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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> The Extraordinary Outreach Award Thread
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09/10/2008 05:15:08 PM · #1
This thread is about The Extraordinary Outreach Awards instituted on 09/10/2008:

"The Star" : For those who went out of their way to help a lot of people and spread goodwill along and beyond technical skills on DPC.

"The Honorary Mention" : For those who went out of their way to help at least a few and spread goodwill along and beyond technical skills on DPC.

Thank you Alex ( ambaker) for the suggestion!

This list will grow as the winners and nominees grow:


"The Stars" in no particular order:
[1] 09/10/2008: To Molly ( Hatchet), for reaching out to Barbara ( BAMartin ), and for being wonderfully supportive of many others. Please see this thread.
[2] 09/10/2008: To Roz ( Roz), for reaching out to Sherryl ( Sherpet) by lending her own camera selflessly, and for being there as a friend and a mentor when needed for many others. Reference thread.
[3] 09/10/2008: To Art ( Art Roflmao), for reaching out generously to many DPCers. Reference thread, Another reference thread.
[4] 09/11/2008: Judi ( Judi), for her community efforts during the Queensland Floods (2008), and for continually encouraging more commenting through the 100% commenter's club. Reference thread.
[5] 09/11/2008: To Sherryl ( Sherpet), for her help in offering multiple free DPC memberships for the ones in need, and for making more than twice the comments she received as of this date.
[6] 09/10/2008: To Deb ( melethia), for offering to lend her camera to the one in need, for making more comments than she received as of this date, and for being loved by so many.
[7] 09/16/2008: To Terry ( Clubjuggle), for his extraordinary efforts in helping Barbara get to her daughter in need by a spearheaded fundraising. Reference Thread. Terry received 57.14% votes for this position among 5 nominees.
[8] 09/16/2008: To Jeffrey ( levyj413), for his commendable efforts in offering comments, technical help, opinions, tutorials, and GTGs, and for being there for Jeanne in need. Reference Thread. Jeffrey received 42.85% votes for this position among 5 nominees.
[9] 10/27/2008: To Linda, ( ShutterPug), for pioneering the effort to help SDW (Scott) and keeping him from selling what he loves: his camera. Reference thread. And for selling a camera by auction with the proceeds of which will go to SDW. Reference Thread.
[10] 12/16/2008: To Eric ( Ericwoo), for lending Robert ( Bear_Music) a laptop for as long as he needs it, while recovering from his heart attack. Reference thread.
[11] 1/10/2009: To Man_Called_Horse, for bringing information, websites, job opportunities, and more connections all the way around to this site for years. Refernces: Assignments Desk, Money Desk, Internship Desk, Bookshelf, The Shopper, The Photographer.


"The Honorary Mentions" in no particular order:
[1] 09/10/2008: To Sue ( Suemack), for her caring for the sick and elderly with special pets, and for making more comments than she received as of this date.
[2] 09/10/2008: To Waddy ( MelonMusketeer), for offering to lend his camera to the one in need, and for making more comments than he received as of this date, and for offering a free membership for the ones in need.
[3] 09/11/2008: To Magaly ( Maggye), for setting an example by posting more than 3 times the comments she received.
[4] 09/11/2008: To Jon ( outafocus), for offering a free DPC membership for the ones in need.
[5] 09/11/2008: To Chris ( codfish), for offering a free DPC membership for the ones in need, and for giving out more than twice the comments he received as of this date.
[6] 09/11/2008: To T. ( talj), for offering a free DPC membership for the ones in need.
[7] 09/11/2008: To Don ( posthumous), for giving out more than 3 times the comments he has received, and for encouraging and appreciating the images that win with our hearts rather than the ribbons.
[8] 09/16/2008: To Kat ( Katmystiry), for buying a new computer for Robert on Christmas when his old one was dying. 71.4% judges agreed to award this honor to Kat.
[9] 09/16/2008: To Karen ( KarenNfld ), for starting the member of the week thread to highlight and encourage fellow DPCers, and for winning multiple 100% comments awards. 71.4% judges agreed to award this honor to Karen.
[10] 09/16/2008: To Jason ( DrAchoo), for his efforts in helping replace Enzo's camera with fundraising. Reference Thread. 42.85% judges agreed to award this honor to Jason.
[11] 10/27/2008: To Edward ( K10DGuy) for promoting commenting in a helping yet fun way and bringing many many smiles. Reference Thread.
Another reference link.
[12] 10/27/2008: To Brad ( Brad) for selling his Tokina lens to raise funds to help Scott ( SDW). Reference thread.
[13] 12/16/2008: To pawdrix, for taking the time out to click a photo of the day on the Kodak screen at Times Square in NYC that KarenNfld appreciated very much. Reference thread.
[14] 12/17/2008: To spiritualspatula (Derek), for sending his personal camera to Slippy ( StrikeSlip) for his kids on Christmas. Reference thread.
[15] 12/17/2008: To BAMartin (Barbara), for sending her personal camera to Slippy ( StrikeSlip) for his kids on Christmas. Reference thread.
[16] 12/22/2008: To Chromeydome, for giving a free membership away to Claire ( lovethelight). Reference thread.
[17] 1/10/2009: To dirt_diver (Joe), for his great giving of time and brain cells to run and do the stats for the DPC Olympics. Reference thread.
[18] 1/10/2009: To Jutilda, for this year's Christmas DPC Wishlist, she was one of the most generous human beings, fulfilling Christmas wishes of several DPC members. Reference Thread.
[19] 1/10/2009: To Mr_Pants, for gifting Art Roflmao a membership in October'08 without any fanfare, and for gifting yospiff's daughter a membership. He has participated in many SP side challenges with amazing images and has always provided guidance and instruction on his techniques. Reference Thread.


Nominations (awaiting consideration by the judge's panel (please see the rules)):

... Please nominate more deserving fellow DPCers in this thread and they will show up here....
... As soon as there are at least a few nominations available here, a decision will be ...
... made by the judge's panel. Please see the rules above. ...

[1] Smardaz, for giving away a printer. Reference thread.
[2] TrollMan, for giving away a year's membership. Reference thread.


The Judges Panel

Here are our esteemed judges, who agreed to take some time off their busy lives every week to help decide on converting the nominations to awards.
The names/identities have been hidden intentionally. They are (in no particular order):

[1] Member since 2002, years of experience, simple yet inspiring work favorited more than a dozen times.
[2] Member since 2004, made almost 5000 comments till date, has numerous ribbons and many entries favorited.
[3] Member since 2002, a wonderful human being who sticks to the values, work favorited more than 100 times.
[4] Member since 2004, a scintillating photographer, DPC acclaimed, work favorited more than 1000 times.
[5] Member since 2005, loved by many, has commented on an astonishing 30,000 entries, and is the lifeline of DPC according to many.
[6] Member since 2004, has made more than 20000 comments till date, shines numerous ribbons (DPC and others).
[7] Member since 2006, shoots some of the most beautiful pictures, commented more times than received.
[8] Member since 2007, an amazing enthusiast whose work has been favorited about 8 times in such short span.

Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners!

Please nominate deserving fellow DPCers as we slowly honor them.


[1] Effective 9/11/2008, there will be two ways we will honor the extraordinary:

- We are accepting nominations at any time in this thread (with a reference link to thread(s) that support the nomination).

- We may dig through old threads to look for extraordinary contributions, and add nominees ourselves.

[2] Depending upon the strength of a nominee's contributions and the outreach, we will decide whether they belong to the "Star" award category, or the "Honorary Mention" category, by a judge's panel.

[3] An honorary mention can again be nominated for the award in future weeks, with supporting thread references, by a person who hasnt nominated the candidate in question before.

[4] The nominees (if any available) will be considered for awards the week of the most recent nomination.
The results will be announced during the week following the nomination week.

Message edited by author 2009-03-05 03:58:34.
09/10/2008 05:36:35 PM · #2
What a wonderful award, and even as wonderful is the fact that there are so many great people here deserving of it :)
09/10/2008 07:12:52 PM · #3
Nice idea.

But what did you use to make the graphic? MS Paint? :)
09/10/2008 07:21:07 PM · #4
Originally posted by JH:

Nice idea.

But what did you use to make the graphic? MS Paint? :)


I used the Gimp image viewer and editor. It is free, and it is spectacular:-)
09/10/2008 07:26:19 PM · #5
You are a stand up guy Prash. In more ways than one. Many Kudos!
09/10/2008 07:35:35 PM · #6
Originally posted by mpeters:

You are a stand up guy Prash. In more ways than one. Many Kudos!

Thank you. Here to learn, and make good friends. I have done alright till date:-)
09/10/2008 07:55:15 PM · #7
Another nomination: Art Roflmao, and I believe it is well deserved if you read this thread.

I am going to write him an honorary message, requesting him to accept this little token of gratitude and admiration.

I hope he doesnt turn it down.

Oh what a wonderful world! :-)
09/10/2008 08:29:52 PM · #8
An awesome idea that you have started. I totally agree that Ken Art Roflmao has helped so many, as he is always there to help me.

So many others here at DPC have helped me like Sue, Suemack When my eyesite was poor, Sue volunteered her time to view all my entries into challenges, to make sure they were technically ok. She has also sent me so many lift me up messages, and started threads for me when my health is poor. She is always one of the first to add support to people in DPC threads, when they are down, sick, out of sorts, or just need a hand.

See this thread. Flowers for Shez

I have always been so moved with Sue's love and support.

Our Roz, Roz is another awesome DPC member that has helped me, in the same way as Sue, and I value her friendship, her support when I am not well, so very much.

She has also contributed and helped so many here at DPC, with her amazing processing skills and awesome comments.

Here is an amazing gift of charity, and friendship, when she recently helped me.

Roz added this message to the thread I started when my camera died.

Hey shez .. I can see that MelonMusketeer has very kindly offered to lend you his Fuji S3 but you'd have to learn a totally different camera .. I dont know anything about the fuji S3 or how easy it is to use tho .. i upgraded to the 40D recently and so my 400D is now a spare ... i'm very happy to lend you the 400D which would probably be easier than trying to work out the Fuji S3 .. i dont think the 350 and 400 would be much different .. ??
you cant be without your camera for weeks .. if you're anything like me it would be like losing a vital body part ..
let me know wot you want to do .. i can take it to the post office today .. :)xx

Here is the link to this thread that I have taken this from.

No........ My camera has just died.

She sent it to me, and I was so amazes with her wonderful support.

Deb, melethia also offered me her camera, and was willing to send it to me all the way from Germany to Australia. Our Deb is an amazing DPC supporter, and is always helping others here at this amazing site. Everyone would agree with me about the wonderful person our Deb is.

There are many others who has been a huge support to me since joining DPC, but the above three are the ones that stand out for me, and have truly made me realize just what friendship is all about.

Message edited by author 2008-09-10 23:15:21.
09/10/2008 09:12:00 PM · #9
Upon Sherryl's nomination, Roz has also been requested to accept the award.
09/10/2008 09:12:41 PM · #10
WOW .. !!!
this is better than a blue ribbon .. !!!

thankyou so much prash Prash for the award ... so many other ppl do so many great things in this site that i'm just one fantastic person among thousands .. !!!.. lol LOL !!! .. thats a bit'v a joke classing myself in with the fantastic ppl .. but i was very very happy to lend my camera to shez sherpet.. she's one of those fantastic ppl i was talking about .. she's not only one of my favourite ppl in dpc, but she gives so much to this site .. she'd have to be one of the most prolific commenters in dpc and her comments are always uplifting ..
i'm a great believer in paying it forward as well, so helping shez was just one way of doing that .. :)
of course i'll accept the award and post it on my profile page .. :).. :)
09/11/2008 01:55:50 AM · #11
On request and in honor of those who touched not many, but a few souls on DPC at least, we have started an "Honorary Mention" award section. The first three fellow DPCers to be honored in this section are:

[1] Sue ( Suemack)
[2] Waddy ( MelonMusketeer))
[3] Deb ( melethia))

The details can be found in the first post of this thread in the main list.

Congratulations to the honored!

And dont forget to nominate others that ever gave you a hand when you were new, or when you were in need of a mentor or a friend.

Message edited by author 2008-09-11 01:59:39.
09/11/2008 02:00:29 AM · #12
Wow!!! What an honour! Thank you so much Prash and sherpet for nominating me.

I'd like to nominate posthumous for an award. Don encourages us to look beyond the front page results, to look for the images that win with our hearts.

Message edited by author 2008-09-11 02:15:40.
09/11/2008 02:30:14 AM · #13
Gee? I don't feel that I have done anything here at DPC that I would not do for anyone anywhere if it is within my ability to help out. I am honored to humbly accept your offer. Thank you Sherpet for the nomination.
Thank you Prash, for coming up with the new award idea. I see that you have only been here a short time. I look forward to watching how you do things here at DPC. You are off to a great start in the forums.
There are a lot of people who deserve this award more than I do here, and I expect that they will all be nominated. There was a time when ShutterPug had a disaster at home, and many of the people here pitched in and helped out. I can't find the thread, but it was a a couple of winters ago I believe.
Another time that the DPC'ers helped out as a family was shortly after Sean's passing. There was a community effort to help his family at that time. Sean
Let's not forget Judi and her tireless work to help the people of her hometown when the Emerald River flooded last year. Emerald River Flood Thread
This on line community truly ROCKS!
Thank you all.

09/11/2008 03:04:44 AM · #14
Thanks, Prash. I humbly accept and hope you're ok with my reducing the size of the one I put on my profile page.

I appreciate the recognition although you may have your hands full dishing out these awards to all the great folks here. I second all the others mentioned earlier and all those names and stories that are sure to continue to come in.
09/11/2008 03:25:44 AM · #15
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Thanks, Prash. I humbly accept and hope you're ok with my reducing the size of the one I put on my profile page.

I appreciate the recognition although you may have your hands full dishing out these awards to all the great folks here. I second all the others mentioned earlier and all those names and stories that are sure to continue to come in.

Art, We are happy you decided to take the ribbon, and no we dont mind you reducing the ribbon size.

And about having my hands full dishing out the awards, how wonderful it will be to honor many many souls, dont you think? :-)
09/11/2008 03:30:27 AM · #16
Originally posted by Prash:

And about having my hands full dishing out the awards, how wonderful it will be to honor many many souls, dont you think? :-)

Hey, if it keeps you too busy to post more threads about comments, I'm all for it. ;-)

just kidding! post away. :)
09/11/2008 03:39:08 AM · #17
I would like to nominate sherpet. she is such a wonderful photographer and friend, always willing to help those who need her, either as a mentor or as a friend!

free memberships, here is one thread

Wonderful idea prash!!!

Message edited by author 2008-09-11 03:45:13.
09/11/2008 04:00:05 AM · #18
Please check out more of our favorites in the awards list. Award notifications have been sent:-)
09/11/2008 07:43:11 AM · #19
What a wonderful way to start a morning! Thanks for the honour, but all I really did was ride sherpet's coat tails, she is truly a force on this site.
09/11/2008 08:12:05 AM · #20
Thankyou so kindly for this award. I am honoured....and have it displayed on my bio page.
09/11/2008 10:24:10 AM · #21
Thanks, Prash, very kind of you! And thanks to Lady Shez for the nomimation as well.
09/11/2008 11:50:00 AM · #22
I am honored to accept the award for reaching out to a small number of people. My goal is to some day touch as many people as Judi has...
09/11/2008 02:05:45 PM · #23
Thanks prash for the honorary mention, I'm truly honoured =)
09/11/2008 06:42:11 PM · #24
Originally posted by Maggye:

I would like to nominate sherpet. she is such a wonderful photographer and friend, always willing to help those who need her, either as a mentor or as a friend!

free memberships, here is one thread

I'll second that nomination. She started the thread and made the original offer, and through her act of generousity six more memberships were given away. Not only does she go out of her way to help others, she manages to multiply what she is doing by inspiring others here to do the same.

09/11/2008 07:46:40 PM · #25
I would like to nominate KarenNfld for a couple of reasons: first, her "Member of the Week" threads (example here) are a wonderful way to bring attention to some of DPC's photographers, often somewhat quieter ones; and second, if you look at her profile page you'll see she has several 100% comment ribbons - she's very generous with her comments and her time.
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