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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Scam question
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07/04/2007 12:14:58 PM · #1
I am fostering a dog till I can find it a good home. I put him on petsearch and have recieved the following email. It reminds me of something I think I read in a thread here once that made this seem very familiar.

Here is a picture of Max, in case anyone here might be looking for the sweetest dog on Earth to adopt (free to good home!)

Here is the email I received from "mrsbatmanpets@yahoo"
hello, how are you doing and your pet? Am Anna by name and i will love to give your pet a loving home. i reside in utah with my husband and two kids one is 14yrs old and the other is 17yrs old , we will love to adopt your pet as an indoor family pet and we love pet so much than any other thing on earth ,so please let me know the last asking price and i will love to view the pics if available. payment will be made before shippment and my shipping company will handle the shipping , dont be bored about the shipping of this pet cos this company deals with transporting live pets across the coast which i have been a witness of. more so my mode of payment will be in an american cashiers check or money order check which will include the cost of the pet along with the shipping fees and the payment willbe brought to you by a couries service e.g ups,dhl,fedex or usps, you can get a hold of this shipping company for more information asper the shipping at liasfreightshipping@yahoo.com and they made it known to me that the pet will be pickup right in your door step with out you streesing your self and a vet check will be carried out on the pickup day by the shipers vet doctor. i look forward to hear from you in giving this pet a loving home , i await your response

I emailed her back a picture of Max and asked for the company's web page because I thought it was weird having a company with a yahoo email acct.
07/04/2007 12:18:12 PM · #2
Sounds good. And you should ask her for her phone number and some references, including an employer, since you don't want to send your beautiful dog off to some monster!
07/04/2007 12:22:58 PM · #3
Run away. The cashier's check or money order will be counterfeit.

If you think there may be a chance this is real, insist on a US Postal Money Order only, and cash it at the post office before shipping.

07/04/2007 12:29:44 PM · #4
I don't know. This sounds pretty fishy. Maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't feel right. She wants to give the pet a good home? At her home? And yet she's experienced with professional pet carriers? This is either a weird research place or a scam of some kind. Run away.

or maybe send her a cat instead...?

(My apologies to cat lovers everywhere. I don't hate them, I just can't seem to find one who will live at our house without eventually going insane while trying to kill us in our sleep..)

07/04/2007 12:29:57 PM · #5
Also, since when is a dog an indoor pet?
07/04/2007 12:33:51 PM · #6
Originally posted by TheStick:

and asked for the company's web page because I thought it was weird having a company with a yahoo email acct.

Good job. As said before..the money order thing sounds fishy. Ask for a certified check, see what she says. I won't even touch all the grammar errors.

Message edited by author 2007-07-04 12:48:52.
07/04/2007 12:33:52 PM · #7
I agree with Terry. The cashier's check is a dead giveaway. The rest sounds a little fishy as well.
07/04/2007 12:43:29 PM · #8
Were you looking for someone more local to adopt the dog? It sounds odd to me that someone would go through all that to bring it to them. I can't imagine how much a service like that would cost. And it's international? Shipping has to be at least hundreds and they're paying you on top of that? Is this some prize winning dog? Rare breed?

Maybe it's just someone who has so much money they toss it around like this and want a pre-trained dog.

There's something very fishy about the offer. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'd say "no thank you." My gut says no on this.

Edit: I don't get what they would have to gain from this. Say it is a scam, they send the fake money order and get the dog. Great.. now they have a dog. You were just offering the dog for free here. I assume you were offering it for free or little $. If they were in Utah they're now paying hundreds just on gas. If they're really local, why not be honest and pay the little bit of cash to get the dog. The whole thing just doesn't make sense.

Message edited by author 2007-07-04 12:50:29.
07/04/2007 12:56:57 PM · #9
certainly sounds like one of those where they send you "too much money" and ask for it back only to have their payment be fake and you're out a dog and some money. It does sound weird that they are experienced with the pet shipping company. I would check with your local SPCA to see if they have heard anything about possible scams like this.

Message edited by author 2007-07-04 12:57:30.
07/04/2007 12:57:47 PM · #10
more so my mode of payment will be in an american cashiers check or money order check which will include the cost of the pet along with the shipping fees and the payment willbe brought to you by a couries service e.g ups,dhl,fedex or usps, you can get a hold of this shipping company for more information asper the shipping at liasfreightshipping@yahoo.com

Absolutely this is a scam. If not I will eat my hat.

Someone asked what they get out of it. Well, aside from getting a dog which would otherwise go to a decent home, the whole thing is likely a scam from the outset. What they would probably try is that they would claim that they had overpaid something so could you just send them a cheque for the difference.. Then of course their "overpayment" would bounce, or similar.
07/04/2007 01:02:42 PM · #11
Originally posted by email:

dont be bored about the shipping of this pet

huh? this is the one thing that made me a bit skeptical about the whole thing.
07/04/2007 01:04:35 PM · #12
Originally posted by TheStick:

I am fostering a dog till I can find it a good home. I put him on petsearch and have recieved the following email. It reminds me of something I think I read in a thread here once that made this seem very familiar.

Here is a picture of Max, in case anyone here might be looking for the sweetest dog on Earth to adopt (free to good home!)

Tell me about Max. Age, breed, size, BG, personality, housebroken, obedient? Why letting him go, how much cost to get him to Cape Cod? My neighbors might be interested.

07/04/2007 01:14:21 PM · #13
scam scam scam
Don't doubt it for a minute.

I do some cabin rental, etc on Craigs List, and I regularly get emails like this. All are from a person for whom English is clearly not a first language. All mention "a check" or "cheque", and all are just begging me to tell them what the cost is. Usually it's for someone else. A surprise wedding gift, a surprise honeymoon, etc., and the person who is emailing is always unreachable by phone, and has an anonymous email account, i.e., yahoo. Every now and then, we play along and specify a rediculously high cost, and play along for a while. We are accumulating a collection of cashier's checks for large amounts that will never see my bank account. We plan to frame and display them. From time to time, the sender will email and ask if I have received the check - which always includes an amount of overage for his "financial agent" or some such. I like to think I am doing a public service by wasting their time.

Typing - not my forte.

Message edited by author 2007-07-04 13:21:13.
07/04/2007 01:19:48 PM · #14
i would think the lack of capital letters punctuation and the longest run sentence i have seen in a long time would be a dead give away in and of itself don't, i thinks so hardly looks professional at all what kind of legitimate company would send such an email yours not mine i'm sure eh?
07/04/2007 01:57:43 PM · #15
Scam. What maxaz1 said. I've heard the same thing from lots of people who put stuff on Craigslist.
07/05/2007 04:51:37 PM · #16
I had the same email wanting my mail rottie/pit mix puppy. I am very glad that you posted this information, I felt it was crazy but who knows what they are really doing with the dogs.

Because of this site I was able to tell her to jump in a lake and find local dogs..... Thank you!

hello , i will love to adopt doozer and i want to take her as an indoor pet. i live in a fenced house with my husband and my two kids and they love pets so much than any other thing, as i have told you ealier that i have a shipping company that are capable in shipping pets across the coast and they assure safe delivery of the pet and mores so doozer will be shiped in a plane, you can as well contact the shipping company at liasfreightshipping@yahoo.com , and they made me know that the pet will be picked up right at your door step so you dont have to stress your self about the shipping. so let me know the last asking price then payment shall follows . i await yor response

hello, how are you doing and your pet? Am cate by name and i will love to give your pet a loving home. i reside in utah with my husband and two kids one is 14yrs old and the other is 17yrs old , we will love to adopt your pet as an indoor family pet and we love pet so much than any other thing on earth ,so please let me know the last asking price and i will love to view the pics if available. payment will be made before shippment and my shipping company will handle the shipping , dont be bored about the shipping of this pet cos this company deals with transporting live pets across the coast which i have been a witness of. more so my mode of payment will be in an american cashiers check or money order check which will include the cost of the pet along with the shipping fees and the payment willbe brought to you by a couries service e.g ups,dhl,fedex or usps, you can get a hold of this shipping company for more information asper the shipping at liasfreightshipping@yahoo.com and they made it known to me that the pet will be pickup right in your door step with out you streesing your self and a vet check will be carried out on the pickup day by the shipers vet doctor. i look forward to hear from you in giving this pet a loving home , i await your response
07/05/2007 04:58:56 PM · #17
Originally posted by jodavis0821:

Am cate by name and i will love to give your pet a loving home. i reside in utah with my husband and two kids one is 14yrs old and the other is 17yrs old , we will love to adopt your pet as an indoor family pet and we love pet so much than any other thing on earth ,so please let me know the last asking price and i will love to view the pics if available. payment will be made before shippment and my shipping company will handle the shipping , dont be bored about the shipping of this pet cos this company deals with transporting live pets across the coast which i have been a witness of. more so my mode of payment will be in an american cashiers check or money order check which will include the cost of the pet along with the shipping fees and the payment willbe brought to you by a couries service e.g ups,dhl,fedex or usps, you can get a hold of this shipping company for more information asper the shipping at liasfreightshipping@yahoo.com and they made it known to me that the pet will be pickup right in your door step with out you streesing your self and a vet check will be carried out on the pickup day by the shipers vet doctor. i look forward to hear from you in giving this pet a loving home , i await your response

Her name is 'cate by name', she will arrange a 'couries service' and you wouldn't be 'streesed'? Sounds good to me.
07/06/2007 10:38:27 AM · #18
I just received the exact email ...her name was anna..etc...for my dalmatian mix puppy.. i thought it was odd for a business to have a yahoo account so i did a web search and found all of you. I did not reply... i dont think it is fair to ship animals anyway.. let alone to utah.. i live in PA... i also ask for vet references and two personal references before my pet leaves my home. she is just a puppy and needs her shots and all that so i want to make sure they have a secure vet and they are secure enough to take care of an animal.
i received a few other weird emails too from gentlemen overseas.. there English was very broken in the email...
i see i am not the only one who thought that "anna" was a scam.
07/06/2007 10:52:46 AM · #19
So agreed, this is a scam. I don't understand how the scam would work, though. They send you a fake check and then... what? Get a free dog?

As a side note, why would anyone have a pet shipped rather than go to a local shelter? Pets needing homes are everywhere.
07/06/2007 10:56:16 AM · #20
I believe these are ivory dealers. They will just sell it for its tusks. Oh wait, that's elephants.

Seriously, it's a scam.
07/06/2007 11:06:48 AM · #21
When in doubt about an email being genuine, take a phrase of the email and put it in quotes and search google. Odds are good that if it's a scam, someone else got it and has been asking about it (or already figured it out).

I found several hits on "hello, how are you doing and your pet?", including this thread where a similar email is found towards the end of the thread.
07/06/2007 11:16:46 AM · #22
I do not fully understand how the scam works but it is being used on all sorts of products, my understanding is when it is all done you are out product or dog in this case and end up liable for the shipping costs and the check is worthless. People are such scum to do this with products but to do this with pets is really low.
07/06/2007 11:39:49 AM · #23
They send you a fake check and get you to pay for the "shipping". The money comes out of your account and the counterfeit cashier's check bounces.

Google 419 scams.

Pretty much anytime you get something that sounds like this it's a scam.

Message edited by author 2007-07-06 11:45:06.
07/06/2007 11:52:11 AM · #24
Agree with the others who think this is a Scam, I think that fact that their message never contains the word "Dog" but instead says pet all over is a dead giveaway.

I hate people like this, trying to exploit other people for scraps of money, why can´t these people make an honest living like the rest of us?
07/06/2007 12:07:44 PM · #25
Originally posted by Larus:

Agree with the others who think this is a Scam, I think that fact that their message never contains the word "Dog" but instead says pet all over is a dead giveaway.

I hate people like this, trying to exploit other people for scraps of money, why can´t these people make an honest living like the rest of us?

Because they live in Nigeria.

Message edited by author 2007-07-06 12:11:17.
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