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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Dates pictures were taken
Showing posts 26 - 45 of 45, (reverse)
06/25/2002 01:57:15 PM · #26
Originally posted by rvicente:
Originally posted by lisae:
[i]rvicente, with all due respect, you''re just a hypocrite and that''s all there is to it. It''s really funny reading you whine about people whining or rudely put down someone for saying you''re rude.

Hmm, maybe there are just people who enjoy being angry most of the time. It can''t be good for their blood pressure.

Actually, Lisa, I''m not angry at all. I''ve only been participating in this site for a few weeks. I rate the pictures fairly and give really nice comments when I like the picture and have developed some great friendships with some of the photographers by them private-messaging me to thank me for my comments. I''m not going to justify my comments on the forum to you, though. If you feel they are harsh, then I feel you are over-sensitive. I''ll say it again, not everyone has to have the same opinion on here and the moderators should not be getting all bent out of shape when someone disagrees with them or anyone else.

Oh, and my blood pressure is fine as well, thanks for your concern. I''m at the gym 6 days a week which keeps my body and my heart in great shape. But you are sweet to care.

Hugs and kisses to everybody


Good luck with that heart and body thing hon, cause your personality & attitude certainly aren''t gonna get you those hugs and kisses.

Just an opinion. And I ain''t whining about that at all. :)

edited..had to correct some grammar that wasn''t intended to be southern.....btw..the "ain''t" was intentional.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/25/2002 1:58:58 PM.
06/25/2002 02:55:53 PM · #27
Well, this has turned into an interesting thread that will probably be closed real soon. But to add my two cents worth, I am pretty strict about following rules pretty closely in any competition but with that said, I wouldn't go out of my way to discover a violator. I don't think anyone here has done that either. I like to assume, when I am voting that everyone is following the rules but if some violation is discovered then it should be dealt with whether it is an honest mistake or not. Some people are saying that it is not a big enough deal to concern ourselves with small mistakes or changes to photos but the flip side of that is that it shouldn't be a big enough deal to the violator to accept the relatively small consequence of disqualification. Gee, I hope this doesn't sound like complaining or whining. It would sure hurt me to be labeled as a whiner :? )

06/25/2002 03:38:49 PM · #28
Originally posted by rvicente:
I'm sorry, but there is something wrong with you people! WHO CARES!!! DP Challenge is not giving away any award or money for your "winning" photos!! You get a dumb little ribbon next to your name! For God's sakes, why does every site that starts out as "fun" end up with crybabies and whiners! Pathetic!

I agree. Personally, I think the requirement that the photos be taken during the specified "time frame" is kinda lame. If I was on vacation six months ago and took a great picture that I personally felt was worth posting for a current Contest, then why not? Just a thought...
06/25/2002 03:48:52 PM · #29
except it goes against the idea of challenging you to take a picture with the challenge in mind and not just post some of your old ''stock photos''. there are plenty of sites out there where you can post those. here, the idea is that you think about the topic and maybe try something new that you normally wouldn''t have tried if it wasn''t for the challenge.

i certainly have learned a lot by trying to take shots for the challenge (irrespective of whether i ended up thinking they were good enough for submission or not) that i wouldn''t have learned otherwise.

Originally posted by leonpc:
I agree. Personally, I think the requirement that the photos be taken during the specified "time frame" is kinda lame. If I was on vacation six months ago and took a great picture that I personally felt was worth posting for a current Contest, then why not? Just a thought...

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/25/2002 3:49:45 PM.
06/25/2002 04:05:32 PM · #30
I have 16 years worth of photos I could scan in and submit to this site, but that violates the intent. The intent is to get people out and shooting every week, and display the best they have. If you can't do that, post on some other site.

It would be a good upgrade to the site if it filtered out photos that had invalid dates entered.
06/25/2002 04:21:50 PM · #31
I completely agree with having to take pictures only during the week of the challenge. That is the toughest and best part about this challenge. You can be at the top one week and in the sewer the next. But that's the best way to learn. You can't hide behind your past successes.

06/25/2002 05:47:23 PM · #32
Anyone can even put in a false date, so even if it was automatically monitored, it would be skipped over. The point here is the challenge is to shoot the given assignment in the given time period.
With that said, let us all please get back to the point - and get out our cameras.
06/25/2002 09:43:15 PM · #33
Well I did just that, go out and shoot that is. I really need to work harder on getting paid for this, it's just too much fun.

About the date issue. I realize how easy it is to go out today and change my camera's date to anything I want but I'm curious as to how easy it would be to take a picture from six months ago and change the date to today, not that I have plans to do it. (Am I getting myself in trouble or what?) I'm not bad with computers but I don't know right off how to do it. It seems to me if you tried to mess with the EXIF information then you are likely to just mess it up so it doesn't display at all. Not that I even really need to know, I'm just curious because people are talking like it is so easy. Yeah, maybe for a programmer.

06/25/2002 10:02:24 PM · #34
BTW: Wasn't there someone in another thread who was in woe because he/she realized the date on the camera was set wrong, and it read two weeks earlier than it should have? Just wondering if one of the dates that seems too early could have been one of these? ???? Not trying to go over the edge. Just a thought.
06/25/2002 10:05:40 PM · #35
Originally posted by timj351:
Well I did just that, go out and shoot that is. I really need to work harder on getting paid for this, it's just too much fun.

About the date issue. I realize how easy it is to go out today and change my camera's date to anything I want but I'm curious as to how easy it would be to take a picture from six months ago and change the date to today, not that I have plans to do it. (Am I getting myself in trouble or what?) I'm not bad with computers but I don't know right off how to do it. It seems to me if you tried to mess with the EXIF information then you are likely to just mess it up so it doesn't display at all. Not that I even really need to know, I'm just curious because people are talking like it is so easy. Yeah, maybe for a programmer.


A lot of applications allow you to edit the exif data - one example.

If you don't want to pay for that utility, you can always get a hex editor and edit the file manually (with a bit more difficulty)
06/25/2002 11:09:19 PM · #36
Originally posted by karmat:
how does the administration go about eliminating pictures taken outside of the challenge parameters? While cruising through the results, I noticed two of them taken in outside of the week. Obviously this cannot be commented on during voting, because we can't see it. I also tried to take into account that places other than America use a dd/mm/yyyy system instead of a mm/dd/yyyy. Even so, they were still out of the set week. I also noticed one last week, (and no, I have no idea which one it was; I've slept since then) but assumed everything was kosher.

Now, before someone accuses me of being nit-picky, or having too much time, please let me say that this is just an object of curiosity for me, I am not "hollering" for DQ or anything, I was just wondering. How did i find them, I like to read what other people wrote and compare it to what I wrote. I have found that I can avoid other people's mistakes this way, and heaven knows I make enough of my own without other people's as well. :-)

Here's an idea. Lets all cool off and get back to the original question, which I'm including since it's so far up the thread. It sounded interesting before everyone went off on several tangents.
06/25/2002 11:18:01 PM · #37
Originally posted by sheyingshi88:
Originally posted by karmat:
[i]how does the administration go about eliminating pictures taken outside of the challenge parameters? While cruising through the results, I noticed two of them taken in outside of the week. Obviously this cannot be commented on during voting, because we can't see it. I also tried to take into account that places other than America use a dd/mm/yyyy system instead of a mm/dd/yyyy. Even so, they were still out of the set week. I also noticed one last week, (and no, I have no idea which one it was; I've slept since then) but assumed everything was kosher.

Now, before someone accuses me of being nit-picky, or having too much time, please let me say that this is just an object of curiosity for me, I am not "hollering" for DQ or anything, I was just wondering. How did i find them, I like to read what other people wrote and compare it to what I wrote. I have found that I can avoid other people's mistakes this way, and heaven knows I make enough of my own without other people's as well. :-)

Here's an idea. Lets all cool off and get back to the original question, which I'm including since it's so far up the thread. It sounded interesting before everyone went off on several tangents.[/i]

I think it still is on tangent, the easy availability of exif editors makes the use of that information as a verification method basically useless. If someone really wanted to enter a pic that didn't conform to the rules they could easily fake it. So does it make sense to disqualify a picture because someone possibly didnt know how to set the date on their camera properly?
06/25/2002 11:21:13 PM · #38
Originally posted by puppet10:
Originally posted by sheyingshi88:
[i]Originally posted by karmat:
[i]how does the administration go about eliminating pictures taken outside of the challenge parameters? While cruising through the results, I noticed two of them taken in outside of the week. Obviously this cannot be commented on during voting, because we can't see it. I also tried to take into account that places other than America use a dd/mm/yyyy system instead of a mm/dd/yyyy. Even so, they were still out of the set week. I also noticed one last week, (and no, I have no idea which one it was; I've slept since then) but assumed everything was kosher.

Now, before someone accuses me of being nit-picky, or having too much time, please let me say that this is just an object of curiosity for me, I am not "hollering" for DQ or anything, I was just wondering. How did i find them, I like to read what other people wrote and compare it to what I wrote. I have found that I can avoid other people's mistakes this way, and heaven knows I make enough of my own without other people's as well. :-)

Here's an idea. Lets all cool off and get back to the original question, which I'm including since it's so far up the thread. It sounded interesting before everyone went off on several tangents.[/i]

I think it still is on tangent, the easy availability of exif editors makes the use of that information as a verification method basically useless. If someone really wanted to enter a pic that didn't conform to the rules they could easily fake it. So does it make sense to disqualify a picture because someone possibly didnt know how to set the date on their camera properly?[/i]

One of them, at least, wasn't a camera date problem. The comments said, "i took this in January, 2002."

Oh yea, there's a really neat discussion of jello on another thread.

06/25/2002 11:24:15 PM · #39
Ok I guess if they want to admit violating the rules they can be disqualified ;>
06/25/2002 11:47:44 PM · #40
Originally posted by puppet10:
Ok I guess if they want to admit violating the rules they can be disqualified ;>

I don't think it was "admission;" I think they probably didn't read teh rules closely enough to know them.

Again, please let me say, I did not start this thread to DQ anyone, or to cause trouble. It was simply curiousity on my part. Now, about EXIF data -- can I check someone else's data, because I thought once the picture was changed, the data was lost. So, can I could access that data, (assuming the picture was entered straight from the camera)? Otherwise, it is probably a non-issue, because people can enter any date they like on the submission page.
06/25/2002 11:53:13 PM · #41
I wish I had some Jello right now, it is 85 degrees outside.
06/25/2002 11:58:01 PM · #42
whether the exif data is lost depends on the program saving the file after any changes, I think most ignore it, but some do preserve it. I figured you found out the date the picture was taken from that data from an unmodified photo. I agree they probably just didnt read the rules carefully since I guess you got it from the data the photographer entered.

06/26/2002 12:07:40 AM · #43
Originally posted by karmat:

Now, about EXIF data -- can I check someone else''s data, because I thought once the picture was changed, the data was lost. So, can I could access that data, (assuming the picture was entered straight from the camera)? Otherwise, it is probably a non-issue, because people can enter any date they like on the submission page.

Karmat, traditionally when you resaved a .jpg file from your camera the EXIF data was lost. Now with Photoshop 7 (and a few others) sometimes it''ll be retained if you resave in .jpg or .tif. As far as this competition goes however you wouldn''t be able to because Photoshop doesn''t maintain the EXIF data when you save for web.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/26/2002 12:07:32 AM.
06/26/2002 12:20:53 AM · #44
Originally posted by sheyingshi88:
Originally posted by karmat:

Now, about EXIF data -- can I check someone else''s data, because I thought once the picture was changed, the data was lost. So, can I could access that data, (assuming the picture was entered straight from the camera)? Otherwise, it is probably a non-issue, because people can enter any date they like on the submission page.

Karmat, traditionally when you resaved a .jpg file from your camera the EXIF data was lost. Now with Photoshop 7 (and a few others) sometimes it''ll be retained if you resave in .jpg or .tif. As far as this competition goes however you wouldn''t be able to because Photoshop doesn''t maintain the EXIF data when you save for web.

Thanks, that''s what I thought.

* This message has been edited by the author on 6/26/2002 12:20:43 AM.
06/26/2002 01:29:09 AM · #45
Originally posted by sheyingshi88:

Karmat, traditionally when you resaved a .jpg file from your camera the EXIF data was lost. Now with Photoshop 7 (and a few others) sometimes it''ll be retained if you resave in .jpg or .tif. As far as this competition goes however you wouldn''t be able to because Photoshop doesn''t maintain the EXIF data when you save for web.

They EXIF data is lost if you use PS7's special SaveForWeb command, but if you use the traditional SaveAs or SaveAsCopy the data is retained.
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