Author | Thread |
11/04/2008 11:44:02 AM |
I just love this! I like nostalgic photos, they ARE preserving our past. Thank you for saving this bit of history. |
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05/27/2008 04:52:25 PM |
like this one a lot - reminds me of a lot of still in operation places around here in Texas too |
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01/16/2006 11:53:24 AM |
What a stunning image. Best thing I have seen on DPC so far and I have seen lots. I love your work. Awesome inspiring stuff. |
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06/03/2005 05:19:54 PM |
I wanna hang out over your shoulder while you go out & about, then come back and PP them.
Very nice Post Card! |
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02/20/2005 09:21:21 AM |
It's a really super shot. It takes quite an accomplished eye to see the photographic possibilities in the ordinary. Mist and water and clouds and cows, and shiny things and rocks and photogenic people are easy subjects. Gasoline stations, I think, are more difficult.
As for placement, this has got to be a tough category. I'd encourage you to consider your success in terms of your score which is really high. Take more shots of mundane things and make them beautiful! What could be a more powerful way to beautify the world than to transform caterpillars into butterflies? |
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10/08/2004 07:02:04 PM |
Thank you all for the encouraging words and all the great comments. I am not disappointed at all with my placement in this challenge. To me it's like trying to compare an orange with a cat and having to decide which is better. (Ok, well a cat would be a bad example on DPC, but you get the jest of it). Pictures of children don't seem to do as well on DPC either, but Sher9204's shot was my highest rated of the challenge. Honestly, how can you compare a child with a gas station? I know I bent the rule of thirds and broke several other unwritten laws of composition with my gas station. I am just ecstatic that this shot was so well received. This was a fun challenge! |
10/08/2004 05:10:15 PM |
I was disappointed not seeing this in top 10. It's a very good image. Congrats on the 7+ average score at least.
Message edited by author 2004-10-08 17:13:45. |
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10/08/2004 01:13:41 PM |
i just knew this one was yours! :) Well done! |
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10/08/2004 04:27:40 AM |
Congrats...:)you did good job with this... |
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10/08/2004 04:04:26 AM |
This is just cool man, I love subjects like this... |
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10/08/2004 02:09:04 AM |
This smacked of a Gringo shot... I was right! Great image. Love it!!! Congrats! :o) |
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10/08/2004 12:17:30 AM |
I had a feeling this was a Gringo shot. Has that great vintage feel to it. Congratulations on a lovely photo! |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/07/2004 11:56:47 PM |
great shadows and wonerful colors |
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10/07/2004 11:49:44 PM |
I like this one very much. THe old time items are well positioned and nicely desated. the coloring has the feel of a hand tinted print though think that you might have done away with a bit of the fuschia purple at the bottom of the tire, it just seems a little out of place....small nit.... |
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10/07/2004 11:12:25 PM |
Small town Americana, huh? Nice coloring. |
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10/07/2004 10:19:56 PM |
Haven't seen some of those logos in a long time! |
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10/07/2004 06:18:34 PM |
A very busy image, but appealing nonetheless. |
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10/07/2004 05:55:10 PM |
There is so much going on in this picture, that I've looked a few times and still not seen everything! In short, I love it, and I gave it a 10. Wonderful techniques and interesting concepts used here. |
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10/07/2004 05:02:50 PM |
I like the colors in this. But to me, the flat appearance takes away from the overall. |
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10/07/2004 04:52:53 PM |
I like the surreal tidyness of this scene |
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10/07/2004 12:22:20 PM |
Is this a model or real? Looks cool. An image to ponder on and find the little hidden details. 8. |
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10/07/2004 10:43:50 AM |
This is such a stunningly beautiful piece of art. I worry that it won't get the ribbon it deserves because the subject matter is so unusual, but hopefully the voters will see that the composition and clever color tones throughout the image are so perfectly, methodically arranged that it will get all the 10s it deserves! 10 |
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10/07/2004 10:41:09 AM |
Very good image, I like the complexity in it and your use of sel desat - a top 10 image imo |
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10/07/2004 06:39:26 AM |
Excelent picture - lots of interest and the colors are spot on. |
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10/07/2004 04:40:48 AM |
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10/07/2004 04:16:14 AM |
AMAZING! How big is this scene? The lighting is incredible. Where the cat or the dog? Everything is in its place! (Except for the hose & nozzle on the pumps). Its more like being in a dream than looking at a picture maybe a movie set or in a museum? In any event I like it! |
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10/07/2004 03:55:23 AM |
Nice detail. At first I did not appreciate the symmetry, but It works. You really waited for the perfect light and that is commendable. Perhaps the only complaint, --"clutter"? too much for the eye to soak in? |
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10/07/2004 12:39:13 AM |
great job with this image. this is really a lot of fun to look at. thanks for a unique entry. one of my top picks for the challenge. |
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10/06/2004 11:20:41 PM |
I like the desaturation and the old time feel of this photo. The balance of how everything hung on the wall and around is so amazing. I think this would be better with a tighter crop focusing on the gas tanks, to include the skull. Nice work and hope you do well! 7 |
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10/06/2004 11:19:09 PM |
One of the best examples of selective desaturation I've seen. Nice job! |
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10/06/2004 09:03:55 PM |
I love it - great job - 10 :) |
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10/06/2004 07:22:29 PM |
Nice desaturation/coloration, it really gives each of the colored items its own significance. Well done. |
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10/06/2004 01:52:07 PM |
Probably it was very colourfull picture. I would love to see it without selective desaturation. Could have more nostalgic look than. |
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10/06/2004 12:50:45 PM |
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10/06/2004 07:30:21 AM |
You've pulled off a very difficult composition with your use of color and light. Good eye for seeing a scene's potential and taking full advantage. One of my favorites this challenge. |
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10/06/2004 01:02:21 AM |
woohoo - sel-desat on amphetamines - love it :) |
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10/06/2004 12:20:26 AM |
Very beautiful how this gives a classic feel, with a modern touch to it. definatly jumped out at me as a great picture. |
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10/05/2004 06:26:24 PM |
Even though there's a lot of 'stuff' in the photo it feels balanced and organized. The soft colours set a nostalgic mood. The focus seems a bit off as items on the right seem sharper than those on the left. 7 |
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10/05/2004 05:15:48 PM |
Amazing - looks like the set for a broadway musical! |
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10/05/2004 03:55:32 PM |
This looks like a setup for theatre or something. Alot of small things in great colors. This is one of my favorite in this challenge. |
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10/05/2004 12:47:32 PM |
Colours just work so well !! beautiful image ! inspiring. |
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10/05/2004 11:34:12 AM |
I love this image . The warm , subdued colors of the pumps, I think , enhance the overall quality of the image better than if it had been shot in sepia tone . It bespeaks of a bye gone era more loadly in spite of it's cluttered busy-ness . The early morning, or , late afternoon light greatly compliments the theme of of the past and invites you to literally step iinto scene . Great work ! MG. |
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10/05/2004 10:34:52 AM |
A very nostalgic image. The selective desat is excellent, adding to the old-time feel. |
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10/05/2004 02:37:51 AM |
I could look at this all day. I love it. I think it's my favourite of all [10] |
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10/04/2004 11:27:06 PM |
A definate piece of art. The colors and lack of are great. |
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10/04/2004 11:23:24 PM |
Great colors on this one... really invites that retro feel. Looks awfully smooth, though, almost computer-generated. Usually, over-smoothing really detracts from an image, but here, it seems to work well with the almost pastel colors and the subject matter. |
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10/04/2004 11:19:36 PM |
Great Desat! What a cool place |
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10/04/2004 06:47:18 PM |
i can't tell you how much i love this picture, i will be sad if it does not medal. you did a wonderful job making this photo look as old as the time period of your subjects. 10 |
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10/04/2004 06:06:57 PM |
This photo has a great feel to it. 10 |
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10/04/2004 04:54:20 PM |
Is this a real place? It looks like a Hollywood set. This is by far one of my favorites in this very competitive challenge. The half B&W half color is an excellent choice for this picture. - 10 |
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10/04/2004 01:32:55 PM |
I love it! The shadows on this make it look almost 3 dimensional. Great nostalgic mood. 10 |
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10/04/2004 12:40:48 PM |
I keep coming back to this one. It seems a little too busy. Perhaps the shadows are to much with all of the other focal points. I can't seem to find any one thing that I'm drawn to except the red sign on the top left and that leads me out of the photo. For some reason the sign on the left gas pump is a bit fuzzy too. |
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10/04/2004 11:23:26 AM |
This is a great shot! Love the colors. Good luck. |
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10/04/2004 02:22:21 AM |
Lovely and most interesting, your colors and details are nice, looks very realistic. |
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10/03/2004 10:41:14 PM |
A great image stamped by the style of the miniture because it instantly entrains the mind to consider is it real, is it miniture..or better am I dreaming. yes, this is a dream of nostalgia. Yes, the scene is real but I am ina dream. Wow! my warm congratulations for adding this lucid dream into the challenge. Bumping up to 7 |
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10/03/2004 10:27:46 PM |
Quite a collection. Nice job of mixing color and desaturation. Only problem is that it is quite flat and has very little dimension to the viewer. The WOW factor is just lacking. I like it otherwise. 6 |
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10/03/2004 09:27:40 PM |
Funny shot here, looks a little too perfect. I mean that in a good way though! Is it a model or somehting? I think it looks too clean to be a real place.
Great shot though, not many makes me think like that :-) Nice and clear, loads of things to look at. Well done! 9 |
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10/03/2004 08:30:05 PM |
10! Having worked in the billboard industry for 8 years, I have a certain interest in old signs. I love the layout here, the old gas pumps... the colors are fantastic! You've done a great job. |
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10/03/2004 06:48:14 PM |
This is a very interesting photo. |
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10/03/2004 04:53:00 PM |
OH, what classic Americana! wonderful shot! I'm really impressed with it. It's so overboard, and in such a good way! Great shadows, great color, very clever and unique! I really dig this and damn if I could vote on this challenge, it'd be waaay up there. Thanks!
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10/03/2004 02:00:46 PM |
What a great find! It's busy, but in a good way. I like the desat treatment you used, it brings a lot of interest to the photo yet tones down some of the "clutter" of the shot. Very interesting and one of my favorites of the challenge. |
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10/03/2004 01:11:59 PM |
this is beautiful! composition is great and you have made the colors magical! perfect |
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10/03/2004 10:25:38 AM |
I love it! I have seen many selective saturation shots, but this one takes the cake. excellent work. |
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10/03/2004 08:59:09 AM |
:)) This one is cool. I love how you did it... it looks like decoration of movie where everything has its own place. Cant stop looking on it :). |
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10/03/2004 08:15:05 AM |
Can't make up my mind about the selective desaturation. Maybe to many objects are highlighted and compete for your attention. Unique and creative. |
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10/03/2004 07:56:16 AM |
Love the nostalgic look at a small town gas station (from the southwest?). I especially like the mottled lighting, although some of it looks to have been manipulated in ps. This image has an almost surreal quality to it, as though what I'm looking at is a model, rather than a real place (maybe because the clutter in the scene is so well organized and because of the wide angle giving it a distant appearance?) In any case, well done. 7 |
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10/03/2004 06:43:12 AM |
I love this shot... but I'm not really a fan of centered compositions. I can't help wishing you'd gone for something more imaginative. Everything else is perfect... the pastel colours, sharpness, subject matter, light, PS work, just superb. I wonder if you could have fixed the distortion from your wide angle (or the converging verticles from looking up slightly) which is evident by the signs at the top of the frame. 9 |
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10/03/2004 04:36:27 AM |
Is this real or a diorama/model? If this is a model, I am VERY impressed with the level of detail captured in the photo but the composition feels a bit busy. I like the soft colors and focus. 7 |
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10/03/2004 03:48:16 AM |
This image is one of my favorites for its uniqueness and colors. Great job. |
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10/02/2004 10:58:44 PM |
made me look twice and three times...i want to study every part of it...the more i look the more i find...wonderful capture...9! |
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10/02/2004 08:32:48 PM |
One of the better uses of selective color I've seen. But why not go for symmetry and color both pumps? |
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10/02/2004 07:50:19 PM |
Busy, but in a good way. I like it. |
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10/02/2004 04:20:00 PM |
I like the almost cartoon effect. Must admit I was not over impressed first time and voted a 5. However on the second trawl thru, it slapped me in the face and bumped it to 7, maybe third time thru it will go higher |
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10/02/2004 03:31:01 PM |
I love the retro feel of this photo. Great choice of subject. Composed well. I am not sure if I like the desaturation, however. I gave you an 8. |
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10/02/2004 03:05:10 PM |
I like this. In another image all the elements might appear to be too cluttered, but the overall impact here works well. I love the lighting and whatever processing you did to get the colors and tones is very pleasing. nice job. |
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10/02/2004 12:09:59 PM |
This is so good! Where is this place? 10 |
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10/02/2004 11:33:49 AM |
Good use of selective desaturation to turn this into an excellent scene. Is this a prop scene? Seems almost too perfect of a setup. |
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10/02/2004 11:21:11 AM |
Careful, seamless and subtle (+ & - ?) saturation at luscious levels of intensity. A 1950's superrealistic view - a " Route 66" like roadside impression from the seat of H.G. Wells Time Machine. Tinged with nostolgia an icon of "Americana" - made real..... Accurate artifacts placed in a historical renovation - a Smithsonian exhibit - antique store - museum exhibit - where ever this display is located, it is unusuall -and the visual intrepretation wonderful. |
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10/02/2004 09:50:24 AM |
this is a wonderful photo and although i believe the desaturation provides alot (and maybe too much) of a contrast i love the image as a whole. It is a very full on image and provides alot of interesting sections to look at. Overall possibly this image is slightly to compacted though but its still a fascinating look and lovely execution for giving it that added edge... so congratulations on a wonderful image... |
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10/02/2004 09:26:51 AM |
this image has a real soft feel to me (in a good way), but some of the whites at too much of an aqua color to them |
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10/02/2004 08:29:22 AM |
I love the desaturation. The shot is a bit busy to me. But I love the simetrics |
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10/02/2004 07:53:29 AM |
i like the original selective desat effect. maybe unconventional (used to seeing only one element highlighted), but very effective |
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10/02/2004 07:53:24 AM |
Interesting, but there are a lot of subjects here, and the desat doesn't seem to issolate a single subject or class of subjects. So, I'm not sure what the message is. |
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10/02/2004 07:04:35 AM |
Holy crap, one of the best compositions I have ever seen using desaturation.... :) |
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10/02/2004 06:39:33 AM |
What a wonderfully cluttered and interesting shot of americana. I can just imagine riding down the street and seeing this. I would have to stop the car, get out, and just look at it for a while until I had taken it all in. The lighting, placement and subject matter is excellent. Great capture |
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10/02/2004 05:55:21 AM |
I like it. It's very surreal. I see a B&W photo with selected coloring and very
sharp detail. How do you do it!? |
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10/02/2004 05:31:49 AM |
WOW! what an amazing photo! I love the retro feel that you have created with the selective duration...Would love to have a copy of this hanging in my son's bedroom!
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10/02/2004 03:19:07 AM |
This is unusual very nicely done Nice work
I have yet to learn how to desaturate areas
Nice crisp image |
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10/02/2004 12:53:38 AM |
i love this. it is very art deco. the colours and the tones are terrific. hope it wins. a must 10. |
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10/01/2004 11:00:44 PM |
The only time I ever enhjoy busy non personal BUSY pictures is if it's very interesting. This is very very interesting. The color ia very well done. The dof is great. I like this a lot! |
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10/01/2004 08:48:48 PM |
Wow! What a feast for the eyes. Love the sensitivity of the colouring AND the B/W tones: rare to find both in the same pic. Visual treasure-trove. |
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10/01/2004 08:43:42 PM |
A bit processed looking for my personal taste, though I know this style appeals to many. Composition and POV feel a little static, straight-on/centered though I guess there's so much going on in this frame, that's not entirely bad. |
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10/01/2004 08:00:12 PM |
Love your choice of subject! Very Cool. |
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10/01/2004 06:38:02 PM |
Excellent use of toning. Good subject to use your skills on. Looks like a minature version of the real thing or fake somehow, perhaps it's the toning or the ground. |
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10/01/2004 05:33:12 PM |
wow what a throwback! composition is really balanced, so I assume that's what you were shooting for- it works |
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10/01/2004 04:56:18 PM |
I really like the way you've excentuated the certain colors on the building. It keeps the viewer interested My only comment would be that some of the colorized whites look blue. 6 |
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10/01/2004 03:50:21 PM |
I like the feel of this photograph.....the colors seem to pop. The subject matter also appeals to me. |
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10/01/2004 03:29:01 PM |
This is so cool- the desaturation creates such a nostalgic modd and there's such great symmetry. I love the mood it gives and how much detail there is. It'd be absolutely prefect if the lighting was more even but I still love it, great job
9 |
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10/01/2004 02:47:05 PM |
I'd love to see this in sepia... Might help it to feel less busy. Very interesting scene. Would be great if the window wasn't cut off (top ctr.) as well. |
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10/01/2004 01:34:51 PM |
A very special image, looks like it was painted with light with all those shadows and highlights. I am curious how it looks without the partial desaturation, the way you have done it is very special, not concentrating on one single item, but maybe just a bit over the top, I am unsure. Anyway a visually fascinating image. |
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10/01/2004 12:55:11 PM |
Nice image, but I think the selective desaturation is a bit haywire and seems to be applied willy nilly. - 4 |
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10/01/2004 12:33:17 PM |
This is a facinating look at our past. I love how you have made this almost dreamlike. |
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10/01/2004 12:07:41 PM |
I like the muted colours coupled with the desat here. Where is this. It's almost too
"laid out"..everything has it's place. Very nice nostalgic feel to it. A nice poster shot. -8 |
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10/01/2004 11:30:38 AM |
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10/01/2004 10:47:42 AM |
Woah, selective desaturation to the max! That or its a very colorless building. Either way, I think the shot is too busy. It's nice that there is a lot to look at and keep interest, because I keep spotting new things, but as a photo overall it just seems to cluttered. 6 |
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10/01/2004 09:46:58 AM |
Wonderful study of selective use of colors. Like the color in the lamp The blue in the left pump doesn't seem to work as well as with the other. So much to see. like the green chair and the air hose, everything looks just great against the backgound of the building. Great job! |
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10/01/2004 09:09:49 AM |
This shot has very good depth and rich tones... Sorry, no criticism here. |
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10/01/2004 07:07:50 AM |
I love the colours in this one. It most have bin alot of work for you ;)
Nice eye you got for things. 8 |
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10/01/2004 06:36:13 AM |
I love the composition - busy but still interesting. Interesting use of selective desaturation too. Well done (8) |
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10/01/2004 02:31:55 AM |
Nice photo, nice desaturation. Good luck. |
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10/01/2004 02:24:31 AM |
My absolute, hands-down favorite. I can't wait to get my hands on a print of this, please! |
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10/01/2004 12:55:42 AM |
very nice use of selective desaturation, but I find the shot a little too cluttered for my tastes, even with. I can imagine how cluttered it must feel without. The composition is strong, good centering, and a good eye to see something where most wouldn't. |
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10/01/2004 12:50:32 AM |
Very interesting composition. The selective desaturation is perfect, it pulls my attention all over the shot. |
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10/01/2004 12:44:27 AM |
This has the feel of a painted photo, just like the ones that came from this era. So nicely captured, clear, vivid and effective image. It may be just a bit busy, but that could also be a plus. 8 |
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10/01/2004 12:21:24 AM |
So far...this has to be my favorite ! I love the way it's done. Is this a miniature? I hope to get a email from you explaining how you did this. The lighting and selective color is perfect ! 10 |
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