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02/12/2013 04:17:13 PM |
Well done especially for a first try. Very natural and very successful. |
02/10/2013 05:20:50 PM |
I have never tried this so I don̢۪t really know how difficult this is. The results are lovely though. The colours are subtle and nice. I̢۪m not sure if it really adds to the image overall though as the patterns are beautiful and could probably stand on their own. |
01/31/2013 12:40:30 PM |
Excellent first attempt!! Not an easy subject to capture but you've done it well. |
01/29/2013 01:54:32 PM |
Neil, if this is your first attempt then we are all in for a treat if you continue to include us in your other shots of smoke too .. Tango! Yes, that's what comes to mind - the 'figure' in the left has well defined buttocks of a male dancer - the hint of color a quick moment of his partners costume - for something as wispy as smoke you have created some very solid parts - I will be looking forward to seeing many more attempts .. I usually stay away from any technical comments as I am not very knowledgeable in that area and I much prefer to try and covey to the creator of the photo the feelings it creates in my mind but in this instance I would like to say that it takes a lot of skill to photograph smoke and decision on what b/g to use - camera settings etc . and your skills are showing :) |
01/28/2013 11:04:26 PM |
I have tried a smoke shot exactly once. To get it right takes some work. The light has to be right to show the contrast of the smoke. I think I would like to see more smoke in the focal plane with yours. It appears alot of it is a little OOF. But in general, I like all the waves and forms you have captured. |
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01/28/2013 02:19:14 PM |
Nice, I have seen "coloured" smoke images before , which are also nice, but I like the subtle colours in yours. What did you use to make the smoke? I did some smoke photography (also for the first time) 10 days ago and battled to get a "thick" smoke like yours. I wanted to edit my image, so very different approach. I ended up using a cigarette. It was supposed to look like it came from a candle ... the theme was "Elton John song titles".  |
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01/28/2013 07:00:50 AM |
This is very beautiful. I like that there are two smoke trails. and yes they look like dancers. the subtle colours work well i think. Noticed the spots also. I think youve done a great job for you first go at it. |
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01/27/2013 06:49:48 PM |
Nice. I particularly like the multiple colors. |
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01/27/2013 11:28:08 AM |
Looks like a pair, dancing. I like the little bits of pink mingled in with all the light blue. Beautiful. |
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01/27/2013 10:51:29 AM |
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01/27/2013 10:50:49 AM |
Originally posted by nam: how can smoke have edges? |
As in there and not there,where the two meet. |
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01/27/2013 08:37:25 AM |
I like the definition of the lines - how can smoke have edges? Looks like a tango to me. I find the spots distracting - noticed before I read others' comments - and worth the minute it would take to clone them out. |
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01/27/2013 07:34:43 AM |
Like Kroburg I also spotted the spots ;-). Well captured smoke, and I'd guess the best of probably many shots to get the nicest pattern. Can't comment much, since I've never done this myself. Your colors are very subdues, for a "real" color effect I'd say these would have to be more pronounced. |
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01/27/2013 06:26:12 AM |
Never tried this myself Neil I expect it's much harder than it looks. |
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01/27/2013 06:09:45 AM |
Wonderful job on this one. I just did this myself not to long ago.
Here is mine where I added a gradient set as rainbow colors
Rainbow Smoke
The things you can do is endless. |
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01/27/2013 03:13:00 AM |
I can't give you constructive comments I'm afraid, never done this technique myself. But I do like your images, especially the subtle colour effect. Well done!
(Only small thing: you can see one or two spots in the image, might be a dirty lens). |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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