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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> Team Suck Oasis
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Showing posts 1 - 25 of 1998, (reverse)
12/19/2007 06:53:40 PM · #1
From our fearless leader, posthumous:

"This thread belongs to Team Suck, a ragtag group of militia... um... photographers who compatriate more than compete, more interested in winging than winning, in love than lustre.

We don't let a low score get in the way of a dream!

As our seditious philosophy gained ground, our ranks grew, until we became more than just a team. We became a league of teams in wholesome if not entirely serious competition with each other. And that's the way we all became Team Suck.

This thread is for suckers to commiserate and compete. It can also be used for anyone with questions or comments about the Suck lifestyle. If you do wish to join us, we ask that you participate at DPC for a while to see if sucking really is your style, and we ask that you fulfill whatever half-brained initiation we come up with at that moment."

Rule of Thirds applies to *composition*, not subject.

Join us at our new website dedicated to the suck way of life. Visitors are always welcome; stop by for a cuppa coffee, spot of tea, keg of beer, or photoshop confusion.

Nominate OOBIE or YAPPIE!
Challenge Results

Below is the current membership of League of Suck:

-- liltritter motherlee raish noraneko JuliBoc bmartuch jaysonmc SaraR Bear_Music

-- posthumous meyers levyj413 snaffles maxaz1 purpleflutterby13 BAMartin bdenny
-- chaimelle xianart rheverly griz210 Melethia SteveJ Greetmir colorcarnival

-- hipychik kelli quiet_observation bryantbus michael_p Kivet Brookied patio127 cfarrell

-- skewsme mist sickdog JerseyGenie NikonJeb cosprenks Emerkaza sherpet

-- silverfoxx wildcard kashi AperturePriority Redneck Blue Moon krnodil ephln basssman7 CWelch

-- klstover muppet Writeheart jackal9 Gnarf LaMas hywind

-- kronus mngolfer theSaj ragamuffingirl lonewolf
bcoble Truegsht cuspie melismatica k4ffy

For historical suckage, check these venerable threads:

Team Suck Policy Statement

posthumous quote:

"I don't make these very often. In fact, I might never make these, but this is a pretty fundamental policy that I'm talking about, and it's a necessary one for our survival in DPC. It has to do with voting practices. Obviously, we are not responsible for the voting practices of our members, but to go further I'd like to suggest some guidelines for how Team Suckers vote:

- We do not share photos with each other and then vote on them.
- We do not vote higher on images just because we think they were made by a member of Team Suck.
- We do not encourage each other to vote higher for certain types or styles of images. We pride ourselves on our variety of tastes and styles.
- We do not encourage any particular voting method, though we might frown at people with 3.67 voting averages and make grumbling noises.
- The only way we might influence voting is indirectly, by enriching everyone's tastes and opening their minds to what can be beautiful, and this sort of discussion is never about an identifiable picture in a current challenge."

Message edited by author 2008-01-17 18:15:17.
12/19/2007 06:59:32 PM · #2
Yayy a nice warm sandy oasis...just the perfect escape from white stuff! (Though Deb may find it a little redundant, lol :-))
12/19/2007 07:20:19 PM · #3
I kind of like this new oasis. Can we make it so the "momentary lack of sucking" award winner has to bring the rest of us drinks with the little umbrellas?

Is it ok if I move in the cat too?

She has no front claws so she can't hurt anything, and she is well trained. (I will keep her litter box cleaned daily...although my scores generally stink worse)
12/19/2007 07:42:28 PM · #4
There's always plenty of room and potential food products.
12/19/2007 08:03:27 PM · #5

I'm over here watching the bird feeder. Gotta say that this is one of the oddest looking birds I've ever seen !

12/19/2007 08:20:18 PM · #6
wonderful radio doc on war photographers. playing tonight, or on podcasts later this week.

12/19/2007 08:23:45 PM · #7
Originally posted by kashi:


I'm over here watching the bird feeder. Gotta say that this is one of the oddest looking birds I've ever seen !

That is a really big, furry bird! Although I actually did see a flying squirrel on TV yesterday.
12/19/2007 08:25:16 PM · #8
I don't have cats anymore, but here's a couple from way back when:

12/19/2007 08:31:41 PM · #9
Is there room for one more?

12/19/2007 08:36:31 PM · #10
We needed a new thread!
12/19/2007 09:00:12 PM · #11
Beautiful new place to hang out!

12/19/2007 09:33:52 PM · #12
Carryover from last thread (and yes, I think it's vaguely discomfiting that as soon as I come on board the old thread is 86'd, LOL):

Originally posted by raish:

A hearty welcome, sir. I seem to remember I addended a small note of self-disqualification to the poem I posted, but if Robert/Bruce/not Bruce is going to be a novice, then disingenuousness is the order of the day.

There should be some mild forfeit: (subject to the approval of our fearless overall leader, of course) compose a sonnet in the voice of Ansel Adams's 2nd favourite enlarger lens, or a villanelle discussing the merits/problems of diverse editing rules in dpc challenges. If you do both of these things you earn the right to wear the novice logo on your camera strap.

Good to see ya.

I kept asking in the other thread, WHY was the poem self-DQ'd? Enquiring novitiate needs to know...

As for the sonnet/villanelle... that may take some time, being as how it's Christmas and all... :-)

12/19/2007 09:39:25 PM · #13
I don't have a cat, but to quote Posthumous, can I add a picture of our "desert fox" instead? :)

12/19/2007 09:42:21 PM · #14
I talked to my feline master, and she has acquiesced to being included in our new home.

12/19/2007 09:42:29 PM · #15
Originally posted by levyj413:

I don't have a cat, but to quote Posthumous, can I add a picture of our "desert fox" instead? :)

no, no, she was only working in germany!

sorry. couldn't resist.
12/19/2007 09:43:26 PM · #16
Alrighty... Here's what the "Desert Fox" looks like in the marsh with MY tripod... And yes, Xian, she's WAY prettier than Rommel...


Message edited by author 2007-12-19 21:44:18.
12/19/2007 09:44:18 PM · #17

and the beast saw that it was good. and so many cats to chase play with.

Message edited by author 2007-12-19 21:44:55.
12/19/2007 09:55:39 PM · #18
Originally posted by Bear_Music:

Alrighty... Here's what the "Desert Fox" looks like in the marsh with MY tripod... And yes, Xian, she's WAY prettier than Rommel...


And she's so bloody tiny, too...Deb, I think I outgrew your current weight in about the 5th grade...

And a gratuitous kitty shot :-) Not as cute as the Desert Fox, tee hee, but I love him horrendously uncreative name (Mr. Orange) notwithstanding.

Edit to add: I just re-read that. Did I pass grammar school? Jeeesh.

Message edited by author 2007-12-19 21:58:34.
12/19/2007 10:03:03 PM · #19
Geesh, I try to get some shut-eye and the darn place moves next door! I wondered what all that racket was! You're here just in time for the cold rainy windy season. But I see we're nicely accompanied by feline and canine companions (and the odd furry bird). Jeffrey will have some sort of penance to pay for posting that one picture....(can I sue the photographer who took it, I wonder?)

Originally posted by krnodil:

Is there room for one more?

I have one that sorta matches - one of my brother's cats:
12/19/2007 10:04:23 PM · #20
Originally posted by noraneko:

Not as cute as the Desert Fox, tee hee, but I love him horrendously uncreative name (Mr. Orange) notwithstanding.

Edit to add: I just re-read that. Did I pass grammar school? Jeeesh.

It does have a certain "Me Tarzan, You Jane" ring to it. ;) Speaking of which, I just read "Tarzan of the Apes." If you can ignore some pretty bad, outmoded stereotypes, it's a fun adventure.

As for uncreative names, I'll trump you with what we called our cat when I was a kid: Kitty.

Note to Posthumous: I think you'll like my wabi-sabi-bo-babi entry a little more than my glassware.
12/19/2007 10:07:06 PM · #21
Originally posted by levyj413:

...As for uncreative names, I'll trump you with what we called our cat when I was a kid: Kitty...

double trump: one of my guys (long passed on) was dubbed Mr. Cat...
12/19/2007 10:13:53 PM · #22
Originally posted by krnodil:

Originally posted by levyj413:

...As for uncreative names, I'll trump you with what we called our cat when I was a kid: Kitty...

double trump: one of my guys (long passed on) was dubbed Mr. Cat...

Triple trump: we once had Cat1, Cat2, Cat3, and Dog... Seriously...

12/19/2007 10:14:32 PM · #23

I'll bring my buddy too! He loves kitties!
12/19/2007 10:22:36 PM · #24
Originally posted by levyj413:

Originally posted by noraneko:

Not as cute as the Desert Fox, tee hee, but I love him horrendously uncreative name (Mr. Orange) notwithstanding.

Edit to add: I just re-read that. Did I pass grammar school? Jeeesh.

It does have a certain "Me Tarzan, You Jane" ring to it. ;)
As for uncreative names, I'll trump you with what we called our cat when I was a kid: Kitty.

Jeffrey, I nearly spit my drink all over my keyboard when I read that. Note to self: do not type on Ambien. Shiesse. Am not on Ambien. Do not type, period.

Robert, I think you win with the uncreative pet names, although my parents named their latest cat "KIT-R". How's that for awful? Maybe they should start selling cats at TAR-ZHAY.

Message edited by author 2007-12-19 22:23:01.
12/19/2007 10:27:03 PM · #25
Why all the kitties? ;)

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