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Off The Beaten Path
2nd PlaceOff The Beaten Path

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bikes (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D300s
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: Bradford Ontario
Date: Apr 8, 2013
Aperture: f2.8
ISO: 20-0
Shutter: 1/800
Date Uploaded: Apr 8, 2013

I replaced the shingles on the house across the street today.
So cool, all my stuff was in my studio. I asked for a volunteer from the crew.
Hey who wants to update their facebook photo?
You may recognize the bike from my Quite Perplexing shot from a couple of years ago.
Hope this does well :)
Thanks for looking


This is awesome!!!
Thanks to all for the nice comments and votes

Also thanks to Scott for braving the high wind on the Bike
and Zoran for helping with the setup.



Place: 2 out of 109
Avg (all users): 6.9593
Avg (commenters): 9.1111
Avg (participants): 6.5000
Avg (non-participants): 7.2152
Views since voting: 2368
Views during voting: 281
Votes: 123
Comments: 31
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/22/2013 10:49:44 PM
*** Critique Club ***

Hi Coley. With a score of 6.9xx and a placing of 2nd, not too sure what I can say that the numbers don't already say.

I'll start by saying this really is a fantastic image. Incredibly unique and creative and clearly this resonated with the voters. The composition is strong, the processing with the toning is nicely done, and the execution is great. Where this image fell short for me, though, was the exposure and focus. The building is perfectly exposed, which is important considering the proportion of the frame it takes up. However, the bike and the rider are a touch over-exposed, and there's a loss of detail there. I can't see the front forks, handlebars, spokes etc or the umbrella shaft. Not sure if this was from the exposure of the picture itself, or as a result of the processing required to turn the sky white? Since the challenge was all about "bikes", I felt this lack of detail in the bike itself was a shortfall. Likewise, while the building is exceptionally sharp (those bricks are killer!), I found the bike and biker to be quite soft, with little definition and detail in the bikers face.

Clearly, these "criticisms" didn't impact the voters at all, and the image score highly as to be expected. Hopefully my viewpoint has some merit and the critique provided something worthwhile for you.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like to discuss anything I've written about!

Kind regards,
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04/18/2013 10:31:31 PM
Great shot; congrats on the ribbon.
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04/18/2013 04:43:56 AM
I was sure this would have won, greater effort and shot, congrats.
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04/18/2013 12:55:31 AM
excellent image and idea!
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04/17/2013 10:09:57 PM
Hey, congrats on the ribbon old man!
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04/17/2013 09:08:44 PM
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04/17/2013 05:53:49 PM
Coley...you have been missed!!! So glad to see my very favorite photographer here, back on the front page!!! I love the whimsy in your style!!
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04/17/2013 03:06:55 PM
Congrats Cole - nice shot!

How did he balance with both feet on the pedals? You must've secured the bike I guess lol.
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04/17/2013 01:39:46 PM
Originally posted by tanguera:

I can't decide who's more nuts - you or him! Congrats on the ribbon, and welcome back. Again.

Him! Quirky and fascinating and I, too, thought immediately of Mary Poppins. Congratulations on the ribbon.
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04/17/2013 12:50:25 PM
Congrats, Coley! I love this!

I find myself wishing that you'd cropped it just inside the downspouts to make it timeless.

I love your humor and quirkiness!
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04/17/2013 09:29:47 AM
Brilliant. Great shot. Congrats on the ribbon, Coley.
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04/17/2013 08:57:40 AM
WOW, man. That is ace! Congratulations
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04/17/2013 05:33:23 AM
I should have thought it was yours - it's great to have brilliant photographers here!
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04/17/2013 04:25:00 AM
I can't decide who's more nuts - you or him! Congrats on the ribbon, and welcome back. Again.
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04/17/2013 03:31:14 AM
I've missed your photographic dreams :-). Beautiful, congrats on the red and happy anniversary!
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04/17/2013 03:29:09 AM
very cool, and love seeing the umbrella man again :)
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04/17/2013 03:21:34 AM
coley man good to see you in the mix again and love your style. wonderful image, very creative as always. congrats on the red!
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04/17/2013 02:25:42 AM
Congratulations Cole. I didn't recognize 'the bike' but I did the style.
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04/17/2013 01:54:28 AM
Worth every accolade it receives.
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04/17/2013 12:59:35 AM
Ended up a nice finish! Congratulations Chrystyne Cole ;)
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04/17/2013 12:01:50 AM
I knew you had to be up here somewhere :-) Good to have you back!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/16/2013 08:44:14 PM
Very creative.
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04/16/2013 09:48:43 AM
Wow, this is unexpected!
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04/11/2013 01:03:25 PM
Makes me think of Mary Poppins. This is really creative.
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04/11/2013 05:07:19 AM
OMG!The whites are blown but... what can I say - it's great!
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04/10/2013 01:53:41 PM
Incredible. 10
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04/10/2013 11:06:22 AM
Voted earlier coming back to comment.

Whimsical and quirky - very much the style of...Coley!!!:-) Love the quirky whimsy of this shot. Technicals and PP are well done but there is just one thing that I felt would have made this shot a 10 instead of a 9. I think there is too much house and not enough attention focused on the main subject riding the bike. I think a closer rectangular crop where the line of the lower roof is coming out of the bottom left corner would have improved the composition. It would have given us a much up close and personal view of the Roof Rider and shown off alot more details on your main subject.
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04/10/2013 10:48:53 AM
Hmmm... umbrella, hat, coat, excessive creativity ;) ... must be Chrystyne. I'm not fond of the border and would maybe have preferred the lower third or so cropped, but what a creative take on this challenge. Well done! (and if this isn't Chrystyne, that was a compliment!)
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04/10/2013 09:15:21 AM
Brilliant. No really. And Nuts.
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04/10/2013 05:44:19 AM
A ribbon for sure - your 10th anniversary present :)
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04/10/2013 12:45:36 AM
Best in show award, amazing, congrats
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