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Aunt Grace's Memories
Aunt Grace's Memories

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Grunge II (Expert Editing)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro for Nikon
Date: Apr 6, 2012
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 4.0
Date Uploaded: Apr 8, 2012

My Great,Great,Great Aunt Grace,born in the 1800's and lived a VERY LONG Intrestring life. I knew her well, The doll came to MO from Kentucky in a covered wagon with her as a babe. It is now over 125 years old. Her Ivory vanity set given to her by her only love, who she was never allowed to marry because her father felt he wasn't good enough. Until on his death bed he confessed to her that he should've let them marry. By that time (Jim) her love was very sick and passed away soon after. Her last wish was to be laid to rest beside Jim. A Love Story unfinished in life, completed in death.

shot in very low light with a rflector to bring in some hilights, Open in raw, downed clarity, and some oranges, tone mapped in PS5 to a semi grunge state, Nik software, the black n white program, applied an antique filter, back to PS5 tone mapp, downed detail downed contrast, layer topaz b w effects brought back in a tish of color, new layer applied a scratch filter that I found on DPC and reduced the effect to 12%. Applied layer mask and brought back a little sharpness to the dolls eye. reduced size sharpened, reduced again put a low unsharp mask on it.. Saved for web.

Place: 35 out of 120
Avg (all users): 5.9344
Avg (commenters): 7.0000
Avg (participants): 5.7742
Avg (non-participants): 6.1000
Views since voting: 424
Views during voting: 222
Votes: 122
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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04/20/2012 05:03:37 PM
You finished right well in a very competitive challenge!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/18/2012 10:03:20 PM
I like the tone and the grit but I dont' like the composition....too much empty wall. The doll is inexplicably dirty too, while the other stuff is very clean, so the story is a bit confused.
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04/18/2012 04:12:50 AM
A wonderful dark still life.
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04/15/2012 10:46:06 PM
That doll is enough to give someone nightmares!
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04/15/2012 12:23:44 AM
Baby dolls always score
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04/13/2012 09:24:52 AM
That is one creepy doll!!!
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04/13/2012 12:08:41 AM
Looks great, Katie!!!
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