Biography: |
I'm fighting Multiple Myeloma as of late, so my shooting time has been reduced down to a trickle. A battle I will win with the help of loved ones and friends like here on DPC.
Update I just completed the first of a double stem cell transplant and doing well so far. Thanks for all your thoughts.
Update 5/26/09 I'm back in the hospital again for my second transplant everything's going fine so far, just lot of side effects. should get out next week.
Update 5/22/10. The transplant didn't work, my numbers remain the same, at least I'm not getting worse. Half a million bucks and plenty of side effects for nothing. I still fight the fight with a positive mind.
Update10/04/2010. Myeloma has destroyed my kidneys, so now I'm on dialysis, which I do at home 24/7. I feel so much better after 3 years of dirty blood. I can still get out between my dialysis exchanges to do some shooting. Life is good.
Update 06/28/2011. It's been a rough year, hospitalized 3 times, last one almost killed me. I'm on hemo-dialysis now, 3 days a week, 5 hours each time. Chemo 2 days a week. So after clinics etc, not much time to shoot. But, I'm enjoying every minute I'm alive, I've never been so happy in all my life. Life is great!
Upate 1/23/2013. Doing pretty good, been off chemo for almost 2 years now. Still doing dialysis 3 days a week, 5 hour runs to keep alive, hope to get on kidney transplant list next week. Having another bone marrow biopsy this Friday, and we will proceed from there. Good news I'm out shooting more now.
Update 02/22/2013 I am now officially on the kidney transplant list after a year of grewling tests. There is a 5 year waiting list for my blood type (b-Neg) unless I get a living donor, for more information;
Kidney donation
[b]Update May 2015[/b]
It's been a hard year, been hospitalized 5 times, can't walk unassisted, can't drive except for driving my wife crazy. My blood disorder has now gone after my heart. Now that takes me off the kidney transplant list. I still vote every challenge, just wish I could enter some. Don't worry, I'm not ready to go yet as life is still good. |
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