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Green world
Green world

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stranger In A Strange Land (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: Meadow
Date: Jan 3, 2003
Aperture: f8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/25
Date Uploaded: Jan 3, 2003


Place: 51 out of 67
Avg (all users): 5.0115
Avg (commenters): 5.3750
Avg (participants): 4.8462
Avg (non-participants): 5.2571
Views since voting: 1153
Votes: 87
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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01/14/2003 11:05:23 AM
Joshua, greetings from the Critique Club. It is really a priviledge for me to critique your image. Hopefully both of us can learn through your image.

The concept here is good. I think it fits the topic well. I see a few things that might have helped a little. First off is the image looks a little flat. Getting more contrast into the photo would help the main subject "pop" a little more and give it an even more "out of place" feel.

The other issue I see here is the lack of detail in the flower. I believe a few moves in Photoshop and the flower would probably just jump out and bite you... Well a picture is worth a thousand words so (hope you don't mind)... //www.gammadesignstudios.com/fd.jpg I think the change is dramatic.

The only other thing I could mention is the comp of the photo. The flower is a little too close to the edge. This is called a "pressure point" in photography. A little bit further back off the edge would help releave some of the tension.

This sound like a lot of stuff, but it really isn't. The processing work took minutes in PS. Over all this is a good image. Your score shows it. I consider anything above a 5 a good score. It is a great idea and brings thoughts of summer to my mind, which right now (10 degrees outside) I could use...

If you have any questions email me. I would be happy to elaborate more. I hope this has helped a little...

Dave Nitsche

Message edited by author 2003-01-14 11:06:49.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2003 10:42:19 PM
Nice Shot. I love the yellow against the green. (only being honest - not to offend) I feel that it's missing something - technically - The yellow definately stands out and is striking, yet I see the water on the leaves - I guess I feel that it is a little flat - but what do I know - it's still a great photo! 8
01/08/2003 12:49:36 PM
Nice contrast in colors. Very well taken photo, but I was hoping for more wildly strange from this challenge. It's a beautiful shot, really. 7 Swash
01/08/2003 02:00:58 AM
Great colour of the flower. Beautifully crisp and great composition, however IMO I don't see the strange factor in this image (sorry). But overall a nice photo.
01/07/2003 08:01:45 PM
Wish this was just a tad lighter. Very pretty photo, anyway.
01/07/2003 04:20:49 PM
I think i'm missing what is 'strange' with this photo... - setzler
01/07/2003 12:57:31 AM
I guess that I just do not see how this fits the challenge, although it is a beautiful pic and all.
01/06/2003 08:01:08 PM
A bit of a push on the challenge as the flower really doesn't look out of place!
However it's a lovely photo, you've put the flower in just the right part of the frame and the wet foliage provides a nice background. I like it, well done.
01/06/2003 03:55:14 AM
Beautiful. The two colours look very dramatic together, the subject is in very good shape. Maybe some water drops on the flower as well. This would have also looked good done in a macro shot.

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