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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> How did you choose your DSLR?
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02/27/2007 07:02:44 AM · #1
I'm curious. I don't own one, but I always wonder what features attract people to certain brands/models. Care to share your reason?
02/27/2007 07:07:25 AM · #2
when i made the move into DSLR, a few friends of mine were nikon owners. so i enjoyed playing with their cameras. when it came time to buying i was in the shop playing with a canon and it just didn't feel good in my hands and i was already used to the way nikons worked ... so i went with nikon.

edit to say: my first ever slr was a pentax k1000 ... my dad gave it to me. i learned to develop and print film in high school and i spent half of my university life under the red safety light.

i gave photography away for a few years because i'd started teaching and traveling and didn't want to carry film everywhere. when dslrs became more common, i made the move and bought the D50 ... a few weeks ago i upgraded to the D200.

Message edited by author 2007-02-27 07:22:07.
02/27/2007 07:17:51 AM · #3
I have shot Nikon for 10+ years so already owned the bodies and lenses. That made my DSLR decision easy. ;-)
02/27/2007 07:25:42 AM · #4
Choosing my DSLR was easy... I'd never owned an SLR and my budget was minimal. At the time this meant Canon's basic (300D? 350D?) or Nikon's basic (D50). I read up on both of these, both seemed great platforms. however, the Canon was much like holding a toy (plasticy) and much too small for my hands, so I chose the Nikon.
02/27/2007 07:25:50 AM · #5
I chose Canon because they are the BEST!

Nikon has some great cameras - the bodies are comfortable to use (that is why Nikon users always recommend people to go and play with competing models!) and provides some really useful options (eg weatherproofing) on non-pro models, but Canon has a larger lens collection for all types of users and the advantage of full frame sensors.

I went for Canon because I had Canon film bodies and lenses, and at the time the Canon sensors were leagues ahead of the Nikons (D200 nearly swayed me).
02/27/2007 07:27:45 AM · #6
I have no idea if Nikon is better than Canon or if it is the other way around or if they are the same. I like handling the Nikon, feels good, sort of fits my hands. I had the F80 (N80 in the US?) when I went looking for a dslr, but I didn't have a lot of lenses, so going for a Canon would have been ok if I had liked it more than the Nikon. I didn't and got a D70. I recently bought the D200 and am extremely happy with both.
Some of my best friends have Canon :) so I get to try those out from time to time, I would still go for Nikon though.
02/27/2007 07:34:10 AM · #7
I notice most go with Nikon or Canon. I've always been a Fujifilm person, even before my S9500 purchase, simply because the product is actually MADE in Japan. I wish I had gone with the Nikon DSLR the shop clerk tried to get me to buy. I just didn't know anything about DSLR's at the time.
02/27/2007 07:40:29 AM · #8
02/27/2007 07:40:43 AM · #9
I had an analog Canon before, so I already had a very good lens. Also I know many photographers that switched from Nikon to Canon because Nikon sucks ;-)
Last not least it was a very good offer at that time.
02/27/2007 07:47:22 AM · #10
I didn't choose mine. I really don't research the features of cameras or lenses. I wouldn't be able to tell you what a good lens is. My partner Joe researches EVERYTHING (not just cameras) and he chose my Rebel for me. He also picked out all the lenses. I didn't even want it when he decided to buy it for me, I was happy with my old camera. But I guess he made a good choice because I am happy with my Rebel.
02/27/2007 07:50:39 AM · #11
Back when, I owned two film SLR's, a Minolta SRT-101 (1975 or so) and a Pentax K-1000 (1982). Never owned Nikon, but I knew of their reputation for excellence and was open to the possibility. I found DPC before I bought a d-SLR and discovered how mainstream Canon had become since I had done much photography. That fact plus Canon's new (at the time) 8mp body vs. the then current Nikon 6mp version was what influenced my final decision.

My opinion is that you can't go wrong with either.
02/27/2007 08:30:26 AM · #12
Take a look at Flash sync times / capabilities ... Also top shutter speeds.
dpreview has an excellent compare tool where you can select multiple bodies and compare features that are important to you.

Originally posted by heavyj:

I'm curious. I don't own one, but I always wonder what features attract people to certain brands/models. Care to share your reason?

Message edited by author 2007-02-27 08:31:23.
02/27/2007 08:59:20 AM · #13
I got a Canon EOS Rebel II back around 1992 or 93. I finally sold it back in 2005, and it was still working great. Since I already had some Canon Lenses, I was gonna stick with Canon. I bought the Powershot S2IS, but after a year, I wanted a SLR again. The XTi fit my budget.

Message edited by author 2007-02-27 09:00:22.
02/27/2007 09:00:23 AM · #14
i made sure my local camera shop had a bevvy of lenses for rent for my body, and then took the plunge.

oh, that and i found out i was going to get to shoot a professional tennis tournament 2 days after the D70 came out. that helped spur the decision. :)
02/27/2007 09:08:22 AM · #15
I asked a lot of questions, much like you are doing here.... then I took that knowledge to the camera store and started playing with camera bodies and talking to the pro at the store. Within about an hour I dropped almost $3k and had a whole new world in front of me! :D

(remember accessories you will need when you set your budget, things like camera bag, lens hoods, extra batteries, extra mem cards, remote release, flash unit, etc............)
02/27/2007 09:20:28 AM · #16
The Pentax K100D@600+ bucks and the K10D at 900+ bucks im looking at both have shake reduction which also means it has dust reduction. The K10D is 10MP shoots at 3FPS for 9 raw frames or unlimited JPEG. Has in camera Raw Processing and Has Dust/Weather Sealing.

Thats currently what im looking at. The Sony ALpha 100 is 799 bucks for the kit has shake and dust reduction but no weather sealing and you cant get a battery grip for it.
02/27/2007 09:31:47 AM · #17
Nikons are alot prettier cameras than Canons. IMHO.
02/27/2007 09:33:52 AM · #18
Well its a long road, and I'm sure glad I traveled down it. Although I'm not sure my pocketbook is. I shot with a Minolta SLR that belonged to my mom. And I loved it. I always used digtal P&S though. So I finally decided I wanted to go the SLR route for better photos(I'm not sure that ever happened) so I searched and played around with dSLR's. I chose the E300 from Olympus and used it for quite a while and loved it, realized its limits and bought an E1 to compliment it. I had alot of fun with those cameras, until I wanted a really long lens. Then I realized my only option was a $5000 Zuiko lens. I also started working with a newspaper who does the editing and they relayed to me that they prefer canon files to work with. So I researched and decided that Canon would be a good alternative due to all of the affordable lens that would not only fit a professionally but would work out better for me personally with my photography.

So I went through the task of switching from Olympus to Canon. I bought a 30D and a ton of lens, then got hooked up with the sports dept and started shooting weekly with the sports dept. Realized the limitations of my equipment and found a second had 1D to use and had 2 cameras. Then I started dreaming of a way to marry the features of the 2 camera bodies I had into one camera. Found a deal to trade 2 bodies for my current camera the 1DMKII and I've been extremely happy ever since. So in essence I went through the expensive route of finding what fit my needs best. Save yourself some time and buy the most expensive camera that will fit every need of yours in the future first. :-)

Now if I could just avoid the temptation to pre-order the 1DMKIII I would be alright!

02/27/2007 09:45:16 AM · #19
Originally posted by eyewave:

I had an analog Canon before...

Wow. What, exactly, is an "analog" camera??
02/27/2007 09:48:42 AM · #20
Originally posted by nards656:

Originally posted by eyewave:

I had an analog Canon before...

Wow. What, exactly, is an "analog" camera??

Maybe he means film?
02/27/2007 10:26:29 AM · #21
I came from a film SLR background, but became infatuated with the immediacy of feedback with digital, and the learning possibilities it brought. I started with Nikon 990 and 995 non-DSLRs back in about 2000. I really missed the capabilities of an SLR, and before long I knew I'd have to make the leap. I waited until 2003, and when the Canon 10D's price dropped a little, I went for it. Never looked back. I did consider Nikon as well, but I felt that the versatility of the EOS lens mount was a big factor (you can mount many manual-focus lenses intended for other mounts, with adapters). I also liked what the Canon EF lens system had to offer.
Even the day I bought the 10D, I knew that it was a transitional camera. The Canon 1Ds was already on the market, and the results were stunning. I knew that at some point I would own a 35mm DSLR. After two years with the 10D, the 5D was announced, and I made a leap of faith and pre-ordered it. I received mine on September 28, 2005, in the first few days that they shipped in the US. It's been a love affair ever since.
02/27/2007 10:30:35 AM · #22
What do people think about the Sony Alpha? I'm looking to go for a Canon EOS but am tempted by the Nikon models but there are alot of commercials for the Sony at the moment, any views?
02/27/2007 10:31:23 AM · #23
I bought an old Canon AE-1 and a few lenses because my dad had one. That's how it started for me.

I really don't think you can go wrong when choosing a system. Just flip a coin and go with it.
02/27/2007 10:36:07 AM · #24
Nikon sponsors the Mets so there was no choice, Not to mention I got the D50 for free!

Edit for being too early for brain funtion....

Message edited by author 2007-02-27 11:08:57.
02/27/2007 10:38:30 AM · #25
My first DSLR choice was the 300D due to a very good price at the time and the fact I didnt have much cash. Obviously bought lenses for the canon mount as a result and WAS going to buy the 30D, but a bit un-impressed with the upgrade from the 20D so bit the bullet (and had a little more cash available) and went for the 5D.. best purchase ever!
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