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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> 30 Days Black and White (Sept-2007)
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 242, (reverse)
08/17/2007 08:22:02 PM · #1
Okay well back a couple months ago I took part in a 30 B&W challenge and really fell in love with it. I know that I wasn't able to finsh it (well got to like 29) or something but I had a problem with my camera. Anyway to make a long story short, I'm thinking about doing another 30 Days Black and White challenge. Would anyone like to participate in this with me???

There is 30 days in Sept so I thought it would work out pretty good. The challenge would take place on the 1st and end with posting your last challenge on the 30th.

- There is no real sign up all you need to do is post here and let me know that you would like to play the game as well.
- Take a picture.
- You can convert it to B&W in or out of the camera.
- As far as the rest of the rules let̢۪s go with the advanced editing rules.
- By all means Filters are okay too. ( I like to experiment with images)
- Duotone is fine.
- Have fun and please comment on as many pictures as you can.
- At a minimum I would like for us to comment on at least 1 image a day.
- You're picture does not have to be taken on the day of the month.

**************************** NEW RULES *******************************************

OKAY here is how we are going to split this up. There is going to be two groups. A and B.
- The first 50 people are going to be on Group A.
- The last 50 people are going to be on group B.
----- ( I know there isn't 50 yet for group be but any anyone else joins they will be on group B)
- On the night of the 31st. I will create 2 threads called [b]30 days of B&W - Group A
and 30 days of B&W - Group B. If you are in Group B you must at least comment on 1 person in your group. Same goes for Group A. You must comment on at least 1 person in your group.
- Please keep your pictures in your groups thread to make it easy for your team.
- IF YOU WANT... You may comment on as many pictures as you want (after all that is why we do these fun side challges right??? to get comments???. YOU MAY comment on either group A's or B's pictures AFTER you have commented on at least one of your own groups picture.

- If you don't understand the rules PM me and I will try to explain them better.

Here is the links to the new posting threads;
Group A

Group B

Message edited by author 2007-09-02 19:10:36.
08/17/2007 08:23:05 PM · #2
30 Days of B&W - GROUP A
3 abranton
32 Alain
11 Art Roflmao
48 BAMartin
5 banmorn
43 Ben
22 bergiekat
27 breadfan35
50 CapeSail
49 Caroline69
17 cfarrell
7 codfish
33 ephln
35 GeneralE
16 geoffb
20 Germaine
47 hajeka
10 iamwoman
46 ivale28
37 jackal9
45 jpfrandano
25 Katmystiry
19 lilkarebear
28 lkn4truth
42 loriprophoto
1 Lowcivicman99
30 Luguer
40 Mephisto
24 mia67
13 Mydee1
18 NikonJeb
38 Node
2 pamelasue
26 photokariangel
6 pixelpig
39 rachelellen
4 Redjulep
21 routerguy666
31 roz
9 salmiakki
34 sfalice
8 Sherpet
12 smardaz
23 snowflakejen
14 suemack
29 Sweetlittlepixie
41 Tej
36 TooCool
44 trevytrev
15 WriteHeart

30 Days of B&W - GROUP B
63 aguapreta
51 BeckyT
73 blad
94 Brat
87 bs-photos
58 Budya
61 cudjoem
97 DainMcgowan
89 digitalpins
59 doc_gonzo
65 dsterner
98 dtremain
95 electrolost
71 emily212
72 ErikV
84 EstimatedEyes
69 figaro
74 Givemeashot
81 glad2badad
64 HawkeyeLonewolf
66 jasonlprice
85 JLC
70 jmagrino
62 jonfrommk
77 k4ffy
67 karmat
68 macpapas
75 Monicagd
79 noraneko
96 ordinaryangel
80 pibby
83 Puckzzz
54 Quigley
57 RedPosion
93 Rooster
92 routerguy666
90 rsolimeo
100 saurabhv
53 sea2c
60 shalrath
82 Skyarcher
55 TCGuru
86 thebugsmommy
78 thelobster
52 vikas
56 walrus451
91 wronp
76 zxaar

Message edited by author 2007-09-02 19:09:20.
08/17/2007 08:23:45 PM · #3
Count me in Joe! sounds like fun ...
08/17/2007 08:25:21 PM · #4
Originally posted by pamelasue:

Count me in Joe! sounds like fun ...

Whoo hoo, Thanks pam.
08/17/2007 08:25:36 PM · #5
You got me babe.
08/17/2007 09:15:25 PM · #6
Another BW side challenge!! Woopee!! I'm so in.

I'll be in Florida on vacation from Sep 4-15, which does not prohibit me from taking and uploading photos, though I might miss a day or two in travel.
08/17/2007 09:54:06 PM · #7
08/17/2007 10:21:04 PM · #8
That's awesome guys welcome aboard. I have added your names to the list. Alicia, don't worry about the travel time. There are no restrictions as to when you have to upload your pictures but just don't forget to take them and upload them once you get all settled in. and BTW thanks for joining.
08/17/2007 10:29:43 PM · #9
please count me in
08/17/2007 10:30:58 PM · #10
Originally posted by pixelpig:

please count me in

Will do, Thanks for joining
08/17/2007 10:51:58 PM · #11
So what are the rules?

Is this B&W in camera or converted in post processing.

Can I post all 7 for the week on the weekend rather than daily? I'm going to be pretty busy at the begining of the month doing my company's budget but I can take some time during my lunch hour to take a couple of frames. I just won't have always have time to upload them daily.
08/17/2007 10:59:26 PM · #12
Sherpet re shez ..... will LOVE to be part of this, as Side cha;llenges are really what I enjoy the most here at DPC.....
08/17/2007 11:42:57 PM · #13
You can do B&W in camera or post processing. There shouldn't be a problem uploading on the weekend.

Originally posted by codfish:

So what are the rules?

Is this B&W in camera or converted in post processing.

Can I post all 7 for the week on the weekend rather than daily? I'm going to be pretty busy at the begining of the month doing my company's budget but I can take some time during my lunch hour to take a couple of frames. I just won't have always have time to upload them daily.
08/17/2007 11:44:34 PM · #14
I feel the same way. I haven't fully completed one of the side challenges yet BUT I have had so much going on that it is tough. Things have calmed down quite a bit since the wedding so I am excited to do this. I absolutely LOVE B&W :)

Originally posted by sherpet:

Sherpet re shez ..... will LOVE to be part of this, as Side cha;llenges are really what I enjoy the most here at DPC.....
08/18/2007 02:39:31 AM · #15
I'm also pretty busy during September, but I'll give it a go. Hopefully I will be able to finish this one! The last two 30 day challenges ended for me around day 22.
08/18/2007 02:43:02 AM · #16
I sometimes find it so hard to finish, but I always stay and complete the month, or the 50 days, as it is so worth it, when you see the results all together, sometimes in a collage.

Could we also include "Duotone" as well to the Black & White.

Message edited by author 2007-08-18 02:44:35.
08/18/2007 02:46:02 AM · #17
Yep I'm in - my camera died during the last one and I've yet to complete a 30 days of anything - I'm going to give this a HUGE amount of energy ... I'll just nap until then!

08/18/2007 03:07:41 AM · #18
I'm in. I've gotten in the habit of signing on for nearly every 30 day challenge and my record of completion has been taking a nose dive - but whatcanyado - I try.
08/18/2007 03:10:33 AM · #19
i was in for the last one and i'm DEFINATELY down for this one
08/18/2007 03:15:10 AM · #20
I'd love to give this a shot - count me in!!
08/18/2007 03:18:50 AM · #21
I'm in too.
08/18/2007 03:32:09 AM · #22
I really want to be in, but I suck at remembering to post pictures. After a full day plus of work, my brain seems to shut down. Maybe I will put it in my calendar as a nightly reminder to notifiy my eamil or cell phone.

Anyway, this sounds like a blast! I love black and white. Count me in.
08/18/2007 03:59:46 AM · #23
Yes, we can do it together, and look forward to seeing lots of your animals as well.....

Originally posted by suemack:

I'm in too.

Message edited by author 2007-08-18 05:58:47.
08/18/2007 04:32:38 AM · #24
I'd like to take part.
08/18/2007 04:36:58 AM · #25
I'll give it my best shot! Please, count me in.
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