Author | Thread |
04/01/2007 12:33:43 PM · #2726 |
Well - I am on for today. My client just called, she's running a little late. Going to go set up. |
04/01/2007 01:02:42 PM · #2727 |
Originally posted by Melethia: Jeff, when I signed out to see which ones I'd get "featured photographs"), I got the one of your daughter from Color Portrait. I thought that was pretty cool! |
Me, too! :) I wanted to share it with my family, but of course they're random every time.
Except that the bottom one is always this one for me:
How about you, Deb?
04/01/2007 01:03:20 PM · #2728 |
Originally posted by kashi: Well - I am on for today. My client just called, she's running a little late. Going to go set up. |
Good for you, Kashi! From what I've seen, you have a bright portratiture future ahead of you. :)
04/01/2007 01:08:47 PM · #2729 |
Wow, my head is spinning after reading the last 6 pages of high-energy post here - everyone stop what you're doing and go put on Skateaway by Dire Straits, as per Deb's suggestion of a few days ago. If you don't have love over gold, then put on Walk of Life from Brothers In Arms. That should lift everyone's spirits, and if not, then learn the lyrics to The Trailer Park Boys' 'kitties are so nice' and sing it, loudly!!!!!
i have no idea what my scores really are, but they are in the expected ballpark. I have the feeling that my Anachronism pic really should be in another challenge but oh well.
Bye for now crazy people! ;-) |
04/01/2007 01:42:23 PM · #2730 |
GRRRR!! I am so upset and angry right now! A bag head just left me a comment that says: "DNMC 1". It's my photo in the FREE STUDY!!! Now I know I suck, but it's a great photo IMHO and it doesn't deserve that. I reported the comment. I wonder if anything will be done about it.
Message edited by author 2007-04-01 13:44:49.
04/01/2007 01:46:23 PM · #2731 |
As it's now past 12 noon EDT I can reveal that it was indeed me that cut and pasted dnmc 1 into every single free study entry on April 1.
You can call me an arsehole or a donkey perforation or whatever wiggles your jiggler - I've known worse. Now I have to go through 250 something entries and straighten it all out. So the joke's on me and I should probably get out more or get a life or grow up, but not just yet. |
04/01/2007 01:57:33 PM · #2732 |
Originally posted by Emerkaza: GRRRR!! I am so upset and angry right now! A bag head just left me a comment that says: "DNMC 1". It's my photo in the FREE STUDY!!! Now I know I suck, but it's a great photo IMHO and it doesn't deserve that. I reported the comment. I wonder if anything will be done about it. |
Not likely that anything will be done about it. See the post immediately after yours.
Message edited by author 2007-04-01 14:02:35.
04/01/2007 02:11:35 PM · #2733 |
ooo, peter, you naughty man! we will defend you to all comers. ;P
04/01/2007 02:23:23 PM · #2734 |
Originally posted by xianart: ooo, peter, you naughty man! we will defend you to all comers. ;P |
Speak for yourself!
As the most childish among us, I am plotting revenge.
When you least expect it.......8>)
04/01/2007 02:26:48 PM · #2735 |
Originally posted by raish: As it's now past 12 noon EDT I can reveal that it was indeed me that cut and pasted dnmc 1 into every single free study entry on April 1.
You can call me an arsehole or a donkey perforation or whatever wiggles your jiggler - I've known worse. Now I have to go through 250 something entries and straighten it all out. So the joke's on me and I should probably get out more or get a life or grow up, but not just yet. |
That doesn't explain the 11 place stats, the plunge on ALL entries, the featured photos.....
There are other juvenile miscreants out there wreaking havoc and mayhem.
I'm really pissed off!
How dare they not come get me to go play!
04/01/2007 02:33:18 PM · #2736 |
Absolutely. You can stand around and watch people throw stones at me if you like - I've had my little thrill. Sorry if some people actually managed to be upset about it, but it should be glaringly obvious that I'm going to run through all the 1s and jack them up to something more realistic. FWIW I had some sort of contact with someone from SC who-shall-be-nameless, for crying out loud, just to check that I was intending to sort it all out. |
04/01/2007 02:35:12 PM · #2737 |
Originally posted by NikonJeb:
How dare they not come get me to go play! |
Now that was unfair. Bad SC. I shall bring the full weight of my authority to bear. Oh. |
04/01/2007 02:41:19 PM · #2738 |
For what it's worth, Raish, I thought it was damn funny. :-) I'm actually quite suprised at the number of people who got their hairs twisted over it.
04/01/2007 02:42:45 PM · #2739 |
As for me I love all the April Fools Day jokes! My children are away for spring break so the house is prank free. After looking through DPC's april fools challenge from two years ago, I was hoping they would do one again this year. Rubber Ducky Of course I was hoping for the use of a rubber ducky again because I wanted to go buy one and that would be a good excuse to go shopping :-)
Anyway, please just remember to add a 0 to any of the 1 scores that you gave to me :-)
My biggest question is, how long did everyone sit around and think of these pranks! I love it, we all need to loosen up a bit and this should probably help a little.
04/01/2007 02:44:01 PM · #2740 |
Originally posted by klstover: Originally posted by Melethia: My Free Study has a perfect 3.0000 with 3 votes so far. That makes it unanimous, doesn't it? I'm considering banning myself from entering challenges for awhile. |
Hey... if you stop entering challenges then I'm going to have to as well. I've got a 3.2, 25 votes, in the free study... and out of the three images I was considering, I chose the one I thought the voters would like best, even though I didn't like it as much.
You have to hang in there because you inspire me. |
You're so sweet!! I'll still enter, but just not this go 'round. Gots nuttin' for anachronism (just pictures of things that are old), and didn't get anything I wanted to get for contre-jour. There's still a few days for that one, though. Now if I didn't have this pesky day job... |
04/01/2007 02:44:56 PM · #2741 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: Does that explain the poor spelling in the forums? |
Hey I resemble that remark !! :) I got up in one of those moods, can't help it, Blame it on my kids :) BTW does spelling count in challenges? Cause if it does, that would explain alot to me.
Message edited by author 2007-04-01 14:48:45. |
04/01/2007 02:50:15 PM · #2742 |
04/01/2007 02:51:03 PM · #2743 |
Bummer!! Did she say she wanted to reschedule?? |
04/01/2007 02:55:48 PM · #2744 |
Originally posted by Melethia:
You're so sweet!! I'll still enter, but just not this go 'round. Gots nuttin' for anachronism (just pictures of things that are old), and didn't get anything I wanted to get for contre-jour. There's still a few days for that one, though. Now if I didn't have this pesky day job... |
Deb, I don't have anything for the upcoming challenges either. I have a shot in for still, I don't know how it's doing though. I also have a Free Study shot in that got a DNMC 1!!!!!!!! Who could have possibly done that????????????
I'm hoping the challenge that comes out tonight will be a little better. |
04/01/2007 03:04:28 PM · #2745 |
I did Vanish for the hell of it-I can always use it as my profile photo. Now I get to eat the sucker. The sucker was meant to be a birthday present for Langdon but I procrastinated. |
04/01/2007 04:01:32 PM · #2746 |
Just out of curiousity, I turned on scores. Very impressive, yes? Hopefully everyone will get a boost after today. :-)
Free Study 2007-03
Votes: 46
Views: 44
Avg Vote: 3.7609
Comments: 1
Pop Culture
Votes: 188
Views: 326
Avg Vote: 5.0585
Comments: 5
Votes: 199
Views: 275
Avg Vote: 4.8241
Comments: 9
04/01/2007 04:08:33 PM · #2747 |
Originally posted by raish: As it's now past 12 noon EDT I can reveal that it was indeed me that cut and pasted dnmc 1 into every single free study entry on April 1.
You can call me an arsehole or a donkey perforation or whatever wiggles your jiggler - I've known worse. Now I have to go through 250 something entries and straighten it all out. So the joke's on me and I should probably get out more or get a life or grow up, but not just yet. |
You smart butt!!! LOL!! I forgot it was April Fools Day. Okay, I feel better now.
04/01/2007 04:22:00 PM · #2748 |
I think I bit off more then I could do!! Got up this morning determined to vote in a challenge and comment on at least 20%. Sounded like a great idea, I just failed to look at how many submissions there where before I chose my challenge. Maybe I'll do 10% on 2. You guys see how many entries there are in the free study.... blond morning. Or maybe i'll vote and comment over a couple days. |
04/01/2007 04:29:11 PM · #2749 |
Originally posted by kashi: She cancelled :( |
Kashi I'm sorry! I hope she reschedules - keep us posted! |
04/01/2007 04:34:33 PM · #2750 |
Originally posted by raish: Originally posted by jackal9: Just submitted an Anachronism it has a couple minor issues but it was fun to shoot. Now Contre-Jour...Hmmmm, still thinking...I had considered having someone hold a light bulb or flash light against their head and submit that...I mean hey! against the light, right?? I'm sure DNMC police would shoot me out of the sky in like the first 10 votes so I guess I'll skip that one, LOL, no sense of humor at all!! |
Literally, contre-jour means 'against (the) day'. Used as a photographic term though, any back-lit shot is contre-jour.
Sez I
A shot of someone playing Russian roulette with a flash gun, such that the light from the flash effectively silhouetted the head would (or should) be enough to hoist the petty dnmcs on their own petards. Then again, it would be hard to do well. |
Yeah I know I it literally means against the day, I was going by the challenge description...
"Challenge Details: Contre-jour is a photographic term that means 'against the light' and refers to pictures taken when the camera is pointing towards (or roughly towards) the main light source. Capture a photo using this technique. "
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