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A portrait of the man with the outstanding hand
A portrait of the man with the outstanding hand

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Framing (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Akureyri, Iceland
Date: Aug 31, 2004
Aperture: f5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Abstract, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Aug 31, 2004

Emmi, my friend with a empty frame in his hand, one 550ex flash used.
Cropped, rotated, desaturated and adjusted contrast in PS.

Place: 30 out of 305
Avg (all users): 6.2042
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.1233
Avg (non-participants): 6.2674
Views since voting: 1436
Views during voting: 474
Votes: 333
Comments: 24
Favorites: 3 (view)

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01/01/2006 01:27:34 PM
à einhvern óskiljanlegan hátt finnst mér ég stundum sjá hvaða myndir eru íslenskar og hverjar ekki. Ãg var alveg viss um að þetta væri íslensk mynd þegar ég var að skoða myndir úr þessarri keppni! Skrítið!
Góð hugmynd og flott mynd.

Message edited by author 2006-01-01 13:28:19.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/07/2004 08:54:58 PM
This is what I call a Kewl Pic
09/07/2004 04:06:07 PM
The subject matter framed, takes over the framing matter and thus becomes almost secondary matter which is out of focus. Very interesting perspective and nicely done. I liked it very much.
09/07/2004 09:23:56 AM
nice 3D type effect
09/06/2004 05:42:44 PM
nice shot. would have been cooler if the dof was a little further, but I can see where you were going. nice use of fore vs back - ground.
09/06/2004 10:17:42 AM
very cool dude :-)
09/06/2004 07:24:27 AM
HOLY COW! that hand almost grabbed me here :)
09/05/2004 08:52:14 PM
Very interesting! I hope you do well in the challenge!
09/04/2004 08:34:07 PM
Creative, cool, hey nice hand! Good looking model woo hoo! b&w: good call as is blur of model's head and clean image of hand. Love it. Good luck on this challenge!
09/04/2004 07:54:56 PM
Beautiful photo and a good idea. Nice job!

And I like the name, of course ;)
09/04/2004 07:15:30 AM
Clever, well executed
09/04/2004 12:39:08 AM
Well done, nice composition
09/03/2004 11:23:40 PM
Love it, it has a real depth to it.
09/03/2004 06:17:00 PM
I wish the hand and the bottom of the frame were better lit. Also wish the fingers didn't disappear into the shadows.
09/03/2004 05:19:22 PM
Realy simple but original concept
09/03/2004 02:32:14 PM
I like the way the subject has come out of the way.
09/03/2004 07:59:51 AM
I like the out of frame effect. Good lighting. The focus on the frame and hand ggreat depth.
09/02/2004 05:17:20 PM
With the exception of the harsh lighting hitting the top edges of the frame, I like this very much, particularly the way that the hand is focused and the face is not. Without that harsh light on the frame it would be a perfect low key image.
09/02/2004 12:58:07 PM
just perfect. out of the frame. ;)
09/02/2004 03:48:55 AM
Really nice job doing something interesting with this challenge.
09/01/2004 04:10:38 PM
I really like this photo - good job, nice DOF. There is something about the way that the edges of the picture don't quite match up with the inside edge of the frame - I'm not exactly sure what, but it spoils the illusion a little bit.
09/01/2004 05:15:32 AM
interesting idea
09/01/2004 02:23:33 AM
Great job on this one. I like the title reminiscent of superheros. Your model, (you perhaps), does look a bit like a superhero...You did a great job of composing this and the frame fits the frame perfects so as to look almost like you made it in PS, but I know you didin't. 10
09/01/2004 12:15:48 AM
I like this.

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