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I've Seen All Good People
I've Seen All Good People

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Song Titles (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-20
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Date: Jan 2, 2003
Aperture: F 9.0
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/5 sec
Galleries: Abstract, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Jan 4, 2003

I've Seen All Good People is a song by the band YES. It uses chess metaphors to relate truths/advice about life. This chess set was a post holiday blow-out at Walgreens Drug Store for $9.99! Since the pieces and board are frosted and clear glass I dug out my light table and put it to work. I had to remove the black felt underneath each piece so the light would shoot up into the piece. No other lighting was required. There were many shots and many angles, one had to be chosen. I like it and I hope you did to.--Jason

Place: 64 out of 188
Avg (all users): 5.5631
Avg (commenters): 7.2500
Avg (participants): 5.4711
Avg (non-participants): 5.6941
Views since voting: 1449
Votes: 206
Comments: 11
Favorites: 2 (view)

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01/24/2003 08:36:24 PM
Well this is a wonderfull photo and I think the only thing that may have kept it from the top is the obscurity of the song. Who knows?

This really looks like a computer generated picture. I say that because it doesn't have depth to me. It looks very flat. The pieces seem to be stuck together and stuck to the background. I hope that makes some sense. Maybe just a hint of a back light might give more contrast between some of the pieces and seperate them from the background.

The focus seems soft but they may be due to the frosted pieces.

I think the composition is nice with good balace between light and dark.

I am no lighting or photo expert but I think there may have been a away to give this a more 3d look in my opinion.
I still think this is a fantastic picture but I always try to find ways that I might improve it. I think both us learn more that way as now I want to go and get a $9.99 glass chess set and give it a shot. Good work.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/12/2003 08:58:55 PM
nice idea
01/09/2003 07:26:59 AM
great quality of the tone of this image.
01/08/2003 10:21:00 PM
I really like this photo! I just hope enough people voting know the songs lyrics well enough to know that it definately meets the challenge. Great concept. The only lthing I did find somewhat distracting (but probably only to me) is that not all of the back row pieces are showing, throwng off the symetry. Very high score :)
01/08/2003 01:29:02 PM
I really like the feel of this one. Is it lit from underneath?
01/08/2003 01:21:32 AM
Nice idea for the song title. I don't really like the reflections given off in the mirror in this shot, but I guess that is just me. 6.

Take my comments for what they are worth for I am just a novice with a new camera. Dodo
01/07/2003 09:26:38 PM
Nice work - it has a kind of surreal quality to it. The black background is very important to it's effectiveness
01/07/2003 06:39:04 AM
Love the concept, but i think it needed to be a little sharper.
01/06/2003 09:42:27 PM
We have this same chess set!!!!!!!!
01/06/2003 07:57:46 PM
I bought a glass chess set about two months ago to do shots like this. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but when I do, I hope I can come up with something this nice! Your lighting is perfect. No hotspots, no shadows, just the right amount of subtle reflections. I believe in the whole good vs evil in the world and I like the way you used frosted white chess pieces to represent 'all good people.' The only things I can think of to improve would be to crop tighter on the right side to exclude the partial pawn. I like the cropping on the left side pawn because it feels 'contained' but there is too little of the pawn on the right and it seems a little cut off. I would also play around with the saturation of the yellows to reduce the yellowish brown thin band behind the pieces to the left at the edge of the board. These two points are fairly minor (actually the yellowish band is pretty much nit-picking). I like this image and give it a 9!
01/06/2003 04:31:02 PM
Nice shot, good reflections. I am anxious to know what you did in the post processing.

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