is something special too. :)

01/26/2007 02:49:37 PM · #14
Originally posted by Azrifel:

Got a perfect round 6, almost a point down from the best of 2006, but a round 6 is something special too. :)

Think of it as a misunderstood 9, Az.
01/26/2007 02:51:14 PM · #15
2nd best entry, score and placing.
01/26/2007 02:54:53 PM · #16
Highest score yet. Not the highest place. But in a free study
with over 700 entries. I'm certainly not dissatisfied one bit!
01/26/2007 03:06:04 PM · #17
Originally posted by Pedro:

Originally posted by Azrifel:

Got a perfect round 6, almost a point down from the best of 2006, but a round 6 is something special too. :)

Think of it as a misunderstood 9, Az.

My mistake, now that I have put my screen upside down it all makes sense.

01/26/2007 03:12:47 PM · #18
6.5014. Well above my average.

I had a few other images that I wanted to use and I doubt what I did enter was anywhere near my best. Ahhh whatever.

This one's what I believe was pretty near my top shot for the year but that tilt would have gotten me slammed.

Message edited by author 2007-01-26 15:35:56.
01/26/2007 03:37:15 PM · #19
Mine finished a full point behind my best score too. I was disappointed that it didn't score better because it really is one of my favorite pictures ever -- but I was happy that it bumped my overall average to the next number, which has been kind of a dream for me since I started dpc -- so I guess in a way -- it achieved for me a reward I've wanted for a long time :)

Not a bad way to start 2007 :)

01/26/2007 03:43:04 PM · #20
best of 2006 , was the best for me :)
you guys should just stick to the topic hehehehe
01/26/2007 03:51:14 PM · #21
Had I submitted my best scoring shot of 2006 into the 'Best of 06', I doubt that it would have scored as well. This is a tough challenge, and rightfully so. I am proud of the shot that I did enter into the challenge, although it was not my best scoring shot this year.

To paraphrase a Skiprow comment from the challenge, sometimes you have to wonder why the photographer thought it was the best shot of the year. I think that this is why this is one of the tougher challenges.
01/26/2007 03:52:57 PM · #22
Out of the 21 challenges I entered this one came in at 5th. It came in at 151 for the challenge. I thought it would do better though to tell the truth. I never thought it would really win but thought it would be in the top 100 at least. One thing that bothers me is I received two 1's as votes. Come on! I don't think I ever gave out a one. I mean it would really have to be bad for that. No reason why they voted this way either. Oh well, troll votes I guess.
01/26/2007 04:32:37 PM · #23
I entered instead of which was a redo of

And now I'm just depressed that I didn't :(
01/26/2007 04:48:40 PM · #24

4 people gave it a 1 & would probably have given it a negative score if possible, so it looks like this image gravely offended 4 people's aesthetic sensibilities. It didn't look that offensive to me. I'm depressed but my sense of humor makes me wonder if I could submit another comp for Jan. that would garner even more 1 votes without begging for it by being an outright awful snapshot. Hmm.
01/26/2007 05:01:00 PM · #25
While I beat my average score, my "best" of 2006 score was over 1.2 lower than my best score of the year and almost a full point lower than my 2005 entry. I wonder if my outtake, which was an outtake from another challenge, would have done better:

The problem was I didn't really have anything I considered to be a "best of" for the year. I entered my "best of" shot because it got such a great response from so many (non-DPC) people. Ah, well. That's what I get for entering a kitten shot.
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