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04/02/2007 06:20:37 AM · #2801 |
Votes: 63
Views: 87
Avg Vote: 4.8254
Comments: 2
G'mornin team suck, Sounds like a lot of people still have very low scores in the free study. I wasn't expecting a ribbon but I know my shot is better then this!
04/02/2007 06:23:14 AM · #2802 |
I dunno what the reference was that sent me to this page, but I found this piece that Don wrote that I'm bumping 'cause I seem to have missed it and it's really good....
F.L. Elucidated Thusly:
"Remember, a photo is meant to appeal to a viewer, not a critiquer. As xianart said, get a first impression before you start analyzing. Take a moment to feel your response. Many times, you won't feel anything. That's perfectly normal. Most photos don't generate any feeling. That's why the ones that do are so special. The more you do this, take a moment to feel, the more refined your feelings will become (or your ability to observe your feelings, same difference). Feelings of like or dislike will refine into feelings such as "this almost makes me feel good but something gets in the way" or "I tell myself this is boring because it brings up a sadness I don't want to look at."
Once you have your impression, only then do you look at technical aspects to see how they relate to that impression. Centering, thirds, cropping, etc., have no inherent goodness or badness. they are just tools that create an overall effect.
And that brings me to another point. You don't ever have to talk about goodness and badness. You can just talk about the effect the picture has on you, the effect it almost has and why it doesn't quite achieve that effect, etc. Then it's up to the photographer to decide what effect he really wants to achieve. |
04/02/2007 07:26:29 AM · #2803 |
I have to say that having got my head around changing the style of photo i present i look less at the technical aspect and more at the set up of the shot.
voting and scoring is personal and as such if i feel it is a poor shot than it gets a poor score. My most recent stuff on a technical aspect will be lacking to some here but for me is a lot more Raw than anything i have done in previous years |
04/02/2007 07:33:48 AM · #2804 |
We all get a bit frustrated (well, not all, but most of us) when we suffer bouts of "not what I expected on this shot" scores. I know, from repeated validation of the scoring system here at DPC, that I don't "do" DPC-friendly very well. I do like entering challenges. Actually, what I think I like is shooting for challenges. I just don't know if I need to enter that many of 'em. I may start a folder in my portfolio entitled "Didn't Enter" and post what I shoot for a challenge there instead.
Or I could just be suffering from a bout of lowish scores. On the plus side, once the Free Study voting ends, it's likely I'll have nothing to complain about. :-) |
04/02/2007 07:41:52 AM · #2805 |
I love shooting for the challenges. It gets me out of the house, makes me use my brain & makes me look at the world in a whole new way. |
04/02/2007 07:49:30 AM · #2806 |
Free Study 2007-03
Votes: 62
Views: 92
Avg Vote: 5.0645
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/02/07 07:48 am
Votes: 143
Views: 200
Avg Vote: 6.0000
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/02/07 07:48 am
Status: Your submission has been validated, thank you.
Votes: 30
Views: 49
Avg Vote: 4.0667
Comments: 0 |
04/02/2007 08:05:40 AM · #2807 |
I like to shoot for a challenge but the difference for me is that i shoot what i am best and and shoehorn it into a challenge.
It seems to be working for me as my Avg scores have come up so far in 2007.
As i am a member of about 4 other photography sites i have other outlets so a lot of my stuff gets a better response away from DPC
Message edited by author 2007-04-02 08:06:42. |
04/02/2007 08:08:11 AM · #2808 |
I just noticed that I hold 1st, 2nd and 6th place for the top scoring shots taken from my camera (of which 41 people are users), my latest PB (Orchidae Langdoniscus) being number 1!
That kinda ramps up my day a bit. :)
04/02/2007 08:20:56 AM · #2809 |
Good morning, all!
Jeffrey, I loved reading about your seder feast - PM me that lamb shank recipe too, please! Although my family is non religious, we used to get invited to a Jewish friend of my folks house this time of year to help them celebrate. (I don't think there are a lot of Jews in Montana and my guess is they just wanted company - and we were always really interested in their customs.) We played a game where all the kids got to search for the hidden matzah (sp?) cracker, which we loved. Do you keep a totally kosher kitchen? I have a Jewish friend in NY with two totally separate kitchens. I've always found Jewish traditions really interesting.
My scores are back where I expected. Around 6.2 for both Still and FS.
Darren - that 6.9 in Still may be ribbon territory! WTG!
04/02/2007 08:30:20 AM · #2810 |
Originally posted by raish: Originally posted by quiet_observation: Originally posted by lesgainous: His confession is here. Scroll down about a third of the page.
I say we either rake him over the coals or maybe Langdon will revoke his membership. That is considered illegal vote manipulation, isn't it? |
Real nice guy. |
I think the 'that' over should say 'this'. Lynching is a time-honoured form of illegal vote manipulation. |
Raish, what are you doing answering threads? Don't you have over 500 votes to change? :-)
OK everyone, leave raish alone so that he can fix my vote (not that that will help any, but it really can't hurt).
04/02/2007 08:43:09 AM · #2811 |
Originally posted by noraneko:
My scores are back where I expected. Around 6.2 for both Still and FS.
Nice! Glad to see the April Fools didn't carry over to everybody! |
04/02/2007 08:48:02 AM · #2812 |
Originally posted by WriteHeart: Originally posted by raish: Originally posted by quiet_observation: Originally posted by lesgainous: His confession is here. Scroll down about a third of the page.
I say we either rake him over the coals or maybe Langdon will revoke his membership. That is considered illegal vote manipulation, isn't it? |
Real nice guy. |
I think the 'that' over should say 'this'. Lynching is a time-honoured form of illegal vote manipulation. |
Raish, what are you doing answering threads? Don't you have over 500 votes to change? :-)
OK everyone, leave raish alone so that he can fix my vote (not that that will help any, but it really can't hurt). |
Every hundred pictures or so, I find that I' saying "o no, not another flower/fuzzy water/sunset/kiddy portrait" etc. etc. So I take a break to come back less jaded. |
04/02/2007 08:49:55 AM · #2813 |
Originally posted by raish: Every hundred pictures or so, I find that I' saying "o no, not another flower/fuzzy water/sunset/kiddy portrait" etc. etc. So I take a break to come back less jaded. |
Crap. I have one of those. You're welcome to leave the comment and score as is on it, too. |
04/02/2007 09:26:52 AM · #2814 |
Raish you naughty man, you haven't changed your DNMC to reflect your admiration for my brilliant, perfect, extraordinary FS entry that is so good it will realign the planets and cause world peace.
searches for anti-delusion medication |
04/02/2007 09:42:29 AM · #2815 |
This has to rate as one of the jokes that has completely backfired, as the clean-up exercise is a job and a half. Commenting on every entry in a FS is far from enjoyable. It's not the 80% of photos that are easy to comment on, it's the 20% that just have nothing remarkable to say about them at all. |
04/02/2007 10:05:22 AM · #2816 |
Originally posted by hipychik: I love shooting for the challenges. It gets me out of the house, makes me use my brain & makes me look at the world in a whole new way. |
I couldn't have said it better myself. This is exactly how I feel about DPC. |
04/02/2007 10:09:38 AM · #2817 |
Originally posted by noraneko: My scores are back where I expected. Around 6.2 for both Still and FS.
Darren - that 6.9 in Still may be ribbon territory! WTG! |
Ah, that elusive 6. Will I ever see one again on one of my photos. It's been a very long time since the last. I'm not even breaking 50% with any of mine lately. I seem to have lost my mojo (whatever that means).
Message edited by author 2007-04-02 10:10:25. |
04/02/2007 10:12:01 AM · #2818 |
Hi all
Well here's the ugly truth: I SUCK! I REALLY SUCK!
Votes: 183
Views: 260
Avg Vote: 3.9344
Comments: 6
Votes: 44
Views: 82
Avg Vote: 3.6591
Comments: 1 |
04/02/2007 10:27:36 AM · #2819 |
Originally posted by JuliBoc:
Ah, that elusive 6. Will I ever see one again on one of my photos. It's been a very long time since the last. I'm not even breaking 50% with any of mine lately. I seem to have lost my mojo (whatever that means). |
Julianne, please don't despair. You have loads of talent. But you are limited with a P&S. Most of the shots I'm scoring a 6 on would be impossible with a P&S, since I shoot all manual and usually my higher scoring shots involve my macro lens. I'm not saying you need to get a big DSLR - I'm just saying you have an automatic disadvantage. This isn't to make you feel better. It is the truth. The fact that you have scored as highly as you have with a P&S is nothing short of miraculous in my book.
Edit to add: I notice you have a P&S as well, Susan. You've gotten some mighty fine shots with that thing, too.
Message edited by author 2007-04-02 10:29:00. |
04/02/2007 10:32:09 AM · #2820 |
Originally posted by noraneko: Originally posted by JuliBoc:
Ah, that elusive 6. Will I ever see one again on one of my photos. It's been a very long time since the last. I'm not even breaking 50% with any of mine lately. I seem to have lost my mojo (whatever that means). |
Julianne, please don't despair. You have loads of talent. But you are limited with a P&S. Most of the shots I'm scoring a 6 on would be impossible with a P&S, since I shoot all manual and usually my higher scoring shots involve my macro lens. I'm not saying you need to get a big DSLR - I'm just saying you have an automatic disadvantage. This isn't to make you feel better. It is the truth. The fact that you have scored as highly as you have with a P&S is nothing short of miraculous in my book.
Edit to add: I notice you have a P&S as well, Susan. You've gotten some mighty fine shots with that thing, too. |
I've yet to ever make it to a 6. and I've been trying a long, long time! |
04/02/2007 10:37:52 AM · #2821 |
you guys above have some great shots, its just a matter of time before you all break a six,
Dont give up, ;-) |
04/02/2007 10:40:21 AM · #2822 |
And, for some of us, there is an ebb and flow, a yin and yang, a suck and non-suck, flow in our submissions.
It's tough sometimes to have photography as a hobby and be fiscally conservative. Every once in awhile when I get the urge to run out and buy a Canon 5d or L lenses or Alien Bees or paper backdrops, I stop and say to myself - don't be an idiot, you don't need that stuff.
04/02/2007 10:47:43 AM · #2823 |
Originally posted by hipychik: I love shooting for the challenges. It gets me out of the house, makes me use my brain & makes me look at the world in a whole new way. |
Same here. Add to that, it's got me exploring my locale more. I'm a country girl at heart, stuck in the city. I tend to hide away in my home because the big world outside is overwhelming.
Shooting for challenges has me out there looking for the little things that I'd not noticed before. |
04/02/2007 10:52:54 AM · #2824 |
Originally posted by noraneko:
Julianne, please don't despair. You have loads of talent. But you are limited with a P&S. Most of the shots I'm scoring a 6 on would be impossible with a P&S, since I shoot all manual ... |
I think that at Julianne's and my level (and some of you, but I don't know who), it's mostly manual vs. automatic, not P&S vs. DSLR. My camera's a P&S, too. If your camera has manual settings, meaning that you can control shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, then definitely learn how to use 'em. :)
On other subjects ...
Everyone: yep, I enjoy the creative thinking, shooting, and editing for challenges, too. And if it scores highly, I enjoy that. :)
Noraneko: no, I don't keep kosher. I'm a Reform Jew, and the kosher laws are one of the things we've rejected as a movement, although some Reform Jews still keep kosher.
The hidden piece of matzah is called the Afikomen, which actually means dessert. Although I think it means dessert in some abstract, archaic way, like the way that "Kendra" means "knowledge." I don't think the current Hebrew word for dessert is really "Afikomen."
We do hide it every year and the kids find it. We give them some small prize, like a golden Sacagawea dollar. When I was growing up with my 11 siblings and cousins, the Afikomen took an hour or more. Whoever found it then hid it for the remaining people until everyone had the chance to find it. My grandfather gave us each a silver dollar. It was a lot of fun.
Message edited by author 2007-04-02 10:55:50.
04/02/2007 11:00:24 AM · #2825 |
Raish - you screwed up on my FS score, too low... git back there and fix it a third time! |
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