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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> COMMENTING.....I may get into trouble here.
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06/22/2008 09:53:34 PM · #1
COMMENTING..... I may get into trouble here.

I have noticed now for quite some time that I feel commenting has become a thing of the past.

I am not pointing anyone out, but I have noticed that people are not responding to commenting like they use to. I am not complaining about getting comments, but an overall view of what I see today.

I still get plenty of comments, and appreciate each and everyone of them.

I know I have plenty of time on my hands and spend a lot of time at here at DPC.

I enjoy spending time making comments because, and these are my reasons why I comment;

On images that I like, that "POP" as a thumbnail.
New uploaded images, that I have not seen before.
My DPC friends images, that I feel deserve a comment.
People I do not know, when I see an image I like.
Challenge entries, is a great place to start
Challenge and ribbon images often deserve a comment.
Images in threads that people are talking about.
Not so good images, to hopefully encourage by giving comments that helps them.
Side challenges are a great way to learn, and to give comments to.

I will always give comments while I can, as I really missed doing so when my eye sight was a problem.

To me commenting is a huge part of DPC, and I learn so much by giving comments to others.

I guess I am giving them a hug if you like, by responding to their image, in a way that communicates a human spirit, a special feeling, learning, sharing, with them through their image, with my thoughts.

I am not saying my comments are the best, far from it, as I just like to share some joy with others, who likes photography as much as I do.

Thanks for listening.....

ps; I am not looking for thanks for my comments that I give. as I just love giving them to people, as that is what I like to do.

Message edited by author 2008-06-22 22:36:13.
06/22/2008 10:19:29 PM · #2
Hey Shez, First of all, good on you for speaking your mind:) Second you can comment on my images anytime. I enjoy both positive and negative comments as I learn from both. Third you have gone through my homeless images and left me a comment on every one and when I read them I was filled again with the emotion that drove me to take them in the first place and I need to openly thank you for that.

So THANK YOU for your comments and for looking through my portfolio I'm truly honored.

You are AWESOME Shez.

I'm in the process of uploading some engagement photos I did today for a couple and would love you to take a look if you have time.

All the best to you and yours.


ETA I'll have the images up in just a little bit:)

Message edited by author 2008-06-22 22:21:32.
06/22/2008 10:35:42 PM · #3
Shez .. I don't see how you could get into trouble for speaking your mind! I have enjoyed all the comments I've received from you! I just wish I had more time on my hands to comment more and enter some challenges here. So thank you for all the comments you make!!!
06/22/2008 10:46:40 PM · #4
Hey Shez, the water is finally dropping here, so I will soon have more time to comment more.
I love getting comments from you, and yes, they do feel like a hug!
06/22/2008 10:52:19 PM · #5
Originally posted by Quigley:

Hey Shez, First of all, good on you for speaking your mind:) Second you can comment on my images anytime. I enjoy both positive and negative comments as I learn from both. Third you have gone through my homeless images and left me a comment on every one and when I read them I was filled again with the emotion that drove me to take them in the first place and I need to openly thank you for that.

So THANK YOU for your comments and for looking through my portfolio I'm truly honored.

You are AWESOME Shez.

I'm in the process of uploading some engagement photos I did today for a couple and would love you to take a look if you have time.

All the best to you and yours.


ETA I'll have the images up in just a little bit:)

OK Shez the images are up and I posted them in this thread LOOK HERE :)~

I look forward to hearing form you Shez.

06/22/2008 11:18:33 PM · #6
I certainly share your feelings on this. A while ago (a month or so) I made the conscious decision to do much more than offer trite, one-thought or one-sentence comments and for those images that jump out at me or the seem to call for a comment to study, digest, analyze and interpret as best I can. I have noticed that though my number of comments given has decreased, as I just don't have much time to go through all the images in a challenge, I am able to get into the images that I do comment on and understand what the shooter was going for, how they came about it and how close they were to achieving their objective. I've also tried to stop using "I" in my comment and try to refrain, with much difficulty, on offering suggestions as I don't feel I am qualified to question someone else's artistic vision or intent.

With these more expanded and thought-out comments, I get many more PMs and reciprocal comments and am building connections with other members. This interaction leads to better understanding and learning, which I desperately need. Additionally, I notice I am "favoriting" more images than I used to as I develop a stronger connection to more images.

Message edited by author 2008-06-22 23:20:58.
06/22/2008 11:35:20 PM · #7
I'd have to agree that the quantity of good detailed comments has gone down. I noticed that over the past few weeks for the Critique Club very few people were receiving comments. (Like 15 comments out in a two week period.) This might be because of summer (here in the northern hemisphere anyways). Its hard to take time to write something with any sort of substance because it is time consuming and really who wants to sit in front of a computer when there are sooo many shots out there to take.

I'd have to agree with signal2noise in terms of how to deliver comments. Remove the word I. (You do quite well with this Shez so this isn't directed at you). I also like to remove the word you from the comment too. My comments are directed to the image not to the person who took it. A subtle difference but an important one. If you use "you" there is a higher likelihood the recipient will take offence when you being critical. They take offence, PM a nasty-gram to you. You stop commenting. We get threads like this. :(\

06/23/2008 12:16:04 AM · #8
I love getting comments on my photos (either way) and try to give other people comments when I have the time.However I don't feel comfortable telling people how to improve their photo when I am just learning myself.
06/23/2008 12:34:25 AM · #9
Hey Shez, keep commenting! I enjoy both positive and negative comments as I learn from both, as long as they are relevant to the image, ie. not of a personal nature or just good shot I know I have been guilty of that! But am going to try and be more constructive in future. I feel though that in comments one should pick on both the positive and the negative in the image, not just one or the other all images have both even the front pagers and the brown ribboners!
06/23/2008 12:51:15 AM · #10
Originally posted by ButterflyGirl:

... I don't feel comfortable telling people how to improve their photo when I am just learning myself.

And that is pretty much is why I stopped commenting. I remember a few threads on the forums with complaints about ratings and comments which focused on the photos taken by the person making the comment. I know what you're thinking already "grow a pair and comment anyway - some people appreciate it". But the problem is that it kind of makes sense to me. In a lot of cases the photos are better than anything I can produce so I'll leave it to the more skilled participants in DPC to do the commenting ...
06/23/2008 12:54:13 AM · #11
I personally love all comments. good, bad and ugly.

Now, I might reply and state why I disagree...etc. But that doesn't devalue that person opinion in my own eyes. next time, I am always thinking about how to add in their advice.
06/23/2008 04:30:50 AM · #12
Originally posted by TraumaHound:

Originally posted by ButterflyGirl:

... I don't feel comfortable telling people how to improve their photo when I am just learning myself.

And that is pretty much is why I stopped commenting. I remember a few threads on the forums with complaints about ratings and comments which focused on the photos taken by the person making the comment. I know what you're thinking already "grow a pair and comment anyway - some people appreciate it". But the problem is that it kind of makes sense to me. In a lot of cases the photos are better than anything I can produce so I'll leave it to the more skilled participants in DPC to do the commenting ...

there are comments and comments ..
you dont have to be telling someone how to improve to make a comment .
and we are all learning .. some are just further along than others ..
when i started out in dpc nearly two years ago i felt hesitant to comment on some of the more awesome photographs that i looked at ..
i felt humbled ..
but i'm sure most photographers whether they are amazingly talented or just learning would welcome a comment .. a comment saying how much you admire their work or love the photograph and why .. i dont give out many suggestions on changing an edit because i am so aware that it is only my opinion .. but those comments can be very helpful to the photographer even so ..
if someone takes offence at a suggestion, then i reckon its their problem ..
i dont see how you can grow as a photographer without taking advice from others .. you will always be learning IMO ..
just my 2 cents worth .. !!..:)

06/23/2008 04:38:05 AM · #13
Good for you girl, Let it out!

Always love reading your comments and totally appreciate the effort and time you put into the site.
Feel free to comment on me whenever you see fit.

God bless and regards to the fam.. x
06/23/2008 05:07:38 AM · #14
I welcome and am thankful for a good 90% of comments, long short, positive negative. As long as it points out something good or bad I'm happy, general words of encouragement are nice also. I just wish I had the time and drive to comment on more photos.
06/23/2008 08:49:03 PM · #15
I have decided to do "100 comments a day" - TODAY.....
Who would like to join me..... I will be back soon.

Comments:Made: 27,589
Helpful: 24,530
Received: 9,567
Helpful: 9,181

Message edited by author 2008-06-23 22:40:06.
06/23/2008 10:40:26 PM · #16
Update - now up to Comments:Made: 27,622
06/23/2008 11:30:09 PM · #17
Nearly there, as I am now yo to.

Comments:Made: 27,661 now Comments:Made: 27,672

Message edited by author 2008-06-24 02:54:58.
06/23/2008 11:51:49 PM · #18
Thank you, Shez! And I'll work on adding some more comments to the site today if I can, too!
06/24/2008 02:52:16 AM · #19
Originally posted by sherpet:

Nearly there, as I am now yo to.

Comments:Made: 27,661 now Comments:Made: 27,672

UPDATE; NOW Comments:Made: 27,693 I made it over the 100 COMMENTS I promised to do today.....

Message edited by author 2008-06-24 02:58:40.
06/24/2008 03:03:26 AM · #20
Gradually I am becoming more confident to leave a comment detailing how I feel when looking at a particular shot. All positive comments so far, lol, I am not ready to deliver body blows yet ;) One thing I hate is when you see a comment like !!! or ???, I think that is demeaning to the photographer, and also confusing, if you're unsure where a shot is going or don't know what it is, then ask or say so :)

Have a great Tuesday folks,

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