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Seeing Red
Seeing Red

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stopped Motion II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Bathroom Sink
Date: Sep 19, 2004
Aperture: 13
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Macro, Water
Date Uploaded: Sep 19, 2004

I was a little pressed for time, so I lucked out and got a few decent water drop pictures out of a batch of ten. The red drop is a drop of food coloring. In PS: +1.2eV, curves to remove color cast, color balance, increased saturation, crop, median cut, resise, USM. There was no spot editing in this photo.

Place: 8 out of 170
Avg (all users): 6.7667
Avg (commenters): 7.7692
Avg (participants): 6.5946
Avg (non-participants): 6.9147
Views since voting: 5728
Views during voting: 593
Votes: 240
Comments: 34
Favorites: 10 (view)

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07/08/2005 01:31:27 PM
This is great! You have a true mastery of PS! I'm still working on it. Very nice crystal clear shot. And I love the placement of the drop. (red IS my favorite color)
11/23/2004 04:35:29 PM
I like that kind of pics: they give us opportunity to notice the things that last too few... :) But it's delicious! Mother nature is a real artist :)
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09/27/2004 09:18:25 PM
Awsome shot, congrats on the 8th place. I had an idea of doing this once, it's cool so see it actually done.
09/27/2004 12:14:25 AM
Congratulations on your 8th placing with this unique coloration.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/26/2004 09:48:42 PM
Awsome shot! Expect this to be in the top 10 or top 5. Wow, only one take with each drop (unless multi-shutter burst). Great composition.
09/26/2004 08:25:48 PM
this is my favorite drop shot out of all of them. It's also the most creative drop I've seen in a while!
Good Job!!!
09/26/2004 10:36:27 AM
an interesting take on a highly overdone concept
09/26/2004 08:10:10 AM
What a great idea to use the red dye to makes this a unique photo! Well done.
09/26/2004 03:18:00 AM
Clever idea to drop red ink (or food color) into water. Really adds interest to this drop photo.
09/25/2004 10:31:35 PM
I keep coming back to this shot. Focus is crisp and I love the composition. Excellent, excellent work.
09/24/2004 08:24:28 AM
one of the best water drop shots by far.
09/23/2004 11:16:05 PM
I'll say it again, I love the water drops, each unique. This is particular grabbing with the color, and crop. The main drop on top really pulls me in...great shot.
09/23/2004 07:43:53 PM
Wow! 10!
09/23/2004 03:26:04 PM
Hope that was food coloring! It's nice to see several variations of the now infamous water-drop shot - it shows individual creativity and thought patterns. Using this technique - you only get one try it appears - so, given that - your timing is exquisite.
09/23/2004 02:07:37 PM
Brilliant pic, just brilliant
09/23/2004 12:23:29 PM
A nice bit of color contrast for a hackneyed subject. Very good capture of the drop and I like the water tones as well.
09/23/2004 09:29:09 AM
pritty nice setup of an common shot. :)

09/22/2004 04:11:43 PM
Fantastic and very original! I'll bet this pic does well for this challenge.
09/22/2004 04:00:59 PM
Great variation on a theme - my submission is another variation! Well executed. Clean bowl for each shot - loads of patience. . .
09/22/2004 04:11:52 AM
either you got this right the first time, or you had to do a lot of emptying and refilling.
09/22/2004 12:29:33 AM
Should make the water (not the red) less green. Tweak the blue a little to make this better. Good twist on this however.
09/21/2004 09:48:38 PM
oh wow now that's awesome
09/21/2004 07:06:55 PM
Very nice variation and a deftly execution. The red gives it that extra. Bumping up.
09/21/2004 06:56:58 PM
Love the use of red in this one.
09/21/2004 09:27:56 AM
Great idea, gives the classical waterdrop a new look. Good job!
09/20/2004 11:23:56 PM
great shot...I bet this took a little trial and error. (best water drop of the bunch IMO)
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09/20/2004 07:31:32 PM
While there is a significant number of water drop shots in this challenge, I think this is one of (if not the) best of the bunch. Great composition and color, and the clarity is superb.
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09/20/2004 12:43:10 PM
Perfect crown, Harold Edgerton (the inventor of that photograph) would have been proud.
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09/20/2004 10:38:19 AM
awsome image...I was not big on the water splash thing...but your twist on the matter makes yours stand apart from the rest.
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09/20/2004 08:59:06 AM
Nice concept & execution.
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09/20/2004 06:37:11 AM
I almost entered an identical shot! well done...
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09/20/2004 03:58:26 AM
This is a really nice take on a popular theme. The idea is nice and the composition and motion capture are really outstanding. Great job.
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09/20/2004 02:19:16 AM
the best of the lot of waterdrops... the spreading red makes the whole effect.. and ofrourse the best score I gave on a waterdrop shot
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09/20/2004 12:13:55 AM
Good twist on a common subject.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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