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Up and over... and in?
Up and over... and in?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Sep 4, 2004
Galleries: Sports, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2004

Iceland vs. Bulgaria

Place: 47 out of 69
Avg (all users): 6.4536
Avg (commenters): 7.1321
Avg (participants): 6.3559
Avg (non-participants): 6.4706
Views since voting: 1355
Views during voting: 817
Votes: 399
Comments: 57
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:54:33 PM
Great action shot. It is so clear and crisp looking. Nice composition. Great work and good luck. 9
10/07/2004 11:33:51 PM
I find the crop of the lower bodies a little distracting.
10/07/2004 11:24:44 PM
Nice stop-motion. Gooooooooooooolllllllllll!
10/07/2004 10:30:03 PM
Great sports photo! Love how you captured a short slice of time in a very hectic moment. I can even see the (disgusting) drops of sweat and even a piece of grass that's flying in the air! Great capture! 10
10/07/2004 01:37:16 PM
Super action shot of a key moment (it appears by your title). Wonderful stuff.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/07/2004 11:19:09 AM
great capture! i think the flying grass is what did it for me. good luck in the challenge!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/07/2004 06:53:25 AM
Ãessi er flott!
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10/07/2004 03:58:37 AM
fantastic... hey- get that cameraman off the field! lol! perhaps a cop is in order, but thats only a scant suggestion.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/06/2004 04:05:36 PM
I was waiting for their legs to show... than it's over. Suddenly. I think you could try to leave their legs and the man on the right hands. It wouldve add dynamism to the scene.
10/06/2004 12:16:23 AM
Clarity and DOF and color are very well done but I think the composition is a bit cluttered. Also, the exit in the stadium seems to be connected to #8's head. 6
10/05/2004 09:39:16 PM
Good action shot 7
10/05/2004 11:17:09 AM
It's a great sports shot - loads of action, superb colors. It would do exceptionally well in a sports challenge, but has to be an underdog in a free study.
10/05/2004 12:17:57 AM
A very nice action shot with great stopped motion to allow the viewer a look at this slice frozen in time. Colors are great and the team effort and competive spirit are well defined. Bimping up to 6
10/04/2004 11:58:01 PM
Nice action shot. Great expression on the goaltenders face.
10/04/2004 11:49:03 PM
great action shot, sharp colors -- good luck!
10/04/2004 06:26:11 PM
Fantastic stop action!
10/04/2004 04:13:50 PM
It's just because I don't like soccer (or any other teamsport) so I don't see if this is spectacular, can't say anything good or bad about it...
10/04/2004 03:55:54 PM
Great focus and exposure - fantastic!
10/04/2004 12:19:05 PM
Absolutely terrific sports picture. I don't see one thing on this that could be improved on -- except maybe if #8 had lighter hair so there could be a bit more contrast between his head and the background -- but that certainly isn't a photographer issue! I'm giving this the perfect 10 it deserves.
10/04/2004 10:49:18 AM
IMO it would have much more impact if the subjects didn't blend in with the background. Great action shot though. 6
10/03/2004 09:26:47 PM
That is an amazing action shot. I think this the top photo in the competition.
10/03/2004 04:55:13 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of sports shots, and this one isn't the best I've seen, but I do appreciate how you captured the facial expression on the far-left and far-right guys... it's good, but not too high on the WOW factor... thanks though!
10/03/2004 02:36:18 PM
Great moment captured...very nice!

Lots of confusion and action in this shot...is that a tuft of grass flying through the air on the right?
10/03/2004 01:32:52 PM
Not sure this really stands out as a defining 'sporting instant'.
10/03/2004 01:00:37 PM
Great expression on the goalie's face. Almost wish the shutter had been slow enough to sho the motion of the ball rather than freezing it. -7
10/03/2004 10:01:15 AM
Excellent stop actinshot. I might have tried cropping out the player in the bottom right.
10/03/2004 08:02:27 AM
:)) good moment...everybody tried nobody chought.
10/03/2004 06:45:44 AM
Great capture, not really sure what's happening here though. There's a really distracting diagonal grey element in your background which doesn't help. Incredibly sharp shot. Well exposed, great colours. 7
10/03/2004 03:49:08 AM
Good action photo and nice job capturing the motion.
10/03/2004 12:18:15 AM
Adam Sandler is a goalie!! This is a nice sports shot. A little dark, and the crowd is still distracting, the players' heads seem to get sucked in there. Too bad about the 4th player on the right too.. would have been a much stronger composition without him in the picture. 7
10/02/2004 09:44:11 PM
hahaha lovely photo! :) i love the expression on the faces... and i love the focus on this shot! though the only thing that is slightly bugging me is just slightly north east of the soccer ball there is a small piece of grass - seemingly unnoticeable at first but once you notice it it is rather irritating :P -_-' possibly IMHO it would be better to clone it out though thats really just small knitpicking :) gr8 photo overall and it makes me wonder how i look when i play soccer :P hehehe congrats
10/02/2004 09:43:36 PM
Colours are vibrant and you have good sharp focus. Good expression captured on the keeper's face. It's hard to tell what the orientation of the shot is and therefore feels out of context. A slightly more wide angle shot I think would work better to give the image context. 7
10/02/2004 08:00:28 PM
Great action shot. Good colors too.
10/02/2004 06:58:23 PM
well done - can't really critique - have no experience.
10/02/2004 03:52:34 PM
Nice focus and color. The players head with the long hair looks almost missing as he blends in with the crowd so much. Don't know if you could do anything about that.
10/02/2004 03:48:03 PM
definitely an action filled sport shot - the horizontal line of the four players is excellent with each of them in motion in a different direction. The small chunk of turf flying out of frame on the left is a nice detail.
10/02/2004 03:43:48 PM
Great shot, like the goalkeepers expression, pitty the other guys aren't looking at the ball.

Good DOF, pin sharp shot too! Like the little tuft of grass on the RHS!! :-) 8
10/02/2004 02:46:32 PM
The intensity of the contest is accentuated by the obvious struggle to control the ball. Seeing the ball in the picture is like putting the viewer in the eye of the storm.
10/02/2004 05:58:09 AM
lovely shot
10/02/2004 05:38:51 AM
Very cool shot, which shows good action. The goalkeepers eyes are great and add a lot to the photo I think. 7
10/02/2004 02:22:27 AM
good expressions and good clarity colour and tone great
10/01/2004 11:39:13 PM
Very good moment captured. I like it! Must be the compo.
10/01/2004 10:16:02 PM
Great action study. Four individual emotions captured in this one shot. Great DOF and perfect crop.
10/01/2004 07:26:19 PM
Iceland and Hungary? This is a great shot of sports, though it could be a bit lighter. 7
10/01/2004 06:18:03 PM
I think the colors, focus, DOF and action are great. Only thing I don't like is that it seems a bit too busy (6).
10/01/2004 04:03:22 PM
Impressive action shot, tough one to capture... definitely conveys a really dynamic sense of motion and teamwork.
10/01/2004 03:58:02 PM
great exposure and focus - should be in a magazine
10/01/2004 01:55:27 PM
I like the expression of the man on the left. That man, the ball and the small piece of grass are for me the main elements. I would have like to see a bit wider context. As your title already indicates, one cannot see where the ball is going, into the goal ? I find there is too much in between the ball and the man on the left, a fraction of a second earlier , with the ball in the middle, would have been better, but I realise that is easy to say but difficult to do.
10/01/2004 01:00:21 PM
This is a wild scene, and with the expression on the far left player's face you definitely tripped the shutter at exactly the right time. But, I can't help but feel the cropping is too tight at the bottom.
10/01/2004 12:59:54 PM
Great clarity and sharpness.
10/01/2004 11:48:45 AM
Hmmm Ãrni Torfa býst ég við, fáir aðrir sem ná svona góðum mómentum úr fótboltaleikjum. Virkilega töff mynd og ef maður þarf að kvarta undan einhverju þá er það að Hemmi sé ekki alveg nógu skýr.
10/01/2004 11:16:43 AM
Seems too cropped at the bottom.
Amazing action capture though
10/01/2004 08:21:23 AM
if you aren't making money in sports photography, you should be ... 10
10/01/2004 05:46:41 AM
Great action shot. Nice colour saturation and sharpness. (8)
10/01/2004 03:48:56 AM
excellent expression on the goalkeeper's face - great capture, well done
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10/01/2004 02:17:58 AM
Great focus on this photo. I wish you luck in the challenge.
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10/01/2004 12:36:14 AM
Wow, lots of drama here. Great look on that goalie's face. DOF is right on.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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