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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Track your score and figure out each vote
Showing posts 51 - 64 of 64, (reverse)
12/18/2007 07:03:45 PM · #51
Originally posted by marcusvdt:

The spreadsheet gets the information from the DPC site according to the frequency that you choose when opening it. If you choose, say, 30 seconds for the update frequency, the spreadsheet will get the latest vote count and score at each 30 seconds. ...

... The best you can get is to lower the frequency to 10 seconds...

The above quote is what I read that made me wonder about whether this was cool in the world of DPC or not. From the way you've described it, it seems that if I had this app running on my PC it would "poll" DPC every 10 seconds to get data.

In the past there have been issues with sites like Digg or others, that have increased the load on the server that DPC resides on creating slow loading pages for those that use this site.

Originally posted by marcusvdt:

Why do we have the update link on the DPC web page?
I think most people keep pressing that button during all the day.

Not at 10 second intervals, or on an automated basis.

Originally posted by marcusvdt:

If they don't want people pressing that link all the time, they can easily provide a way to track all the votes within the site.

Ahh, I see - so you're making decisions for DPC now. Since "they" don't offer this "service" you're going to provide it?

Originally posted by marcusvdt:

The spreadsheet cannot be considered illegal since it does the same that I can do manually.

I doubt any of it is "illegal"...however, just because you can do it manually doesn't mean that that is cool either.

Originally posted by marcusvdt:

Just curious, why do you care to raise that flag Mr. Glad Dad ???

Well, since you've been quite the promoter of your little spreadsheet application in various forums it's been hard to miss. It made me wonder since I know DPC has had some issues of a similar nature in the past...so I took a look at the terms (had heard it brought up before). Personally, I could care less what you do on your own time, but I do like DPC and as a paying member have a right to be interested in the continued access of it. That's all. No biggee.
12/18/2007 07:27:54 PM · #52
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Isn't this putting a load or draw on DPChallenge by making such frequent connections/polling of data?

Look at it this way. Even if the spreadsheet were automatically refreshing your home page once every ten seconds, the effect on the site is that of a gnat kicking an elephant in the knee. As opposed to providing free T&A via the nude gallery, which likely has the relative effect of crashing a bus into the elephant on an hourly basis.

And of course in both situations the big dumb beast continues to lumber along, so all is well.
12/18/2007 08:31:34 PM · #53
Originally posted by routerguy666:

Originally posted by glad2badad:

Isn't this putting a load or draw on DPChallenge by making such frequent connections/polling of data?

Look at it this way. Even if the spreadsheet were automatically refreshing your home page once every ten seconds, the effect on the site is that of a gnat kicking an elephant in the knee. As opposed to providing free T&A via the nude gallery, which likely has the relative effect of crashing a bus into the elephant on an hourly basis.

And of course in both situations the big dumb beast continues to lumber along, so all is well.

Love the analogy! :-P

Here's what I was thinking of. Nearly a year ago now. Could've sworn it's happened more recently also.

DPChallenge really slow
DPC has been digged...
12/19/2007 06:33:37 AM · #54
Mr. Glad Daddy, are you noticing the web site slow?
A: No.

Mr. Glad Daddy, what do you know about web servers load?
A: Nothing.

These 2 questions describe the nature of your comments.

And FYI, I'm not trying to make any decisions for DPC. I'm just telling you that the spreadsheet does not hurt. The spreadsheet is free, I'm telling everybody about it, and I hope people enjoy it.

You look to be more interested than me on making decisions on behalf of DPC, judging the spreadsheet as illegal, without having any technical argument. I suggest you take your time to care about your own life.

12/19/2007 07:12:26 AM · #55
Originally posted by marcusvdt:

Mr. Glad Daddy, are you noticing the web site slow?
A: No.

Mr. Glad Daddy, what do you know about web servers load?
A: Nothing.

These 2 questions describe the nature of your comments.

And FYI, I'm not trying to make any decisions for DPC. I'm just telling you that the spreadsheet does not hurt. The spreadsheet is free, I'm telling everybody about it, and I hope people enjoy it.

You look to be more interested than me on making decisions on behalf of DPC, judging the spreadsheet as illegal, without having any technical argument. I suggest you take your time to care about your own life.

hahaha Where the hell is slappy when you need him
12/19/2007 07:31:18 AM · #56
Originally posted by marcusvdt:

... You look to be more interested than me on making decisions on behalf of DPC, judging the spreadsheet as illegal, without having any technical argument.

Never said it was "illegal", but I was curious as to how your spreadsheet worked and it's relationship to the site terms of service.

Originally posted by marcusvdt:

... I suggest you take your time to care about your own life.

Now there's a funny statement. It's not me that's worried about tracking every single vote and updating every 10 seconds. Now who has a life? :-D
12/19/2007 07:33:25 AM · #57
Originally posted by Dirt_Diver:

hahaha Where the hell is slappy when you need him

Check your hands. Now put him away. You know, wouldn't want to go blind or anything. :)
12/19/2007 07:53:09 AM · #58

Glad2badad is right. Any time you write a program that automatically downloads information from DPC at predetermined intervals you need to have Langdon's permission, for the reasons outlined in the TOS previously quoted.

If it truly has no impact on DPC performance, I'm sure he won't mind. Nonetheless, you should Contact him and use the Admin Inquiry button so it gets directly to him.

12/19/2007 08:02:25 AM · #59
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Never said it was "illegal", but I was curious as to how your spreadsheet worked and it's relationship to the site terms of service.

Curious you are, huh? What's the purpose of your innocent curiosity?

Originally posted by glad2badad:

Now there's a funny statement. It's not me that's worried about tracking every single vote and updating every 10 seconds. Now who has a life? :-D

You don't have for sure, since you are taking your time to analyze my spreadsheet's "relationship to the site terms of service". That is the point.
12/19/2007 08:08:44 AM · #60
Marcus, just get permission from Langdon, OK?
12/19/2007 08:12:51 AM · #61
Originally posted by L2:


Glad2badad is right. Any time you write a program that automatically downloads information from DPC at predetermined intervals you need to have Langdon's permission, for the reasons outlined in the TOS previously quoted.

If it truly has no impact on DPC performance, I'm sure he won't mind. Nonetheless, you should Contact him and use the Admin Inquiry button so it gets directly to him.

I'm sorry but I will not ask for the permission. Delete this thread if you want.
The Admins of this site are not god. They cannot interfere or have authority about the way I choose to get my own statistics on my own computer. From a technical standpoint, the spreadsheet does not get the information from the website. It is the Internet Explorer browser that does that (needs IE cookie and uses it on the web query). The spreadsheet only records the statistics for my own convenience.
You cannot prohibit someone to choose his own preferred browser, right?
You cannot prohibit myself to the maths and guess my votes, right?
Ok, thanks.
12/19/2007 06:47:08 PM · #62
Your response to L2 was out of line. She made a polite request. Keep in mind that neither you nor the Site Council own the site, and that the Admins have the right to know if someone is using automated data collection methods that could potentially impact the usability of their site, and thus the experience of the rest of the community.
While I personally would expect that your query would be no more taxing on the site than the update button, it would simply be common courtesy to submit it to the Admins for review.
Since you've declined to do so, I've taken the liberty of submitting it to them myself.
12/19/2007 09:18:58 PM · #63
08/01/2011 04:38:50 PM · #64
This is an old thread (last reply was in 2007) but I'm reviving it because I can't get to the link at work and with a reply and set to "watch" then I can find it again easily when I get home.

Just more for curiosity than anything else. I don't fret over the votes. They are what they are.
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