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Showing posts 51 - 75 of 2277, (reverse)
04/11/2007 09:12:39 AM · #51
Just like i thought it would do
Night Shot IV

Votes: 38
Views: 55
Avg Vote: 4.7895
Comments: 0

guess i should have stayed in bed
04/11/2007 09:34:20 AM · #52
Hi guys,
I just posted a thread on main forum regarding JPEG uploading since we have a minimal editing challenge right now - Team Suckers, please be sure you aren't using transfer software to upload your JPEG photos! You may not even be aware it is transfer software. Hint: if you get a pop-up, don't use it!

04/11/2007 10:04:17 AM · #53
Where have I been? I have not been around very much since thanksgiving and I wanted to let everyone know where I have been.

A few days prior to thanksgiving I was having a irregular heat beat that prompted me to go to the hospital. Not really being a very bright person, I had decided that I was going to drive there. (approx 5 miles).

About a 1/2 mile from the house the irregular heart rate was causing a extreme case of light headiness. It became very hard to drive. With God watching over me at that time, I was nearly in front of a Fire station. I pulled into the front and went to the front door and asked them for assistance.

Within minutes that had be on the floor, vitals being checked, numbers being taken, information being passed, a lot of activity.
(To change the subject for just a moment my wife was at that time at the hospital seeing her father who I had taken there a few days prior.)
I had one of the Fireman contact my wife by phone to let her know what was happening. Within moments my irregular heart rate went into a defib mode and if it was not for where I was, I may not have survived this. I received the shock of my life!

I really felt bad for my wife. She is at the hospital with her step father who is there for a heart issue and I am coming in a ambulance with the same issue.

After a few days in the hospital, they installed a pacemaker type component in my chest in the event this happens again.
After getting out of the hospital I started to notice slight leg pains in the right leg. I slowly progressed to where I was only able to walk 50 feet or so before I would have to come to a halt and rest.

I had a blockage in two vessels in my right leg. After a short stay in the hospital for the necessary tests to determine what to do a surgery date was set. But I needed to stall a little time because my wife was going into the hospital for her own surgery that had been scheduled months prior. Her rehab time was 5 weeks and I was needed to help her during that time. Her surgery went find and her rehab went better than expected.

Last Wed I went in for what was suppose to be a 3 1/2 hr procedure that would bypass and take care if a few blood vessels in the right leg.
The process would include removing vessels from the left leg and use in the right leg as needed. Nearly 12 hrs later, blood vessels removed from my right arm, every thing eventually turned out ok. Without going into much detail what happened was the vessels in my other leg were not usable due to there diameter size. My anatomy was a little on the strange side and it prevented them from using vessels from the normal places.

I am now at home, taking it easy and trying to ketch up on things I have neglected.

I am glad to be back and I hope to get back into things here.

I see I am on a new team. Cool!

04/11/2007 10:30:56 AM · #54
Originally posted by noraneko:

Hi guys,
I just posted a thread on main forum regarding JPEG uploading since we have a minimal editing challenge right now - Team Suckers, please be sure you aren't using transfer software to upload your JPEG photos! You may not even be aware it is transfer software. Hint: if you get a pop-up, don't use it!


Two inspirational things to wake up to! :)

First was Louis' tribute to Svetlana, which was amazing and touching to see.

And now this post by Catherine. Catherine, you've taken an ugly, saddening experience and found a nugget to use to benefit others. Well done!
04/11/2007 10:31:53 AM · #55
Wow, bcoble, that's quite the situation - very frightening. Glad you pulled through.

I'm not in Bicycles or Night, cloudy nights and rainy days spoiling situations for both shoots - but am doing well in Chains at a solid 5.000. Yay!

I took some cutey-poo pix of a new foal yesterday, and then got some surprisingly sharp pix of Cyrus and his buddies belting around the big sand ring. Will post them in my portfolio once I resize em.

Oh yeah, anyone out there want to help with a pic? I got a great shot of Cyrus hitting the brakes in a hurry but there's a jump standard in the way, blocking off his shoulder and body and ruining the shot. Christian? Wanna play? (Again haven't posted it yet but will soon).
04/11/2007 10:32:16 AM · #56
bcoble so glad you are out of harm's way and on the mend! Heart trouble is very, very scary (I have been hospitalized three times for super-ventricular tachycardia - a heartrate that will suddenly soar to 300 bpm or higher for no reason whatsoever). I also drove myself to the hospital once during such an episode and got the lecture of my life from the doc on duty. I know how much the paddles and/or meds they use to stop then re-start heart suck. Feels like you are going to die right there on the spot.

My heart goes out to you and your family (sounds like a pun but no intention)! Again, very glad you are on the mend and welcome back!
04/11/2007 10:39:55 AM · #57
Originally posted by levyj413:

Catherine, you've taken an ugly, saddening experience and found a nugget to use to benefit others. Well done!

Jeffrey, thanks for that :-) There are always silver linings. The person who was initially in 6th place, pccjrose had an incredible entry that I was happy to see bumped into one of the honorable mention spots. He and I had a nice dialog about it - I had hoped he would ribbon with his stunning shot, so was quite glad to see him get at least some of the recognition he deserved.

Message edited by author 2007-04-11 10:40:16.
04/11/2007 10:58:13 AM · #58
Originally posted by bcoble:

About a 1/2 mile from the house the irregular heart rate was causing a extreme case of light headiness.

Glad to hear you're okay! I had similar symptoms at the end of December, plus weakness. Turned out to be atrial fibrillation - yours was in the lower chambers, which requires a shock, but mine was in the upper chambers, which doesn't.

Hope you continue to improve!
04/11/2007 11:58:27 AM · #59
night shot dropped to about 3.8 ^_^' btw, my last entry got a very interesting comment that i don't understand. here, i'll post a link

Message edited by author 2007-04-11 11:58:39.
04/11/2007 12:10:55 PM · #60
Originally posted by Muppet:

night shot dropped to about 3.8 ^_^' btw, my last entry got a very interesting comment that i don't understand. here, i'll post a link

Assuming you're talking about the bottom comment ...

"Converging vertical" means that the sides of the window converge toward the top of the frame - come toward each other. This is a normal thing whenever you shoot with the camera pointed upward. The top of the window is further away than the bottom, so the sides come together toward the top. Just a mild example of the same visual you get of parallel railroad tracks meeting in the distance.

It can be ugly-looking in some cases.

You can correct this using the perspective tools in Photoshop and other programs - I'm working up a tutorial on it, actually. I'll probably finish it in the next couple of days.

That said, I don't think it's worth fixing in your shot - not enough of a problem.

Now, converging sides are a property of the photo, not the camera.

In contrast, "barreling" means a lensdistortion where parallel lines bend away from each other in the middle of the frame, the way a barrel's sides bend outward. It's caused by imperfections in the lens itself.

If you look at the lower part of the left side of the window, you can see it seems to bend to the left a bit before coming back toward the right as it goes upward. I'm not sure this is really happening vs. an optical illusion, but that's what the person meant.

Here's an image from a review I chose at random on dpreview. Scroll down about halfway and look at the leftmost image of the grid. See how the parallel lines in the center of each edge bend outward a bit?

The inverse is "pinchusion," where the middle pinches inward. The image on the right on that page shows very very slight puncushion. It might be so slight I'm imagining it. :)

All lenses have some distortion of one type or another, including those for both SLRs and point and shoots. But in most cases you can't see it.

Again, you can correct both barrel and pincushion using the Photoshop transform tools, but again, I don't think it's worth noting on your shot.

There's also a lens distortion correction, but I haven't used it, so I can't tell you anything about it.

Message edited by author 2007-04-11 12:20:23.
04/11/2007 12:29:29 PM · #61
An hour and a half apart.....

Night Shot IV
Votes: 47 Views: 62
Avg Vote: 5.7872
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0

Night Shot IV
Votes: 53 Views: 68
Avg Vote: 5.7736
Comments: 3 Favorites: 0

I went to bed a little after midnight with a 5.5 from two votes, woke up to a 5.3, and here's where I am now. I guess I'm okay with this since I didn't really expect it to go much above a low 5.

04/11/2007 12:34:43 PM · #62
I'm pretty excited about my night shot.

First, I got a comment saying it'd be DQd because it relied on expert editing.

Then it got validated and the person came back to change his comment. :)

Votes: 60
Views: 101
Avg Vote: 6.1500
Comments: 5
04/11/2007 12:35:57 PM · #63
Great explanation levy ! Thanks.

Votes: 88
Views: 135
Avg Vote: 5.1932
Comments: 1
04/11/2007 12:39:16 PM · #64
yeah, thanks levy! i've now learned something, so i don't have to think for the rest of the day :)
04/11/2007 12:44:08 PM · #65
Night Shot IV
Avg Vote: 2.7455

can i join?

i actually tend to land below 5 on the photos i like. funny it is. yes.
04/11/2007 12:51:22 PM · #66
i don't see any reason why you can't join. realize that we are not a part of WPL or DPL. just pic a team you want to join (see the first post for specific team listing) and send a pm to posthumous telling which team you want to join. the only team you'll have a dificult time joining might be Golden Bridgade, as you would also have to join the Average Under Fivers (if you want to join us, then there is a link to the forum on my profile page). you do this, and we'll think of what devious task you must perform to finalize your admission (i'm thinking it should involve a sombrero, hula skirt, and tap dance shoes) B} .
04/11/2007 01:09:44 PM · #67
Catherine, thank you so very much! :)

hello, Gnarf ;)
04/11/2007 01:34:52 PM · #68
Bill, so glad we still have you with us! Sounds like it's been quite the roller coaster ride for you and yours. Hopefully things will be just a wee bit uneventful for your for awhile.

04/11/2007 02:20:03 PM · #69
GAH !!

Took my oldest to the pediatrician today. This is a 4½ year old boy who already has life-threatening food allergies, as well as Asperger's Syndrome (high-functioning autism). Today - we walk out with a prescription for 2 inhalers to treat exercise-induced asthma. Yes, EXERCISE - induced asthma in a child who only has two speeds : warp-five and sleep.

04/11/2007 03:06:42 PM · #70
Lea, dear, I get the impression that youngun' of yours is quite the sturdy young man despite his ailments. He'll be fine. You'll be fine. :-)
04/11/2007 03:12:13 PM · #71
Originally posted by Melethia:

Lea, dear, I get the impression that youngun' of yours is quite the sturdy young man despite his ailments. He'll be fine. You'll be fine. :-)

Yeah, he's a tough kid, thankfully.
04/11/2007 04:01:32 PM · #72
Originally posted by levyj413:

I'm pretty excited about my night shot.

First, I got a comment saying it'd be DQd because it relied on expert editing.

Then it got validated and the person came back to change his comment. :)

Votes: 60
Views: 101
Avg Vote: 6.1500
Comments: 5

Jeffrey, I can't wait to see it. Your night shots are always knock outs!
04/11/2007 04:07:14 PM · #73
I know I sometimes get cranky about scores - I apologize. Today's been a very good day (other than my knee contacting the ground with quite some force when I fell over on my bike) in that I've had some great feedback on my contre-jour work. Really made my day since that's something I've quite enjoyed shooting lately.

So next time I get cranky (and it will happen - darn hot flashes really get on my nerves), y'all feel free to just tell me to shut up, 'k? :-)

Picture of boo boo (since it is a photography web site, after all):

Message edited by author 2007-04-11 16:09:33.
04/11/2007 04:11:53 PM · #74
Oh Fearless Leader, mighty great One?

Please can I leave Team Hoovers and start a new TS?

Team Squeaky Wheels??

Yep, yep! Yep??
04/11/2007 04:18:41 PM · #75
Originally posted by kashi:

GAH !!

Took my oldest to the pediatrician today. This is a 4½ year old boy who already has life-threatening food allergies, as well as Asperger's Syndrome (high-functioning autism). Today - we walk out with a prescription for 2 inhalers to treat exercise-induced asthma. Yes, EXERCISE - induced asthma in a child who only has two speeds : warp-five and sleep.

Fairly common and not as bad as what you might think. What happens is that the muscles in your back tighten up with use giving you a tight and somewhat uncomfortable feeling when you try to take deep breaths to compensate for the extra air you need when you exert yourself. Generally a small blast/puff of a rescue inhaler, such as the generic name Albuterol, will restore breathing comfort, which can cause distress in a young'un who may not understand what's happening.

My daughter and I both have it and deal with it on a regular basis and once you're acclimated to it being treatable, and semi-normal, it's not in the least bit frightening.....to the lad, either!....8>)

Both my daughter and I are very active and this does not impede you once you learn how it goes.
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