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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> A rant about everyday stuff
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11/05/2009 09:58:54 AM · #1
each year I buy 356 pens and pencils one for each day of year

I have 1 pen left and zero pencils, what the heck happens to them

My coffee tastes like crap, my tea is not much better

my kids grow an inch a week after buying them new clothes and shoes

My 8 year old girl is now 5 foot 6 and refuses to stop growing for longer than a day

my puppy is 55 pounds at 6 months and has now discovered that he can jump a 6 foot wall to go find me or the kids when we leave

the puppy also thinks that eating poop is part of his diet, any poop, be it rabbit , coyote, his own etc

The puppy also thinks that when you run a bubble bath and leave the room that he should guard it by sitting in said bubble bath

my old dog just wants some peace and quite

my ex is a wanker, that is why he is an ex

I bought another house and out of everyone I know, only 2 bothered to ask me about it or say congrats

my youngest is not conforming to school at all and I am waiting with baited breath for the expulsion notice

my youngest thought it was a good idea to stand on the bathroom sinks and school to shout at a cricket

Also thought it was a good idea to stick his head through the metal barred gate at school promptly getting stuck

I feel fat, even my fat clothes feel fat

Also got a case of waking up at 2.38am for the last 3 days, i am tired

no one ever calls just to say 'hi' anymore, they always want something

I think I am pms'ing

so i think that is it so far today! whoohooo and it is only 7.58am!

11/05/2009 10:05:49 AM · #2
Originally posted by JulietNN:

each year I buy 356 pens and pencils one for each day of year

I have 1 pen left and zero pencils, what the heck happens to them

You're first problem is that you are buying 9 too few. . .. . .


11/05/2009 10:09:25 AM · #3
Originally posted by karmat:

Originally posted by JulietNN:

each year I buy 356 pens and pencils one for each day of year

I have 1 pen left and zero pencils, what the heck happens to them

You're first problem is that you are buying 9 too few. . .. . .


11/05/2009 10:23:50 AM · #4
DAMN IT, see that is why you get when you are sleep deprived!!! LOLOLOL
11/05/2009 10:32:52 AM · #5
It's a choice to see the downside or the upside.

Life always has bumps in the road.

You *have* a house, you *have* great kids, your ex is, well.....your ex!

Another day above ground, it's *ALL* good!

As far as the pens and pencils?

There's a special place in Hell for the f*ckers that steal 'em!
11/05/2009 10:39:47 AM · #6
Oh I know Jeb, just once in a while I like to write the whole lot down, I am just fed up today, tomorrow will be better!
11/05/2009 10:44:48 AM · #7
Originally posted by JulietNN:

Also got a case of waking up at 2.38am for the last 3 days, i am tired

I did the same for a long time I would wake up at 3:28am for no reason.
now it 5:34am......weird
11/05/2009 10:49:33 AM · #8
Originally posted by JulietNN:

the puppy also thinks that eating poop is part of his diet, any poop, be it rabbit , coyote, his own etc

This is great if you have cats. You never need to clean the kitty box.

Originally posted by JulietNN:

no one ever calls just to say 'hi' anymore, they always want something

11/05/2009 11:01:18 AM · #9
congrats on the house! How are you liking it?
11/05/2009 11:10:36 AM · #10
1.0 Pencils and pens...Your fellow DPC'ers are stealing them for their challenges?
1.1 The dog is eating them as well.

2.0 Get a percolator, add some honey to the tea or drink water. That chicory stuff in the bulk tin is floor sweepings anyway.

3.0 and 4.0 Try this new expandable and adaptable range from 3M for the kids

5.0 I installed an electric fence today (I actually did) and my dog only touched it once...now he stays inside...

6.0 This looks like it was made from Staedtler Pencils (now you know where they disappear).

7.0 He just wants some attention... Chorus: 'aaaaah cute'

8.0 Maybe the old dog is sick of his pencil diet and needs some bran so that he can perform again...

9.0 I'm not sure how to respond without some crude animated .gif so this is the best I could do.

10.0 I bet if they saw your new digs they would be all over you like a rash...friends!

11.0 Maybe he needs a good spanking? What happened to the good ol' days?

12.0 You sure he wasn't just looking through the window at the match?

12.1 Oh you mean a cricket! That's just not cricket by Jove! I'd also scream if it was anything as big as this one :)

13.0 Stuck you say? It could be worse, at least you could yell at him whilst the fireman brought the shears to cut him out :) BTW this fireman can help erase all memories of 9.0 above...

14.0 I'm avoiding this one... I've been married long enough to know not to go there...

15.0 Is it this bad? Then fireman in 13.0 above should be able to help :)

16.0 I tried calling but all your lines were engaged. Suffices to say I'm saying 'Hello Juliet' now :)

17.0 After all you're going through, you're entitled to it...

And by 7:58am if you are still looking like this, take the day off, you deserve it :)

Hope this brightened up your day!

11/05/2009 11:10:47 AM · #11
Sounds to me like you need a hobby like photography.
Congrats on the new house.
11/05/2009 11:21:42 AM · #12
OMG! I think you were reincarnated as me! That sounds like a past life of mine! LOL
11/05/2009 11:41:18 AM · #13
Originally posted by Magnum_za:

2.0 Get a percolator...

Hrmmmph... That ain't a percolator, it's a French Press :-)

11/05/2009 12:18:31 PM · #14
After all that effort and I get one grumpy professor :)
Speak to my Japanese Lawyer: Su Mi
BTW search DPC for a percolator and see what you get...a bloody orange!
11/05/2009 04:00:00 PM · #15
LOLOL, you guys!!!

Magnum, that was just classic the whole thing, it must have taken ages!!!

Thank you all,

11/05/2009 05:26:39 PM · #16
aye aye aye

just got a note home from school.

Charlie put stones up his nose twice.

"what the heck am I going to do with this child?????
11/05/2009 05:39:20 PM · #17
love him, and squeeze him, and pet him, and call him George?

I'm not sure what else, but start with a deep breath. . .

eta: did he get in trouble for that? cuz, I can see them letting you know in case he gets a sinus infection or something, but kids stick things places. it's part of being a kid. not trouble worthy, IMO.

(Story -- two years ago, my nephew and two of his buddies thought it would be kinda fun to "skip class" and go exploring around the school. so they did. they also got into big trouble, which i didn't find appropriate. why? they were five. in kindergarten. my question was how in the world did a teacher and her assistant "lose" three kids. did this not alarm someone other than the parents and me? especially kids that had a presence like brooks and his buddies did. -- and yes, I HAVE been a public school teacher, at the elementary level.)

Message edited by author 2009-11-05 17:43:10.
11/05/2009 05:50:50 PM · #18
juliette it will be ok. the kid putting rocks uphis nose is normal. oh and congrats on the new house.
11/05/2009 06:12:42 PM · #19
Originally posted by karmat:

love him, and squeeze him, and pet him, and call him George?

I'm not sure what else, but start with a deep breath. . .

eta: did he get in trouble for that? cuz, I can see them letting you know in case he gets a sinus infection or something, but kids stick things places. it's part of being a kid. not trouble worthy, IMO.

(Story -- two years ago, my nephew and two of his buddies thought it would be kinda fun to "skip class" and go exploring around the school. so they did. they also got into big trouble, which i didn't find appropriate. why? they were five. in kindergarten. my question was how in the world did a teacher and her assistant "lose" three kids. did this not alarm someone other than the parents and me? especially kids that had a presence like brooks and his buddies did. -- and yes, I HAVE been a public school teacher, at the elementary level.)

I have serious misgivings about his teacher to be honest, he breaks a crayon, he gets written up, a pencil the same thing, touching another student, breaking a toy car that he stood on that he didn't see, not raising his hand in class. 3/4 of them I actually laugh at (inside my head) but tell him not to do that again as his teacher doesn't like it. The other 1/4 he deserves (like climbing onto the bathroom sink)

He is Charlie and he won't be broken by her, but I am really beginning to think she is trying her hardest too break his will. Time for a school conference I think


Cowboy, i drove by a huge roadside ad today for border patrol 1/877usbphelp(i think, i was going 90) and here is a website that may help you out right now //jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/
11/05/2009 06:17:52 PM · #20
we've talked about how your charlie and my kristi are soulmates (or twins separated at conception, thank God), but he also sounds A LOT like my 8 yo nephew Brooks (whom Kristi is also like). My brother and his wife have had many of the same experiences as you.

Message edited by author 2009-11-05 18:18:07.
11/05/2009 06:38:03 PM · #21
You know we should so get the kids together, think of all the photographs of world destruction we would get!!!
11/05/2009 07:06:01 PM · #22
Originally posted by JulietNN:

You know we should so get the kids together, think of all the photographs of world destruction we would get!!!

skeery. very very skeery.
i'm going to my happy place now. lots of chocolate. happy thoughts.

11/06/2009 06:10:54 AM · #23
Originally posted by JulietNN:

I have serious misgivings about his teacher to be honest, he breaks a crayon, he gets written up, a pencil the same thing, touching another student, breaking a toy car that he stood on that he didn't see, not raising his hand in class. 3/4 of them I actually laugh at (inside my head) but tell him not to do that again as his teacher doesn't like it. The other 1/4 he deserves (like climbing onto the bathroom sink)

He is Charlie and he won't be broken by her, but I am really beginning to think she is trying her hardest too break his will. Time for a school conference I think

He breaks a crayon and he gets "Written Up"???????

SERIOUSLY time for a conference!

She's an elementary school teacher, she's supposed to be working with these kids to help them socialize and understand how things work.

What kid is going to understand being written up for being......a kid?

If there are special needs, that's one thing, but still, she isn't handling it well.

She's supposed to communicate with you if there are issues.

Give 'em Hell, Jules!
11/06/2009 07:34:12 AM · #24
Originally posted by JulietNN:

aye aye aye

just got a note home from school.

Charlie put stones up his nose twice.

"what the heck am I going to do with this child?????

Love him !

He sounds like a 'real' boy ! I cant believe that 'teacher'

I remember my mother telling me I used to eat coal and earth !

Hope your day is better today

11/06/2009 08:31:33 AM · #25
You must quickly adopt my mothers motto, as she had 3 boys to deal with: BOYS WILL BE BOYS

Its perfect for school problems, fighting, mischief, etc.

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