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DPChallenge Forums >> Stock Photography >> First of many, I hope
Showing posts 1 - 23 of 23, (reverse)
09/28/2008 07:58:10 AM · #1
I woke up this morning to my first sell with Fotolia. Nice feeling. Three photos up with them and 1 sells. lol This is truly motivating. This is my first ever image sold. woohoo!
09/28/2008 08:03:36 AM · #2
09/28/2008 08:36:49 AM · #3
Nice one Jac!

I remember thinking once 'I believe I'll feel valid as an artist/photographer when someone I don't know purchases a piece of my work (friends and family don't count - GRIN!)

You've done it - now bring on number 2!
09/28/2008 08:48:57 AM · #4
09/28/2008 10:02:13 AM · #5
Congratulations! It must be a great feeling.

I just had a stranger here want to do a print trade. Feels real good.
09/28/2008 10:23:12 AM · #6
congrats. heres to many more
09/29/2008 01:47:30 PM · #7
Originally posted by Jac:

I woke up this morning to my first sell with Fotolia. Nice feeling. Three photos up with them and 1 sells. lol This is truly motivating. This is my first ever image sold. woohoo!

Congrats!! It must be a great feeling. I am sure there will be many more....

I had shared 10 pictures that I thought were great, but all were rejected by ShutterStock:-( Well you can tell by looking at my portfolio that I need a lottttt of work to do, and so I have been looking at DPC and other stock examples to get a feel of the winners.

Is it possible for you to share a link to the picture that got sold? Or the other ones that got accepted? I want to observe what qualities are desired by these stock websites.

Message edited by author 2008-09-29 13:49:13.
09/29/2008 01:55:00 PM · #8
I got accepted to Shutterstock easily, but Fotolia has denied everything I have sent in, and Dreamstime has denied all but 2 I have submitted. I have sold only 45 images on Shutterstock since 8-14-08, 28 of which are from September. I'm a long way from a payout, but at least something is happening.
09/29/2008 03:50:04 PM · #9
I was refused by istockphoto today but I don't remember which images I submitted. LOL I have to say their site is the worst for photographers. No where to see your pics and no where to see which were refused. How the heck am I supposed to check that now? I didn't note which files went to what site. grrr
09/30/2008 03:55:03 AM · #10
go here


then change the drop down box 'currently viewing' to rejected files.
09/30/2008 07:27:33 AM · #11
Originally posted by leaf:

go here


then change the drop down box 'currently viewing' to rejected files.

Thanks, I found out how last night. Their site is the least photographer friendly I find.

It was a mistake to submit the 3 pics that I used for istock. I researched 3 sites, Dreamstime, Fotolia and Cutcaster, to get an idea of what their stock photography was but never did it for istock. I spent over an hour last night studying the site and now I know what to submit. I thought all stock sites had the same type of images, but I was wrong. Their images are really high in quality and are tailored to the graphic artists who will use them in their work.

I have learned. :)

Message edited by author 2008-09-30 07:28:32.
09/30/2008 07:38:35 AM · #12
Congratulations Jac! Hehe, I also get a kick out of the occasional Fotolia sale. I've sold the same pic 4x on that site and for the life of me, I couldn't tell you why! :-)
09/30/2008 08:05:12 AM · #13
Originally posted by snaffles:

Congratulations Jac! Hehe, I also get a kick out of the occasional Fotolia sale. I've sold the same pic 4x on that site and for the life of me, I couldn't tell you why! :-)

Lol, Thanks Susan. I'm preparing more to submit. I really like what I saw on istock last night and want to make some similar images. Lots more creativity is needed for istock than the 3 others I have tried. Maybe we can talk stock in Oct. :) That should be fun.
09/30/2008 04:38:53 PM · #14
Sure, sounds like fun. I've only really tried with LuckyOliver and Fotolia, and sounds like Fotolia has finally got their indexing etc sorted out. I'm planning on taking the Alamy challenge sometime before this year is out, that way I can cross a least one item off of my New Years resolution list for 2008!
09/30/2008 10:52:08 PM · #15
WHOO HOO! Congrats on the sale! Do you know how it will be used yet? That's got to be uncanny, seeing the photo used in an ad or something. I'm jealous! XD
10/09/2008 03:08:15 AM · #16
Tomorrow is my one year with iStock. I don't think I'm a lousy photographer but rather a lousy stock shooter since I only make $45 so far... still miles from payout. My acceptance rate is less than 40%. My friend who's a nature photographer is making like $100 a month. Gosh...

I only have 66 photos in the library, is this too little?
10/09/2008 04:44:29 AM · #17
Originally posted by kelvinyam:

Tomorrow is my one year with iStock. I don't think I'm a lousy photographer but rather a lousy stock shooter since I only make $45 so far... still miles from payout. My acceptance rate is less than 40%. My friend who's a nature photographer is making like $100 a month. Gosh...

I only have 66 photos in the library, is this too little?

Definitely. I've been on iStockphoto for 1.5 years now and have 700+ images online (acceptance ratio 69%, BTW), about 30 more waiting for approval and 15 to resubmit. Shoot more and try to submit as much as you are allowed per week.
01/08/2009 06:51:37 PM · #18
I got accepted to Shutterstock easily, but Fotolia has denied everything I have sent in, and Dreamstime has denied all but 2 I have submitted. I have sold only 45 images on Shutterstock since 8-14-08, 28 of which are from September. I'm a long way from a payout, but at least something is happening.

Hi Truegsht,
Had to post what you wrote above otherwise I would forget what i was replying to-lol. Don't feel too bad. Shutterstock rejected me the first time, but Fotolia accepted me. Haven't gone back to shutterstock yet. What was wierd is at first Fotolia took almost all my photos and now they seem to be a little more picky. When they first started they took even photos I thought were crappy. I think when these sites start out they want to get as many photos as they can, but once they get alot of photos then they can afford to be more picky. I think the key is to join the stock photo site when they are just starting out and desperate. It is sad but true, beggars can't be choosy. Stock photography is very different dare I say even cheaper than fashion photography. When I say cheap, I mean the look and feel. I learned photography at an art school on an old fashioned camera and my teachers would be mortified at stock photos. It is an entirely different monster. Just trying to share whatever knowledge I have.

Although, I do have a question. I have a SONY 4 Megapixel Camera? Do you think I can take decent photos with this point and shoot 4 megapixel. I think it is called S90. Sometimes I feel that I don't know what the heck they want at these sites or what they are looking for.
01/08/2009 07:33:29 PM · #19
If anyone think that iStockphoto is picky or having a very high standard requirement, Fotolia would be at least 10x more picky. I have submitted about 20 nature photography shots, which have been accepted by iStockphoto, Fotolia has rejected all except one. The reject reasons are either "too common" or unspecified poor quality.
01/09/2009 02:24:17 PM · #20
Fotolia likes and sells more image with white background. Take a look at the top sales list for the last 7 days: //us.fotolia.com/TopSales/FromThisWeek

At Shutterstock it is more important to have a constant stream of images. Upload 5-10 images and wait until the are evaluated, then upload the next 5-10 images without mutch time between the evaluation and the new upload. No more then 1 or two days. Shutterstock search favorites new images.

Message edited by author 2009-01-09 14:25:14.
01/11/2009 10:13:25 PM · #21
Congratulations, I'm right behind you, I hope. Submitted 10 photos to Shutterstock, all rejected. I didn't know the trademark rules. I submitted 3 to iStockPhoto, all rejected, photos too similar to one another. Submitted 1 to fotalia and it was accepted last week. I submitted two more today.

02/05/2009 04:05:40 PM · #22
Under the "You just never know" department, this image was just downloaded at Shutterstock -- one more quarter for the laundromat!

It's one of the first stock images I ever attempted or submitted -- taken in my office with my little 1.92MP Olympus -- and is one of the first 28,000 pictures (out of a current 5 million-plus) posted there.
02/05/2009 05:54:28 PM · #23
Hmm, I looked at the start of this thread without looking at the date right away and thought, "Yea, Jac is back!.... Oh." :(
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