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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> shadow vs sillhouette
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06/18/2002 08:06:44 PM · #1
Hats off to the person who foresaw (created?) the shadow/sillhouette controversy.

Here are some of the the comments I have received, edited so you can''t tell which photo is mine, lol.

6/18/2002 (7:56:23 PM) - like it, but I''m not sure it''s a shadow.

6/17/2002 (10:33:07 PM) - this is a stretch on the shadow idea for me. a little too dark and the background is messed up in placement and with reflections of some sort. Maybe I''ll like it more when you post your details. I''ll be coming back to look at them.

6/17/2002 (10:16:36 PM) - Not to sure fits topic. Good shot overall idea.

6/17/2002 (8:52:07 PM) - I''m sure that you''re being reminded of the difference between shadows and silhouettes, but for me it works. Nice.

6/17/2002 (3:28:20 PM) - I know there was this whole long discussion going on on shadow vs. sillhouette (I finally stopped following it). I think sillhouette does not qualify for shadow, and your photo falls into that category, unfortunately.

6/17/2002 (3:25:05 PM) - Nice silhouette with interesting color ... and I donât see a connection with âshadows.â Otherwise this is very good.

I took a lot of straight shadow pics, as I posted in my outtakes, but this pic was so much more interesting. Whoever predicted this particular controversy has a great grasp of human nature :) ..

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/18/2002 8:16:14 PM.
06/18/2002 08:18:59 PM · #2
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
Comments I have received, edited so you can't tell which photo is mine...

I just edited one of my comments (a first for me) on one of the photos. Yes, it was yours, but I might add that I did so BEFORE reading this post. While I may not feel that a silhouette is truly a shadow, I've decided to lighten up since a number of others don't feel that way.

My reasoning was that it is really hard (for me at least) to incorporate a shadow creatively into a photo and have it actually accentuate the photo instead of just being there because the challenge dictates that it must be present. However, a good photo is a good photo so I have decided to score accordingly.

06/18/2002 08:33:26 PM · #3
I think i started that thread to see the reaction because i was thinking of a silhouette photo for my own entry.. I used the feedback to determine that i would avoid the silhouette issue.
06/18/2002 08:48:21 PM · #4
Originally posted by magnetic9999:
Comments I have received, edited so you can''t tell which photo is mine...

I just edited one of my comments (a first for me) on one of the photos. Yes, it was yours, but I might add that I did so BEFORE reading this post. While I may not feel that a silhouette is truly a shadow, I''ve decided to lighten up since a number of others don''t feel that way.

My reasoning was that it is really hard (for me at least) to incorporate a shadow creatively into a photo and have it actually accentuate the photo instead of just being there because the challenge dictates that it must be present. However, a good photo is a good photo so I have decided to score accordingly.

i think that''s a little more realistic, imho .. : )

to me, "shadowy" fits in with "shadows" .. esp if it''s a good pic.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/18/2002 8:55:14 PM.
06/18/2002 08:51:50 PM · #5
yeah, I quit worrying if I think it fits or not---what the heck do I know-----if I like it it gets a good score, period
kinda hard to like a pitch black frame though


* This message has been edited by the author on 6/18/2002 8:54:16 PM.
06/18/2002 11:29:31 PM · #6
Although my EFFORT for the Shadow challenge deserves a 10 in my book, the end result I'm afraid is suffering a bitter death. I'm being crucified with comments. The only reprieve I've been granted is that my B&W entry on www.bestfoto.com was named Photo of the day. Maybe the digital gods will be with me for my city life challenge.
Whichever way the votes go, I do enjoy this site and am happy to be among some very talented photographers...I not being one of you....YET.
06/18/2002 11:34:49 PM · #7
Vonnie, congrats on the daily at bestfoto.. i managed to score a few of those this month :) good work!

Originally posted by vonnie1956:
Although my EFFORT for the Shadow challenge deserves a 10 in my book, the end result I'm afraid is suffering a bitter death. I'm being crucified with comments. The only reprieve I've been granted is that my B&W entry on www.bestfoto.com was named Photo of the day. Maybe the digital gods will be with me for my city life challenge.
Whichever way the votes go, I do enjoy this site and am happy to be among some very talented photographers...I not being one of you....YET.

06/18/2002 11:35:21 PM · #8
Congrats Vonnie, I will go look. That is a hard one to win. Lots of great talent.
06/18/2002 11:37:49 PM · #9
I got lucky over there... i had a macro of the day on may 31, and then two more macros the first week of june and a black and white as well somewhere during the first week of june... dave, my b/w that got on over there is yer favorite photo :D

06/18/2002 11:40:08 PM · #10
I like Most of your stuff J
they are all well thought out and executed
06/18/2002 11:46:29 PM · #11
I am running out of steam though... I am weak and I am weary.. I'm ready for a change of scenery...
06/18/2002 11:48:04 PM · #12
It doesn't surprise me that you have received multiple POD over there. You are very talented and I enjoy viewing your photos.
06/19/2002 12:34:11 AM · #13
i have the same thing.....i had a hard time figuring out if it had to be a SHADOW, or darkness as being a shadow. My photo "IS THIS A SHADOW???" has got some mixed feedback...like "NO I GIVE IT A 1." lol but ya....oh well = people have their opinions
06/19/2002 01:20:59 AM · #14
i have a feeling that i'm being lambasted for having a silhouette shot. a lot of the comments i've received so far resemble those above...i wonder if people have some kind of macro set up for putting shots down. :)

- marc
06/19/2002 02:31:54 AM · #15
=) ya i liked my photo....but everyone else seems to not! maybe my title is unappropriate.....its only becuz u can't read the description. = oh well =D
06/19/2002 07:22:30 AM · #16
Don't feel too bad about the sillhouette shots being blasted. Mine is a definate shadow and most of the comments are saying it needs to be sharper. Come on folks, it's a shadow. They aren't sharp to start with.
06/19/2002 07:33:45 AM · #17
Originally posted by shortredneck:
Don''t feel too bad about the sillhouette shots being blasted. Mine is a definate shadow and most of the comments are saying it needs to be sharper. Come on folks, it''s a shadow. They aren''t sharp to start with.

Actually a shadow can be sharp. In fact, check out Minnesota Skinny On A Run. It all depeneds on your light source. Not sure if it was yours, but there is at least one photo, where I think the shadow should have had more definition.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/19/2002 7:36:11 AM.
06/19/2002 07:42:10 AM · #18
I guess I stand corrected. That would have been a great photo for the shadow competition.
06/19/2002 08:04:27 AM · #19
Actually, because of the wave nature of light (ignoring the wave/particle duality for a second :P) no shadow is ever perfectly sharp. You will always have interference fringes around the sides, light ones within the shadow and dark ones around it.

There's a great story about how Fresnel, one of the great scientists who explored the wave nature of light, was derided by Poisson because his theory predicted that if you shined a bright light source on a ball of the right size, you would get a bright spot in the centre of its shadow. The experiment was set up, and it was found that this was true, and from then on it has been known as Poisson's spot.

Here's a photo of the fringes and Poisson's spot from a laser beam and a small metal ball bearing:

06/19/2002 10:25:55 AM · #20
Actually, I don't think being a silhouette (or not), or having a sharp shadow is making a big difference. My picture very clearly is not a silhouette, and its shadow is very well defined, but my score is still one of my lowest ones. Hey, could it be that I just have a bad picture? :-)
06/19/2002 11:05:35 AM · #21
thanks Lisle, that is one of the reasons I like thes site so much.
06/19/2002 11:44:59 AM · #22
Suprisingly, after all the threads about sillhoette vs shadows, I'm happy to report that I am getting alot of very positive feedback and my photo is definately a sillhouette. Just don't figure ;-)
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